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6866420 No.6866420 [Reply] [Original]

How long can /jp/ sustain without sleep?
2 days? or longer? Any one with sleep disorder?

>> No.6866428

Longest I've gone is a bit more than 30 hours. I start feeling really terrible at around 25 hours. I need my sleep.

>> No.6866427

Longest I've went was 4 days.

on day 3 and 4 I kept thinking I saw spiders out the corner of my eye.

>> No.6866432 [DELETED] 

I suffer from insomnia pretty badly, I tendvto sleep once every 2 days and only fir between 3-6 hours.

I believe the longest I have ever gone without sleep is 3-4 days.

>> No.6866441 [DELETED] 

bad iPod spelling was bad.
Ignore the mistakes.

>> No.6866440

36 hours is my best, now I can't go over 12 without trouble.

>> No.6866472

I suffer from insomnia pretty badly, I tend to sleep once every 2 days and only for between 3-6 hours.

I believe the longest I have ever gone without sleep is 3-4 days.

>> No.6866512

12-14 hours (10-12 of useful consciousness), followed by 10-12 hours of sleep.. feelsbadman.jpg

>> No.6866528

Holy shit, are you me?

>> No.6866529

8 days. lots of fucking caffeine and anime

>> No.6866531

Why would I want to do that? I'd sleep all day if I could.

>> No.6866537

did you start to see anything unusual?

>> No.6866542

I can go 2 days or so at least. I just have no reason to.

>> No.6866551

I've never really pushed myself to see how long I can manage to stay awake.

I can miss a single night's sleep if I need to, and it doesn't affect me too much until the end.

>> No.6866550

you bet your ass i did. i started to question my existance

>> No.6866560

any detail?

>> No.6866564

I'm thinking of doing this to see my waifu, did you also hear some weird shit too?

>> No.6866566

I stay up for no reason whatsoever. I'll do random 30-48 hour days for nothing. It's not because i can't sleep, I just feel like I should prolong my days i guess... It's taking its toll on me and when i do sleep i wake up every 30mins and always feel unrested.

Anyone do something similar?

>> No.6866579

i would hear things (alone) that weren't really there. i saw cats that i dont have. i saw a child riding a bicycle backwards when he was really going forward. scary shit man

>> No.6866584

I was on Polyphasic sleep so I only slept 2 hours a day, however due to the real world I had to change back to normal sleep so now I need 12 hours of sleep or I feel really tired.

I wish to go back.

>> No.6866597
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>>...due to the real world...

>> No.6866599

i might try this...

>> No.6866607

I usually am awake for 12, sleep for 12.
I have nothing better to do.

>> No.6866606

my body wants 12 hours sleep + 12 hours awake. job commitment doesn't allow that though.

back in high school i would sometimes go for 2-3 days at a time without sleep but drugs were required after the 48 hour mark.

>> No.6866617

i had a full blow conversation with my blender after 5 days...never again...

>> No.6866624

It only takes two days for me to start hearing cats and babies crying. I've never tried going any longer than three.
It's strange because the crying isn't irritating. It's kind of like I expect it to be there...

>> No.6866660

about 24/30 hours. then i just say fuck it and go to sleep anywhere.

>> No.6866683
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So like, is possible to go to Gensokyo for at least a little while by staying up multiple days? Or does it only allow you to see your waifu?

>> No.6866705

the longest i went was 38 hours. Around 35 hours I started to hallucinate and see things that weren't there.

>> No.6866714

True NEETs don't have insomnia, they sleep for too many hours.

>> No.6866734
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>>Plays [insert WoW, JRPG, and/or any video game] for countless hours

What sleep are you talking about? I got all time time in the world to dump into these games.

>> No.6866741

Don't group WoW in with video games. Since when was it a video game?

>> No.6866745

I don't like sleeping too long. It seems like such a huge waste. But then I do nothing during the day anyway.

>> No.6866763

There is also Lucid Dreaming you know? This shit works both ways. Stay up too long, see shit. Lucid Dream, "see" anything you can think of.

