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6901679 No.6901679 [Reply] [Original]

For various reasons, your waifu cannot accept your feelings. However, she appreciates the sentiment, and has baked you a number of tiny blueberry muffins as her way of saying thanks.

That's nice, don't you think?

>> No.6901688

I had a blueberry muffin the other day.

My mum made it, she is not my waifu.

but I guess that would be nice.

>> No.6901687
File: 181 KB, 600x600, 1585333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is more than I have gotten in my days with real women.

It's okay because they're tiny and that's pretty cute.

>> No.6901705

Sure, but it was a foolish decision. The fastest way to my heart is my stomach, and I'm really hungry.

>> No.6901715

No. I would cry my gogamn heart out, because this would be the moment I realize I am friendzoned.

>> No.6901723


Your heart is beside the point. What you lack... is her heart.

>> No.6901728


Well fuck.

>> No.6901734


If she wanted me to stop going after it she shouldn't have made me anything.

>> No.6901738

She made the muffins to show you thanks for your feelings, but can't accept them, so she's rejecting you but apologizing for hurting your feelings.

>> No.6901742

She wants to fuck

>> No.6901747


I'm not so weak to be hurt by simple rejection. I'd be hurt more by the muffins, it would just be another taste of defeat, and would make me not so willing to give up.

>> No.6901757

>implying any girl is kind enough do that for somebody

>> No.6901772

I once heard purple is the color of unsatisfied women. Blueberries are purple enough, I guess she wants me to rape her. Can't be helped.

>> No.6901784

It's a sign she wants me to be more forceful in our relationship. A little mindbreaking aphrodisiac should do the trick.

>> No.6901811

But I'm allergic berries. That's just rubbing salt to a fresh wound!

>> No.6901859


Don't be such a sore loser. It's not a taste of defeat, it's a taste of muffins. Delicious muffins.

>> No.6901868

I appreciate her sentiments but the taste of those muffins would probably destroy me.

>> No.6901869

Blueberry muffins are my favourite.Tears of joy are running down my cheecks as I eat them and after I finish them I go on a journey to become a man that she can accept

>> No.6901870


Would you describe the flavor as "soul-crushingly delicious"?

>> No.6901876


Maybe as "devastatingly delightful".

>> No.6901877

How good is /jp/ at baking?

>> No.6901880


Alliteration only makes it hurt more.

>> No.6901895


A bit more assonance and it's good.

>> No.6901928

I'm told my pancakes are the best, even by a friend who eats a lot of pancakes. I wouldn't call it baking but if I had to reject someone's feelings I think they'd be happy with my pancakes.

>> No.6902116

How is it even possible to be bad at baking?

>> No.6902130

No girlfriend, not even an imaginary waifu will accept me. There's no escape but a gruesome and public death that will take a long time to clean up, so that the world knows that I was in pain.

BRB, going to work out how to get a chipper on top of a skyscraper.

>> No.6902142

I hate blueberries. Fuck that heartless bitch.

>> No.6902144
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Why not jump from a skyscraper and land in a woodchipper for legendary suicide status?

>> No.6902178

thats a boring death
here is what you do

1. Buy a gun
2. walk into the biggest Kindergarten that you can find
3. Round them all up
4. Say "Hey Kids look what i can do" *boom headshot*
5. none of this kids will ever forget you / mainstream media will love the story

>> No.6903080

If you do this, you have to dress like a magician and pull the gun out of hat.
Make sure to blame one of the kids for it before you die, trolling the shit out of him after you die that way. Scarred for life.

>> No.6903089


They may be delicious, but bittersweet. Sure, I like bittersweet food, but not bittersweet endings. I'd have to return to confess again because of those things, and I'd have to keep doing it until she stopped making them. Only then would I be able to disappear into the sunset in a dramatic fashion.

>> No.6903117
File: 92 KB, 596x691, cooking more food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was very nice of her. It's more than some creepy older guy deserves.

>> No.6903123

I guess that's... nice.

>> No.6903325

That is romantic in its own way. I'm not exactly okay with this, but it would also be fair to say that everything went better than expected.

>> No.6903370

there's probably a sewing needle in one if it's my waifu

>> No.6903417

My waifus would have put poison or something bad in it.... So I wouldn't accept them!

>> No.6903424

She WILL accept my feelings. Even if I have to club her over the head and drag her back to my cave by her hair.

>> No.6903428

i wouldn't be able to eat them
i cannot accept her muffins but i appreciate it

AH forever alone

>> No.6903480
File: 90 KB, 577x750, vlero2d022700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure I'd have the courage to share my true feelings with her in the first place.

Does that mean I don't love her enough?

>> No.6903500

It is. Once I'm done eating the muffins I will make her accept me, one way or another.

>> No.6903501
File: 195 KB, 349x1000, dakimakura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well clearly I'd change waifus.

>> No.6903503

...Maybe. What do you really feel for her anyway? And why does your picture have a woman making herself puke into a pancake?

>> No.6903509

How rude. That's not puke, it's love.

>> No.6903549

she's giving you a piece of herself!
how is this not romantic, albeit slightly rancid?

>> No.6903554

>>6903503 pancake
Seems like you should learn more about the glorious nihon culture.

>> No.6903562

So what you're saying is that... you're going to cut her heart out of her chest and show it to her in her as it still beats?
