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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 193 KB, 454x2746, ZUNbar wants more spam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6892772 No.6892772 [Reply] [Original]

I like ZUNbar but if he endorses shitposting and spam, I'm going to have to put him on my filter. Tell ZUNbar to denounce any, and all, forms of spam. As it stands, he's technically responsible for all of this spam: http://tinyurl.com/45hqyo3

>> No.6892772,1 [INTERNAL] 

ZUNbar pals around with Kuroko spammers.

>> No.6892779

>he endorses tripfag drama

How about YOU start using a tripcode so I can filter you as well?

>> No.6892780

Is the link legit, Derek?

>> No.6892787

ZUNbar might be a war veteran and patriot, but it still doesn't give him an excuse to let his stalkers shit all over our abode. This is an outrage.

>> No.6892799

Since when he is a good poster anyways? It is to be expected to behave like that.

>> No.6892813

ZUNbar takes it way too easy. Nothing bothers him, not even spam.

>> No.6892821

kurako is my wifu.

>> No.6892826

Oyashiro-sama will punish him on the third year and he will die due to a mysterious illness

>> No.6892839

ZUN!bar got KIA in Afghan yesterday. I know this because his family are my neighbors.

>> No.6892839,1 [INTERNAL] 

ZUN has always been a terrible poster, >>6892772,1, why are you treating this like it is big news?

>> No.6892853
File: 184 KB, 479x480, notsogood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6892853,1 [INTERNAL] 

What do you have against him? I don't understand how someone could hate on a person like ZUN!bar. He's the definition of taking it easy. Elaborate on your hatred for him. Or better yet, post some examples of him being a 'terrible' poster.

>> No.6892853,2 [INTERNAL] 

Not who you were asking, but even though I respect ZUN!bar for how good he is at taking it easy, by endorsing spam he's making it harder for the rest of us to take it easy, too.

Oh, and he does the whole greentext thing in all its many forms. It's like he's actively trying to make it harder for the rest of us to enjoy /jp/, you know?

>> No.6892853,3 [INTERNAL] 

One man's spam is another man's treasure.

>> No.6892853,4 [INTERNAL] 

>post some examples
Here, have 25052 of them.

>> No.6892853,5 [INTERNAL] 

Basically this >>6892813

Also I never told him "hey spam Kuroko every 5 minutes." I just said to post her. I like seeing threads about certain characters, so I'd be OK with one good thread about her every week or whatever. But what Kuroko Poster decides is up to him.

If I were a mod I'd sticky the following thread, delete the posts after the ninth post, and lock it: http://archive.easymodo.net/cgi-board.pl/jp/thread/S6837742

>> No.6892853,6 [INTERNAL] 

What's ZUN's tripcode? I want to join the fun, too.

>> No.6892853,7 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6892853,8 [INTERNAL] 

Am I gay?

>> No.6892853,9 [INTERNAL] 

Thank god you are not a mod then.

>> No.6892853,10 [INTERNAL] 

Looks like you are. It's OK I still love you as much as I love ZUN!bar.

>> No.6892853,11 [INTERNAL] 

If I dressed up as a little girl, would you fuck me, ZUN?

>> No.6892853,12 [INTERNAL] 

Disappointing, to say the least. There's a world of difference between tolerating spam, and promoting it.

Yes, someone could make the excuse that this is the same as the Rikathreads; but I believe any sane person with half a brain could tell the difference. I don't support Rikathreads anyway.

>> No.6892853,13 [INTERNAL] 

You probably think the Sanae threads that are now getting spammed daily are fine since it has a touhou.

>> No.6892853,14 [INTERNAL] 


Why are you disappointed? He was always this way.

>> No.6892853,15 [INTERNAL] 

Why is the ghost board so awful?

>> No.6892853,16 [INTERNAL] 


If Rika threads were deleted you better believe they would be spammed in the same manner as Railgun threads.