>> No.6866779
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Please note: I said WoW COMMA JRPGs COMMA and/or video games. I never grouped them up, I listed time consuming things to do.

>> No.6866782

when I was younger I could stay like 3 days without sleeping, but now that I have an eye condition I can't see shit after 20 hours without sleep.

I don't want to imagine how bad I will be in 10 years.

>> No.6866789


Go to sleep, Ryan.

>> No.6866804
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I just can't bring myself to stay awake for more or less than 16 hours. Which sucks, because I can easily sleep for more than 8 hours, which messes everything up. Incidentally, this is why I'm up at 4:26 am right now.

I want to just screw it and fall asleep and wake up whenever I want, but I always feel like shit if I wake up after the sun has set. Fuck sleep, man. It just keeps bringing me down all the time. I failed an exam once because I couldn't get any sleep and was too tired to study and just played GTA IV all day instead.

>> No.6866812

I've got sleep apnea, so I have to take medication and use CPAP to keep me awake. I'll just nod out standing up if I don't.

>> No.6866816

If you're looking to see things that aren't there, try benadryl.


>> No.6866825
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Last year I didn't sleep for 3 days because finals. My mind was pretty much egg salad for a day afterwards.

>> No.6866871

Wtf anon, I've gone 4 days easily and I've never heard cats, babies crying, or seen freak bicyclists.

Give me some of whatever you're smoking.

>> No.6866891


I get that after just twelve hours. The longer it goes on the less I'm able to think, and I start getting headaches. Perhaps I enjoy sleep too much.

>> No.6866894

I stayed up 2-3 days once. It was because of an unavoidable essay deadline. Spent hours and hours on it but after a point you just stop making progress.

I don't remember any hallucinations or anything but my internal monologue was pretty fucked up. I think even if you did start seeing things you wouldn't be able to enjoy them because of being so tired.

Had a better experience with dreams and drugs though.

>> No.6866900

36 hrs is my best as well, i have mild insomnia from time to time. Nothing serious but it messes things up occasionally, it comes with my reclusive lifestyle and it's totally worth it.

I would like to switch to a cat's sleep schedule eventually, where I sleep in 6 20 minute intervals throughout the day. I've read it's tough to get used to at first but it really works once you've adjusted.

>> No.6866908

I've been up for almost 2 days. I feel like trying for 9. Last time i went to 4 and only slept cause I got bored of staying awake. No hallucinations, cant believe im saying this but im jelly of you hallucinators. Also just like 8 day guy, lots of caffine.

>> No.6866917

8 days.

I've done it twice before, never had any problems or saw or heard anything. No assistance like coffee or pills or anything, I just didn't feel like going to sleep. I could easily go further if I wanted but I see no real need to stay up that long anymore.

A few months ago I used to stay up for about 21 hours and only sleep for two or three if that counts.

>> No.6866925


I wouldn't want to try that sort of schedule. The extra time awake would be nice but I think sleep is fun. Not only that, but I lose any sort of short term memory when I'm tired.

>> No.6866932

i've always wanted to try that Polyphasic sleep stuff out. Whats the best sleep pattern to get the most time out of the day?, i usually only sleep 2-3 hours a day normaly.

>> No.6866933

Wake up Sunday Morning, go to bed Friday Night. That's what I did for several weeks in high school. I lived with my father. He worked nights, so I'd pretend to go to bed, he'd go to work, and I'd get back up and get on the computer. I'd most often play Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory through the night (and I actually did pretty well). After the third day, I no longer felt tired... I wasn't too functional, but I had moved on past being able to feel tired.

>> No.6866945

>Any one with sleep disorder?

Yup... Central apnea. My brain keeps forgetting to keep me breathing while I sleep.

>> No.6866952

Maybe it works, but I've yet to see anything to confirm that it's healthy. From what I've read about it, you're basically tricking your head into not feeling tired. Think about all the shit your body is supposed to do while you're sleeping, do you really want to mess with that?

