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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6899532 No.6899532 [Reply] [Original]

The other idol threads are nice, but let's have a specific golden age appreciation thread. What are your favorite songs from that era? Personally, my favorite is As For One Day.


>> No.6899560

That we let you dumbshits and the other Hello!Online shills stay here is bad enough, do not presume on our cordiality, stupid faggot.

>> No.6899781

wow chill out, how are we any worse than your visual novel and gensokyou bullshit? and you ALLOW us to be here? fuck off, aspie shut-in

>> No.6899797

I will only allow 1 idol thread at a time. Reported.

>> No.6899805

'Sup, OP. So you like Aibon, huh? 4th gen has always been my favourite and Kago is actually my favourite golden age member. Sucks that you can't say that without getting flamed to hell now a days.

Kago got a raw deal. Sure, she messed up. But she was just a kid and under a shit load of pressure. The only thing she's guilty of is beeing human in my opinion.

>> No.6899808

who the hell do you think you are rofl

>> No.6899820

He's a sage-fag who thinks he can actually control the content that goes on here. Just ignore him.

>> No.6899931 [DELETED] 

The fact you believe that you're somehow superior to the rest of /jp/ (hint: you're not, in fact it's quite the opposite) speaks loud enough about yourself and how detached from reality you are. Spoiler: the only reason you are allowed to have your own ghetto here, where your own arbitrary rules somehow override the global rules of this site, is because we expect you to keep the proliferation of your shitty threads to zero. Don't think we like or even tolerate you.
But if you still wanna play the pure, white, unique snowflake, just head back to Hello!Online. I'm sure you'll be in your element there, just like a parasite is in its own element when inside a mound of shit.

>> No.6899930

I very much agree. She was a total troublemaker, but her fans forgave her almost immediately. They didn't have to get rid of her. Imagine how amazing it would be if she was in Dream Musume! :(

>> No.6899947
File: 287 KB, 1201x1660, img20080525081329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound mad

>> No.6899970

I would personally love to see her and Nono getting together again, somewhere down the line. It's just so sad the way they broke them up, just like that.

>> No.6899973

You sound dumb and cancerous, idolfag.

>> No.6899978 [DELETED] 


>> No.6899986

Nono and Mari aren't even allowed to say her name in public appearances, on top of how they forced them to never see each other again. They always refer to her as 'the other' or as 'there were two of us' (nono and aibon). It's so depressing, especially considering how much her fans still love her.

>> No.6899995

you realize they won't delete the thread because the only thing wrong here are the VN/toohoo fags trying to shit it up.

>Noyou mishil

>> No.6899997

I want you to stop for a moment. Look up from your computer screen and take a moment to recompose yourslef. Now, ask yourself: "Why do I care so much about stupid shit like policing an online anonymous imageboard. Do I really have nothing better to do with my time than minding other people's business on the internet?"

tl;dr: Why so mad?
