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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 44 KB, 500x500, 0007314115004_500X500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6889645 No.6889645 [Reply] [Original]

>go into supermarket
>see this
>Price: $1.99, 1.41 oz
>buy it
>they taste exactly like those chocolate covered cookies which cost $2.99 at 12 oz

How do otaku support their life style when there are far cheaper alternatives available?

>> No.6889658

God I really hate our board name.

>> No.6889660

Don't believe the marketing hype, everyone buys the cheap stuff.

>> No.6889655

By not buying overpriced weeaboo traps

>> No.6889665


>> No.6889678

By eating normal fucking western food.

>> No.6889680

It should be changed to "/jp/ - Japan/General, but you can report any thread about real-life Japan you want to."

>> No.6889681
File: 41 KB, 500x375, tamago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I've been kind of curious about this.
Does /jp/ cook or follow the typical shut-in stereotype of living off microwavable food?
Cooking is cheaper, so I feel like it would work better for the lifestyle, also you get to make food from VNs and such. Pic related, I just can't get it to work... might have the heat up too high so it doesn't cook through enough to roll. ; _ ;

>> No.6889688

No, it should be changed to /jp/ - Directionless/Pedophiles

moot even came up with it.

>> No.6889690

/jp/ - Niche Japanese Shit would probably be the best name we could hope for.

>> No.6889691

i live with my parents, so i don't have to worry

>> No.6889694


To be a pedophile, you have to like 3D. I find 3D loli to be absolutely abhorrent.

Get out.

>> No.6889700

Pedophile and loli are both general words that encompass 3D and 2D, you moron.

>> No.6889705


1. Open up ramen pack (i get them 12 for $1 at a local store I go to)
2. Drop it in water
3. Drain it after a minute to get all the processing crap out of it
4. Soak it in really hot water for about 5 minute
5. Stir in packet and enjoy

This is the life of a poorfag, and if you're not some obese slob, food like this is a lifesaver.

>> No.6889709
File: 456 KB, 667x1000, IMG_2291-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cook sweets like this for myself, nothing more really. Maybe a few soups a month, something on the grill here and there.

>> No.6889707

Not really.

>> No.6889701

I find them attractive though

>> No.6889714
File: 199 KB, 680x481, 4014823926_dceffe33eb_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy Mikado, 0.90 euro cent a pack
and at least the chocolate taste like chocolate
i have no idea if it's everywhere in europe or only in France

>> No.6889722

Speaking of sweets, I've managed to make pretty good melon bread before, though I'm not really a fan of baking, and it takes forever.

>> No.6889725
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I cook meals, if you can call what I do cooking. I basically just grill/pan-fry/bake some meat, boil some pasta or rice, and boil some kind of easy to make vegetable like peas or sweetcorn. It's not as unhealthy as ready meals/pizza, and it doesn't require much effort. The only things I've cooked which require any real preparation besides washing the vegetables/rice have been cakes.
I'm such a fussy eater there's not much point in me trying to move out of this, I wouldn't be able to get any more variety in the veg anyhow.

Pic not related.

>> No.6889762

>Does /jp/ cook or follow the typical shut-in stereotype of living off microwavable food?

I imagine /jp/ as cute, demure maidens, so cooking most likely. But I don't really cook, it's mostly fresh fruit, raw meat and vegetables for me (raw tomatoes taste great and garlic goes well with everything.) I guess I won't be able to make a good wife.

>> No.6889764

Ya know, im going to go eat some right now!

Also anyone know a good way to start out cooking things? As of now i pretty much don't know how to make anything, and i lack a girl to teach me how...

>> No.6889768

Start with stirfry. Put oil in a pan. Heat it up. Put uncooked food in the pan. Stir it around. Done.

>> No.6889770

Got these in UK, I really don't understand why someone would pay extra for Pocky.

>> No.6889777


Lazy as all shit, so my 'cooking' consists of toasting bread and throwing stuff in an oven.