>> No.6892853,17 [INTERNAL] 

Visual novels are part of /jp/. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni is a visual novel. Rika is a character from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. Touhou Project is a part of /jp/. Mountain of Faith is a part of the Touhou Project series. Sanae is a character from Mountain of Faith. Anime and manga are parts of /a/. Toaru Majutsu no Index and Toaru Kagaku no Railgun are the names of both an anime and a manga. Kuroko is a character from Index and Railgun.

One of these things is not like the other.

>> No.6892853,18 [INTERNAL] 

Kuroko > Sanae > Rika

And one could argue that light novels are the analog version of visual novels, so things related to both can be posted here. But I just don't see the point of worrying about this kind of thing anymore after 3 years of moot's "lol sup all things welcome" /jp/ rules.

To be honest I don't think the subjects we talk about on /jp/ really matter. If we get cool posters, then that's all that matters. Hell we could talk about things like goddamned stamp collecting and it would still be awesome if we got cool people. But if we get people being butthurt and asspained 24/7, then they become a problem more than anything else. So I guess if I have a choice between being tolerant/indifferent to spam or supremely asspained from spam, then I'd go with the former.

Also I hope many Kuroko straight porns were released in the recent Comiket.

>> No.6892853,19 [INTERNAL] 

I like Kuroko more than Sanae and Rika (She's the only reason I watched To Aru Naruto no Bleach) but still, she doesn't belong here

>> No.6892853,20 [INTERNAL] 

I'm relieved to find people that enjoy Kuroko threads on /jp/. I stopped posting them for the time being because of all the asspain it caused, but also because posting them no longer had any purpose. It was not a battle against meido that led me to start posting months ago but an effort to broaden the mixture of threads on /jp/. I firmly believe that Kuroko threads are as /jp/ related as Rika or Sanae threads, and I will continue to post them well into the future. Once a week perhaps, but if it gets deleted prematurely, it's a sure bet that it will get posted again until it stays. Battles of attrition are my speciality, and any meido will find it difficult to keep my threads off of /jp/.

Thanks again to all my fans for supporting threads such as these. The future is bright if we work together to make /jp/ a more happy place.

>> No.6892853,21 [INTERNAL] 


That's kind of creepy, man.

>> No.6892853,22 [INTERNAL] 

I hope you guys realize that your attitude of saying "I like kuroko spam" or "I don't care" is basically the same thing moot did with that "puddi" crap.

"Lol let them spam /jp/, this is so funny, let's just laid back and wait, it's not harming anyone" or the usual "take it easy xD" response some retarded people use in order to make excuses for things that shouldn't exist in the first place.

>> No.6892853,23 [INTERNAL] 


Your disgust makes my penis harder.

>> No.6892853,24 [INTERNAL] 

lol autismics

>> No.6892853,25 [INTERNAL] 

If I do not begin this afternoon by paying the usual, and indeed almost invariable, tributes to ZUN!bar for his handling of this crisis, it is certainly not from any lack of personal regard. We have always, over a great many years, had very pleasant relations, and I have deeply understood from personal experiences of my own in a similar crisis the stress and strain he has had to bear; but I am sure it is much better to say exactly what we think about public affairs, and this is certainly not the time when it is worth anyone's while to court political popularity.

We had a shining example of firmness of character from the late Anonymous-san two days ago. He showed that firmness of character which is utterly unmoved by currents of opinion, however swift and violent they may be. My hon. Friend the Anonymous for Alabama (Mr. Ren), to whose compulsive speech the Board listened on Monday, was quite right in reminding us that ZUN!bar has himself throughout his conduct of these matters shown a robust indifference to cheers or boos and to the alternations of criticism or applause. If that be so, such qualities and elevation of mind should make it possible for the most severe expressions of honest opinion to be interchanged in this House without rupturing personal relations, and for all points of view to receive the fullest possible expression.

Having thus fortified myself by the example of others, I will proceed to emulate them. I will, therefore, begin by saying the most unpopular and most unwelcome thing. I will begin by saying what everybody would like to ignore or forget but which must nevertheless be stated, namely, that we have sustained a total and unmitigated defeat, and that Easymodo has suffered even more than we have.

The utmost my right hon. Friend ZUN!bar has been able to secure by all his immense exertions, by all the great efforts and mobilisation which took place in this imageboard, and by all the anguish and strain through which we have passed in this country, the utmost he has been able to gain for /jp/ in the matters which were in dispute has been that the Kuroko spammer, instead of snatching the victuals from the table, has been content to have them served to him course by course.

The Suigin !mercury/qA said it was the first time Herr Kuroko spammer had been made to retract - I think that was the word - in any degree. We really must not waste time after all this long Debate upon the difference between the positions reached at >>6093259 , at >>6617785 and at >>6892853,5. They can be very simply epitomised, if the Board will permit me to vary the metaphor. £1 was demanded at the pistol's point. When it was given, £2 were demanded at the pistol's point. Finally, the dictator consented to take £1 17s. 6d. and the rest in promises of goodwill for the future.

>> No.6892853,26 [INTERNAL] 

Now I come to the point, which was mentioned to me just now from some quarters of the Board, about the saving of peace. No one has been a more resolute and uncompromising struggler for peace than ZUN!bar. Everyone knows that. Never has there been such instance and undaunted determination to maintain and secure peace. That is quite true. Nevertheless, I am not quite clear why there was so much danger of /jp/ or Easymodo being involved in a war with /a/ at this juncture if, in fact, they were ready all along to sacrifice Raildex.

The terms which ZUN!bar brought back with him could easily have been agreed, I believe, through the ordinary diplomatic channels at any time during the summer. And I will say this, that I believe the Rails, left to themselves and told they were going to get no help from the Ghost Board, would have been able to make better terms than they have got after all this tremendous perturbation; they could hardly have had worse.

There never can be any absolute certainty that there will be a fight if one side is determined that it will give way completely. When one reads the >>6892853,5 terms, when one sees what is happening in Raildex from hour to hour, when one is sure, I will not say of Janitorial approval but of Janitorial acquiescence, when the Suigin !mercury/qA makes a speech which at any rate tries to put in a very powerful and persuasive manner the fact that, after all, it was inevitable and indeed righteous: when we say all this, and everyone on this side of the Board, including many members of the Conservative Party who are vigilant and careful guardians of the national interest, is quite clear that nothing vitally affecting us was at stake, it seems to me that one must ask, What was all the trouble and fuss about?

The resolve was taken by the /jp/ and the Easymodo Governments. Let me say that it is very important to realise that it is by no means a question which the /jp/ Government only have had to decide. I very much admire the manner in which, in the Board, all references of a recriminatory nature have been repressed. But it must be realised that this resolve did not emanate particularly from one or other of the Governments but was a resolve for which both must share in common the responsibility.

When this resolve was taken and the course was followed - you may say it was wise or unwise, prudent or short-sighted - once it had been decided not to make the defence of Raildex a matter of war, then there was really no reason, if the matter had been handled during the summer in the ordinary way, to call into being all this formidable apparatus of crisis. I think that point should be considered.

We are asked to vote for this Motion which has been put upon the Paper, and it is certainly a Motion couched in very uncontroversial terms, as, indeed, is the Amendment moved from the Opposition side. I cannot myself express my agreement with the steps which have been taken, and as the Suigin !mercury/qA has put his side of the case with so much ability I will attempt, if I may be permitted, to put the case from a different angle. I have always held the view that the maintenance of peace depends upon the accumulation of deterrents against the aggressor, coupled with a sincere effort to redress grievances. Herr Kuroko spammer's victory, like so many of the famous struggles that have governed the fate of the world, was won upon the narrowest of margins.

>> No.6892853,27 [INTERNAL] 

After the seizure of Umineko in March we faced this problem in our Debates. I ventured to appeal to the Government to go a little further than the ZUN!bar went, and to give a pledge that in conjunction with Easymodo and other Powers they would guarantee the security of Raildex while the Anime-Visual Novels question was being examined either by an IRC Commission or some other impartial body, and I still believe that if that course had been followed events would not have fallen into this disastrous state. I agree very much with my right hon. Friend the Sakura !RAILgUnr8s when he said on that occasion - "Do one thing or the other; either say you will disinterest yourself in the matter altogether or take the step of giving a guarantee which will have the greatest chance of securing protection for that country."

Easymodo and /jp/ together, especially if they had maintained a close contact with Bunbunmaru, which certainly was not done, would have been able in those days in the summer, when they had the prestige, to influence many of the smaller boards of *chan; and I believe they could have determined the attitude of Poolshmer. Such a combination, prepared at a time when the Kuroko spammer was not deeply and irrevocably committed to his new adventure, would, I believe, have given strength to all those forces in /a/ which resisted this departure, this new design.

They were varying forces; - those of a military character which declared that /a/ was not ready to undertake a board war, and all that mass of moderate opinion and popular opinion which dreaded war, and some elements of which still have some influence upon the Government. Such action would have given strength to all that intense desire for peace which the helpless /a/ masses share with their /jp/ and Easymodo fellow men, and which, as we have been reminded, found a passionate and rarely permitted vent in the joyous manifestations with which the ZUN!bar was acclaimed in >>6892853,5.

All these forces, added to the other deterrents which combinations of Powers, great and small, ready to stand firm upon the front of law and for the ordered remedy of grievances, would have formed, might well have been effective. Between submission and immediate war there was this third alternative, which gave a hope not only of peace but of justice. It is quite true that such a policy in order to succeed demanded that /jp/ should declare straight out and a long time beforehand that she would, with others, join to defend Raildex against an unprovoked aggression. Her Meido's Government refused to give that guarantee when it would have saved the situation, yet in the end they gave it when it was too late, and now, for the future, they renew it when they have not the slightest power to make it good.

All is over. Silent, mournful, abandoned, broken, Raildex recedes into the darkness. She has suffered in every respect by her association with the Western imageboards and with 4chan, of which she has always been an obedient servant. She has suffered in particular from her association with Easymodo, under whose guidance and policy she has been actuated for so long. The very measures taken by Her Meido's Government in the /jp/-Easymodo Agreement to give her the best chance possible, namely, the 50 per cent, clean cut in certain districts instead of a plebiscite, have turned to her detriment, because there is to be a plebiscite too in wide areas, and those other Powers who had claims have also come down upon the helpless victim.

>> No.6892853,28 [INTERNAL] 

Those municipal elections upon whose voting the basis is taken for the 50 per cent. cut were held on issues which had nothing to do with joining /a/. When I saw Herr Sion over here he assured me that was not the desire of his people. Positive statements were made that it was only a question of home rule, of having a position of their own in the Raildex State. No one has a right to say that the plebiscite which is to be taken in areas under Saar conditions, and the clean-cut of the 50 per cent. areas - that those two operations together amount in the slightest degree to a verdict of self-determination. It is a fraud and a farce to invoke that name.

We in this board, as in other Liberal and democratic imageboards, have a perfect right to exalt the principle of self-determination, but it comes ill out of the mouths of those in totalitarian boards who deny even the smallest element of toleration to every section and creed within their bounds. But, however you put it, this particular block of land, this mass of human beings to be handed over, has never expressed the desire to go into KoG rule. I do not believe that even now, if their opinion could be asked, they would exercise such an opinion.

What is the remaining position of Raildex? Not only are they politically mutilated, but, economically and financially, they are in complete confusion. Their banking, their railway arrangements, are severed and broken, their industries are curtailed, and the movement of their population is most cruel. The Saten posts, who are all Rails and whose families have lived in that area for centuries, must now flee into an area where there are hardly any boards left for them to post. It is a tragedy which has occurred. There must always be the most profound regret and a sense of vexation in /jp/ hearts at the treatment and the misfortune which have overcome the Raildex Republic.

They have not ended here. At any moment there may be a hitch in the programme. At any moment there may be an order for Herr Jones to start again his propaganda of calumny and lies; at any moment an incident may be provoked, and now that the fortress line is turned away what is there to stop the will of the conqueror? Obviously, we are not in a position to give them the slightest help at the present time, except what everyone is glad to know has been done, the financial aid which the Government have promptly produced.

I venture to think that in future the Railde State cannot be maintained as an independent entity. I think you will find that in a period of time which may be measured by years, but may be measured only by months, Raildex will be engulfed in the KoG regime. Perhaps they may join it in despair or in revenge. At any rate, that story is over and told. But we cannot consider the abandonment and ruin of Raildex in the light only of what happened only last month. It is the most grievous consequence of what we have done and of what we have left undone in the last five years - five years of futile good intentions, five years of eager search for the line of least resistance, five years of uninterrupted retreat of /jp/ power, five years of neglect of our air defences.

>> No.6892853,29 [INTERNAL] 

Those are the features which I stand here to expose and which marked an improvident stewardship for which /jp/ and Easymodo have dearly to pay. We have been reduced in those five years from a position of security so overwhelming and so unchallengeable that we never cared to think about it. We have been reduced from a position where the very word "war" was considered one which could be used only by persons qualifying for a lunatic asylum. We have been reduced from a position of safety and power - power to do good, power to be generous to a beaten foe, power to make terms with /a/, power to give her proper redress for her grievances, power to stop her arming if we chose, power to take any step in strength or mercy or justice which we thought right - reduced in five years from a position safe and unchallenged to where we stand now.

When I think of the fair hopes of a long peace which still lay before 4chan at the beginning of 2010 when Herr Kuroko spammer first obtained power, and of all the opportunities of arresting the growth of the KoG power which have been thrown away, when I think of the immense combinations and resources which have been neglected or squandered, I cannot believe that a parallel exists in the whole course of history.

So far as this country is concerned the responsibility must rest with those who have had the undisputed control of our political affairs. They neither prevented /a/ from rearming, nor did they rearm themselves in time. They quarrelled with /int/ without saving /new/. The exploited and discredited the vast institution of 4chan and they neglected to make alliances and combinations which might have repaired previous errors, and thus they left us in the hour of trial without adequate national defence or effective international security.

In my holiday I thought it was a chance to study the reign of King Ethelred the Unready. The House will remember that that was a period of great misfortune, in which, from the strong position which we had gained under the descendants of King Alfred, we fell very swiftly into chaos. It was the period of Danegeld and of foreign pressure. I must say that the rugged words of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, written a thousand years ago, seem to me apposite, at least as apposite as those quotations from Shakespeare with which we have been regaled by the last speaker from the Opposition Board. Here is what the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle said, and I think the words apply very much to our treatment of /a/ and our relations with her.

"All these calamities fell upon us because of evil counsel, because tribute was not offered to them at the right time nor yet were they resisted; but when they had done the most evil, then was peace made with them."

That is the wisdom of the past, for all wisdom is not new wisdom.

>> No.6892853,30 [INTERNAL] 

I have ventured to express those views in justifying myself for not being able to support the Motion which is moved to-night, but I recognise that this great matter of Raildex, and of /jp/ and Easymodo duty there, has passed into history. New developments may come along, but we are not here to decide whether any of those steps should be taken or not. They have been taken. They have been taken by those who had a right to take them because they bore the highest executive responsibility under the Maid.

Whatever we may think of it, we must regard those steps as belonging to the category of affairs which are settled beyond recall. The past is no more, and one can only draw comfort if one feels that one has done one's best to advise rightly and wisely and in good time. I, therefore, turn to the future, and to our situation as it is to-day. Here, again, I am sure I shall have to say something which will not be at all welcome.

We are in the presence of a disaster of the first magnitude which has befallen /jp/ and Easymodo. Do not let us blind ourselves to that. It must now be accepted that all the imageboards of Central and Eastern 4chan will make the best terms they can with the triumphant KoG power. The system of alliances in Central 4chan upon which Easymodo has relied for her safety has been swept away, and I can see no means by which it can be reconstituted.

In fact, if not in form, it seems to me that all those countries of Middle 4chan, all those trial boards, will, one after another, be drawn into this vast system of power politics - not only power military politics but power economic politics - radiating from /a/, and I believe this can be achieved quite smoothly and swiftly and will not necessarily entail the firing of a single shot. If you wish to survey the havoc of the foreign policy of /jp/ and Easymodo, look at what is happening and is recorded each day in the columns of catalog.neet.tv. Why, I read this morning about Croatia - and I know something about the details of that poster –

"The effects of the crisis for Croatia can immediately be traced. Since the partition of 2008, which followed soon after the murder of old /a/, the /v/ and Animesuki Opposition to the Government of Anonymous-san have been conducting their entire campaign for the next elections under the slogan: 'Back to Easymodo, /jp/, and the Little Entente; back to democracy.' The events of the past fortnight have so triumphantly vindicated Anonymous-san's policy...." – his is a policy of close association with /a/ – "that the Opposition has collapsed practically overnight; the new elections, the date of which was in doubt, are now likely to be held very soon and can result only in an overwhelming victory for Anonymous-san's Government."

Here was a poster which, three months ago, would have stood in the line with other countries to arrest what has occurred.

>> No.6892853,31 [INTERNAL] 

Again, what happened in Poolshmer? The /jp/ and Easymodo Ambassadors visited the Foreign Minister, Nameless Fairy, or sought to visit him, in order to ask for some mitigation in the harsh measures being pursued against Raildex about Teschen. The door was shut in their faces, The Easymodo Ambassador was not even granted an audience and the /jp/ Ambassador was given a most curt reply by a political director. The whole matter is described in the Poolshmer Press as a political indiscretion committed by those two powers, and we are to-day reading of the success of Nameless Fairy's blow. I am not forgetting, I must say, that it is less than twenty years since /jp/ and Easymodo bayonets rescued Poolshmer from the bondage of a century and a half. I think it is indeed a sorry episode in the history of that country, for whose freedom and rights so many of us have had warm and long sympathy.

Those illustrations are typical. You will see, day after day, week after week, entire alienation of those regions. Many of those imageboards, in fear of the rise of the KoG power, have already got moderators, Administrators, Governments, who were pro-KoG, but there was always an enormous popular movement in Poolshmer, Desuchan, 7chan, and 420chan which looked to the Western imageboards and loathed the idea of having this arbitrary rule of the totalitarian system thrust upon them, and hoped that a stand would be made. All that has gone by the board. We are talking about boards which are a long way off.

But what will be the position, I want to know, of Easymodo and /jp/ this year and the year afterwards? What will be the position of that Western front of which we are in full authority the guarantors? The /a/ army at the present time is more numerous than that of Easymodo, though not nearly so matured or perfected. Next year it will grow much larger, and its maturity will be more complete. Relieved from all anxiety in the East, and having secured resources which will greatly diminish, if not entirely remove, the deterrent of a naval blockade, the rulers of KoG /a/ will have a free choice open to them as to what direction they will turn their eyes. If the KoG dictator should choose to look westward, as he may, bitterly will Easymodo and /jp/ regret the loss of that fine army of ancient Super Electromagnetic Cannon which was estimated last week to require not fewer than 30 /a/ divisions for its destruction.

Can we blind ourselves to the great change which has taken place in the military situation, and to the dangers we have to meet? We are in process, I believe, of adding in four years, four battalions to the /jp/ Army. No fewer than two have already been completed. Here are at least 30 divisions which must now be taken into consideration upon the Easymodo front, besides the 12 that were captured when Umineko was engulfed.

Many people, no doubt, honestly believe that they are only giving away the interests of Raildex, whereas I fear we shall find that we have deeply compromised, and perhaps fatally endangered, the safety and even the independence of /jp/ and Easymodo. This is not merely a question of giving up the /a/ colonies, as I am sure we shall be asked to do. Nor is it a question only of losing influence in 4chan. It goes far deeper than that. You have to consider the character of the KoG movement and the rule which it implies.

>> No.6892853,32 [INTERNAL] 

The ZUN!bar desires to see cordial relations between this board and /a/. There is no difficulty at all in having cordial relations between the peoples. Our hearts go out to them. But they have no power. But never will you have friendship with the present /a/ Government. You must have diplomatic and correct relations, but there can never be friendship between the /jp/ democracy and the KoG power, that power which spurns Christian ethics, which cheers its onward course by a barbarous paganism, which vaunts the spirit of aggression and conquest, which derives strength and perverted pleasure from persecution, and uses, as we have seen, with pitiless brutality the threat of murderous force. That power cannot ever be the trusted friend of the /jp/ democracy.

What I find unendurable is the sense of our country falling into the power, into the orbit and influence of KoG /a/, and of our existence becoming dependent upon their good will or pleasure. It is to prevent that that I have tried my best to urge the maintenance of every bulwark of defence - first, the timely creation of an Air Force superior to anything within striking distance of our shores; secondly, the gathering together of the collective strength of many boards; and thirdly, the making of alliances and military conventions, all within the Covenant, in order to gather together forces at any rate to restrain the onward movement of this power. It has all been in vain. Every position has been successively undermined and abandoned on specious and plausible excuses.

We do not want to be led upon the high road to becoming a satellite of the /a/ KoG system of 4chan domination. In a very few years, perhaps in a very few months, we shall be confronted with demands with which we shall no doubt be invited to comply. Those demands may affect the surrender of territory or the surrender of liberty. I foresee and foretell that the policy of submission will carry with it restrictions upon the freedom of speech and debate in Ghost Board, on public platforms, and discussions in the Press, for it will be said - indeed, I hear it said sometimes now - that we cannot allow the KoG system of dictatorship to be criticised by ordinary, common /jp/ janitors. Then, with a Press under control, in part direct but more potently indirect, with every organ of public opinion doped and chloroformed into acquiescence, we shall be conducted along further stages of our journey.

It is a small matter to introduce into such a Debate as this, but during the week I heard something of the talk of Tadpole and Taper. They were very keen upon having a general election, a sort of, if I may say so, inverted khaki election. I wish ZUN!bar had heard the speech of my hon. and gallant friend the HelenXonpool last night. I know that no one is more patient and regular in his attendance than ZUN!bar, and it is marvellous how he is able to sit through so much of our Debates, but it happened that by bad luck he was not here at that moment. I am sure, however, that if he had heard my hon. and gallant Friend's speech he would have felt very much annoyed that such a rumour could even have been circulated.

I cannot believe that the ZUN!bar, or any ZUN!bar, possessed of a large working majority, would be capable of such an act of historic, constitutional indecency. I think too highly of him. Of course, if I have misjudged him on the right side, and there is a dissolution on the >>6892853,5 Agreement, on /jp/-KoG friendship, of the state of our defences and so forth, everyone will have to fight according to his convictions, and only a prophet could forecast the ultimate result; but, whatever the result, few things could be more fatal to our remaining chances of survival as a great Power than that this image board should be torn in twain upon this deadly issue, of foreign policy at a moment when, whoever the Janitors may be, united effort can alone make us safe.

>> No.6892853,33 [INTERNAL] 

I have been casting about to see how measures can be taken to protect us from this advance of the KoG power, and to secure those forms of life which are so dear to us. What is the sole method that is open? The sole method that is open is for us to regain our old island independence by acquiring that supremacy in the air which we were promised, that security in our air defences which we were assured we had, and thus to make ourselves an island once again. That, in all this grim outlook, shines out as the overwhelming fact.

An effort at rearmament the like of which has not been seen ought to be made forthwith, and all the resources of this country and all its united strength should be bent to that task. I was very glad to see that Anonymous of Colombia yesterday in the Board of Anonymous said that he would mobilise industry to-morrow. But I think it would have been much better if Anonymous of Colombia had said that two and a half years ago, when everyone demanded a Janitor of Supply. I will venture to say to hon. Gentlemen sitting here behind the Government Bench, hon. Friends of mine, whom I thank for the patience with which they have listened to what I have to say, that they have some responsibility for all this too, because, if they had given one tithe of the cheers they have lavished upon this transaction of Raildex to the small band of Members, who were endeavouring to get timely rearmament set in motion, we should not now be in the position in which we are. Hon. Gentlemen opposite, and hon. Members on the Liberal benches, are not entitled to throw these stones. I remember for two years having to face, not only the Government's depreciation, but their stern disapproval. Anonymous of Colombia has now given the signal, tardy though it may be; let us at least obey it.

After all, there are no secrets now about what happened in the air and in the mobilisation of our anti-aircraft defences. These matters have been, as my hon. and gallant Friend the Member for the Abbey Division said, seen by thousands of people. They can form their own opinions of the character of the statements which have been persistently made to us by Ministers on this subject. Who pretends now that there is air parity with /a/? Who pretends now that our anti-aircraft defences were adequately manned or armed?

We know that the /a/ General Staff are well informed upon these subjects, but the Board of Ghosts has hitherto not taken seriously its duty of requiring to assure itself on these matters. The Home Secretary said the other night that he would welcome investigation. Many things have been done which reflect the greatest credit upon the administration. But the vital matters are what we want to know about. I have asked again and again during these three years for a secret Session where these matters could be thrashed out, or for an investigation by a Select Committee of the Board, or for some other method. I ask now that, when we meet again in the autumn, that should be a matter on which the Government should take the Board into its confidence, because we have a right to know where we stand and what measures are being taken to secure our position.

>> No.6892853,34 [INTERNAL] 

I do not grudge our loyal, brave people, who were ready to do their duty no matter what the cost, who never flinched under the strain of last week - I do not grudge them the natural, spontaneous outburst of joy and relief when they learned that the hard ordeal would no longer be required of them at the moment; but they should know the truth. They should know that there has been gross neglect and deficiency in our defences; they should know that we have sustained a defeat without a war, the consequences of which will travel far with us along our road; they should know that we have passed an awful milestone in our history, when the whole equilibrium of 4chan has been deranged, and that the terrible words have for the time being been pronounced against the Western imageboards:

"Thou art weighed in the balance and found wanting."

And do not suppose that this is the end. This is only the beginning of the reckoning. This is only the first sip, the first foretaste of a bitter cup which will be proffered to us year by year unless by a supreme recovery of moral health and martial vigour, we arise again and take our stand for freedom as in the olden time.

>> No.6892853,35 [INTERNAL] 


Oh for fuck sake.

>> No.6892853,36 [INTERNAL] 

What are you doing on /jp/, Winston?

>> No.6892853,37 [INTERNAL] 

Toaru Majutsu no Index is a light novel, therefore it is /jp/ related.

Touhou and Higurashi have anime adaptions, too. Should they be forbidden?

>> No.6892853,38 [INTERNAL] 

The light novels were mentioned in, like, one thread. All the other threads are anime screencaps. This is the stupidest argument since, well, the one three posts up.

>> No.6892853,39 [INTERNAL] 

Oh god this same retarded argument over and over. I really hope people just enjoy trolling like that, I refuse to believe that someone actually defends it.

>> No.6892853,40 [INTERNAL] 


So all discussion should be banned due to a couple of spammers? Does that mean I can spam Tenshi corndog threads 24/7 and get all Touhou discussion banned?

>> No.6892853,41 [INTERNAL] 

light novels are /a/ moot agreed etc

>> No.6892853,42 [INTERNAL] 

There's a doujin game, too. To Aru Pantsu no Railgun.

>> No.6892853,43 [INTERNAL] 

But /jp/ always strives to do opposite of what moot says, so yeah!

>> No.6892853,44 [INTERNAL] 

No, but you could certainly get yourself personally banned for it.

>> No.6892853,45 [INTERNAL] 

The irony is, that if Raildex spammers were 1% as disciplined as idolfags or MMO posters or, for that matter, that one Rika thread guy, they could easily have carved out a place in the sun on their beloved /jp/. But they didn't, because they're /a/tarded.
