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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6909717 No.6909717 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do if you had one more day to life before you kill yourself?
Hypothetically of course ...

>> No.6909722

Play games, fap and browse /jp/.

>> No.6909721

Nothing special.

>> No.6909726

>What would you do if you had one more day to life before you kill yourself?

Get it over with right away. Or else you'll end up like Christian Slater in that one movie where he goes to a small town to kill himself.

>> No.6909725

Clean my apartment and erase my hds.
Nobody needs to know how pathetic and worthless I really was.

No suicide note.

>> No.6909727

kill myself a day early to avoid the wait.

also >>6909725

>> No.6909737

I couldn't kill myself after only deciding on it the day before - I'd have to stop going on /jp/ long enough in advance that no one would connect me with you guys, throw away my manga and anime collection, and probably even get a job so my death wouldn't result in elevated media attention towards NEETs.

>> No.6909745


>> No.6909784

I would not be able to handle the deadline.
It would just result in me sitting on the floor, looking at my watch for 24 hours and not doing anything when time's up .
I'm too much of a pussy to get anything done.

>> No.6909812

And that is the very reason reason why the suicide rate is not much higher.

>> No.6910420

i'd just enjoy the little things, it's all that's kept me around this long. and try one more time to 1CC.

>> No.6910422

Tear my eyes out and soak on the floor. Knowing when you'll die, suicide or not, is just horrible on you.

>> No.6910426

P much this, and then just go outside, and kill myself in the wilderness the day after.

>> No.6910429

Find the person I need to save. I refuse to let myself die unless my life is used to save another.

>> No.6910432

I'd paint everything in my house random colors and write long strings of nonsense all over the walls in invisible ink, then I'd write a long, detailed note about how my exposure to this subculture slowly turned me insane, how I lost my grasp on 3D reality and it's all because of /jp/.

>> No.6910472

I'd empty my apartment of everything.

Putting the more sensitive items in various trash containers in my neighborhood on garbage day.

Go over the now empty apartment one more time, cleaning everything. Bleach/carpet steamer/the whole nine yards.

After that, I'd go buy what I need for the actual suicide part, stash them in my apartment, and go watch the sun rise one more time.

Maybe shitpost on /jp/ one more time before wiping my hard drive and trashing my computer.

>> No.6910488

not capable of killing myself, but if i was, i'd probably do the same shit.

>> No.6910497

Probably spend it trying not to think about what I would be doing tomorrow.

I wouldn't clean up or anything it would just highlight what I'm going to do.

>> No.6910523

>one more day to life

>to life

What could you do if you had one more day to live before you kill yourself?

How the hell hasn't anyone picked up on that already?

>> No.6910533

This, but I'd probably make a really bitchy suicide note to get revenge on the assholes in my life. I'd probably decide on the person I hate most and blame them entirely in the letter, so they get a large amount of flak from my other so called friends. I'd make sure to cover the fact that I expect them to cash in on this like the greedy shit stain they are, thus ensuring that no good will ever come of it. I'd also send a text message to my sister privately detailing my last wishes to her, that she spread the fact that it was HIS fault all over facebook so his friends abandon him. I'll make some vague allusions to how no one knows how much of an asshole he actually is. I pray the guilt will drive him to suicide as well. I know this person doesn't know about my intense burning hatred towards them in reality, so it would be amusing that he wouldn't understand the degree of hatred towards him by me, and hopefully others. Even if my death doesn't get a large amount of media attention, I would hope that the guilt at least alone would drive him to re-evaluate his life. I'd kill myself right now if I could be ensured to see these events occurring. Oh god how I would kill myself right now.

>> No.6910551

This. There's no need for anyone to see my NEET nest. Or my porn.

Fuck suicide notes.

>> No.6910552

Why not just kill him yourself, you're going to die the next day anyway

>> No.6910554

I don't want him to die, I want him to think he killed me.

>> No.6910557

Pretty much what's been said already. Wipe everything, maybe read over old threads on easymodo and spend the rest of the day like usual, browsing /jp/ and fapping.

Same here, no suicide note. No one would care anyways.

>> No.6910559

He's not going to kill his boyfriend.

The man has a heart you know.

>> No.6910563

I do wonder if it's your intention, but you come off as sounding very powerless to change your situation. If someone were ruining the shit out of my life I would dedicate some time to ruin his, and spend the rest of my life doing stuff that actually matters.

People who are dicks generally don't have much of a conscience, and media attention is fleeting.

