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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6903177 No.6903177 [Reply] [Original]

>playing kana
>doctor reveals twist
>stop playing kana
>go on wiki, look up her disease

theres a way/path where she lives right...? right?

also VN general i guess

>> No.6903184

Playing Kana now?
Boy, you're slow.
Guess I'll have to play it someday too.

>> No.6903189

Nice greentext story bro
>VN general

>> No.6903190


it's too early for a VN thread on /v/, but i really want an answer for this

PLEASE tell me this isnt just a 10 hours ride to depressing-town...

>> No.6903194

VNs arent vidya till 9pm EST

>> No.6903201

enjoy your tears

>> No.6903205

The joke was less "VNs belong on /v/" and more "telling your story in greentext and calling your thread 'X General' belong on /v/".

Can't help you with your question though, never heard of this VN.

>> No.6903207

It's a fucking Nakige for fuck sake. It's supposed to be depressing. Stop posting like you are on /v/ please.

>> No.6903209

so...she dies? no matter what?

>> No.6903215

Look up utsuge.

>> No.6903216


>> No.6903218

There's one where she lives, but she hates your guts.
Enjoy your Good? end.

>> No.6903236


i can accept that

>> No.6903254

goes with the theme i guess

>> No.6903281

There is a happy ending. Now delete your threads and never ever use >greentext story threads here please.
