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6910364 No.6910364 [Reply] [Original]

Stupid Sexy Cirno

You and Letty made it too cold for me to even fap, and broke my pipes.

All of my hate.

>> No.6910379
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I wish they'd come over here more. I could use more snow, especially now, but they missed.

>> No.6910391

I want to have anal sex with Cirno.

>> No.6910398

I want to have vaginal sex with Cirno and Letty.

>> No.6910417


>> No.6910450

If outside is an indication of Cirno's body, I don't think you do.

>> No.6910455

Eventually you'll come to the realization that the majority of threads on /jp/ are QUALITY and in fact, the entire board is QUALITY, and lose the desire to stop posting this repeatedly when it is demonstrably futile.

>> No.6910487

easymodo says that tripcode has >3000 posts. that's 3000 posts of pure autism. tremble.

>> No.6910494

He's been going at it since May and has almost 4000 posts. There's no reason for him to stop anytime soon.

>> No.6910498

Cirno and Letty had fun at my place. School got canceled this week.

>> No.6910510


you too?

>> No.6910519

If the majority of them were QUALITY then they would be all stamped.

>> No.6910522
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I wish they would leave. It was in the 80s on Monday and Tuesday damn it. It's been in the 20s the last couple of days and the cold broke my washing machine. Besides, Lily is much cuter than Cirno.

>> No.6910532
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I'd take them. Even 70 degree weather is too hot for me, and the cold feels refreshing to me. Well, when there's no wind at least, wind and cold are just an evil combination.

>> No.6910537

No heater in my room sucks... It sucks sleeping in my cloths for the next day. But i am not mad at that little fairy, her cuteness overcomes any foul doing...

>> No.6910677

Oh hey, just started snowing here.

>> No.6910722

Move somewhere where it's only one season all year.

Like California.

>> No.6910727

I live in Texas, it's almost always summer, this is the darnedest thing I've ever seen, snow in Texas!

>> No.6910769
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Just moved there? It snows pretty much every year. I may move to Texas near some relatives when I get kicked out and can't afford to live in California.

>> No.6910773

Lived here my whole life, and if I were you, I wouldn't. Prices are going up in Austin, but I'm not sure of Dallas and Houston, I'm sure they're cheaper, but yuppies are moving in to Austin and raising the price of everything.

>> No.6910790


>can't afford to live in California.

That'll be sooner then later with how this place is.

>> No.6910792

Well, Austin and San Antonio are nice places, after all. The panhandle is still ludicrously cheap, but very empty. And I'm scared to live anywhere near Dallas.

Anything's better than California, where the very cheapest property is $100,000 and the very lowest rent is $500/mo.

>> No.6910806
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San Antonio is nice if you can speak Spanish, people are nice there.

Dallas, on the other hand, theres nothing but hair salons there. I've considered to moving to the outer parts simply because of property values and the closer proximity to the rest of the U.S.

>> No.6910812
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Amarillo is a very nice town.



>> No.6910824
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Oh, man, it's a good thing I'm a shut-in or else living in a state with country music would be miserable.

>> No.6910855
File: 281 KB, 500x444, LettyArtilleryCirnoFlatchest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats not fair, I've smoked pot with Willie Nelson and he was cool as fuck for doing country music.

But thats besides the point, it's not full of country music you get a satellite radio, or have an mp3 player with a car built for playing it through your sound system.

>> No.6910862
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>Dallas, on the other hand, theres nothing but hair salons there.

There's Jerry World (in Arlington, anyway).... but who'd want to see the Cowboys?

Seriously, bother that noise.


By the way, Kristin shot J.R.

>> No.6910871

At first, I thought OP was talking about a freezer onahole breaking his penis engine. I saw this five times before I remembered that people actually live in places that freeze their plumbing.

>> No.6910911
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holy fuck there was a dallas_cowboys picture on danbooru

Maybe it'd be worth it if they had Idolm@ster cheerleaders. But from when I went there, all I could see were Hair Salons and Starbucks.

>> No.6910920
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