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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 34 KB, 480x360, dtmyd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6882850 No.6882850 [Reply] [Original]

so is the Drug That Makes You Dream any good? i want to play it, but i want some honest opinions about it first.

>> No.6882859

why don't you play it for a bit and see for yourself

>> No.6882860
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>> No.6882862

Was kind of boring, but it did have some fun moments.

>> No.6882863
File: 2.83 MB, 1852x2738, jp reccomendation chart 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Try one of these games instead.

>> No.6882869

Get out.

>> No.6882878
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>> No.6882880

>jewel knight crusaders
My..my first VN.Holy fuck and it was japanese, I just skipped through everything but the h-scenes.

>> No.6882884

It has an amazing story.

>> No.6882885

anyone got a torrent link?

>> No.6882887

Most of those don't have any flat chested girls in them.

>> No.6882891

damn and i often skip most of the h-scenes since they're all like uhhh hnnn houhnnghng

>> No.6882894

Typical /a/ level kind of shit thread.
Just go read it yourself already.

>> No.6882895

my friend said it had girls who were emotionally disturbed, i think that's hot as fuck.

>> No.6882901

This. One of things I've learned from this place is that best judgment on a vn/game/manga/anime comes from you and you alone.

>> No.6882902

I think you are emotionally disturbed.

>> No.6882911


Hongfire + name of the vn you want (+ english sometimes) into google.

>> No.6882913

no u

>> No.6882917


>> No.6882918

If there was a little sister route, it would have been awesome.

>> No.6882922

Worst VN ever made

>> No.6882934

nice argumentation there

>> No.6882943
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>> No.6882949

I like it because I have a little girl fetish and I can't read Japanese. I also like Kagetsu Tohya.

>> No.6882959

It's like I'm really on /a/!

>> No.6882991

drug > bullying > whatever was that

>> No.6883005


>> No.6883017

Go read Railgun instead.

>> No.6883019
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or these ones

>> No.6883025

Way to miss the point of the first chart.

>> No.6883039

that would be /h/ recommendation not /jp/

>> No.6883071

>/h/ recommendation
You are aware that it is simply used for trolling right?
They tried to put shit quality nukige on there, purpose.

Though perhaps we should have one full of splendid ones.
Then again I am fundamentally against reccomendation threads in general, so I wouldn't exactly support it even so.

>> No.6883078

Not as good as many other /jp/ recommended.

It was okay, was really boring actually.

>> No.6883084

I liked Aeka's route a lot, the others are so-so but not bad :) Won't be the worst waste of your time in your life and it's not very long.

>> No.6883101

For me personally, I thought it had a great storyline and a great OST... I would recommend it

anyone who thinks otherwise is a faggot

>> No.6883142
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Best track in the whole game. You can't deny this.

>> No.6883145

It's shit and you're a faggot.

>> No.6883181


Well, why don't you tell me which is your favorite BGM then?

>> No.6883586
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>Violent Semen Inferno
Jesus Christ, what a name!

>> No.6883633

Sure I can. And I raise with this:

>> No.6883658


>> No.6883681
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Nekoko route was meh (I liked Hiroko, though.), Mizuki's route was absolute shit (I'M A LAZY SLUT WHO DOESN'T WANT TO SLEEP. LET'S HAVE SEX FOR OVER HALF THE ROUTE), but Aeka's route was great.


>> No.6883692
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>> No.6883693


VN was shit, and you are a faggot.

>> No.6883706


No, you guys, those aren't working for me. You could have at least posted this one...


>> No.6883710
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the game itself actually isn't all too bad. There's an english patch for it as well.

>> No.6883714
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It's a great babby's first VN, but once you have played a couple of other ones you'll realize how empty and boring this game really is.

>> No.6883723

Babby's first VN

>> No.6883728



>> No.6883741

>43 posts and 9 image replies omitted

>> No.6883749

It's an nukige, it's not supposed to be deep.

>> No.6883756

You are probally from /v/ yourself.

>> No.6883768


VN's aren't allowed on /v/.

