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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6859822 No.6859822 [Reply] [Original]

The guys who brought blazblue to EU are also bringing Arcana Heart 3. AWESOME!

>> No.6859828


>> No.6859851

Well slight problem, Blazblue came late, and CS came later then late. My friend played it for a good 5 months before I got it here in the EU because hurr durr I wanted to support the EU one.

Well I do kind of guess it payed off to support them didn't it.

>> No.6859867

OP here, and yeah, it'll probably take them long, but atleast it's coming.

I hate /jp/ elitists like you, it's like if it's not a VN or a doujin game then it's forbidden in /jp/.. seriously, explain to me how Japanese fighters are not /jp/

>> No.6859875

Otaku play video games too.

>> No.6859879
File: 191 KB, 850x1172, sample_0a2a472563477a7d390b1294eaff716e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Street Fighter thread?

>> No.6859886


You just had to play the otaku card, didn't you?

Do you want train threads? Do you want weapon threads? Do you want anime threads? Do you want sports threads?

>> No.6859888
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As always.

>> No.6859895

>Do you want train threads? Do you want weapon threads? Do you want anime threads? Do you want sports threads?
I'm an otaku for all of those, this is now a train, weapon, anime, and sports thread.

>> No.6859899

/jp/ - Otaku Culture
It's written at the top of your page.

>> No.6859903
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Sports otaku thread. Everyone get in here.

>> No.6859912

That line of argument is idiotic. /jp/ has well-established board conventions for what belongs and does not belong in /jp/.

The only reason Arcana Heart has a home in /jp/ is because all the characters are cute girls and /jp/ goes wild for that stuff.

>> No.6859921

Fighting games are part of /jp/ nubs

>> No.6859927

Fuck you

>> No.6859928

Does Super Smash Brothers constitute a fighting game?

>> No.6859932


>> No.6859934
File: 96 KB, 500x514, 1275866049252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what? I don't care anymore. We have different ideas what /jp/ is about. I'm gonna go take it easy.

>> No.6859941

And thus, after a brief flurry of activity, /jp/ returned to it's natural state of not giving a fuck about anything.

>> No.6859942

It's a game where you fight against people, so yes. It's a fighting game.

>> No.6859936


Not only is it a fighting game but it's JAPANESE which means it has to be /jp/-related.

>> No.6859953

You fight people in RPGs too, you know.

>> No.6859954


What? CT was like a year late. CS was a month late but I got a free Makoto DLC so it worked for me

>> No.6859980

I don't have a problem if people make a Fighter thread and post PSN/XBLA and play BB or SSFIV. Just keep it in one thead with the other fighters like umineko, touhou etc...

>> No.6859993

What... month?!

PlayStation 3 & Xbox 360

* JP July 1, 2010
* NA July 27, 2010
* EU December 3, 2010

PS3, Xbox 360

* JP June 25, 2009
* NA June 30, 2009
* EU April 2, 2010

>> No.6860018

...but only in Europe?

>> No.6860050

PS3 is region free.

>> No.6860058


>> No.6860105

/jp/ have always had an interest with Doujin games, and games like MB and the like have been played since the very beginning.
The interest of doujin fighters also naturally evolved into an interest of arcade fighters like GG or whatever.
And if you also consider the natural development of doujin fighters into arcade fighters, this development really isn't that strange.

If it weren't for the fact that some of you may possibly have turned into fags, becoming all anti just recently, then I would say to you all that your newfaggotry is showing.
Fighters have always been a small part of /jp/, just like Idols or whatever.

>> No.6860109


Frost: HMV have a release date for the European release for the 10th of June, and that was put up way before this announcement. Is that release a real release date or just a rumor at the moment?

Geraint: That’s a rumour at the moment – we’ll announce the specifics on the release date further down the line. At this point, we just wanted to let everyone know that we’re working on it – mainly because so many people have been asking – we just wanted to put them out of their misery!

>> No.6860116
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Guys, guys, this is an Arcana Heart thread.
It's made out of adorable girls and love.
Leave the bullshit out of it.

>> No.6860120

Is this them trying to cover their asses from what is possibly a leak of information?
Or could this reallly mean that it might take a year or more.

