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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 418 KB, 1054x649, ohmygooooooooooooooooooooooooood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6906271 No.6906271 [Reply] [Original]

I got you this.

>> No.6906274

the biggest slut around

>> No.6906277
File: 23 KB, 125x101, 1296374063733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6906279
File: 2 KB, 150x150, ( ゚∀゚).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6906281

Stop making me love you even more!

>> No.6906286

By the way, Hong.
On your release blog, I can't seem to download #84
Fucking depositfiles wont load, and i've been checking every other day or so for the past two weeks.

Why is it you use them instead of mediafire or megaupload? Some kind of monetary benefit for downloads?

>> No.6906289
File: 110 KB, 600x600, 27b65db57809649d7f68ba106625c8fn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6906297

I think you're right on the money as to that, but I've never had trouble with them, and they're working for me right now. Have you tried in another browser? Or maybe it's an ad blocker or something like that.

>> No.6906304
File: 18 KB, 191x252, cirnosballs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to tip in for the server.


>> No.6906307

Hmm, I didn't think it would be the browser as depositfiles used to work just fine with firefox.

And upon trying it just now with internet exploder, its still the same.. Theres no adblock or anything on it.

...Huh, apparently MalwareBytes blocks depositfiles for some reason, strange.

>> No.6906313

FUCK yes, I was waiting for this one.

Why are you so awesome, Hong?

>> No.6906315

Ah no worries, appreciate the work you two do anyway. I have no problem with turning things off if it nets you a few cents.
How big is yours/dd's backlog currently? I might have a commission for you guys.

>> No.6906318

Translation queue is quite clear at the moment. Probably releasing another FGE chapter today.

>> No.6906319
File: 34 KB, 455x329, Sanae huuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6906324

I don't know what just happened but I have a raging erection.

>> No.6906330

Would have been better without the porn.

>> No.6906398


Please, if there's a doujin involving Sanae you should well know what's going to happen. Because you know. Huge slut and all that, in this case quite literally a huge slut.

>> No.6906436
File: 227 KB, 733x600, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I give up.
What the fuck is going on.

>> No.6906447
File: 2.34 MB, 2150x3036, SANAE-DON -XTREME- English version35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marisa will never make you cum using Master Spark ;_;

>> No.6906509

that is some shitty use of german and I'm not german

>> No.6906508

Why is the a PDF?

>> No.6908601

That was quick

>> No.6908612

Alright, which one of you fucks caused this.

>> No.6908635

Who the fuck is reporting /jp/ content being posted? What kind of a buttlicking asswipe do you have to be to do that?

>> No.6908640



Here you go.

Also, is it bad that the ending bothered me? Why am I looking for proper plot resolution in my Giant Sanae porn? Someone help me.

>> No.6908653

Much abliged good sir.
Looks like someone spammed the original link over at giantesscity and they had it reported.

>> No.6908655

Thanks. Polite sage

>> No.6908751

I disagree strongly! This is my favorite part! I don't like how there are two camps when it comes to doujins, prudes vs fappers. Integration is great! The body is just that and it's great if it can be used for humor like this, without need for censorship! Outrageous comedy like this is just my cup of tea!

What other doujins has the circle done?

>> No.6908771

One K-ON book, a giant Alice book, a giant Sakuya book and a giant Suika book.

>> No.6908784

what the hell is with the giantess fetish?

>> No.6908798
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, Wunderschön.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Danke man!

>> No.6908819

Ecchi and barely worksafe stuff and whatnot is welcome in my non-porn, but outright fap fodder is not.
I still disagree with you, but I respect your opinion and ask that you respect mine.

>> No.6908838

Fucking read my mind. Was about to ask for this.

>> No.6908888

What the hell?

>> No.6908892 [DELETED] 

no raw?

oh, and someone is a massive douchebag.

to put it in as short of terms as possible, it is my fantasy to stand look down on the people with my waifu

>> No.6908898

no raw?

oh, and someone is a massive douchebag.

to put it in as short of terms as possible, it is my fantasy to look down upon the people with my waifu

>> No.6908903


>giant Alice book

Is that the one where Giant Alice is single-mindedly going after Marisa and fights with Giga-Suika near the Hakurei Shrine? The art style looks so different.

>> No.6908920

Someone got permission from the group to offically translate it in english and it's hosted for purchase on some website and that is the format they decided to go with.

>> No.6908927

That was... beautiful. ;_;

>> No.6908974
File: 162 KB, 572x800, 1261842171691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh Hong you so great let me suck your dick!

>> No.6909003

Japanese people translating it? Because it sure doesn't look like English is the group's first language.

>> No.6909009

I converted it to .jpg if anyone wants me to upload it somewhere.

>> No.6909035

Please do.

>> No.6909132

Here you go

>> No.6909171

would have thought the queue for toehoe would have increased after desudesu became a pussy.

>> No.6909177

What happened with desudesu?

>> No.6909211
File: 220 KB, 600x600, 1283014050111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at the tags, 50% of the content has vanished

guess what the subject matter of those tags were

>> No.6909230

I guess that's what the Chris Hansen means.

>> No.6909247

yeah, its funny because only one release in the last ten has been worth getting

guess i'll stick with biribiri and SaHa from now on

>> No.6909251

Jesus, what's with the world all bending their ass to moralfags lately?

>> No.6909272

sometimes even when they resist they feel the burn

Go to SaHa loli tag and I gurantee every single release from as far back as a month will be taken down on every download service. Moralfags are assholes.

>> No.6909278

Yeah, the worst thing about moralfags is they're like religious crusaders. They are very vigilant about their opinion, which makes them cunts whichever way you look at it.

>> No.6909287
File: 323 KB, 477x819, sorry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6909288

You want to be the little slut presented by jast.

