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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6872866 No.6872866 [Reply] [Original]


Holy Crap, I just read on >>>/v/85061395, that in Australia, you get AU$228 (1 Australian dollar = 0.9956 U.S. dollars ) per week, paid fortnightly, being unemployed. And there's a $15/hour minimum wage...
>The maximum amount of rent assistance payable is AU$55.90 per week.

Why hasn't anyone told me about this? I can be a rich hikikomori/NEET in Australia. And ideas on making the money to move there...
Is there countries with better deals? This is kinda eye-opening when I thought I was living in the best "comfort" country.

>> No.6872872

Centrelink is a bitch to deal with, don't do it.

>> No.6872874

Enjoy everything being illegal and everything that isn't coming out 2 months later than it should be

Also enjoy your skin cancer

>> No.6872875

Also floods/wildfires/spiders/stingrays/etc

>> No.6872876

Well yeah, but centrelink is filled with abo's in line and you go through a lot of paper work and running around for it. Then if you get the pay you must show you are also trying to look for work unless unable to due to a disability. easier going to TAFE or uni and getting paid for years learning and getting a PHD

>> No.6872893

>implying the /jp/ related stuff I got in America got released at all.

>> No.6872896

Back to /v/.

>> No.6872897

Aborigines alone make Austrailia the worst place in the world to live.

>> No.6872901

Come to Melbourne, there's a lot less abos/floods.

The amount of asians around has been increasing too, if you're into that.

>> No.6872907

I'm from Australia

I'm on a disability payment and get $364 a fortnight.

>> No.6872912

>The amount of asians around has been increasing too
Hey it's not too bad, just means we'll have more Chinese or Asian restaurants in town. where i am we have basically 6 lined up with some Arab kebab shop and Thailand shop, Japanese restaurant is all alone.

>> No.6872921

Good idea, lets all go to australia to steal their welfare

>> No.6872925

Are you a lebo?

>> No.6872927

You have no idea how expensive our shit is. The example I'd like to use is Macca's. Our medium Big Mac Meals are $7.95. Going on the doll isn't as easy as it seems since you'll be paying our prices.

>> No.6872935

I'm an Australian. You can get the $450 fortnightly thing very easily. And guess what? If you're mentally I'll you don't have to look for jobs or anything. Just sit around and wait for the next payment. Centrelink is fucked to deal with, but better than having a job. If a /jp/edo ended up in Australia I would be happy to help them get set up.

>> No.6872940

what makes you think i'm a dirty Lebanese mate?

>> No.6872941

This is true. It is expensive to live here and you have to be careful. When it comes to games and stuff importing from Asia is always the best option. When eating avoid take-away except for Darby's I guess.

>> No.6872942

Would you rape me if I was a young girl? I'd like that

Also, is "depression" good enough for disability?

>> No.6872945

Too bad Australia is an absolute shithole.

Well, Melbourne is nice, but fuck I still wouldn't ever choose to live here.

>> No.6872946

I've always wanted to see what a lebo otaku would look like and what his cousins would think

>> No.6872949

I wouldn't rape you but I wouldn't mind dressing up as a little girl and holding hands etc.

I got on from depression and anxiety. Really easily too.

>> No.6872950

I myself have never met one or seen one. Now you made me curious too.

>> No.6872951

Or just going to uni so you're eligible for youth allowance. That's what I do, and I get about $450 a fortnight. If I never get a job I never have to repay my HECS debt either!

>> No.6872954

Can you help me? Born in Australia and living here as well. Moved out of home a year ago, and been studying and paying rent all of 2010. Never been to or contacted centrelink. What do?

>> No.6872955

How many otaku have you seen here? In Newcastle I know a few people into more mainstream anime but that's about it.

>> No.6872958

you'll say you'll be rich til you realize how much everything most neets want costs
video games are up the ass prices and the shitty exchange rate won't help you buy stuff from japan either

>> No.6872959
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I've already figured it out.
Get on the dole, then eat mi goreng and free pizza. there are lan cafes where you pay 22 bucks for 10 hours and you get a free slice of pizza or drink.

