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684279 No.684279 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't you real? ;_;

>> No.684293
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>> No.684348

Shit's awesome.

>> No.684363

This was unfulfilling.

>> No.684373

overhyped shit movie.

>> No.684377
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Why aren't you real? ;_;

>> No.684385

Age for anon with shit taste.

>> No.684392

She's real. She's pretty much me. Except I'm male, don't have mystic eyes and I hardly ever leave my almost entirely empty apartment.

>> No.684426

Will we get to see more delicious Azaka next chapter?

>> No.684454

Hey, I'm also male, don't have mystic eyes and hardly ever leave my almost entirely empty apartment! Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.684461
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>> No.684476


Yo! Same here. This is gettin' kinda weird...

>> No.684478

Sage for anon that can't think for himself.

>> No.684486

Age for I like you.

>> No.684487


That's odd. I'm male, have low-grade mystic eyes and live with my sister and her maids in a large mansion! Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.684495

Sage for no particular reason.

>> No.684496

H-hey uh.... Want t-to be friends? We could like, hang out and stuff....

>> No.684504

Age for a reason I seem to have forgotten.

>> No.684499

Go away, Sacchin. Nobody likes you.

>> No.684509
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>> No.684511


>> No.684799

Why does the movie suck?

>> No.684825
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That picture's supposed to go with this one

I would know, I made both of them

>> No.684844

DEEP TALKAN, GRIM'N'DARK, the only action scene is incredibly simple and anticlimatic, shit is not explained so if you're not familiar with KnK you might wonder what the fuck is going on.
Even I who read the novels found the adaption lacking, as always in these cases. It's not that bad, though.

>> No.684887

She wasn't explained in the first chapter at all in the novel either.

>> No.684925

The whole thing was fucking talking while explaining nothing..... got boring really quick.

>> No.684947


>> No.684957

Its not deep at all. Which part of the talking didnt you understand? The part about floating and flying requires a bit of thinking, that i admit most viewers are incapable of, but thats hardly a bad thing.

The second action scene could have been much better, Fujoh didnt even try the suggestion till the last moment, while in the first scene she manages to grab control of Shiki's arm. Downside, yes.

Any viewer would understand that the part about Shiki's eyes would be explained in the latter movies, as well as why she doesnt have a normal arm. The preview made it very clear that the next movie would be backstory on Shiki set 3 years prior to the first movie.

>> No.685037

Some bitches are lazy enough that they didn't even know that there are 7 movies in total due to their laziness. Should they knew there are 7 movies they can easily guess those lacking details would be explained in the later movies.

Though I'm honestly not very happy with some of the changes being made. Kirie actually felt less tragic in the movie than she was in the novel. At least mentioned a bit about her disease(which is having tumor all over inside her body) and that she is RONERY enough that she wouldn't turn away any visitor by now even though the visitor is death itself. That'll make her character more sympathetic for me.

>> No.685049

That part wasnt in the first novel chapter either was it?

One big downside i feel about her scene in the hospital was that she just wakes up as if from a nightmare, whereas in the novel she is gasping in pain constantly from Ryougi's wound. In the movie she is completely fine after a few seconds. Its a huge change, and not for the better.

>> No.685064

Does that mean the entire Fujoh assassin family is gone? Her parents are dead, Kirie is dead, etc, etc.

>> No.685066

The animation was nice.

>> No.685081

>One big downside i feel about her scene in the hospital was that she just wakes up as if from a nightmare, whereas in the novel she is gasping in pain constantly from Ryougi's wound. In the movie she is completely fine after a few seconds. Its a huge change, and not for the better.

About this.... the time Touko is visiting is not right either. Touko supposed to visit her the next day, that'll make more sense rather than having her visiting all of a sudden. It feel s like things being rushed right there.

>I hear the door open. The clock shows the time to be two in the afternoon, and it feels as if the sun is blazing through the closed window. It's not yet time for the examination, so maybe it's a visitor.


>That part wasnt in the first novel chapter either was it?

About Kirie's disease,

>"It's not just your lungs that are bad. That must be the reason, but there are lots of tumors all over your body. Starting with sarcoma, it's worse inside. It seems that hair of yours is the only thing normal. But it's amazing how much strength you have left. A normal person would have died before it got this bad. ... How many years has it been, Fujoh Kirie?"

>> No.685092

That's what they get for not reproducing enough.

>> No.685111

Don't know about the other Fujyoh, but at least Fujyoh Kirie's basic family(her parents + a brother) are all dead, including her of course.

And we don't know whether Fujyoh Kirie comes from a branch family or the head family. Not to mention that since it's now modern days, demon hunting activities might not be so active anymore. Though Nanayas are big exceptions since those guys secluding themselves and lives in the forest.

>> No.685321


Isn't Hisui and Kohaku related somehow, said somewhere in an art book. Supposedly their real sir names are Fujyou.

>> No.685338

Yep. Kirie is extended family of Kohaku and Hisui.

>> No.685353

Just how extended?

>> No.685363

Where can I find the novels? I loved the film but I'd like to find out more about the story.

>> No.685365

It's only part translated.

The whole KnK novel is 900 pages or so. It got dropped around chapter 3 or so.

>> No.685371



First 4 chapters translated with a part of 5 done.

>> No.685386


>> No.685412

Who else went out and bought Häagen-Dazs strawberry after watching this? I know I sure did.

It was okay, I guess I'm not much of a connoisseur of ice cream.

>> No.685423

Why arent the novels being translated?

>> No.685484

I ate some strawberry ice cream, but it was from a neopolitan carton in my freezer.

>> No.685514

I wasn't complaining, just telling for what reasons people say the movie sucks.
Personally I only said I found it somewhat lacking in comparison to the novels (and then again, not that bad in itself), which again is no big surprise in these cases. Is it that bad your fanboy spirit felt insulted?
