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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 6 KB, 217x177, southcoreaballkekeke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6911356 No.6911356 [Reply] [Original]


Looking for another, more civilized culture to emulate? Jjokbari are barbaric monkey shits, so you are not alone. Have you considered becoming a Coreaboo? We have 5000 years of culture for you to imitate and/or bastardize ^__^


Do not forget to visit Corea and bring much money

>> No.6911357

Fucking die corean.

>> No.6911361
File: 286 KB, 407x474, gracken.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a Idra beat IMMVP thread

>> No.6911364


>> No.6911368

Give me money nida <丶`∀´>

>> No.6911375

Go jump into the 日本海.

>> No.6911376

dat leather gracket

>> No.6911378


>> No.6911382

You elitist purebred fucks are everything that's wrong in the world; I hope Japan and Korea wipe each other off the face of the Earth, so hybridkind can take their land.

>> No.6911390

춍 원숭이은 한국인이라 불러선 안 됩니다.
인간이 아니거든요...
아래 보기 중에서 편한 걸로 불러주세요.

춍, 조선 야만인, 한국 원숭이, 똥술러 바카 춍, 개 재수 조센진, 똥 처묵는 새뀌, 똥같은 춍, 노예 춍, 위안부 민족
춍 원숭이 바퀴벌레 춍, 춍코,
열등 춍, 재일춍, 개 먹는 새뀌, 9cm

>> No.6911393

You are mad that Coreans are not monkey shits like you. Jjokbari, on the other hand...

back to the topic at hand: no more anime, watch Corean historical drama instead!

Jumong is superior, and would have killed a thousand jjokbari with one arrow if they had invaded ^_____^

>> No.6911394

Fuck you

>> No.6911402

Typical jjokbari racism like on the 2ch nida board.

>> No.6911406

Are you mad nida? <丶`∀´>

>> No.6911409
File: 45 KB, 300x321, 1261722901646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I have to come down there?

>> No.6911410

Don’t blame him. He can’t help bei
ng born a fucking corean.

>> No.6911412

Do they have a word for "intelligent" in Korean?

Just curious.

>> No.6911413 [DELETED] 

not really ^__^
♪ ∧,_∧  ∧_,∧ ♪  ∧,_∧  ∧_,∧
  <  `∀´>..<`∀´  > ♪ <  `∀´>..<`∀´  > ♪
(( ( つ   ヽ、/  ⊂ ) )) (( ( つ  ヽ、/  ⊂ ) ))
   〉  とノ )( ヽつ 〈 ♪   〉  とノ )( ヽつ 〈 ♪
♪ (__ノ^(_) (_)^ヽ__) ♪ (__ノ^(_) (_)^ヽ__)

>> No.6911414

Maybe if gooks allowed foreigners to play their MMOs without SSI, then anyone would bother with them. As it stands now though, there is no reason to learn it. K-pop seems kinda trendy amongst faggots lately though. It sounds meh, I think J-pop is better. I knew someone who said they hated J-pop, but creamed themself over geegeebabby and K-pop...

So, in short: Nihongo>Corea. 0/10 trolling, you're from /int/ and I read yesterday your from merikka anyway.

>> No.6911420

Glorious Corea is superior to monkey jjokbari islands. Our culture is over 5000 years old, whereas we brought civilization to them about 2000 years ago ^___^

♪ ∧,_∧  ∧_,∧ ♪  ∧,_∧  ∧_,∧
  <  `∀´>..<`∀´  > ♪ <  `∀´>..<`∀´  > ♪
(( ( つ   ヽ、/  ⊂ ) )) (( ( つ  ヽ、/  ⊂ ) ))
   〉  とノ )( ヽつ 〈 ♪   〉  とノ )( ヽつ 〈 ♪
♪ (__ノ^(_) (_)^ヽ__) ♪ (__ノ^(_) (_)^ヽ__)

>> No.6911423 [DELETED] 

♪ ∧,_∧  ∧_,∧ ♪  ∧,_∧  ∧_,∧
  <  `∀´>..<`∀´  > ♪ <  `∀´>..<`∀´  > ♪
(( ( つ   ヽ、/  ⊂ ) )) (( ( つ  ヽ、/  ⊂ ) ))
   〉  とノ )( ヽつ 〈 ♪   〉  とノ )( ヽつ 〈 ♪
♪ (__ノ^(_) (_)^ヽ__) ♪ (__ノ^(_) (_)^ヽ__)

better ^__^

>> No.6911421

K-pop > J-pop
Taru is awesome.

>> No.6911424
File: 430 KB, 820x1570, 1295444332643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese is lowlife scum

>> No.6911426

That was the stupidest thing I've ever seen.

>> No.6911428

I take it you have not looked into a mirror lately ^__^

>> No.6911430

OP must be anti-Korean pretending to be Korean...

>> No.6911434 [DELETED] 

Could you answer my question, please?

>> No.6911432

You're alright Kimchi

>> No.6911433

China > Korea/Japan

>> No.6911438

What a pimp.

>> No.6911447

So did he actually win anything yet?

>> No.6911473


>> No.6911477

Very sorry, thank you.

>> No.6911486
File: 21 KB, 358x241, 1221342415558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, Korea

>> No.6911493

      / =.\
    // ̄\ .\
  /| |へノ⌒| //\
  \ \_//  .\
    \ = /       \
     \/        \   
          (  `/)  >ヽ∧
          /   /  / `∀> ∧∧
        ◇(   イ◇  (   ,つ`∀´>  
        /ヽ  )) ヽ  )ヽ )と  , イ
        (_/(_/(_/(_/ノ(_/⊂ノ> )J
    / ̄Y ̄`|/ ̄^Y ̄ヽ/ ̄ ̄Y `´/jp/

>> No.6911500 [SPOILER] 
File: 210 KB, 1022x1143, 1296215864850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol corea.

>> No.6911506

Where are their phone numbers? I need to make some Corean babies soon.

>> No.6911513
File: 188 KB, 795x414, 78256645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6911520

OP, what does GEE GEE GEE GEE BABY BABY mean in korean?

>> No.6911521

<丶`∀´> nida thread?