That's essentially $22 for a comfortable seat to sleep in and internet/games.

Then with the rest of the money, live like a fucking millionaire.

I'm surprised there are still hobos around.

>> No.6872962

>live in a public area 24/7
enjoy not fapping
enjoy not being able to sleep when people try to molest you/steal your shit when you're sleeping
enjoy being uncomfortable

>> No.6872966

Well, first go to your GP and tell him you are depressed, anxious and that type of thing and say you need someone to talk to. He should give you a reference to a therapist. If you are under 25 there is a free service you should be referred to, well thats what happened with me. After taking it easy for a while with therapy sessions etc get in contact with Centrelink and mention it to your therapist, bring up how axnious it is making you etc. When you go to Centrelink you should have an interview with a job capacity assessor or something. Give them a reference to your therapist and hope for the best. Or even better, you could ask your therapist to accompany you to the interview at C'link, or ask for a reference to a job network for the mentally ill, they will send someone to C'link with you. Worst case scenario is you will end up with a disability job network and they really don't make you go for jobs. Your "Employment Pathway Plan" would be like, look for casual work while attending therapy to prepare for entering the workforce, or something like that.

I just got the Mio maid fig from AmiAmi for $103 AUD. Which is pretty much fine in my opinion. I have a j360 and import all my games so it ends up being cheap. Shipping from Play Asia to here is like $5AUD for a standard game.

>> No.6872974

Don't really feel like going through all the bloohoo mental illness stuff. Just asking if there's anyway to get some sort of rebate for all the rent I've been paying and getting assistance from studying in 2010.

>> No.6872976

Forgot to add, lost my job at the end of 2010, and I can no longer pay rent. How to get assistance?

>> No.6872980

I'd say it will be too late to get money for studying last year. But, you can go in there now and say you are unemployed and studying and require rent assistance and it should go ahead smoothly. Your EPP will be study and you should be sweet. To be honest I don't know a lot about getting on the dole in the normal way. Call up and make an appointment though, I doubt there is much you can do about last year though. Be aware you will be referred to a job network and some of them can be really cunted.

>> No.6872982

Go to centrelink and get rent assistance or some crap. Hope you have your pink slip, you'll need it to show them you had been terminated. Then you need your rent statement and bank statements. As i said best to call or go in to find out first.

>> No.6872985

I will also add, when you start a course if you tell them you need money for supplies you should get around $1000 straight up. Or they may add something like an extra $40 to your fortnightly pay, I think it changed in some way last year.

You should be right to get the $450 a fortnight + rental assistance + the study bonus after an interview. If you end up finding work, you will still get the payments until you have made $1000 too. You can lodge your "looking for work" forms online now too.

>> No.6872986

It was an 'under the table' job. All pay was cash in hand. No documents.

Thanks everyone for advice and all that. I'll go make an appointment to see what they can do about my situation.

>> No.6872991

You have to be careful with that though mate. I've been told there are times when you may have to pay back the money. Apparently it happened to a friend of mine. Get cash in hand no documentions of it. As soon as you get a job i believe they do cut you off straight out, and depending on how you do it you might get fined if caught working while on dole. My knowledge is actually quite old since I haven't been on dole for years since i think i got red flagged in the end.

>> No.6872994

Has anyone told you internet and games and everything else is piss expensive?

Enjoy 100$ games.

>> No.6873001

My friend just gave me a casual job (first thing I've done in 8 years). You have to lodge forms saying how much you worked and what you were paid, but you do have $1000 working credit. I just got done with it, but you are quite right, you have to be really careful about it because they do try and fuck with you. As long as you're honest it should be fine.

>> No.6873003

Steam is still great though. Worse comes to worse, you can ask a USbro to gift you.

>> No.6873006
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Why do people brag about being social parasites?

