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6881469 No.6881469 [Reply] [Original]

Would you date a convincing reverse trap?

>> No.6881473

I may as well date a man
but I would rather date a man than a woman if we're talking 3D here
either is pretty shit though

>> No.6881472

If she was convincing then she'd look like a guy, so no.

>> No.6881479

Depends; are dolljoints involved?

>> No.6881482
File: 241 KB, 509x576, tissues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6881484
File: 172 KB, 497x485, Pure-Dykes_retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, she would just be some lesbian wasting my time.

>> No.6881490

I wouldn't date anyone.

>> No.6881494

Fuck yeah. Not one of those butch lesbian types, but I'd totally date a chick who could pull off looking like a pretty dude.

>> No.6881495

Keeping in mind reverse trap in anime usually means flat chested girl with somewhat short hair that doesnt act super feminine?

Yes i would.

>> No.6881499

Butch != reverse trap.

It's kind of like how the other traps act like cute little girls instead of 40 year old jaded career moms.

>> No.6881503

anyone attractive, or female for that matter could look like a feminine male, some may actually look like men though. women who dress and attempt to act like a man are dykes who don't know it yet. that's a fact. of course, they may call themselves "bi", you know, so they can leech money off a guy.

feels like i'm on r9k

>> No.6881624
File: 216 KB, 704x396, 1295241930953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sure have done in the past, where do you think I got the 'turn on' from in the first place. btw she was in no way 'butch' either.

>> No.6881628

of course.
it's a dream of mine actually.

have met a lot of traps, no convincing ones though. ;_;

>> No.6881638
File: 84 KB, 900x900, 1295974395299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Because I'm married to Souseiseki

>> No.6881636

I would definitely date Wriggle.

>> No.6881635

ate the 'reverse' part.
well it's the same with normal traps though.

>> No.6881736

>anyone attractive, or female for that matter could look like a feminine male

Not with tits they can't.

>> No.6881746


You can tape them back, but from what I've heard it's a little painful and really restricts the ability to breathe.

>> No.6881803

Only if she looks boyish rather than manly. There's where the whole difference lies. Also, she would have to get really embarrassed and cute when I treat her as a woman. That's the working recipe for a successful reverse trap, I'm open to new ideas, but I don't think there's much room for innovation. Very easy to mess it up and just make it a boy with a vagina, which isn't very appealing.

>> No.6881808
File: 454 KB, 909x1275, 1287968550840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe they could go for 'masculine female'. fine too

>> No.6881815

just go rape a little boy you retards

>> No.6881830
File: 67 KB, 741x288, yukari pedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6881841

You were never part of a straight shota scene with Yukari


>> No.6881846

But a little boy won't hide a subtle feminine side behind his boyishness, which he tries to timidly bring forth by cooking for you, after making up some unconvincing excuse because he's afraid of you seeing his real intentions, and waiting in secret excitement to see what you think about his cooking, and blushing profusely when you tell him he'll make a good wife someday.

>> No.6881908


Not a /jp/ local, but when I went to Japan on holidays I kept seeing people handing out tissues. Apperantly some toilets in Japan don't have toilet paper and you need to bring your own. Fucking shit my hotel toilet had heaps of wiz bang crap enema showers and ass deoderant, but they can't stock a shitty eastern toilet with toilet paper?

Also, I had to carry all my snotty tissues with me all day because there are no fucking bins in Tokyo except for outside the 50 billion family marts and even then those were recycling bins. Also, 230 yen for beer at family mart, fucking awesome.

To answer OP's question, yes, yes I would.

>> No.6881919


Don't they have bidets?

>> No.6884747

I already am.

>> No.6884757


>> No.6884771
File: 385 KB, 1024x1024, 1281735560209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purest form of love

Trap and Reverse trap

>> No.6884775

liberal drone bullshit
