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6873628 No.6873628 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people criticize Nasu writing?

It seems good to me.

>> No.6873630

Because most of them are retards who haven't even read anything by Nasu.

>> No.6873633

You mean you like Takajun's version of Nasu's writing.

>> No.6873634


>> No.6873635

I guess some people are allergic to mollusks.

>> No.6873640

“It’s distance,” Miss Touko said. “That panoramic view is far too spacious, too expansive. It creates a definite sense of estrangement from the world. And humans can only draw piece of mind from the things around them, even at the best of times. No matter what elaborate maps you may have, no matter the fact that you know you’re in such and such a place, it’s still nothing more than basic information. To us, the world is nothing more than what we can touch and feel. We cannot feel the connecting points in what our brains registers as this planet, this country, or this city. We’d have to go and physically visit those linking points for that. And, in fact, that’s fine. Our awareness is supposed to work that way.”
“But if you get a view that’s too spacious, it throws a spanner in the works. You’ve got thirty feet that you can touch and feel around you, but you’re looking down over thirty thousand feet. They’re both the same, both the world that you live in, but the former seems much more real.”

Read that. He is a hack.

>> No.6873680

The best jelly I ever tasted
Like a fresh clam chowder
So good I wanted to vomit
She was the 27 dollar seafood platter of dames.

>> No.6873686

Which of these is not a line from a Nasu sex scene?

>> No.6873699

Talking about writing when you are just reading shitty translations.

>> No.6873704

If anything a translation would improve his horrible writing.

>> No.6873712

Like an experienced prostitute

>> No.6873714

Gonna go with the vomit one

>> No.6873720
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I enjoy his writing, at least it's better than his plots.
But I do not claim it's good.

>> No.6873728


I'll go with
>She was the 27 dollar seafood platter of dames.

>> No.6873732

What happened to mystic eyes of death perception being an extremely rare power?

>> No.6873741

It is rare, only two people have it as far as we know it, one of them incomplete since his head explodes each time he tries to cut something and it's only thanks to his family having mystic eyes to begin with.

>> No.6873792


Even his translators agree he sucks!

>> No.6873793

IIRC someone translated an article by a real japanese literary critic that hated Nasu's work some time ago.

>> No.6874257

Yasu is miracle of the universe, if you don't agree you know shit

>> No.6875045

R. Shiki's eyes are the first ones since the time of the Celtic Gods. They are rare, too rare, that's one of the reasons why KnK and Tsukihime are paralel universes.

>> No.6875080


>literary critic

Why should we care what some chump with strong opinions thinks?

>> No.6875092

If people care about some random internet guy opinion why not care about some chump with strong opinions?

>> No.6875099


>If people care about some random internet guy opinion

What? Who the hell does that? What kind of Internet have YOU been browsing, son?

>> No.6875109

I'm browsing /jp/

>> No.6875116

I can't fap to his sex scenes ;_;

>> No.6875129


Then you should know better, seeing as people rudely disregard other people's opinions here. Just look at the swollen Umineko thread disgorging shit everywhere.

Unless, of course, you have wisely filtered 'Umineko' and all related words.

>> No.6875130

I didn't read Takajun's FSN but I did read a bit of what he translated of Swan Song.
It was horrible, he completely fucked up the script. He obviously understand the text very well but it's adaptation skill fucking suck horribly.
You shouldn't try to judge the script of FSN based on his translation.

>> No.6875137


Don't tell me the Morrigan had the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception?

Because that would be awesome, Nasu.

>> No.6875141

I like Umineko, which is why I ignore Umineko threads. Nothing on this board makes me despair more than a thread full of my opinion > you opinion.

>> No.6875146

let's test arc's filter with some Umin*ko related terms
femdom, S&M, pegging, futanari, bitch tears

>> No.6875147

I haven't read Swan Song, but F/SN is long-winded and tedious at times. It was enjoyable on the whole though, mostly because of the characters. Since I can't read moon however I'll never know firsthand if Nasu's writing is any good or not.

>> No.6875149

Well, like you said I really DO hide umineko threads...

>> No.6875153
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he sucks why else? it's like reading garbage that's why. the only equally bad is umineko i think. plot holes/retractions/forgetting his own canon material... it looks like he went to a thesaurus and just picked out words which he thinks look cool. nothing is worse than a retard trying to be a wordsmith.

>> No.6875154



That's Touhou territory.
Just because seacats has frilly witches doesn't mean it gets sole propriety to "futanari".

>> No.6875158 [SPOILER] 
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If Futanari isn't Umineko, then explain this bullshit.

>> No.6875178 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6875176

she's a goddamn tripod
touhou, the ball is in your court

>> No.6875182 [SPOILER] 
File: 732 KB, 1143x1000, 73af39b225b150fa33cbb8f4dc674d387dff7d0f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can one-up that with the same goddamn artist.

>> No.6875187

welp, I got shown

>> No.6875212

How come every thread on /jp/ ends in discussing dicks?

