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6907031 No.6907031 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6907038

easiest last boss,
worst last boss,
worst last boss theme.
worst character in the series

>> No.6907037

>FULL ver


>> No.6907041 [DELETED] 


>> No.6907072

Gifs where?

>> No.6907088
File: 60 KB, 300x321, 1293055733511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>easiest last boss
are you trolling? she's harder on normal than any other last boss on lunatic on my oppinion. And second best boss theme in whole serie

>> No.6907090

Have you played UFO?

>> No.6907093
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I doubt he's even played SA.

>> No.6907098
File: 632 KB, 800x900, slutreimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Reimu so merry sue? Worst character ever.

>> No.6907105

Reference for those who haven't played

>> No.6907113
File: 1.04 MB, 1500x1313, 1287087077179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That stages theme, music and bullet animation is the most original thing that retard zun has ever done. He commit seppuku now that he finished his final masterpiece.

>> No.6907128 [DELETED] 

So, is SA the only touhou I've ever played ?

>> No.6907131

So, is SA the only touhou you've ever played ?
Or is your statement based on the fandom ?

>> No.6907134

Every spellcard has a "trick". Similar to Mokou, in that way. Once you found out all the tricks (by yourself, or watching a replay), it's a piece of cake.

>> No.6907155
File: 110 KB, 850x892, sample-e928e3f8a1c99ab738c2bb2b781d6577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't agree zun should commit seppuku, then we aren't playing the same games. That's all I can say regarding that.

>> No.6907169

yes i have, still think SA has way harder last boss

>> No.6907173

Reimu gets cancer.

>> No.6907184


Why did you post this.


>> No.6907190
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>> No.6907191


I think I fucking puked a little just from the first line.

>> No.6907197

4:15 - 4:17

I see them...

>> No.6907199
File: 124 KB, 694x456, 1288576385578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Say hello to my third leg!"

Gets me every time.

>> No.6907200

Im really thinking you havnt seen any other last bosses.

>> No.6907210

yuyuko is first last boss i beated on lunatic, shes a lot easier when you play with sakuya. but i haven't even get to half way with utsuho on anything other than normal.

>> No.6907213


I'm 100% sure Utsuho sounds nothing like this. Why can't you just speak regularly? Stop slapping your KAWAII DESU NE bullshit on everything.

>> No.6907219
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i think i regognize this voice from somewhere. and why people hate it? i think it sounds quite good.

>> No.6907223

Wow. You have a weird sense of difficulty. There are HUGE FUCKING GAPS in Utsuho's barrages that give you plenty of time to get to, and you cant make it half way. But you beat Yuyuko. Shit dude, I dont even know what to say.

>> No.6907224
File: 45 KB, 569x412, SlapYourShit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about I kawaii desu ne you?
I agree, sadly I mistakenly watched the video myself. Okuu should sound more mature, not like a 14 old girl.ですね[/spoilers]

>> No.6907231
File: 236 KB, 992x851, utsu-oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okuu should sound more mature


>> No.6907234

well i did use one continue, but that doesn't count now, does it? utsuho i can't even beat by using continues on anything harder than normal

>> No.6907260


>> No.6907263

Marisa vs Okuu is superior, it's so lame how Reimu throw amulets on Hell's Artificial sun. A master spark there would have been more fitting.

But as we all know, Marisa's brains were eaten by zombie fairies in the previous episode.

>> No.6907511
File: 300 KB, 850x1190, sample-5d9a6d25c7d0967fc5adb5c9a5a88542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love okuu, shes the best touhou on the series

>> No.6907534

This is basically what I would want to see in a Touhou anime.

2 minutes to explain why they're fighting
20 minutes of this
2 minute resolution, every episode ends with whoever was fighting sitting down and having tea

>> No.6907535

She strikes me as an American super hero villain.

>> No.6907541

Anything but this. If you want 20 minutes of fighting, just watch any shounen series. It works when it's a shoot 'em up, but 20 minutes of fighting in an anime would be boring.

>> No.6907546

Shounen stuff are not all about fighting. 50% of the shows is talk before, during and after the fights.

>> No.6907548

And the other half is boring fight scenes.

>> No.6907559

the third music was so unfitting, the second was ok
and why Reimu have a scarf ?

>> No.6907572

Yeah, scenes that the use 40% of the time to stare at each other, 20% to announce and explain their attacks and the 40% left to actually fight.

>> No.6907597

You got the proportions wrong.

2 minutes of story
2 minutes of fighting
20 minutes of tea drinking

Now, that's a perfect combination.

>> No.6907625

That's pretty much what happens in the MaiKaze anime, and people were like "so boring nothing happens!"

>> No.6907636

Okuufags sure are stupid just like Okuu.

>> No.6907647

Everyone knows that children are unable to appreciate slice-of-life anime.

>> No.6907654

Yeah, well, vocal minority.

They can watch OP video instead. In Touhou, there's something for everyone.

>> No.6907763
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I dont see what the fuck are you talking about, yuyuko is fucking easy and predictable while okuu has spellcards that rely only on raw dodging without tricks, which can be nightmare on lunatic(like 4th and last spellcard)

please take your shit trolling elsewhere
And yes, I am mad just to think about people who doesnt treat SA as the hardest fucking touhou, because it is.

>> No.6907792

Everything okuu has other than her first spellcard is trivial.

>> No.6907809

sure is okuu around here

>> No.6907821
File: 560 KB, 1600x1200, Utsuho26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: People mad because they can't beat Okuu players in Hisoutensoku.

>> No.6907835
File: 510 KB, 600x850, 4ce9a41319c3aeab8bfcba9d0928a1f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6907851

she was supposed to be hard in hisoutensoku ?

>> No.6907854

It's so funny that Reimu's Yin Yang Orbs keep facing in the same direction.

>> No.6907864

>okuu players

>> No.6907868

SFX version when?

>> No.6907871

he meant the people who plays online with okuu

>> No.6907877


All cartoons are for children. I hope you realize this.

>> No.6907899

Why does it look like Reimu is massively holding back.
That's just rude and bad sportsmanship.

>> No.6907914

Reimu is a generally rude girl.

>> No.6909341

"Cartoons" such as Aeon Flux and Heavy Metal would like a word with you.
