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File: 14 KB, 400x300, 0_black-sugar-melon-bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6883564 No.6883564 [Reply] [Original]

The word for "bread" in japanese is pronounced "pan."
The word for "bread" in many Romance languages is also "pan."

Is this a coincidence? Loanwords shouldn't normally happen at that far a distance, especially in a country as isolationist as Japan used to be, but it don't think it's likely that they should just happen to be pronounced the same way.

>> No.6883577

Before European brought it, there was no bread in Japan. Is this a coincidence?

>> No.6883587

ITT: OP doesn't know Japanese and makes stupid threads

>> No.6883592

And PANties are called PANtsu.

Is this a coincidence? Could it be that the Japanese invented PANtsu and the filthy gaijins stole the idea and changed the name a bit?

>> No.6883598

The word for pink is pinku, so did they not have a word for pink???

>> No.6883604
File: 45 KB, 647x481, amazing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love bread

>> No.6883605

Sushi in Japanese and English mean the same thing. How is this possible? Japan and America are so far apart.

>> No.6883607

It was from Portuguese.

What I'm more interested in is how the Greek letter psi is shaped pretty much exactly like a sai.

>> No.6883611



Som relevant stuff on this, even though it's now a troll thread.

>> No.6883616

Learn some history, son.


>> No.6883619

The word for "death" in older germanic languages was close to "pan"

a reference to how bread is incredibly bad for you and will lead to diabetes and worse

>> No.6883628


I guess if I ask a /jp/ question, I should expect /jp/ answers

>> No.6883632

Almost all languages have roots in ancient African including Latin (and its branch offs) and Chinese/Japanese.

For example look up the proper etymology (as in no white man propraganda) of the "desu".

>> No.6883634

>a reference to how bread is incredibly bad for you and will lead to diabetes and worse

I was under the impression that if you aren't lazy and work off the bread somehow, it's a pretty good source of energy.

>> No.6883648


It was weak, but as you got some responses, you've succeeded.

>> No.6883652

if by "pretty good" you mean empty calories with antinutrients that will destroy your digestive system

there is nothing beneficial in bread that you cannot get from a better source and without the ill effects. you may be healthy even when eating bread, but you are healthy despite eating it not healthy because of it

>> No.6883668

It came from the portuguese word "pão" like "pinku" came from "pink", what the hell is this thread even about

>> No.6883685

>doesn't know Adamic
get out of /jp/

>> No.6883699

>you may be healthy even when eating bread, but you are healthy despite eating it not healthy because of it

Oh, wow. My diet for the last year or so has been almost entirely breads(Because it's cheap), and I have managed to keep in decent shape, I should really start eating other things.

>> No.6883712

Ordinarily a person making claims counter to most people's common knowledge and intuition would require more than just a blanket assertion.

In other words, [Citation Please]

>> No.6883720

Nowadays bread is a perfect source of energy, though you should stick to whole-grain if you aren't that active. The discovery of who to make bread was probably the most important in mankind's history, and bread was often referred to as the staff of life.

inb4 that other guy starts in with OATZ OATZ OATZ or some other retarded shit.

>> No.6883732


>> No.6883736

Most likely irrelevant, given that ψ is normally pronounced "p-see", and only English speakers call it "sai".

>> No.6883744

bread was so praised because it was easy to mass-produced and could be consumed. not because it was a miraculous super-food. whole grain isn't much better, the only real safe breads are breads that are made from sprouted grains

in fact, that's how they used to make bread. they don't anymore.

>> No.6883823

Bread is the base of my alimentation, I wouldn't survive without it.

>> No.6883840

also that it preserves. and yes it would have been considered a super food throughout history for those 2 reasons alone.

Nowadays its on par with any grain as being an important part of any diet. health nuts will stick to OAAETZ for their carbs, women on gimmecky diets will drop carbs all together in an attempt to lose weight without any sort of work, and fat lazy people will continue to get diabetes from eating to much. Such is the circle of life.