>> No.6875217


That's nice, but I couldn't help noticing that you're in no particular hurry to answer the question regarding Futa Uminekos, in spite of your earlier claim that we were mistaken in grouping Futa with Umineko.

If you were suggesting that Touhou Futa is unheard of, in the hopes of shocking us with these pictures, rest assured, we already know that it's the firm bedrock upon which Touhou's popularity rests.

>> No.6875218

Nasu -> people's opinions -> shitty threads -> Umineko -> Battler getting pounded in the ass -> dicks

same pattern as usual, I think

>> No.6875219

Hehehe Dicks.jpg
We are discussing dicks, would you like to join.jpg

>> No.6875226

>We are discussing dicks
Penises. Note the difference.
It's important.

>> No.6875227
File: 14 KB, 450x362, sample_c0cb595e918e44e27fb7811bbf08b4145b179ae9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>hang out in a homosexual and transgender community

Hey, I'm gonna go jump in the ocean!
Wow, this water suuuuuuuure is wet! They oughta pass a law against water being this wet.

>> No.6875246

One artist draws Erika with a penis, so Umineko = futa?

you're mistaken, Arc. If anything Umineko art has less futa and more trap than the standard. In the end it still adds up to more cocks, however.

>> No.6875260


>One artist draws Erika with a penis, so Umineko = futa?

I'm not implying that the entirety of Umineko is futa. That would do the yaoi and bara fans a great disservice.

But you cannot deny there being some correlation between the two, however minute it may be.

>> No.6875276

Just because you're a gay fish doesn't make the ocean gay bro.

>> No.6875279

It's accurate. Philosophical, but accurate.

>> No.6875298


Got a problem with gay fish? Then you shouldn't be swimming with the Rainbow Fish school, man.

>> No.6875311

Last I remember the majority of content posted on /jp/ is heterosexual with the rare otome game and things of that nature, its a the users who add the I wanna dress up like a girl and take it in the ass till I faint to the mix, but I don't believe its all the users or the minority.

>> No.6875315


>Last I remember the majority of content posted on /jp/ is heterosexual

Ah, you must be another one of the people who filter Umineko threads. Wise decision, really. No one needs to see all that slobbering over Rudolf's penis.

>> No.6875317

I worded that stupid, I don't believe the straight people on /jp/ are a minority they're just not flamboyant enough to make themselves noticed.

>> No.6875320

Why are you taking him seriously like that? He is always like that with the gay homosexual /jp/ lol so gay crap, it's a joke.

>> No.6875323

I'm fairly sure the majority of /jp/ is slightly gay if not bi and has masturbated over futa at least once. Actually a lot of people on /jp/ are probably pansexual.

We are pretty much the most perverse people around in any case so I can't imagine many would be homophobic on here.

>> No.6875329

I'm not homophobic but I do hate yaoi fangirls with a passion.

>> No.6875333

I'm sure not all the people who crank it too futa would want an arm sized dick in the butt.

I for one only like futa on girl and I don't wanna be the girl or the futa, I just would enjoy watching the event.

>> No.6875334

Am I gay if I'd give it to a convincing trap? If so then count me in.

There tends to be much more drooling over the various mother characters and Siesta/Stake titties.

>> No.6875341


>I for one only like futa on girl and I don't wanna be the girl or the futa,


I was going to say that you don't have to lie to us, but with those triples, you can do whatever you want.

>> No.6875358 [DELETED] 

You really are the stupidest nigger to ever steal internet access, Arc.

>> No.6875363 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 389x292, check em'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is true. I fap way to much to be honest, and lately I've had to search for ridiculous new material to get off to.

>> No.6875366

Never change, filter.

>> No.6875373

Oh wow, a trip trying to filter a trip? How pathetic is that, a massive fight for attention. What was it anyways, looks like they were deleted.

>> No.6875386

Some guy saying he was a pansexual, nothing really offensive or anything.

>> No.6875390

No, it was Balor, the Evil God of Darkness (Cu-Chulain's grand-grand father). The guy was broken as fuck, he could actualize a person's death just by looking, he didn't need to physically pierce a dot like Ryougi and Tohno.

>> No.6875401

He may have deleted it himself. Not sure why, everyone probably relates to it.

>> No.6875411

That wouldn't even make sense.

>> No.6875432
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Why she wears a jacket like Kaiji?

>> No.6875442

Because nothing is beyond critisism.
He has certainly improved, but he still suffers from redundancy and verbalism/
Not as bad as few other V writers, but it is an issue.
Pacing is an issue as well.
Not bad, but has obvious flaws.
He has his moments though.
A few moments when he wants to portray the agony of a character or just craziness, he does it well.

Sex scenes are a different joke all together.

I have to say though, his strength is more on world setting and somewhat his cast of characters.
He would be more suited writing plot outlines and lettings others execute it.

>> No.6875469

Nasu should work on his jokes and slice of life scenes.
They are too bland, he does the chuuni stuff well though.

>> No.6875496

Because it has not enough weird fetishes and too much useless text between the porn scenes
