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6894427 No.6894427 [Reply] [Original]

So, Valkyria Chronicles 3 pretty surpasses the first 2 games except for the canvas engine. The story and style are truly great and the gameplay corrects everything that was wrong in the last game. Are you playing it?

>> No.6894442

>Japashit language
I'll wait for my glorious French version.

>> No.6894486

The game is on the PSP, I don't care how well it's programmed, how efficiently it's coded and how much it pushes the limits of the tech it still doesn't properly compare to playing the original on my PS3 with my HD Screen, that I BOUGHT specifically to play that game.

2ndly the story is ridiculous.
The first game managed to rather lightly point out that "War is Hell, the only thing that makes it slightly bearable is your friends".

This game I think the message is "War is a fun after-school activity, do it with all your friends"

Also while it does improve some gameplay mechanics it introduces it's own flaws, also the bullcrap missions are still there. Overall I don't think this is an improvement from the second one, more of a bland fresh coat of paint for it.

>> No.6894497

You're thinking about VC2, which is in fact ridiculous story wise, VC3 is pretty much like the first but more serious and dark.

>> No.6894512

>Are you playing it?

>> No.6894519

Is it actually strategic now?

The past games have felt like you could beat them by powerleveling everything and abusing mechanics.

>> No.6894554

Wait what, it's already out? I still haven't got around to playing VC2.

>> No.6894556

Didn't even realise it was out. Quite enjoyed the first two so I'll be looking forward to the Western release.

What changes have they made to the game mechanics? Back to big maps from VC or is little interconnected ones from the sequal? Shitty grinding for parts and cert-things still present?

>> No.6894602

Well, apart from the great improvement in the storytelling and graphics, the maps are still little interconnected ones, but bigger, some maps are the same as in VC2 but they just feel better. The character are great so far and the main character is a badass cold genius. The story progresses the same way as in the first game, but instead of a book it's an strategic map in which you can have sub maps for certain long operations. The music is greatly improved,, some is the same as in the second game, but redone for a better war feeling. The story is simply great and you should definitely play it if you know japanese.

>> No.6894616

I'd skip VC2 if I were you

>> No.6894701
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>> No.6894712
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>> No.6894717

I still need to beat VC and VC 2.

>> No.6894725
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>> No.6894731

I still need to beat VC in Super hard(actually bought on PSN)

>> No.6894735
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>> No.6894741
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>> No.6894794
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>> No.6894799
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>> No.6894810
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>> No.6894819
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Did they get rid of the flying pig?

>> No.6894856
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>> No.6894860

I hope so

>> No.6894869
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>> No.6894883
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>> No.6894890
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>> No.6894903


are those the same maps for VC2....that's...lazy of them.

>> No.6894916

That's the only I've seen it's the same though. Gallia can't just hange man

>> No.6894917

Will this get a release for NA?

>> No.6894928

Quality series that went the way of the handheld thanks to current trends. A shame, this would have been better on a real console.

>> No.6895007


I weep when I think of what could have been. I'm not really a graphics whore or a console fag or anything, in fact I bought & played VC2, but it was just a huge letdown that I never finished.

It was goddamned ridiculous, no undub for non-pirated versions, HAHAHUE, I'LL DO IT! , and though Aliasse was awesome, it couldn't hold my attention worth shit.

Will I end up being a whore and buying 3? Probably, even though I shouldn't because I want it to fucking come out on PS3.

>> No.6895010 [DELETED] 

>terminal autism
You should ask Kanbara that

>> No.6895026

VC2 was awful in my opinion, and if you couldn't play the undub then it would just rape your ears. But VC3 so far seems pretty nice. Also, NEVER buy the NA version without an undub.

>> No.6895054

No, I might play it later. That depends though, did they fix the "target audience" and remove the time paradoxes? or should I expect this game to have absolutely nothing to do with the first game?
Speaking of which I will never play the 2nd one, for obvious reasons.

>> No.6895072

The story is set in the middle of the events of VC1, so no VC2 bullshit.

>> No.6895152


its set _during_ the events of VC1

>> No.6895182

Squad 7 appears in the game.

Speaking of which, what do they do?

>> No.6895190


I wonder why the fuck didn't they just use the original voice when that could save them a fuckload of time.

Is there something in american law that prohibits selling vidyas with japshit on their ground ? Because that's what happen every fucking time a jap game got launched in US.

>> No.6895224

They aren't allowed to sell games with untranslated voices in store, yes. However if there are options to switch between voices that's okay then.

The reason why they left out the option to switch between Japanese and English voices though.... Anyone know how large the voice files are? I've seen UMD games go up to 1.5gb. And downloading the game Playstation store its only like 800mb.

Normally, I'd think the entire the game's voices couldn't be more then 300mb but I don't know exactly.

>> No.6895230

It's the same with almost every other country in the world

>> No.6895241

The voice files were indeed about 300mb, they could fit both on a UMD with no problems, but they didn't. There might be another reason.

>> No.6895242

Murasama was Jap voices only.

>> No.6895347

You can actually use a Valkyria here, I'm sold. All the other gameplay features are pretty awesome too.

>> No.6895382

No, it's just considered as poor practise to release a translated game with untranslated portions. It may work if you're focusing on a small niche segment and the game itself doesn't require a heavy budget, but if a title is a A grade title and the production costs are large, then you need to make sure you can appeal to the wider audience because they have the bigger wallets, if they're not busy buying the latest yearly sports game rendition or console FPS.

Muramasa was an exception because the localiser did such a shit ass job of it, it didn't matter if they cut even more corners. I mean seriously, translating a full paragraph of dialogue into a single line? What the fuck was with that?! All that gloriously rich archaic dialogue rendered into such a bland pile of dribble.

>> No.6895386


>> No.6895392


>> No.6895416


This can be achieved - according to people running companies - by fully localizing everything about the game, including the audio.

>> No.6895434

>>6895382 No, it's just considered as poor practise to release a translated game with untranslated portions.
Good one.
And that's why every American release needs a dub, while the rest of the world is fine with subs?

>> No.6895459

>then you need to make sure you can appeal to the wider audience
>"Guys lets fill this game with obnoxious americunt speeches instead of original,fittingly selected voices and everyone will buy it!"

And the company wonder why people scream for undub.

>> No.6895473

Allow me to fix that for him:
>No, it's just considered as poor practise [in the american localization industry] to release a translated game with untranslated portions.
Since you seem to have missed the implied subject of the sentence.

>> No.6895480

I'll avoid using the worn out insult by implying Americans are illiterate and are easily confused by having to read.

But seriously, that's an excuse that I've seen being tossed out by a number of localisers including NISA and Namco Bandai. Ask them. Or fuck, ask the soccer mums or retarded timmy who's whinging that the game they're bought has the people speaking in some weird language why they're not fine with it.

>> No.6895487

All people ever did was mod porn games anyway.

>> No.6895493

The rediculous thing about wiz is that they have the worst pubbies but also a big number of strong clans.

>> No.6895508

What the hell?

>> No.6895558

What the hell? It's evident that we need to look at the impact. Oh wow, what the hell.

>> No.6895793


>> No.6896401
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>> No.6896409

I'm thinking of buying the collector's edition just like I did for VC1
Did VC2 have a collector's edition?