>> No.6866953

Longest I've gone was 2 1/2 days, but it was amphetamine assisted. I hate not getting sleep, even if I don't feel like I need it, and I sometimes end up just lying in bed for hours. I try to get as much shuteye as possible every day.

The amount of health risks associated with lack of sleep is just scary and I don't want to have to deal with them, ever.

>> No.6866973

Yeah, the 20 minutes every few hours schedule isn't going to do shit for bodily repair, maybe mentally, but you're gonna get achey pretty soon.

Not to mention even if it is possible without massively cutting your physical capacity, its very inflexible, losing track of time or mis-scheduling something to where you end up doing something like driving when one of your sleep periods starts will throw it out of whack.

>> No.6866987 [DELETED] 


>> No.6867003 [DELETED] 


>> No.6867023
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In high school I had 6 day love affair with caffeine, 5 minute naps, and a years worth of homework. I was a very bitter, irritable person who could only create mumbles of gibberish when speaking.
In college I pulled a 36 hour stunt with work and school. Nothing great, just that the day lasted way too long and I was pulled over for driving like an old woman.
Anything more than 18 hours nowadays, I just repeatedly nod off until I get to my bed. I'm sure by the time I turn 30 I will taking actual naps in the midday just to make it through a normal day. Probably the aftermath of all the caffeine abuse in high school. Maybe there will be a huge class action against the soft drink industry that I will get in on to prolong my NEET lifestyle. God I hope that doesn't happen..

>> No.6867046

We don't fucking need any more lawsuits involving trying to blame an industry for a consumer's idiocy, that's just going to lead to a Demolition Man type future.

>> No.6867085

I definitely don't blame anyone for anything. For a while though, I did have twitchy hands and a hard time staying awake(random exhaustion kicking in). I'm much better now, but I know the majority of Americans out there would rather IT'S NOT MY FAULT GIB US MONEY COCA COLA than do what I did(exercise, lots of water, and scheduled naps on slow days).

>> No.6867100

my record is a week, by the end i was having hallucinations and thought aliens are trying to abduct me, not sure if it was a result sleep deprivation or just a really bad manic episode. not recommending that. getting to sleep after that felt like heaven though.

>> No.6867263

I read that and laughed my ass off.

Shit I would try it, but only if it results in going to Silent Hill whilst drunk as fuck as said article implies.

>> No.6867297

I went a week without sleep. This was during a period where I was switching from one sleep medication to another. I became agitated and delirious and had to be hospitalized under heavy sedation.

I usually go without sleep for 2 days, then sleep for 10-16 hours. I've tried melatonin, bright light therapy, and hypnotics. Nothing really works.

>> No.6867308

I'll give those who can't sleep a tip.

Get off your asses and go get some exercise. Twice a week at least. Doesn't have to be incredibly intense, and you can easily exercise in your own home given that you have a 2m square open space to move around in. Get your heart rate up and a light sweat going for 20-30mins.

Fixes 99% of sleep problems.

>> No.6867326

Back in university I regularly pulled stints of 24-48 hours without sleep. Wasn't too bad, I tended to get a boost of manic energy around about the 26-30 hour mark, gibbering to myself, bouncing off the walls, that sort of thing.
In the last year it got a lot rougher though, I had problems with waking up all the time, and spent about 8 months constantly deprived of sleep.

And now I have no sleep pattern at all, it swings all over the place and I can't control it. I wish I had more dreams, or could do lucid dreaming or something like that, at least it would be fun.

>> No.6867339

honestly, I thought most everyone here would be the type that sleeps 12 plus a day.

Fun story, I used to be able to lose an entire day by not taking dexatrine (same drug class as Ritalin). Really a whole fucking day. I would wake up a couple of times, but just long enough to pee and maybe eat something, then back to bed. I kinda miss that. Too bad no more insurance for me ;_;

>> No.6867357

I cant pass a day without sleeping at least 10 hours straight.
Who thinks I should try to stay up tonight?
its already 03:54 here

>> No.6867363

I have a sleep disorder, but it is narcolepsy.