>> No.6860123
File: 23 KB, 510x411, 1294696453439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't you guys just play the cracked pc version of this

that one bloke who keeps patching em did a dang good job and it runs nicely

if yer one of those folks who keeps complaining bout the lack of joystick support, just use joy2key

>> No.6860145

I am playing it, but its shit compared to the PS3 version.
But is there a AH30-PC4-2pfixed-fullscreen.exe yet?

>> No.6860163

Needs netplay.

and sidebars.

>> No.6860157


What the heck? I Could have swore CS was released around October and we were planned to get it in November but due to DLC issues it was pushed back until early December. Google definately says July though.. huh. My mistake, good sir.

>> No.6860173

I fucking hate this game and the unfair bullshit boss with the chains at the end

>> No.6860188

thats a yes
only problem i got with it is that yer screen resolution gets dicked around with by the settings, and they stay that way until you manually change em back

>> No.6860189


>> No.6860193


stop playing against the AI scrub

>> No.6860201

have a go at Kof 94, then get back to me on whether or not thats a real boss fight

>> No.6860209

do euro 360 games work on american consoles?

>> No.6860213

Any idea of where it might be uploaded?
I only have the windowed version of the one with fixed p2.

>> No.6860217

It's a lot easier if you stay out of Fenrir's cannon range.

Giving a random character double health, unlimited super and no delay after assist does not make a good boss.

>> No.6860219

Genocide CUTTTTTTTTTTAH gave countless kof players the rage and joy. Yes, we are a bunch of masochists. (OK, don't mind the side-step grab trick).

>> No.6860224

Only played arcade mode once but AI Scharl was comboing me all over the fucking screen. I was quite taken aback.

>> No.6860781
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Anyone thinks the BB vs AH thing will ever be something other than a joke?

Or any AH cross over game for that matter.

>> No.6860788


>> No.6860907

Scharl or Weiss I can't decide.

>> No.6860976


>> No.6861032
File: 446 KB, 1126x658, ah3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already on the PC....

Pic related.

>> No.6861036

the canon has limited range? well shit

>> No.6861067

It is still only the arcade rip.
It is still inferior.

But yes it's amazing even sp.

>> No.6861080

How can it be inferior if it is the original thing?
If someone puts network on it i would sell my ps3 copy.

>> No.6861109

I despise that too. That mech thing is a cunt as well.

The mini-towel I got with the Limited edition on 360 is deliciously creepy.

>> No.6861118

These are not mainstream fighters? I thought they were extremely famous, on street fighter level. Non mainstream would be things like Melty, Umineko fighter, IAMP, etc. real doujin games, not so much for melty though, but its still not mainstream.

Either way, Norcal players are a backpedaling salty bunch. This sort of news can only be appreciated by the Southern California gentlemen.

This is great news though. AH3 has been on backorder for a long time, and there was no way I'd pay over $80 for only an above average fighter. Maybe if I sold my copy of SSF4. That was the worst way to spend $40.

>> No.6861125
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Anyone beat score attack yet?

>> No.6861130

I wouldn't say AH is mainstream, outside of the fighting game community. Nobody I've known has heard of the series.

>> No.6861320

Im glad its getting the exposure that it needs. its slowly gaining grounds aslong they get passed the visual design.

Any plans for Melty getting an slightly HD treatment?

>> No.6861983

It's popular in Japanese arcades, but thats it.

>> No.6863299
File: 561 KB, 800x800, 1295403014745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it wierd that I found Fenrir to be more of a bitch than Charlie? Arcana Blaze, Arcana Blaze, AP cannon, AP cannon all the damn time.

And then I played Sharla's arcade and was taken aback by how easy Wiess was to beat in comparison...

Also, PC release where? I would totally buy it even if the price is high.

>> No.6863323
File: 983 KB, 1280x1024, dmb_01_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, PC release where? I would totally buy it even if the price is high.
Do the Japanese even use the PC for non-VN games? It will probably never happen, even BBCS has better chances.

On a semi-related note, I wonder if it's possible to get a Daemon Bride rip. I have been interested in it ever since its release, and it's made by Examu, too.

>> No.6863574

I'm op and I'm also >>6859867 and man.. no homo but I fucking love you <3

>> No.6863595

OP here again and if you use msn add me

>> No.6866587

You are clearly new here.