>> No.6883774

worth a read but nothing special

>> No.6883780

YMK is the best VN Ive read yet. Anyone who says differently is butthurt that a popular translated VN is more popular than their obscure garbage that no one discusses because no one played it.

>> No.6883797

Are they any loli sex scenes in G String? I never got around to playing it.

>> No.6883799
File: 149 KB, 565x575, 1295213776564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>calling something "babby's first vn"
>posting an image from "g-senjou"

You didn't think this through, did you?

>> No.6883810
File: 18 KB, 380x288, staring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>YMK is the best VN Ive read yet.

It's also the only one you've read.

Go read Planetarian, G-Senjou, or Symphonic Rain and then come back here and say that with a straight face.

>> No.6883818

It's ok for babbies first VN, but once you've played something more substantial like Sumaga you realise how pointless it is, if there was a sister route I'd be more pleased with it though, it's ridiculous how he can put his finger up against his sister's vagina and talk to her about how he wants her to see him as a man and then the route just ends. That's a pretty shoddy removal. The better VNs usually have routes for all characters. A better version of YMK would have a Kyoka mind break route, Hirofumi yaoi route, Gaito abuse route and Misaki route.

>> No.6883830
File: 588 KB, 800x600, maou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


G-Senjou no Maou was pretty average but still far from babby's first VN material.

Get that stick out of your ass.

>> No.6883832

Most of those are all ages. Do you just hate porn?

>> No.6883836

It's translated, isn't it?

>> No.6883845



>> No.6883852

I think you need to pull that stick out of YOUR ass, /a/non. G-Senjou no Maou is babbies third or fourth VN at best.

>> No.6883853
File: 49 KB, 298x292, captian faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>List three visual novels
>two of them don't have hentai scenes
>"you hate porn"

retard logic?

retard logic.

>> No.6883855

Babies first VN.

>> No.6883863


>x? x
>reaction image
>green text

Yes, this is exactly what I want to see more of in /jp/.

>> No.6883880


It's a quick and efficient way to make a point when you don't feel like writing an essay every time you respond to retarded posts. Get that stick out of your ass.

This thread also reeks of /v/ material so it's not surprising that it attracts these kinds of people.

>> No.6883886

No, it shows a lack of interest in the quality of /jp/. If you want to show him up as an idiot why would you act like a moron to do so?

>> No.6883889

>List three visual novels
>two of them don't have hentai scenes
>retard logic?

That's 66%. If something is over 50%, it's a logical pattern.

>> No.6883896

>Nope. Try one of these games instead.
Lightning Warrior Raidy and several brain dead eroges are on that list. It's pretty obvious that you're trying too hard to fit in.

>> No.6883907


It's a troll post to trick newfriends like the OP, get that stick out of your ass.

>> No.6883908

No Anon you're the one who is trying too hard to fit in.

>> No.6883919

If you want to bash the OP, that's fine, but I like YMK. It's much better than Fate/Stay Night, and that gets talked about all the time.

>> No.6883923


Not with that sample size.

There are no causation remarks that can be statistically sound with using such a minuscule amount of data.

>> No.6883928
File: 57 KB, 800x600, ohboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


never change, /jp/.

>> No.6883929

That's why I asked you if you dislike porn instead of making it a statement.

>> No.6883930


Okay, get out.

No, really.

>> No.6883938

Do you really like your shounen fighting VN that much?

>> No.6883944

Some people really like discussing if Shiki can kill servants.

>> No.6883945


>> No.6883946


>I like YMK
>It's better than F/SN

No, no it's not. YMK is alright; it's not bad, but it's definitely not comparable to F/SN. They are different.

>> No.6883948

I read this because /jp/ said it was ok.

I wasted my fucking time.
I'd rather play Da Capo; and that shit was incredibly boring.

>> No.6883951

Not this shit again

>> No.6883952

Overrated VN.

>> No.6883953

It's really mellow. A game where nothing happens, at least nothing significant. There's issue with sudden changes of pace without any foresight, and some surreal moments.

The soundtrack is awesome though. I for one quite liked the game as a whole.

>> No.6883955

/jp/ always says it's shit.
/a/ and /v/ say it's good.