>> No.6867380

I usually go 19 hours awake with 5 hours of sleep on working days. Left alone, I will stay up or go to sleep depending on when I feel like, so the amount of sleep I get and the duration varies.

My personal record is somewhere around 36 hours. I couldn't sleep one night and by the time I was done, I went to bed as soon as I got home. Driving is not fun when you're hallucinating people opening doors in front of you.

I have only managed to lucid dream once on a whim, it felt like my brain "crashed" (for lack of a better term) as I was falling asleep so I stayed awake in my dream. I spawned an army of loli and got so excited that I woke up. Despite my attempts to lucid dream regularly, I am unable to, most likely as I do not get a full 8 hours of sleep. I am reluctant to change my schedule as it cuts into my free time.

>> No.6867381

go away trip fags
jp is not your blog

>> No.6867419

Soft drinks have trivial amounts of caffeine, especially when compared to the sugar content.

>> No.6867426

Never had hallucinations or anything crazy like that, but then I've never done more than skip a night or 2 of sleep. What happens to me at that point is music keeps playing in my head... the most random songs that I can't stop, also random conversations going on in my head, sometimes in Japanese if I was watching anime all night. And I can't understand Japanese, so it's most likely some kind of replay of a scene or something, I have no idea. Really annoying and I end up sleeping just to make it all stop. I guess its some form of internal monologue, but usually I can form thoughts and whatever with this music and conversations going on so its different then normal. Its more like really annoying background noise that I'm "hearing"

>> No.6867429



>> No.6867432

Trying to stay asleep is more difficult and far more rewarding.

>> No.6867457


I can't seem to fall asleep while its dark, but if i'm tired enough and it's sufficiently daytime (complete with daytime noises like vehicles and people doing laundry), I am out. I've skipped entire days just being asleep. Last winter I had a friend come to make sure I wasn't dead because I slept for about 4 days straight without answering the phone because they wanted me at some christmas and new years party.

I'd sleep always if I could, and could afford it.
I've never had to pee so bad in my life after that.

>> No.6867492

I can go up to 12 hours, I've never tried to go any higher. I probably can, but I don't want to mess up my sleeping schedule.

>> No.6867556

odd time for this thread to show up. Despite staying up 24 hours to attempt a forced phase change, my body refuses to sleep at the hour I wish it would, and continues to get tired when I wish it would NOT.

Again, despite being up for 24 hours now.

Fuck me.

>> No.6867603

Huh, I'm kind of surprised I'm not the only one that can't stay up more than 12 hours.
Before my NEETdom, I was always awake, slept maybe 3 hours a day. Now I can't get any less than 10 hours of sleep, usually around 14.

>> No.6867610

67 hours is my record. I felt like losing my sanity. My eyes kept seeing weird figures and colors but unlike other anons I didnt hear crazy things. Not doing it again.

I can only get up to 19 hours of sleep.

>> No.6867612

Try fasting for 12 hours before the time you want to get up, and then eating at that time. When you get food is part of how the body calibrates its circadian rhythm.

>> No.6867626
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I have DSPS, which is actually not even bad until people want me to be up in the morning.

>> No.6867674

I've managed 3 days without sleep before shit got nasty.

On a sleep related problems note, I've been waking up at 3am sharp lately, shit sucks.

>> No.6867715

>i saw a child riding a bicycle
backwards when he was really going forward.
>hearing cats and babies crying
What the FUCK.

>> No.6868000

Record is 5 days - never got past 3 afterward.

no hallucinations. was kinda hoping for them at that time.

>> No.6871884

I can only stay up for 7 days, at most.

>> No.6871908

I went 2 days with only 2 hours of sleep once. That's probably easymodo compared to /jp/.

>> No.6871942

Well, I used to be addicted to coke so... quite a while. I think the most was 3 days but it mighta been closer to 4. Shit got weird.


Very similar stuff to Anonymous here. I would go outside to smoke and see all kinds of shit through the windows of my house. Wizards and witches battling in my living room. Auditory hallucinations, too. I heard police radio all the time.
