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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 651 KB, 971x1129, 1295965506511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6863692 No.6863692 [Reply] [Original]

what's this shit I hear about Marisa having a stinky vago?

>> No.6863696


>> No.6863707
File: 284 KB, 800x600, fuminori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must've been talking to this guy, OP.

>> No.6863709


>> No.6863714
File: 438 KB, 800x800, irony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6863726 [DELETED] 


>> No.6863729 [DELETED] 


>> No.6863730


>> No.6863734 [DELETED] 


>> No.6863735
File: 14 KB, 317x367, 1264585212115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread.

>> No.6863737


>> No.6863739

this bump

>> No.6863751

It's funny that QC pretended to be various anonymous defending his shitposting and retarded spam last night.


Any decent poster knows that shit has to stop, just look at all the shitty drama it causes.

>> No.6863757
File: 76 KB, 789x480, PBernd Foens Marisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Das madchen!

>> No.6863761


>> No.6863819

>Anyone that disagree with me is a samefag troll.

Bumping this shit just to piss off people like you.

>> No.6863821

I don't see how bumping this thread will piss that guy off, but whatever dude.

>> No.6863832


>> No.6863849
File: 9 KB, 218x232, marisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's ze!

>> No.6863850


>implying that shitposting with sage is important in an already shitty thread

>> No.6863855

I think the joke has been thoroughly beaten to death now.

>> No.6863857


Well, anyone who thinks QC's posts are somehow useful or good is an immature retard who is worth less than shit for this board.

I can comprehend how can someone defend SPAM.

>> No.6863862


i can't*

>> No.6863868

Well, anyone who thinks QC's posts are somehow useless or bad is an immature retard who is worth less than shit for this board.

I can't comprehend how can someone whine over something IRRELEVANT and STUPID to the point of making threads about or generating endless shitstorm.

You realize how wrong you are now? That you are causing a storm in a cup of water? His posts are insignificant and yet you fill him with attention and shit on the board by making such posts.

>> No.6863879

hello, QC.

>> No.6863880

But beatting things to death is fine QC tradition, anon.

>> No.6863884

No, I'm just one of the guys that was in that other thread linked.

You really should deal with your "samefag paranoia", you are being childish.

>> No.6863887


1 sage spam post in a shitty thread >> 1 unsaged shitstorm about it.

I couldn't care less about this kind of posts as long as they don't bump and take the place of better and more relevant/interesting threads.

>> No.6863889

and yes I should have saged that

>> No.6863892


>Well, anyone who thinks QC's posts are somehow useless or bad is an immature retard who is worth less than shit for this board.

Do you know how retarded you just made yourself sound? how old are you?

Yes, any fucking retards knows his posts just contribute to make the board more shitty, i never complain i just report his spam.

>You realize how wrong you are now? That you are causing a storm in a cup of water? His posts are insignificant and yet you fill him with attention and shit on the board by making such posts.

I was not giving him attention and i was not complaining i just made a comment about the retards last night that tried to justify such retarded and childish behaviour.

>> No.6863899


No, anon, defending a retarded spammer is childish and you need to get the fuck out of here.

>> No.6863909

Look here, my retarded friend. His posts are neither bad or good. They are NOTHING.

It's something you shouldn't fucking care about for god sake.

Also you are merely defending your point of view without assuming a neutral position. His posts are so small and ignorable, most of threads he posts continue to proceed normally because people FUCKING IGNORE IT, can't you learn with them? What you think of those who like him or defend him for whatever the fuck their reason might be, is the same they think about you.

People like you are one of the problems of this board. There are many other much worse things than QC "spam" and yet you focus to contribute on metaposts because of it. "QUALITY THREAD" posts are nothing, even our previous janitor said that, it isn't something to bother about.

>> No.6863909,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6863916


Listen you fucking mongoloid, i don't care about his posts and i never complain about his posts, i was not even talking about his shitty spam, read the fucking link here >>6863751 so you can understand the fucking CONTEXT of the conversation.

An anon said last night that the new janitor should delete QC's posts, the last janitor used to do it and then some fucking mongoloids like you started to defend QC's spam which is fucking retarded.

Has your little brain comprehended what i was talking about?