>> No.6910565


>> No.6910575

Well, I'm pretty fucking petty, in reality the only thing he did was abandon me to white knight some bitch, and never talk to me again. In all honesty, it's my fault for dropping out of school and becoming a hikki to live off autism benefits. All I really wanted was closure, I wanted him to say 'I don't want to talk to you again' but instead he just never responded to my skype or anything. And he was the last person except my family who I ever spoke more than 2 words to for the past 4 years (and those words were on a skype chat asking why he wouldn't play counter strike with me, the answer was he would next time he played it. That next time was 10 hours later, with a bunch of other people, and not me)

>> No.6910577

I would use that day to see if I can convince myself out of killing myself?

I wouldn't know really. I've don't have suicidal thoughts, and my life is pretty pathetic.

>> No.6910579

>I pray the guilt will drive him to suicide as well
sorry that line made me think you wanted him dead

>> No.6910587

Nope, I want him to be so guilty over killing me that he kills himself. Thus I'm completely blameless and remembered as a lonely shut in who died alone and unloved.

>> No.6910590

>Thread full of selfless anons who just want to die how they lived
>Suddenly crazy weirdo who wants to drive his ex-boyfriend to suicide
Sorry for the greentext but it's all I can do to explain this bizarre thread.

>> No.6910600


>> No.6910607

This thread is full of selfless anons who just want to die how they lived, then suddenly a crazy weirdo comes along who wants to drive his ex-boyfriend to suicide comes along

wasn't that hard, I only added 6 words and a comma

>> No.6910613

A cute girl caring about you and being close to you would be more than enough to give up. Even if she is faking it up you would be lost in thoughts and would certainly want to live another day.

>> No.6910615

Make sure all of my debts are paid, make up to anyone I've been arguing with, record some nice messages for my friends and family, destroy anything embarrassing that might be left behind, make a will, and generally put my affairs in order?

What else would you do the day before you kill yourself?

>> No.6910620

Seriously, I would let out my sadistic side and go rape, torture and kill as many people as i could.

>> No.6910628
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Being a misanthrope makes a person caring for me very unlikely.

I don't even fucking know what keeps me from depression, I'm completely alone, my location makes it near impossible to get a job, we're in a pretty shit financial situation, after getting through high school I literally just spend my days doing nothing or a few things on my computer.

I dunno, I'd like to think its that I place a special value on life, or that I'm actually happy, but maybe its just that I'm too lazy or perhaps too scared.

>> No.6910633

>Being a misanthrope makes a person caring for me very unlikely.
That's not the point here.

>> No.6910640

make sure my dog goes to good owners
give all my stuff to the friend and tell her to sell it and give money to my mom

>> No.6910652

This. Anyone who went through schooling in the last two decades would have been taught to never smoke, take drugs or have unprotected sex. If I was going to kill myself, the condition of my body wouldn't matter anymore. Might as well buy all the drugs I could afford and enjoy my artificially-induced happiness.

>> No.6910673

Kiri is so cute~

>> No.6910689

>dropping out of school and becoming a hikki to live off autism benefits
are you me
though knowing /jp/ it's more like my male counterpart

>> No.6910701

Killing Spree

>> No.6910794

It depends why I would want to kill myself.

I'd probably not wipe my computer like everyone else. I would rather my family know I was messed up in the head so they don't feel as guilty.

>> No.6910873

No, unless you base your entire existence around a friend sneaking out of your life,

>> No.6910889

Go out at night and find a girl to rape so I don't die a virgin.

>> No.6910930
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hugs for everyone!

>> No.6910959

I'll have sex with you, anon!

Safe word's Oklahoma.

>> No.6911030
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Make a tea thread with love.
Make sure you all know that I love you and that I will be waiting for you in Gensokyo.

>> No.6911051

I'd convince myself not to do it. and 5 minutes later get on with my life.

>> No.6911055
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You will not go to Gensokyo.
When you die you become a corpse.

>> No.6911059

I would spend the whole day writing on sticknotes and placing them around my apartment building.

When they find my body it will say "Go here to find the next clue"; "here" being the location of the next sticky note.

The last sticky note will be up my ass.

>> No.6911080

Hell... I cant even decide what to do and I'm not dying tomorrow. How am I supposed to answer this?

>> No.6911083
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>> No.6911091


You really love me?

Want to suck each others dicks?

>> No.6911095

I'm too scared to die; the whole thought of not being able to think or see how far in technology humans can reach is really depressing.

Why the fuck was I born in such a barbaric age?

>> No.6911113


I can vividly imagine /jp/ in the future. Everyone would have androids that look like their waifus, computer screens as big as a wall, figurines that move and talk...

>> No.6911118


I guess you don't love me


>> No.6911125

Anon-sama I DO love you! With all my heart, I really mean it. I can't...even tell you how much I love and care about you, but that's...quite lewd and Im not yet ready for such lewd things!

>> No.6911145


I really want to suck your dick now.

I love you too.