I genuinely do not understand.

>> No.6873020

Imagine 'forever alone', except 'forever without a job'. They try to put on a smiling face, but they are leaking tears. Tears of failure.

>> No.6873023 [DELETED] 

>Why do people brag about being social parasites?
Some people enjoy the idea of doing anything they want and getting paid for doing nothing.
Of cause people would brag on the internet, but not in person. We have a term for people slacking on the dole. It's "dole bludger" not something you want to be labelled with.
Of cause there's those who do need it and those who are just lazy.
>Imagine 'forever alone', except 'forever without a job'. They try to put on a smiling face, but they are leaking tears. Tears of failure.
Give this man a medal.

>> No.6873027

>Why do people brag about being social parasites?
Some people enjoy the idea of doing anything they want and getting paid for doing nothing.
Of cause people would brag on the internet, but not in person. We have a term for people slacking on the dole. It's "dole bludger" not something you want to be labelled with.
Of cause there's those who do need it and those who are just lazy.
>Imagine 'forever alone', except 'forever without a job'. They try to put on a smiling face, but they are leaking tears. Tears of failure.
Give this man a medal.

>> No.6873028

Plus, if you're on Austudy you get a bonus $1000 each semester.

That's $2000 for me to spend on gravure

>> No.6873031

Failure in the eyes of society? Oh dear, I don't want a normal to look down on me ;_;

>> No.6873042

I pay $60 a month for unlimited net, which gets me 16mbit/0.9mbit speeds.

>> No.6873051

Well, I'm not NEET myself, by why would someone care about society?
You live your life, one and only. You don't care about someone being killed in some shithole, right? Why would you care too much about people around you as well. And, to begin with, it's not like one's contribution to society is sizeable and will have any effect. Unlest you're Einstein or something.
I wish I was NEET, but it doesn't seem to be possible.

>> No.6873054 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, I pay 12,5$ for inlimiter 50/100mbit/sec

>> No.6873057 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, I pay 12,5$ for inlimiter 50/100mbit/sec

>> No.6873061


Look at the "true blue" working class culture in Australia. That entire culture was created by a smart guy, because he more or less created a class of people willing to do absolutely horrible laboring for fuck all money, AND they get to feel good about themselves and feel like they are a part of something. When really, they are struggling financially and working really hard.

>> No.6873058 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, I pay 12,5$ for unlimiter 50/100mbit/sec

>> No.6873062

Holy shit, I pay 12,5$ for unlimited 50/100 mbit/sec per month.

>> No.6873074

where are you from?

We are getting http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Broadband_Network which just covers my area in Brunswick, so soon I get to test the 1gigabit/sec speeds in the coming months for no cost. i'd need to upgrade my ethernet cable though.

>> No.6873090

Why does canberra have such shit internet. Fuck transact and fuck apartment complexes forcing to use a particular service provider.

>> No.6873104


Fellow Canberra Anon? I feel your pain.

>> No.6873111

If I won the lottery I would buy a mansion of taking it easy and let /jp/sies live there. We wouldn't even have to bother each other because we would have nice sized rooms with ensuite bathrooms. On weekends we could dress up as girls, get drunk (maybe?) and have gay orgies to j-pop.

this is actually my dream ;_;

>> No.6873114

How bad? Im on $69 a month for 50GB and like 400kb speeds. Not sure if that's bad but a-few months ago it was $69 a month for 12GB and 320kb

>> No.6873116

You owe the society you hate so much literally everything, including your ability to mooch off it at all. Work, taxation, sharing, cooperation - these things created Civilisation. You do not exist in a bubble - if you do not work you are a leech on those who are providing for you.

People generally don't go around with a big smile on their face happily expclaiming how selfish they are.

>> No.6873120

I am forced to pay a $20 utility bill on top of my rent per week, which gives me net/phone/tv access. Then I pay per month on how much gigs I want. Right now I'm on a plan - $20 for 20 gigs. Speed was never an option. About 6 or so months ago, my speed easily hit 250-300kbyte/s, not sure what happened, but I only ever see download speeds of 120kbyte/s now.

