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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 39 KB, 277x150, dubya-tee-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6834973 No.6834973 [Reply] [Original]


In all SRSNIS, I would like to learn Japanese. A friend of mine living in the land of the rising sun has asked me to jump the pond and stay with him for a few years, but recommended that I try to get a feel for the language; sadly he's a horrible teacher. I have only the most rudimentary understanding of it (from anime and eroge, unsurprisingly), and am looking for something to seriously beef up my moonspeak muscle.

I'm also tight on funds, but not so tight that I can't spend money on the endeavor, but I don't have so much that I can throw away greenbacks casually on this software or that book.

Is there some good software out there (I was very disappointed in my time with Rosetta Stone), or perhaps a book (or series) that can give me good conversational skills and a respectable vocabulary? Or should I just bite the bullet and take a few formal classes?

In summation, mighty /jp/, what would you find to be the most comprehensive way to learn this language?

>> No.6834979

Oh, it's that thread again.

>> No.6834984

by asking /lang/

>> No.6834990

Let it never be said that /jp/ couldn't beat a dead horse.

OP, your best bet is to take classes, or if you're feeling frisky (and I'm guessing you're not) you could just take the plunge without it.

>> No.6834991

japanese for dummies, problem solved

>> No.6834999 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 227x252, 1295342970661s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is a shitty repost from /a/.
People can't even be original anymore.

>> No.6834996


>> No.6835005

On the small chance that this isn't spam/troll/copypasta, etc.:

You can't learn to speak Japanese on your own. You need native speakers to teach you, to listen to, to practice with, etc. Anyone who tells you differently is trolling you.

1. Get what you can off the internet (Google it, MF -- sites like smart.fm, etc.).
2. In the meantime, prepare to go to Japan.
3. Move to Japan, learn to really speak Japanese there.

>> No.6835011


Can't help you more than that, bye now.

>> No.6835013

Not everyone is as stupid / lazy as you are, please don't generalize.

>> No.6835024

>>Not everyone is as stupid / lazy as you are, please don't generalize.

Not everyone is as ugly, worthless, poor, inexperienced, smelly, and unintelligent as you are. Please don't generalize.

>> No.6835025
File: 216 KB, 800x1130, 日本語-HowToLearn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6835039


Illiterate advice on how to learn a language. How refreshing!

>> No.6835048

THIS is the only way to go, don't listen to trolls who say otherwise.

>> No.6835056

>>THIS is the only way to go, don't listen to trolls who say otherwise.

1. Watch crappy cartoons.
2. Don't learn to read anything, ever.
3. Don't have any interaction with any other human beings.

Absolutely, this is the best way to learn a language. And, you never have to leave your basement to do it. Fabulous!

>> No.6835059
File: 13 KB, 353x241, Let's_Learn_Japanese_Basic_I_Yan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find this to be pretty misleading. You can learn a functional level of Japanese on your own without ridiculous amounts of efforts. It really only holds true for things like colloquialisms and non standard grammar imo.

For all of its cheesyness, I did find the video series "Let's Learn Japanese" very helpful when starting from zero.

>> No.6835065


>> No.6835087


Agreed, but only to a certain extent. You can learn enough in isolation to get started (which is what I recommended), but I don't think you can learn enough to be truly "functional." In isolation, you don't learn to interact, you learn from artificial situations, you are not exposed to a range of speaking styles/accents/vocabulary, etc. To really speak, to be really functional (and not be an awkward foreigner trying to scrape a phrase together) you need to be around native speakers.

>> No.6835111

Personally, I just learn through experience. I doubt classes will ever really teach the subject well enough. Someone I know has taken it for 3 years already and still struggles with writing hiragana.

One of my friends on the other hand went through Rosetta Stone. Sure you guys might say "blahblahblah but it sucks!" (I'm actually not a huge fan myself), but I'm surprised that it got him pretty far into the language. Go download that shit off the pirate bay or something.

>> No.6835130

Any cartoon with loli panty shots can't be all that bad.

>> No.6835132

Yeah, I agree. I have noticed things like my vocabulary being VERY skewed. I know the words for things like tactical nuclear strike, various youkai, and all manner of SF/Fantasy terms, but nothing relating to goverment/politics/normal life.

>> No.6835134


Holy shit this is retarded.

OP, do the opposite of all of this.

>> No.6835147

Did you really take me seriously? And that picture too?

>> No.6835150

It's a troll image. Like, everything in it is wrong, to varying degrees of subtlety.

>> No.6835157


Successful troll is successful, I suppose.
