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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6896871 No.6896871 [Reply] [Original]


I'm still so depressed. Wat do?

Extra question: What do people in Japan think of you if you have the political worldview of 2chan's /politics/?

>> No.6896885

Drop the rulebreaking memes for fucks sake.

>> No.6896890

Why keep posting this thread my boy!

>> No.6896891

Fuck off, you giant weeaboo.

>> No.6896894

what did you change since each application? did you complete additional courses on education or japanese?

did you attempt to take the JLPT?

>> No.6896902

I made and saved more money during those years.

I went from holdings of $20,000 to $90,000 during the 3 years. I also had the chance to visit a lot more places in Japan

>> No.6896906
File: 35 KB, 664x578, sadkuroko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know how you feel man. I just found out that my grades probably aren't good enough to apply for a mechatronics engineering degree.

>> No.6896908

I have JLPT 4 from back when, but it's not much.

Over the years, I've actually gotten worse results every time in the application process.

>> No.6896913

Go back to school and work on it. It was the best choice I've ever made.

>> No.6896914

at least take the 5th level JLPT, you lazy fuck. people that barely try and then whine about their failure are beyond pathetic.

>> No.6896923

You study it? Is it that much superior to electrical engineering?

>> No.6896927

oh, no I meant as in go back to school in general.

I had shit-tier grades originally and I now have an A- average to explain to grad schools how much I've worked to improve it

>> No.6896929
File: 96 KB, 300x400, 1283835829090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying grad schools care about anything other than money

>> No.6896931

The next step up is JLPT N3 (I'm scared to take N2) but I missed the registeration deadline this year ;_;

>> No.6896932

I would be more then happy to trade away all my money for grad school though

>> No.6896936

>Wat do?

Every single mother fucker who responded seriously to this thread should just die.

>> No.6896938


>> No.6896939

I don't see how it's worth wasting a year on if I manage to get in some other place.

>> No.6896949

>mfw nothing of value was lost

>> No.6896950

Reported for meme usage outside of /b/.

>> No.6896951

JET is /jp/, so please continue with your butthurt elsewhere

>> No.6896953

>JET is /jp/

>> No.6896956
File: 431 KB, 850x1162, walkbehindwalmart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just walked behind a walmart and saw this. Wat do?

>> No.6896961

turn 360 degrees and walk the other way

>> No.6896965

Go for a swim with my sister instead.

>> No.6896966

insert penis

>> No.6896975
File: 49 KB, 360x318, 1289039872666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tripfags are angry that someone posted a thread about JET in _their_ /jp/

Wat do?

>> No.6896974

Tell me how you got into the world of 2d right now motherfucker.

>> No.6896978

>Wat do?
I'm fine with meta threads about getting hired, but your /b/speak doesn't belong here. Even if you're being sarcastic, you're still damaging the board. We all greentexted sarcastically at one point or another and look what that did to us. 4chan is monkey see, monkey do. If you shitpost, people will emulate it.

Report submitted.

>> No.6896981

Jobs/education (this thread) is not /jp/ related in any way. I've reported this thread and I urge other likeminded individuals to do the same.

>> No.6896986

Yea it has nothing to do with your post that is nothing but shitty /a/ memes and the fact that you posted this thread earlier.

>> No.6896993

Its not worth reporting shit threads on /jp/ because if the mods got rid of them all this board would only need one page

>> No.6896995

Don't take up that kind of attitude my good sir you must report often in hopes that someday something will happen.

>> No.6896996
File: 14 KB, 245x245, 1280991000511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you don't greentext in /jp/

>> No.6897061

Why are you getting so autismal?

>> No.6897069

i kept getting flood detection when i tried to post, finally when i did manage to get one without an error; it showed both of them. i only deleted one, but both got deleted too.