>> No.6873121

You have to be part of the brotherhood of NEETs to understand.

>> No.6873125

You worded that perfectly.

>> No.6873126

How did the janitor application go?

>> No.6873127

get on TPG unlimited already.

>> No.6873130

It's not gay when we're in dresses and look like little girls.

>> No.6873133

>About 6 or so months ago, my speed easily hit 250-300kbyte/s, not sure what happened
You don't remember? the greens have the seat to red headed bitch for better Internet.
I know Telstra (my ISP) got the upgrades and automatically upgraded everyone of their clients, I was with Optus years ago. Absolute shit mate. The traffic speeds were a nightmare.

>> No.6873135

No e-mail, I suppose i haven't been chosen.

>> No.6873139

Thank fucking Christ for that.

>> No.6873140

>People generally don't go around with a big smile on their face happily expclaiming how selfish they are.

Are you serious? This society is based around egotism and selfishness.

NEEThood is the new Buddhism. Rejecting the world to live in fantasy land while being malnourished and accepting donations from society types.

>> No.6873142

If you had, you couldn't say so without being terminated.

>> No.6873143

They probably have a million billion emails to sort through, and I wouldn't think /jp/ would be up there in the firsts. Don't give up for another week or so, or until moot posts something about new janitors are here.

>> No.6873146

There must be some mistake, the e-mail will surely come.
Yeah I know, I'd never say anything if I got picked.

>> No.6873149

>No e-mail, I suppose i haven't been chosen.
Oh Sudo, only people who like being a punching bag and sucking a moderators cock every-time there's a report would only want to be a janitor.
Unless you're into that masochist kinda thing.

>> No.6873152

Considering how moot said applications were in the tens of thousands, I'd expect return mails to take some time. /jp/ is probably as low priority as it gets.
And even then, we've had a mod banning people for the past weeks, so I'm happy anyways.

>> No.6873157

I wonder how many /jp/'ers are in Canberra anyway. Or Australia for that matter.

>> No.6873165

10-20 vocal ones?

>> No.6873169

At least 3 in Tasmania.

>> No.6873171


I don't think there are too many. As I said earlier, I'm from Newcastle and I kinda doubt there are many /jp/ types around this area. A couple of weeks ago a guy said he was from Vic I think. Outside of that, its been really uncommon for people on /jp/ to openly say they are Australian.

>> No.6873173

Different anon here. I'm actually considering changing to Optus or Telstra in the near future. TPG is extremely unreliable. My actual download speeds fluctuate from 800Kb/s (once in a blue moon) to 15Kb/s (once a week), which is terrible considering that my nearest TPG exchange is 200 metres away according to their website, which is as close as it gets.

>> No.6873182

I found Telstra extremely reliable, ive only had 2 problems in the past with connection and i've been with them for probably.. 5-6 years now i think.

>> No.6873183

>implying I'm not from australia
>implying centrelink works
>implying I'm not an independent student
>Implying I get ANY money from those fuckers

>> No.6873194

Don't do that.

Have you actually tried to get on Centrelink? There is no reason why you wouldn't be able to get payments, unless you're living at home and your parents make money. You say you are independent though.

>> No.6873195

This reminds me of the thread about JET where people were remarking that they could make massive amounts of money as ESL teachers in Japan, not realizing that everything is so damned expensive there that the difference in wages to ESL teachers elsewhere is negligible at best.

>> No.6873202

I 'can' get money but it requires my dad to claim he can't have me in the house.

which her refuses to do.

anyway, when I was living with mum I only got $88. a fortnight.

>> No.6873205

I envy those guys who are stationed overseas in international firms, but get paid Australian salaries. With the Australuan dollar so high, the majority of us would be living a millionaire's lifestyle in the US (well not exactly, but you get the point).