>> No.6863950

You are obviously upset about it, you clearly hate him.

The way you type is exactly how those that always fucking complain about it and the "mongoloid" gives it so neatly, I bet you are even one of those "Whatever Control" that reply to his posts or was one at some point. I waste a lot of my time analyzing everything just to show how stupid retards like you are.

It will not stop no matter how much you complain about it or mention it, shut the fuck up already. Let the janitor decide what to do by himself, stop contributing to meta (like I am too), grow up.

>> No.6863978


I'm gonna explain things sloooooowly and very simply to you.

1. I don't care about him.
2. I never see his posts.
3. I never complain aboiut it because i knows it's useless.
4. I'm not one of those fucktards replying "quality x"
5. Again i was not complaining about his spam, how many times do i have to repeat this, you fucking mongoloid?
6. I agree with everything you said, complaining is retarded and the janitor should deal with that.
7. I completely agree with you, his posts are NOTHING, that's why they should be deleted, repeatedly posting this samething over and over again is just spam.
8. Some anons believe that his posts should stay.
9. Anons who defend spam are worth less than shit for this board.
10.Insulting anons defending spam regardless of who makes it was my only goal in this thread.
11. You are retarded, you reading comprehension is shit, you are not an analyzer, stop thinking you are 'smart'

>> No.6864015

>1. I don't care about him.
>2. I never see his posts.
You care if you bother enough to make posts about it. And you are not fooling anyone with "never see his posts".
>3. I never complain aboiut it because i knows it's useless.
You are doing it right now!!
>9. Anons who defend spam are worth less than shit for this board.
No, you are also the problem here. Even more than then in fact, since they never start a thread or post admiring him, unlike people who complain.
>10.Insulting anons defending spam regardless of who makes it was my only goal in this thread.
You are freaking retarded. You simply come here to insult people and causing this stupid crap and think you are right? Jesus Christ.

>> No.6864159

>And you are not fooling anyone with "never see his posts".

He has been on my filter since he started posting.

>since they never start a thread or post admiring him.

They did last night...

I know your reading comprehension is shit, i'm gonna explain things to you just because i want you to feel retarded after all the shitty drama you have caused in this thread.

An anon said "we just need someone who deletes all off-topic shit, trolls from other boards and spam made by QC, mugen, kuroko, etc."

I think you and i agree with him, that anon was just talking about what kind of janitor we need, he was not specifically talking about QC but suddenly a bunch of retards appeared out of nowhere defending a spammer, do you understand the context of the conversation? i was not talking about QC, i was talking about those retards defending that spammer.

I was making a wall of text explaining why they are retarded but when i clicked on sumbit the thread had 404'd so i got frustrated and i when i saw the opportunity i just wanted to tell those guys that they are shitposters for defending a spammer, it could be any spammer not just QC but then you decided to talk out of your ass and now we are here in this meta thread.

>> No.6864206

>An anon said "we just need someone who deletes all off-topic shit, trolls from other boards and spam made by QC, mugen, kuroko, etc."
That's exactly the negative post that started the whole shit, mentioning names is never good. Meaning people who defend him didn't started it, they merely continued the shit.

And I think both defenders and haters are wrong. I don't think his posts are something that should even occupy a janitor. I honestly don't think he would do this but don't you realize that spammers like Sion and the others start to spam real hard when their shit gets deleted? I don't think his posts are the same as typical kuroko spam for example, which knock out actual threads from the board and can't be filtered (they can if you are willing to pay the price of filtering all images of the same resolution)

The point here is that not a single fuck should be given when the matter is something like this. Being it positive or negative, discussion about it shouldn't exist.

>> No.6864536

Marisa's vagOOO smells like my penis.

>> No.6864546 [DELETED] 

You're both retarded.

>> No.6864579

And look at this, lets assume for a minute he actually hates any sort of touhou discussion.

Mission fucking complete, he has successfully derailed this thread because of you babies, despite how bad of a thread it would have been anyway.

>> No.6864775

>discussion about it shouldn't exist.
You damn monkey, the fact that you want it to disappear means that there WILL be people using it in order to piss you off. That's what trolling is. That's what 4chan is about. Deal with it.