>> No.6911281

I would tell all my female friends in Facebook that I secretly was in love with them, followed by my deadly fate in hopes that one of them would take my virginity.

>> No.6911291
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What is it with you sad fucks and suicide lately, I swear ever since the first brb gensokyo thread you've all been extra suicidal and attention starved.

>> No.6911296

Format my HDD and throw away my sex toys.

>> No.6911298

Fish for help on omgele.

Just like last time..

>> No.6911321

I would molest some children.

It needed to be brought up.

>> No.6911332
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then please tell me when and where so that i might mutilate and burn your corpse you sick fuck

>> No.6911344

What's the point? He'd already be dead. You will just get fucked for messing up a corpse.

>> No.6911391


Perhaps this'd be what I would do for my last day then, and i think it'd be worth it.

I could also give a tip to the local police so he ends up in prison and dies from disease or anal perforation

>> No.6911396

Go to bed early.

>> No.6911415

What a waste of your last hours. Do you really think Anon would give enough information for them to track him? Also, what are the chances of you both dying on the same day? You'll just die full of regrets knowing that you couldn't do a thing. At least that raises your chances of being a youkai, I guess.

>> No.6911439
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>attempting to prevent a crime is a waste of one's last hours before suicide

>> No.6911452
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OP could you tell us what did you do to kill yourself, please? Or what are you planing?

>> No.6912077

I've got a gun. I've been thinking about this for a while now, but just like >>6909784, I'm too much of a pussy to get anything done.
I guess I'll be waiting for a time when it gets really bad and just do it. It will be over in an instant, right?

>> No.6912087

Set something on fire, something BIG.

>> No.6912097

There is absolutely no possible instance wherein you wouldn't have a day of living before dying. I know what you were trying to get at, OP, but your post is so poorly worded that it hurts.

>> No.6912111

You are lucky. I don't have gun. Always fail when I try to finish myself. Not because I'm scared or something - it's always technique fail.

>> No.6912146

True. I have to apologize.

>> No.6912147

Shitpost as hard as possible, without sleep, for 24 hours.

>> No.6912171

Do what I normally do. That and clean all my shit up so no one else has to deal with my shit after I'm dead. That and get horribly drunk.

>> No.6912172

i'm curious, why would so many of you wipe your computer drives?

>> No.6912186

I don't want my parents putting their noses on my stuff because they are curious to know why I killed myself and are trying to get some clues on my drives.

Also, I lived alone during all this time, people shouldn't be allowed to look at my things.

>> No.6912202

Because many people don't encrypt their hard drives.

>> No.6912206

What's the difference if you are dead? I rather just burn my HD.

>> No.6912209


Just encrypt everything to start with. Even if I don't have anything especially seedy I wouldn't want people to go through my shit if I were to get hit by a bus. Though, ideally I'd like to toss my modest physical anime collection and my assortment of doujin CDs with kawaii ~uguu bullshit all over the covers first.

I wish there were some way to stipulate in law that you'd prefer having faceless municipal workers clear out your house and auction off your property rather than relatives. Then again, it's sort of stupid to worry about your appearance to others when you're going to die.

>> No.6912215

I wouldn't - I have nothing to see anyway. Expect maybe few silly images I did or favourites in internet browser and games that have boxes lying in my room anyway.

>> No.6912257


if you're gonna throw that kind of shit away please ask the broke NEETs of /jp/ first!

>> No.6912365

I don't know. I can't really imagine killing myself in the first place, the only scenarios I can think of would either be a long way into the future or very spontaneus.
But, I might try to have a fun day. Eat something very good and do things that I enjoy. Well, that would be very likely to make me not kill myself.
But really, I'd rather decide to dedicate the rest of my life for thing x (can't think of any particular thing now) than kill myself. I can live on without feeling many negative things (for now), I have hobbies that I enjoy and so on. It would really be a waste to end this life.

>> No.6912765

How would /jp/ kill themselves? Personally I'd probably just make the gensokyo portal, or maybe hang myself. I wouldn't want anyone to find my body for a while so I wouldn't kick up a fuss.

>> No.6912768 [DELETED] 


>How would /jp/ kill themselves?

First you get some glue, some piano wire, and a chair...

>> No.6912777

No. You won't get into gensokyo this way.

>> No.6912803

Start up murder/suicide mystery to troll the police.

>> No.6912880

Train. Trains are the key to Gensokyo.

>> No.6912899

I plan to do it like the Japanese at their offline meetings.

I've almost died that way on accident once, and found it to be almost comfortable, not in the least bit painful, and surprisingly fast acting.

>> No.6912903
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>> No.6912915

So magical. How can I resist?

>> No.6912983

Fuckers fucking up my commute.

>> No.6913645

OP, your time is running out.

>> No.6913698

find some drugs. get high as fuck.