>> No.6889778

because pocky are made by the nippon master race,
seriously i have no idea, i prefer Mikado over Pocky

>> No.6889780
File: 2.80 MB, 1753x2480, sleeping kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course we are.

>> No.6889783

Make the ramen noodles, drain most of the water, stir in two eggs and heat over the stove. Stop when you feel like it's done. Feel free to add vegetables, the flavor packet and other sauces.

>> No.6889781

Alright ill look that up. Know of any good cooking tutorials or some dumbass friendly cookbook?

>> No.6889789


Even though Mikado is also a product of Glico.

>> No.6889791

Simple enough, ill try this with the ramen im making right now.

>> No.6889799

You could ask /ck/. I dunno, I just started by throwing shit in the pan and mixing it around after the oil had heated up (diced meat, chopped onions, maybe some canned or frozen vegetables) and adding either soy or stir-fry sauce (store bought, or make it yourself from soy sauce and mirin or something).

Also, this is now relevant:

>> No.6889802

Glico sell Mikado in Europe.
Pocky in Japan.

Appeal to Westboos and Weaboos.

>> No.6889809

Do you have a recipe. Melon bread is delicious, I practically lived on it when i was in japan but i haven't been able to find any good recipes to make it myself.

>> No.6889813

There's no strawberry flavoured Mikado...

>> No.6889821

Chocolate pocky tastes like shit, Most of the other flavors are pretty tasty though.

never even heard of those.

>> No.6889827

The wiki has moved to touhouwiki.net guys.

Update your bookmarks.

>> No.6889829

buy some pocky then, it doesn't taste good for me

>> No.6889844 [DELETED] 

No, moot should just remove any link that directs to /jp/ from 4chan. He doesn't remember /jp/ exists and we don't like newcomers, so win-win.

>> No.6889849

No, moot should just remove any link that directs to /jp/ from 4chan. He doesn't like to remember /jp/ exists and we don't like newcomers, so win-win.

>> No.6889857


Agreed. /jp/ should be to 4chan what LUE (Life, the Universe, and Everything) is to GameFAQs: People sign up to have their IP addresses logged, after a certain cut-off point, only people from those IP addresses can access /jp/. This would prevent faggots from coming in here.

>> No.6889867


People on dynamic IPs can't control their IP number. Maybe moot should have a sign in sheet. You enter your username and pass that you put in before the cut off, and you get access to /jp/. You don't HAVE to post with your username and can remain anonymous, but you can if you want to.

This isn't /b/. With a board this small, it is best for everybody to have names so we know who is doing what.

>> No.6889876
File: 179 KB, 589x564, 1294342161477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying /jp/ needs to be some super exclusive club

>> No.6889879
File: 56 KB, 787x617, 3882590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>With a board this small, it is best for everybody to have names so we know who is doing what.
I don't want to.

>> No.6889886

That's how i see cooking right now. I guess its better to start out small.

>> No.6889888

You post with >implying and an image macro. You need to get the fuck out immediately

>> No.6889893

an image macro with a watermark on it, no less.

>> No.6889903

>moot even came up with it.

moot's a gigantic dipshit who is driving this site into a wall

>> No.6889904

>fresh fruit, raw meat and vegetables
>raw meat
You eat raw meat? Hardcore.

>> No.6889933

Hardcore and it sounds like his diet is what humans are supposed to eat.

But I'd be careful about parasites and other dangers in raw meat if I was him. Not that there aren't dangers that are exclusive found in cooked meat, especially when overcooked.

>> No.6889948

I don't really cook either. Every day for me it's a big bottle of water that I refill before sleeping and freeze. Then there's generally two things I eat in a day, either a bunch of berries/cherries and then whatever I've got myself for dinner. The dinner is usually a pretty small meal maybe with a couple of pieces of cooked red meat and some vegetables, often tomatoes. But sometimes it's something unhealthy like pasta.
