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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6852183 No.6852183 [Reply] [Original]

4 years ago: People thought Japanese cell phones were godlike.

Now: Everyone wants an IPhone.

>> No.6852194

Technological evolutions, how do they work?

>> No.6852193
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>> No.6852199

reported for viral marketing

>> No.6852197
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>apple products

>> No.6852205
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4 years ago: J-pop was the shit

Now: K-pop is the shit

>> No.6852209

It's not as if Japanese phones aren't still good.
It's just that an iPhone is significantly easier to acquire and you don't have to worry about half the functions not working (lol 1seg) or the phone itself not supporting the local bands or whatever.

>> No.6852211


>> No.6852212

and it is shit, too

>> No.6852219
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4 years ago: Morning Musume was still likable


>> No.6852220

Why the HELL do japs get everything first

>> No.6852222

K-pop is shit
Deal with it.

>> No.6852227

so shitty that's why their artists are going to japan
they feel like maybe they can get some of the magic if they touch the land of the rising sun

>> No.6852233

>4 years ago: cell phones were Made in China.

>Now: cell phones are Made in China.

>> No.6852236


MM needs a new Yaguchi for the lulz

>> No.6852241

4 years ago: What is AKB48?


>> No.6852257

10 years ago Japan was the future of modern civilization

Now: Japan's population is dying off and they are struggling to even compete with China

>> No.6852263
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4 years ago: Aya Hirano is so cute
Now: Annoying

>> No.6852267

Deeper than that more like all pop including Asia pop is shit.
JP needs to listen to better music. (btw, you won't find it on /mu/)

>> No.6852295

i listen to everything regardless of whether or not its shit, so

>> No.6852300

This almost depresses me with its accuracy.

>> No.6852310

and 5+ years ago everyone was on MySpace.
both blew their lead because they grew fat & complacent. and now apple has fallen behind android based phones coming out of china.

the moral of the story is to never become arrogant and keep pushing forward.

>> No.6852306

>JP needs to listen to better music
>better music

good/bad taste is a matter of opinion not fact.

>> No.6852337
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4 years ago: Asians pretending to be Japanese by saying "kawaii" all the time.

Now: Nothing has changed.

>> No.6852340

i still like japanese phones. iPhone is cool and all but i just can't bring myself to use cell without a flap, it's uncomfotable.

>> No.6852377

OP is right to point this out actually. Japan had the technology we all desired only four years ago.
Now look at how apple (ironically) has turned the tables. Apple raised the bar of our pathetic cell phones and now their is some bad ass variety in our market and we no longer desire any particular tech from japan.
Even the rumors of the PSP2 are disappointing the crap out of anyone who cares. We are now only importing Anime and manga from japan. And I'm not sure how much profit they actually make off those things abroad.

>> No.6852382

>We are now only importing Anime

HAHAHAHA, nope. Anime has been fucking terrible for longer than 4 years

>> No.6852394


How is it even possible to misspell "hipsters" two times in a row?

>> No.6852400

Well that's true to everyone on /jp/ but on /a/ that would make more sense. And I could have included manga, eroge, toys/dolls, etc.
If the curent trend continues, japans auto industry is next and then japan is fucked.

>> No.6852403


No, I want a meego phone with resistive multitouch...

But as you can tell, that isn't around.

>> No.6852405
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>We are now only importing Anime and manga from japan.

Sorry, but I import my anime from France.

>> No.6852407

>japans auto industry
You don't follow the news do you?

>> No.6852415

Poor shape but not fucked yet.

>> No.6852420

Is that code lyoko?

>> No.6852424

Negative Industry Growth, Negative population growth, Negative GDP Growth.

In twenty years, all Japan will have is moe

>> No.6852426

No he doesn't but no question Toyota was set back a few years with their huge U.S. fuck up.

Electric hybrid cars is the next battle front and it looks like Japan is fully charged for the fight.

>> No.6852428
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>fully charged

>> No.6852442
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8 years ago: Mika Nakashima is mai waifu

Now: Do not want

>> No.6852466

Market projections for the next ten years show Japan falling behind the US auto industry and even Korea. Japan could correct this by listening to the what people want, but for example, people don't want an even bigger less portable PSP with an even worse battery life that still spins disks to play games. But they don't fucking listen and we pull our pubic hairs out in frustration.

>> No.6852716


lol @ music elitist fag

>> No.6852856

Yeah a bit. I stand by the fact that liking some j-idol or k-idol pop group, is virtually the same as enjoying the music of lady gaga or Britney spears.
I am not saying there is anything wrong with listening to a catchy half way decent j-pop song time to time, but if that's the only music you listen to seriously, than you want to considder listening around to other types of music and see if anything clicks.
It should be noted that listening to touhou games original Zun music, is a step in the right direction. The man creates some brilliant things.

>> No.6852932


A few of my colleagues at the Tokyo branch of the company I work for have iPhones so I suppose they enjoy some popularity even in the land of high-end cell phones.

>> No.6853738

/jp/ - Cellphones