>> No.6883956

Babby's first VN.

The OST is not that great compared to other VNs.
The storyline was boring and empty.

>> No.6883958


>I read this because /jp/ said it was ok

just mentioning YMK on /jp/ causes a massive shitstorm of rage, I can't believe someone actually told you it was "ok."

>> No.6883965

Well, considering the fact that YMK is a pretty fairy tale and FSN is dumb powerlevel-fest, I can't really disagree with him.

>> No.6883966

This thread sucks and is full of people who suck.
YMK is shit, get out OP and everyone who liked it.

>> No.6883975

There was a time when /jp/ liked it. I think that was before certain posters found out that /v/ likes it.

>> No.6883976

>FSN is dumb powerlevel-fest
Your entire knowledge of FSN must come from SHIKI CAN KILL SERVANTS threads.

>> No.6883977


Opinions =/= Facts

Also, comparing those 2 are incredibly stupid.

>> No.6883979

Both are introductory VNs. Baby's first, if you will.

>> No.6883984


You are confusing Tsukihime with F/SN.

>> No.6883988

Don't reply to these people. They're just bandwagoning like fools. Replying just gives them more reason to keep talking

>> No.6883990
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bitch please, there are no voices for Tsukihime, and unless you go out of your way, there isn't much background music either. That shit's too hardcare for a babby's first.

>> No.6883991

Add "I want to fuck Ilya" and you have all the discussion of Fate/Stay Night that goes on in /jp/.

>> No.6883994

But these threads is all FSN is getting. There is nothing else to enjoy or discuss in VN.

>> No.6883995

At this point we have like a dozen of baby's first vns.

>> No.6883996

Fate/Stay Night has voices. Okay, the PC version doesn't, but it's pretty simple to add the voices using the patch.

>> No.6883999

I want to be her nii-san

>> No.6884005

The game's pretty good, hardly anyone on /jp/ will admit it though because it's not niche anymore, and as we all know the number of people who know about something greatly affects its quality.

>> No.6884008

But there is, it's just that /jp/ has already discussed those topics to death and all that's left really is just who can kill who and people saying they want to fuck different characters from it.

>> No.6884009

Oh, we had plenty of various FSN threads back in the day. Right now though there is just as much point in serious FSN threads as in the Sengoku discussions. It was done to death.

>> No.6884015

Oh, oh, so when you badmouth my YMK you're just expressing your oh-so-valuable opinion, but when people express their dissatisfaction with FSN and amount of attention is gets, then they are trolls. What a wonderful viewpoint you have there anon.

>> No.6884019


Stop assuming things.

>> No.6884021

Like the whole "Baby's first VN" thing isn't band wagoning.

>> No.6884038

What am I assuming? Are you really going to try and deny the fact that elitists (in this case referring to most of /jp/) will often shun something once it gets popular because it's not their little community's secret gem anymore?

>> No.6884049

I called you a fool, not a troll. Just in case, when I said "these people" I meant people like >>6883965 and not the ones I quoted.

>> No.6884051


Only people that believe /jp/ is really a super secret club house thinks that. Are you going to say that /jp/ truly hates Touhou because it's popular?

>> No.6884082

So you think everyone who dislikes your VN is a fool, and everyone who likes ones you dislike is also a fool. Who is really the fool?

>> No.6884084


>> No.6884092

When did this become something about liking or disliking? This isn't about opinions. Anyone who calls f/sn a powerlevel-fest is clearly a blind fool.

>> No.6884106
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>> No.6884116

How can you say that when every character has RPG-style stats?

>> No.6884119

This conversation is over.

>> No.6884124

Fine, but I'm getting the last word in.

>> No.6884153
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YMK is about anal sex???? ?? ???


>> No.6884178
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>> No.6884566

nah, that's from /z/ not /b/

>> No.6885731

Anonymous is correct. This shit is like Training Tier eroge, but if you're new to the genre it's probably a good choice.

The Shiraki route has a really twisted and kinda dark yet funny ending and the Kirimiya ending was actually kinda touching.

Nekoko's a fucking junkie retard but she's got DFC so whatever.
