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6876660 No.6876660 [Reply] [Original]

Goddammit, /jp/.
How the fuck do I get past this spell card?!
This is the ONE point where I ALWAYS fail my in 1CC attempts (ReimuA, Normal).
Is there some kind of trick to it?

>> No.6876668

You move left, and then you move right.

Thank me later.

>> No.6876672

Those shots have really small hitboxes.

>> No.6876676

I dunno. It's extremely pretty, I love looking at it. From what I hear, you should look at the whole screen instead of just in your bubble, it helps. Although Kanako has a bullshit amount of health. Deathbomb if you think you're going to die, but that's the only time you bomb since she's invincible during bombs.

>> No.6876686

pretty much this. Don't focus the entire time so you can dodge left are right quickly, and sometimes you will need to go in between the cards

>> No.6876694

You will get past this card when Lady Yasaka deems you worthy.

>> No.6876701

If you get the right left/right timing, it's a piece of cake. Normally I bomb her to hell and back, but once I got the rhtyhm with Marisa and kind of captured it.

It's a lot like Reimu's border cards in TH8, just without annoying random energy balls.

>> No.6876825

let go of shift for focused movement

>> No.6877469

I tend to sort of anticipate where openings between the bullets are likely to appear by looking just a bit infront of the sprite and then dodge left and right like mad. I don't think I have 1cc'd the card because I normally lose my concentration right near the end and die or death bomb to stay in the game.

>> No.6877482

MarisaC says this is a piece of cake.
You don't even need to stop focusing.

>> No.6878576

I finally did it.
I love you.

>> No.6878583


>> No.6878612

But this card was pretty easy. Unlike some of her other bullshit hax cards.

>> No.6878644

The first time I saw this card I was like what the fuck this is bullshit it just goes on and on and bombs do nothing.

But then I realized it's really not very different from Sanae's nonspellcards. You move fast into the biggest gap you can trying to avoid getting trapped by card walls. If you DO get trapped you aim for the gaps within the card walls. It's actually pretty easy since the cards have minuscule hitboxes. The real trick is not to panic when you get boxed in, and just calmly line up the gaps.

>> No.6878648

Well time to go lunatic and time it out without bombing or dieing

>> No.6878656

>everyone going on about how easy the card is

>> No.6878661

Mountain of Faith is a big joke on Normal, to the point that the Easy version is harder.

On Lunatic it's hard, but it's fair hard and not bullshit hard like Scarlet Gensokyo or Kinkaku-ji are.

>> No.6878663

You arent drunk enough OP

>> No.6878671

I am always confused about people saying this card is hard. Do they stare at their own hitbox or something. There is no reason to fail this until the last seconds of Hard where things start overlapping and walling, or until Lunatic where it's doing that pretty much the whole time.

That said, congratulations on your accomplishments, OP.

>> No.6878677


Also, don't hug the bottom of the screen. Stay as far up as you are comfortable with so you have some space to backpedal if you feel you're getting overwhelmed.

>> No.6878683

They are referring to the lunatic version, which is the only difficulty that matters in terms of survival runs.

>> No.6878698

It's because it's the last spellcard of the game and they are nervous.

>> No.6878703

that card is a joke on normal, you just rely on your danmaku instincts, sure you might have to bomb once or twice but it shouldn't be a big challenge. ANTICIPATE and sneak through gaps before they close in.
also, unhold shift for unfocused movement

Last card difficult tiers
Byakuren > Okuu > Eirin > Yuyuko > Remilia > Kanako

>> No.6878706

Remilia is easier than Kanako though. Shit, her last card is the second easiest card she has.

>> No.6878707

and maybe kaguya behind eirin.

>> No.6878713


That's for normal right ? Otherwise your list is backwards.

>> No.6878715

It's still wrong, Flying Fantastica on normal is very easy.

>> No.6878716

Come back when you can handle lunatic modo.

>> No.6878718

yeah normal

actually yeah eirin and kaguya should be the most difficult since those are the onces i haven't cleared.. probably because I didnt' bother going back to stage 6 of IN more than a couple times

>> No.6878727

The trick is to play the lunatic version then go back to normal.

>> No.6878737

This. It's easy to 1cc Normal once you can capture every card in Lunatic.

>> No.6878748

Eirin is Icicle Fall tier if you're using Marisa or Youmu. But I guess that's offset by it feeling like insanitymode Border of Life & Death + Kinkaku-ji + Royal Flare if you're solo Alice.

>> No.6878749

People find Kanako's spellcards that aren't VotWG difficult? It's the only one I have a tough time with.

>> No.6878765

If you can capture every card on lunatic you might as well go play for score instead.

>> No.6878802


I found Yuyuko's to be the easiest actually. Kanako normal still gives me trouble, I had to deathbomb seven times to beat it on my third try. Yuyuko's gave me trouble the first time since I didn't know what the hell was going on, but the second time I tried it I was breezing through it. I did bomb twice through it, but only because I hadn't beaten PCB yet and wanted to secure my victory since I had no bombs left.

>> No.6878947


I love that card on normal, it's fun to play and personally and it's...I don't know, really cool looking..

So I tried to 1cc MoF on hard, bombed massively and got to her last card on hard with 4 lives left..

Fuck did I get raped hard.. The 1cc failed and I haven't played MoF since then..

>> No.6879212

Play MoF on hard. Don't give up. Then go back to normal and 1CC it with 6 lives left, capturing VoWG.