>> No.6873207
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Britfag here, I get almost 120 GBP (192 AUD) every two weeks. All I need to do is show up at a job centre once a week and tell them I haven't gotten a job yet and that I'm still looking for work. Which is true, but I could easily be telling a lie. I've been claiming for about six months; there are three stages of your welfare claim, the third stage starts at the six month point and they start having you take training courses and shit, but I missed a week in December so my welfare claim got cancelled. So when I reclaimed (I immediately received welfare again within a week) I counted as a fresh claim so I have another six months until I am forced to better myself in any way.

I've been thinking about supplementing the income with stuff online (freelance article writing and shit like that, it's sweatshop money but it's money) since I'm completely failing to get a job, due to a combination of having been a NEET since I left school and having no employable qualities.

>> No.6873214

AUS is only buying 0.99 US dollars at the moment as of today.
The floods aren't helping our economy.

>> No.6873220

>120 GBP (192 AUD)
Mind providing some examples of the living costs there? As this thread has proven, comparing currencies without comparing living standards is pointless.

>> No.6873228

When I was on the dole, after paying rent, food, bills etc I was left with about $400 a month for random shit I wanted to buy. It was rough living, but manageable.

Working a few days a week on casual rates here, I get about $5-600 a week and it is easy, easy living.

>> No.6873234
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I give my parents £60 a month and they pay all the bills and buy food.

But, uh, if I was living by myself I'd have hardly anything left. Rent is sky-high. Living costs aren't *too* bad, aside from rent. Living costs in London are on a completely different level (completely ridiculous) but I don't live in London. That said, if you are unemployed you can also get a council house from the government, with a relatively low rent, although being a single male means that you might be waiting for a long time, and most of those houses are in really rough areas. You can also get housing benefit on welfare to pay for housing costs but I have no idea how much that costs.

>> No.6873242
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>> No.6873244

Here in germany you get 400-500€ for being unemployed + they will pay an apartment and furniture for you

>> No.6873247


I spent a year in England on about 100 pound a week + rent. It was extremely rough living, I could afford one or two meals a day, maybe a couple of beers but next to nothing for luxury items. It was a horrible part of Manchester too, really horrible.

>> No.6873255 [SPOILER] 
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Yeah, I wouldn't even think about moving out without a decent full-time job. But England has no jobs

>> No.6873269

Same for Australia. There's alot of unemployed people living on the dole. even where i live there's little jobs. only thing you can do is dole or study, if you're desperate enough you can go work in the mines.

>> No.6873275

That used to be the case in the north of England (where I live), but then all the mines were closed, so now we have no 'unemployment pressure valve' so to speak, so everyone just goes on the dole.

I can't afford to move elsewhere to work, but if I could, I would.

>> No.6873283

Fuck working in the mines. Fuck that.

In all honesty though, if you are 21 or older and work 3 9 hour shifts a week at Woolies or something like that you get about $590 a week. For someone on /jp/ that should be plenty of money and it is easy to get a job like that.

>> No.6873287

Mmh, I'm told all the time that it should be easy for me to get a job in a supermarket or another kind of store or at a fast food place, but it isn't.

Might be different in Australia but I know for a fact it's not as easy as most people here think it is.

>> No.6873293

I think that fast food type places won't accept older people because they don't want to pay you higher wages when they can just find kids. Makes desperately searching for a job even harder.

>> No.6873301

Yeah you need to get into fast food places young.

With retail if you apply in person mid-October or near Easter, it should be easy because they scramble for people at those times of year.

This is, if you don't want to truly take it easy with mental illness payments.

>> No.6873313

That's almost $22 an hour for unskilled labour. I was always under the impression that the wages for supermarket work were closer to the $18-20 range.

>> No.6873323

I get slightly over $22 an hour. It is surprisingly good money. A fellow I work with who is 18 gets about $15 an hour.

>> No.6873324

You actually have to get employed first before you can collect unemployment.