>> No.6909293
File: 83 KB, 500x500, protoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There will never be a good download service which allows the hosting of loli porn

>> No.6909296


>> No.6909303

So why was this reported so quickly? Giantess considered as bad as loli now?

>> No.6909304

That ass is one of the great treasures of Gensokyo.

>> No.6909320

its probably just a troll, pretty much every major download service just auto-deletes content if it gets flagged enough. It happens to the music uploaders all the time.

>> No.6909328

It's not so much for the fictional children so much as people that just want to help in the war against pedophiles!

>> No.6909329

This thread is reported for trolling and off-topic discussion.

>> No.6909330

That's why I like exhentai, even if people bash it for the resizes and how they report everything. I mean, it's going to get reported anyway if it's loli, right?

>> No.6909338

Ghosts in old taverns and hotels get frequently reported. Anon You have just got to get reported anyway if it's loli, right; Let's go forward.

>> No.6909339

problem with exhentai is alot of shit gets uploaded too

western shit and not just regular western shit, SHIT western shit. Furfaggotry too.

>> No.6909345

Yeah, and? You don't have to look at everything that's uploaded.

>> No.6909350

God damn it, world. Why do you do this. WHY.

>> No.6909378

Yeah it depressed me when I found out too

Anything that wasn't saved elsewhere seems to be gone forever.

>> No.6909388

Reported for shit posting and autism.

>> No.6909404

Title and/or circle name for this in Japanese, please.

>> No.6909419
File: 278 KB, 480x270, 1289788803946.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6909425


best tripfriend on 4chan. period.


>> No.6909427

If you make an account, you can hide which categories you see as default. I have mine disable western, porn/asian porn, cosplay and misc. That way browsing is enjoyable

>> No.6909429

Hey hong, can you up the one in the OP to df? Firewall here hates mf and mu

>> No.6909433

Link to Hong release blog please?
Polite sage

>> No.6909434

Hong went to bed a while ago.

>> No.6909476
File: 16 KB, 400x320, alien-hand-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mein Führer! I can walk!

>> No.6909494

5 seconds in google.

>> No.6909956

There are groups within the giantess community that have very strict and weird morals. Anything that is seen to have been produced specifically for the community, regardless of if that is true or not, is hunted down. Someone spammed the link on a fairly large gts community forum and the guys who run it deleted the links and reported the files as violating mediafires terms of use.

Trying to understand why they would report this and not other things is a mystery because this self same site hosts hundreds of files of commercial content.

>> No.6910254
File: 314 KB, 1000x1387, 106msanae without text.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking sweet
was the giant sakuya doujin these guys did ever uploaded?

>> No.6910339

>Anything that is seen to have been produced specifically for the community, regardless of if that is true or not, is hunted down.

What?! Why? You're telling me a fetish community actively punishes people who give them fetish material?

>> No.6910352

This was fantastic. Thanks Meiling!

>> No.6910357

Hong Meiling is the only good tripfag.

>> No.6910369

both files deleted before I could download it :<

>> No.6910424

Still waiting on an explanation of this behaviour.

>> No.6910458

autism. Deal w/ it nerd.

>> No.6910915

why? if you want their rationalization, it's because either

A) They have an obsessive moral problem with the issue of stealing digital works
B) They actually believe the people who produce said digital works will get a ton of money from the oh so undoubtedly enormous amount of people who will buy their works if they can't pirate the third-rate porn the community tries to "protect."
C) Perhaps the only good possible reason, which is that the GTS artists themselves quit when they see their works pirated, and they are few and far between. I don't think this has actually happened that much(or at all?), however.

so yes, they are literally incapable of logical thought. gts fetish porn is generally some of the worst on the web, for many reasons, but the worst is that there are at least three types of gts fetishism in the first place and almost every gts fetish artist has a different extreme fetish to go along with their gts fetish, which for some reason they see fit to always include(be it furry, scat, muscular women, etc).

i'll also mention the almost ubiquitously awful art. the only western artist i consider good by any means is karbo, but he's just another example of a person with random extreme fetishes(half-furry).

i say all this having a gts fetish, by the way.

>> No.6913313

I see. I misinterpreted your original post. I thought you meant that art posted to the community by the original creator for free was attacked, which is obviously counterproductive.

>> No.6913340

>biggest slut around

I am so, so disappointed that the doujin isn't called that.

>> No.6913342

Link to them so we can hunt 'em down too.

>> No.6913356

Anybody know the title of the doujin? All links are down. I just need the title.

>> No.6913366


"Sanae-don extreme" was what the JPG version was called.

And it was pretty much shit. Both the story and the translation.

>> No.6913368
File: 18 KB, 416x353, 1230083693842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does Hong have such haters? You'd really have to have no life to go around reporting his mediafire uploads.

>> No.6913375

Because he steals their e-fame BAWWWW

>> No.6913418 [SPOILER] 
File: 600 KB, 1413x2000, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for anyone who doesent have it


>> No.6913440
File: 130 KB, 431x382, 1295564413347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Open .rar
>Images not archived into a folder

>> No.6913600

Right click -> Extract to Archive Name...

New to computers?

>> No.6913610

Meiling is to 4chan as Mr. GT is to danbooru.

>> No.6913996
File: 111 KB, 725x800, 1284517562135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right Click -> Extract each archive to separate folder...


>> No.6914060

yes, it's not productive either way. it'd be different if we were talking about something people would actually buy if they couldn't pirate it.

they're certainly not helping their community's growth.

>> No.6914124


>> No.6914153

Except Mr GT is a sick faggot.

>> No.6914164

Painful to admit it, but without him you wouldn't be enjoying the many touhou images you have in your folder right now. Or are you actually willing to fish the good ones around pixiv all day?

>> No.6914193

I wouldn't bother with it, it's a really terrible community best ignored but here:


