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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6892049 No.6892049 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6892052
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>> No.6892054


Is this written in menstrual blood?

>> No.6892059
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>> No.6892061

haven't met anyone suitable
don't care enough about romance to actively search

>> No.6892062

I wish all of /jp/ to be little girls and live together, discussing VNs, competing in Melty Blood/Mahjong/EFZ/PoFV and wearing frilly dresses during the day and either getting filled with cocks until their wombs collect so much sperm that they turn into black holes (if I've calculated it right, being cummed inside by 10000 dicks every day for about 1340 million trillion years with no sperm leakage would do this) or having tender loving lesbian sex, depending on the Anonymous in question's tastes, during the night.
That's why I don't have a girlfriend.

>> No.6892064

No penis ;_;

>> No.6892066

Stop replying to these threads please.

>> No.6892073

That pic scares me O_O

>> No.6892081
File: 51 KB, 1282x722, 1296072192441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every thread must be replied to.

>> No.6892084

If you don't have a girlfriend, you are not doing your duty for your country and for your species. There is no excuse for this. Get out, worthless swine.

>> No.6892088

But I want the species to die out. And I want to watch it happen too.

>> No.6892089
File: 25 KB, 478x468, brofist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6892090

Because nobody lovesss meeeeee. It's trueeeeee. Not like you dooooooooo.

>> No.6892094


Just fuck with a condom then, or only cum in her ass.

>> No.6892095

god I wish I was a little girl being violently used by a pedophilic /jp/er. or a little girl molesting a fellow little girl, I can't decide which is better

>> No.6892096

Stop replying to these Threads. If you're easily offended by something someone shouts out to the internet without specifying a reciever get out of /jp/

If you feel bad about not having a girlfriend please start talking to girls in your area and be amazed by the lack of rejection they offer your person.

If you don't have a penis and are not a blatantly homosexual female please also stop posting into these threads, they weren't made to insult you.

If you might haven't noticed the report system it's to be found in the downright corner of the page you're browsing.

>> No.6892099
File: 23 KB, 256x256, dualfag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now a d‭o‭u‭b‭l‭e‭s thread. because it's worthless already, so might as well throw in more shit.

>> No.6892101

>Stop replying to these Threads
Do what I want.

>> No.6892100

>If you feel bad about not having a girlfriend please start talking to girls in your area and be amazed by the lack of rejection they offer your person.
I hope you're not amazed by the amount of reporting now being directed at your person. You should understand what you've done wrong.

>> No.6892102
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>> No.6892103
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I like the way you think.

>> No.6892104
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Ooh look he got 'em too.

>> No.6892105

How about you report and leave the thread to rot, Brian?

>> No.6892107

I think it is amusing that most of the general population consider sex the highest point of achievement in their lives. For males, it's what makes you a man. Funny, as I see that thirteen year old boys consider themselves automatically mature and more of a man than say, a sixty year old combat veteran, that is still a virgin, just because he got his penis wet.

Ohhhhh, wow.

>> No.6892109


>implying reporting does anything


>> No.6892113

>Implying /jp/ knows how tu use the report system or has any active moderators in order to ban someone.

>> No.6892114


You got that wrong, killing is still considered manlier than fucking.

>> No.6892121

Yeah, but not all people support the killing. While 99% of people only think about sex and how much of it they get and how that ranks them amongst their peers.

>> No.6892122

13 year old boy that has done nothing with his life but has gotten his dick wet = Motherfucking alpha male with experience

60 year old man that has cured AIDS, saved the world from a asteroid, been in 3 wars, been shot at, wounded etc etc etc etc but is still a virgin = Fucking faggot little boy with no life experience

And better yet, this is what the world (well America) believes.

>> No.6892127

I love you /jp/

>> No.6892139

Does your picture imply rape, OP?
It does, right?

>> No.6892140


You shouldn't confuse 14 year olds with everyone else.

>> No.6892150

>alpha male
i love how people still compare themselves to dirty animals by calling themselves shit like that.

>> No.6892151

The general conses is that, no matter what else you've achieved in life, if you're a male and have not stuck your penis in a vagina then you aren't worth shit.

>> No.6892154

This is the only post that needed to be made in this thread.

>> No.6892166



>> No.6892165

Memento mori.

>> No.6892163

implying we're any different from animals except for crapping into bowls made of china and discriminating each other around the world

>> No.6892164

>alpha male

Do guys really consider themselves this if they've had sex? I mean, do they actually call each other this and upon discovering a virgin guy refer to him as a beta male?

I want take one of these guys and drop him off in the Alaskan wilderness with no food, water or shelter and see how long her survives. See how ALPHA he really is.....

>> No.6892162

You know what really grinds my gears? It's not that normals feel sexually attracted to eachother. It's that they always like to reference how they do. You can't have a conversation without some kind of sexual reference coming out at some point. Watching a conversation between normals, especially on the internet, is even worse. They'll throw in emotions and such while obviously flirting with eachother, or flaunting their sexual attraction, or mentioning celebrities that they find attractive (this is the worst part), or boasting about just how dominant sex is in their mind. Something like "When I was 19 I only thought about sex and cars" with a reply to the fashion of "I still do ;)" is a common occurrence. They make sex jokes. These aren't funny. The buildup is "Hey, what's used more than <non-sexual thing that people use a lot>"? And then the punchline is obviously some kind of woman who is expected to be the target of sex. Like a 16 year old girl, or a 1 dollar whore, or some porn star you again don't know the name of but all those normals smile and nod to fond memories of her going YES FUCK THAT DIRTY PUSSY FUCK IT FUCK IT FUCK IT GOOOOOOD YES OH FUCK OH GOD OH GOD I'M GOING TO CUM YEAAAAAAAAAAAH KSSSSHSSSh I forgot where I was going with this

>> No.6892167

You do not know the pleasures of rhythmically thrusting into a lukeworm hole as the glans become increasingly stimulated until a sensation of intense excitement tranquilizes your entire body as you come inside.

>> No.6892169

>I forgot where I was going with this
I don't think anybody ever really knew where you were going with this.

This thread is an embarrassment anyway.

>> No.6892170

We are different from animals in that we, as a species, have a conscience and can morally tell right from wrong.

I don't think a shark is going to suddenly change its mind from chomping that girl's leg off because he feels it's wrong to hurt little girls.

>> No.6892178

Nope. But even if I were, the point would still stand.

>> No.6892176 [DELETED] 

>have an intelligence and can invent right and wrong

>> No.6892180

>have an intelligence that can invent right and wrong

>> No.6892184

I think that's a weakness
A wolf would never care about getting into some imaginary world created by a drunkard filled with lots of unaging underage female wolves instead of striving to become the alpha male to choose his wife
And the shark you mentioned would never whine about his lack of females in his area.

>> No.6892188

My dog is afraid of hurting people and other animals. She understands what she does may hurt something, and if they/it cry out in pain she immediately reacts in guilt and tries to comfort them.

>> No.6892199

It's still a weakness
Also that's wrong your dog simply knows she'll get some bitchslaps if she does. AND NO BISCUIT

>> No.6892200

well, if you consider yourself an animal, get out of a human's house and go back to the forest, gathering fruit and marking your territory by pissing on trees.

>> No.6892203

I just entered the Twilight zone.

>> No.6892201

If you think the power of the mind is a weakness.
>A wolf would never care about getting into some imaginary world created by a drunkard filled with lots of unaging underage female wolves instead of striving to become the alpha male to choose his wife
Because he does not have the faculties to care about such a thing in the first place. He may not even each the faculties to care at all.

>> No.6892205

I need OP's phone number
I didn't have that much fun in 2 months
Thanks /jp/ i still love you.

>> No.6892207

She's never bitchslapped and gets biscuits regardless what she does. She's spoiled as fuck and doesn't care about those things anymore. She seriously understands the rights and wrongs of hurting someone and is incredibly gentle and careful as a result. But I guess you'd just have to see her body language to really understand. I wasn't really arguing, just pointing out.

>> No.6892208

>well, if you consider yourself an animal, get out of a human's house and go back to the forest, gathering fruit and marking your territory by pissing on trees.
And you'll probably live longer by doing that than the average person living in civilized America.

>> No.6892215

Because I'm a sociopath, and the discovery of the 2D world way back when helped me cement my undying hatred of prolonged intimate contact with disgusting 3D women.

Now I make around 100k a year as a Wal-Mart manager, so fuck you.

>> No.6892220

yeah. without internet, without your pc, without figs, without your waifu, without tv, without music etc. just you wiping your ass with leaves while running around in rags and grunting.

>> No.6892222

Yep. And eating actual food instead of food products.

>> No.6892229

I thought TV only still existed in Japan nowadays. Man, those TVs man. I don't know what we saw in them back then, but we had our fun.

>> No.6892238

Nah man, i think you've misunderstood me.
If you feel insulted that's your problem. A lot of guys here have the same problem because they still don't get it.
If everyone thought like that there'd be no trolling on /jp/
It's simply too funny see all these faggots winding and whining about every little shit.

I mean... He talked about his dog. Sorry, laughing my ass off here.

If you're as badass as you just mentioned start ignoring this shit and you'll live happy ever after.

>> No.6892242

>start ignoring this shit and you'll live happy ever after.
The troll is actually making sense today.

You really should take his advice.

>> No.6892243

>I mean... He talked about his dog. Sorry, laughing my ass off here.
Hey. My dog is awesome.

>> No.6892246

What's her name?

>> No.6892251
File: 34 KB, 480x640, 1295758027045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw i imagine that.

>> No.6892271

Because I have a husband.

>> No.6892283

i don't know that word, what is it ? something that cover a wound ?

>> No.6892296

it's that thing gay people get.

>> No.6892308

it's a waifu that has a penis.

>> No.6892325

>>6892215Now I make around 100k a year as a Wal-Mart manager

How do you do that while hating people?

>> No.6892366

Hating people is a prerequisite for working walmart management. Just check their business practices.

>> No.6892371

>because i dont trust humans and i like to be left alone

>> No.6892387


Don't all waifus have penises???

>> No.6892395

I don't leave my house, so it's impossible for me to meet a woman.

My freakish desires and behaviors wouldn't endear me either.

I don't even think about it, it's that little of a possibility.

>> No.6892444

Sociopaths such as myself excel at putting up fronts.

>> No.6892462

yeah, sure thing. uhh, nice tri‭pl‭e‭s?

>> No.6892489

Typical filth masquerading as a human being, I see.

>> No.6892502

Do 3D women ever throw themselves at you because of your position?

>> No.6892504

problem, poser?


>> No.6892589 [DELETED] 


Sure. What kind of attention do you want?
