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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6877666 No.6877666 [Reply] [Original]

Why are people mad for the lack of an answer? He always said he was not going to reveal the full truth.

Personally, i have my idea of what happened on Rokkenjima -prime, and i'm pretty satisfied with it.

>> No.6877669

People are mad because episode 8 fucking sucked, the lack of answer isn't the entire problem.

>> No.6877670

The fun of a mystery novel is being able to check your theory.

>> No.6877673

/jp/ = retard. You are asking a monkey to built a rocket?

As if it's not obvious already.

>> No.6877676

Yeah, better go back to animesuki, far superior place

>> No.6877680

It was told, just not outright. We know the basics of what happened and we know the "heart" of the tale. People just refuse to believe it. That and, well, some seem to be to dumb or lazy to think a bit.

>> No.6877682


We got an "answer" for the mystery part of Umineko, we go an answer to "why", "how" and "who"

>> No.6877685


The nips were mad about ep 8 too.

Stop being such a goat and blaming /jp/ for everything.

>> No.6877699

Japs are always either licking shit up or being mad at it. The very end lacked a bit, but Ep8 was enjoyable to read. The story was already pretty much over anyway, the last episode was just a setting to have an all-out meta party. People were expecting too much of it.

>> No.6877704

Episode 8 just sucked really really hard.
For the answer to the mystery and Beatrice's heart, everything was said in episode 7 like it or not.

What people didn't like wasn't the lack of answer to the mystery part, it was Ryuukishi's answer to all the themes he developed since the beginning.

>> No.6877707

All episode 8 did well was the magic fights, which is ironical considering it's what true Umineko fans(TM) always insisted was one of the secondary aspects of umineko.
Everything else was either already said in previous episodes, plain useless, or so badly written it's painful.

>> No.6877713

You also got to realize that unlike most Umineko fags here, the Umineko fags in Japan actually read other VNs.
So the failings are even more apparent when you compare it to other works, that's why Umineko doesn't have such great ratings as a whole

>> No.6877714
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>Why are people mad for the lack of an answer?
Because in the end of EP7, we are promised by Battler that he will tell truth about events on Rokkenjima. And we got...?

>> No.6877726
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To be fair Umineko is weastboo series with no sex scenes and retarded fanservice scene or generic female heroine archetypes #466, so it'd understable.

Even EP3 is rated pretty low.

>> No.6877738 [DELETED] 

>Even EP3 is rated pretty low.
Citation needed.

>> No.6877744
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>Even EP3 is rated pretty low.
Citation needed.
As far as I know, it has rating above 80 in several sites.

>> No.6877754

Episode 3 is one of the highest rated.
And stop using that shitty excuse, Umineko has a lot of fanservice and is far from being the only VN with a different setting.

>> No.6877777

A few of the highest rated games on erogamescape are all-ages and without "generic archetypes". Your "japs don't like it just because it doesn't have moe and sex ;_;" sounds just really defensive.

>> No.6877782

I haven't read that many VNs, only about a dozen. I guess I'm just picky, Umineko was really entertaining for me and, for example, Fate/Stay was awfull, I could barely finish it. I also enjoy kinetic VN more, there's something about routes that just turns me off. Especially when they just ridiculously chance the whole plot based of silly stuff. For example changing who the culprit for a prior murder is depending on where you decide to have lunch. I just can't stand it.

>> No.6877784


Like what?
Clannad and Ever17?

>Umineko has a lot of fanservice

It doesn't have RETARDED fanservice.
No scenes like "ops Saber i accidentally walk on you when you where bathing and i can totally see your tits" or "Do you want to see all Cross Channel female characters pantsu? Yes/Yes?

>> No.6877789

It has a lot of retarded fanservice for fujoshi, it's even more annoying.
You just sound like a soccer mom on pms, I don't even know what you are doing in /jp/.

>> No.6877794

There is nothing bad about giving some fanservice, especially in fucking eroge.
Go to some christian board or something

>> No.6877799

>It has a lot of retarded fanservice for fujoshi, it's even more annoying.

Yes, i totally see dozen of girly bishes swearing friendships to each other, it's not like of 90% the series is made of female characters with yuri subtext.

But yeah, i can see that in retarded /jp/ mind "OMG, LEON PINCHED WILL BUTT= YAOISHIT"

>You just sound like a soccer mom on pms, I don't even know what you are doing in /jp/.

Excusing me for hating retarded fanservice.
