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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6835493 No.6835493 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have the soundtrack?

Haru> Everyone else.

Shiratori badend is welcome though.

>> No.6835499

You should just kill yourself if you enjoy listening to horribly butchered remixes of classical music

>> No.6835501

Use the fucking archive. There was a thread asking for it yesterday or two days ago.

>> No.6835505

you made the same exact thread with the same exact image yesterday, you fucking faggot.

>> No.6835508

no one remembers /rs/

>> No.6835513

And you actually can tell, oh how sad. Who's the faggot now huh?

>> No.6835515

You are basically saying that he should feel bad for actually browsing the board? Christ, /jp/ is rotten.

>> No.6835518

It's just the op throwing his sissy fit because he's been told, don't mind.

>> No.6835520

>You are basically saying that I should feel bad for actually browsing the board?
Fixed. And being on /jp/ all day is more than just 'browsing'.

>> No.6835521

The magic of the archive

>> No.6835526

Check your samefag detector you pathetic mongrel. Get the fuck out of here, you and your kind makes me nauseous.

>> No.6835527


That's even stupider. That just means the guy went to archive to check that this thread was made yesterday, or that he was on archive.

>> No.6835536

What's wrong with that? He just went there to make sure before posting because it was fucking obvious. Out of /jp/, your native board must be wanting you back.

>> No.6835535

>Dumb newfriend comes in to request something he can easily find by himself, get told since he's a moron and start insulting everyone out of his butthurt.

Why does this always happen ?

>> No.6835532

All the more reason for me to stick around here.

>> No.6835539


>your kind

You're being an even more pathetic faggot thinking you're better than anyone else. You're on a god damn otaku board for shit's sake.

>> No.6835541

Researching other people's posts before posting? Your time would be better spent doing... well, anything else at all, really.

>> No.6835543

OP delete your thread, you've been given 2 places to find it and your thread no longer serves any purpose.

>> No.6835549

You can't be serious. Oh wait you are the same frustrated guy huh?

>> No.6835552

Here's the soundtrack: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=j6j35usg

>> No.6835554

I won' t waste any more of my time trying to argue with you. Just leave already.

This fucking VN brought a whole horde of retards to the board. How sad.

>> No.6835555

no, I just happened to see it again by coincidence and it instantly reminded me how much of a fucking retard you were for not being able to do a simple search. go back to /a/, you fucking cumstain, I'm sure there's a plenty of dumbfucks to help you there.

>> No.6835719

>I won' t waste any more of my time trying to argue with you.
In other words, you admit you lost.

>> No.6835739

>Haru> Everyone else.
Why are Harufags so hostile?

>> No.6835746
File: 42 KB, 720x480, High lain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah anon, you sure won. Fucking owned that fagit.

>> No.6835747

>g senjou no maou ost
>second link
>torrent for it is on the first page

>MAKE THREAD ON JP INSTEAD~!~?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

>> No.6835757
File: 2 KB, 75x77, icantthinkofagoodnameforthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6835772

Forgot the punchline:

>have autism
