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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6893489 No.6893489 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6893499

I suggest you give up on Amaterasu and hope someone else picks up the project.

>> No.6893506

You want partial patches? HAW!

>> No.6893509

learn japanese already and quit whining

>> No.6893514

I wasn't on /jp/ when the whole fuss about this went on. What happened?

>> No.6893521

Amaterasu made a deal with the devil, pulled the partial patch out in favor to start an official localization of the game. Well, from what I gathered from the bawwfest thread that went on, that was it.

This of course means the actual game will now take forever to be translated, disregarding completely the partial patch that was already made.

>> No.6893526

Not take forever to be translated, just forever to be released assuming one of the QCers don't leak that shit.

Right now they're something like 12% through the final arc and moving along at a quite hasty pace.

>> No.6893527

Lots of people feeling betrayed and posting things amounting to the long-winded equivalent "fuckdamn shitcunts", a few Amaterasu members damage controlling, a few Amaterasu members calling /jp/'s reaction "autistic" and laughing at us from their moral high ground (ironical, considering Ixrec is an admitted pirate)

>> No.6893537
File: 465 KB, 1024x600, Ride_of_the_Valkyries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having two teams translating one game is always the best idea, right?

>> No.6893539
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Who's hotter? Yuuhi or Meiya?

>> No.6893540

I think most of the reason why people are pissed is because he was cockteasing us with this from the start. To flip around at the final stretch and be a complete hypocrite at the same time makes us feel completely betrayed.

>> No.6893541


And here's damage control.

>> No.6893545
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You can say whatever you want about Ixrec's decision, it's justified to a certain point. I'd be depressed if I weren't on the team. Suggesting someone else should translate it, however, is fucking dumb considering the translation never stopped.

>> No.6893546


>> No.6893547


I'd bet money that if another team picks this up and the age/amaterasu talks, miraculously, don't collapse we'd be seeing a fan-translation much sooner than any official release.

Also, "justified to a certain point"? What a joke.

>> No.6893550
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That wasn't an option and you know it, Anonymous.

Sumika is the best, though.

>> No.6893552

I'm not going to discuss about this because you can probably beat me in every argument I make about this game, granted I'm not very interested on it.

However, in my personal opinion, what Amaterasu did was completely... unnecessary.

>> No.6893573
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>I'd bet money that if another team picks this up and the age/amaterasu talks, miraculously, don't collapse we'd be seeing a fan-translation much sooner than any official release.
You sure are eager to lose money.

>Also, "justified to a certain point"? What a joke.
Feeling betrayed is normal, specially for those who read the first partial. Anything else past that is fucking stupid. No matter what you're going to read this soon, so the reaction of some people was totally uncalled for. AND IF I KNEW ANYTHING, I COULD SAY "YOU'RE GOING TO READ THIS IN 2011" OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT, BUT TURNS OUT WE DON'T.

I think it was unnecessary too. Maybe going with the safe route and just releasing it would have been better. Then again, if this works out the outcome will be much better than I could ever have dreamt of.

>> No.6893610


No, man. I'm just not seeing how an official release will happen this year BUT you obviously know something I don't. I'd really like to hear how you're planning on doing this.

>> No.6893615

Best case scenario: Released in 2012, especially since if they release MLA it's automatic that they'd also have to release MLE/MLU as well, further slowing down release dates.

Worst case scenario: Never released (see Demonbane) or released a couple years down the line if and only if Ixrec gets fed up with waiting.

This is why we're pissed when before it would be released within a few months. Combine that with cockteasing and the first partial patch makes alot of people feel betrayed. Basically, it was an unnecessary and hypocritical move (since he admits to pirating as well) on his part.

>> No.6893668
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At least I can say that worst case scenario just won't happen. I don't think anyone in the group has enough patience to wait one year with nothing happening, let alone two. If they don't move fast it means they really aren't interested, so no Demonbane shenanigans here.

And as for the supposed moral value of an official release... Well, let's just say I don't fucking care about that. The good thing about an official release is the possibility of getting a pretty box with the game, as well as finally having a top tier game in the market to determine if it has any future. That's all.

>> No.6893670



>> No.6893770

>so no Demonbane shenanigans here.

You realize one of the reasons for the holdup is the engine ... take a freaking wild guess what is also a issue with MuvLuv?

>> No.6893794

rUGP can support English text just fine, so that shouldn't be a problem. And I would certainly hope age knows how their own proprietary engine works.

>> No.6893796

People should wait to bitch once the translation progress reaches 100% since that's when the patch would have been released. Give or take a week or two for QC anyway.

Until then, boo hoo, no partial patches, what a bloody shame.

I'll see you guys in a few months for said event though. I'll join the people whining and complaining at that point.

>> No.6893797
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Then we'll just leak it?

>> No.6893814
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And lose face with both age, with which you have an agreement, and the general public, whom you condescendently talked down to? Sure, I'll keep waiting for that to happen.

>> No.6893823



>> No.6893826

>And I would certainly hope age knows how their own proprietary engine works
And by that I mean how to properly insert text into the game rather than needing to use a work around like Amaterasu was doing.

>> No.6893851
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I remember doing none of those though! If the guy in charge of the team says he's willing to back up in the case things don't go well even if he has an agreement with âge, all the better for me.

>> No.6893856

You mean at the end of the partial?

>> No.6893888
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