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6834285 No.6834285 [Reply] [Original]

A portal to Gensokyo that does not involve death is created. It is only useable to those who personally knew of the existence of Gensokyo prior to the portal opening, so it cannot be exploited too much by our world. However, two things stand between you and crossing over:

1) The portal is a one-way trip. Once you're there, you cannot come home or send messages/items.
2) The people in charge of the portal will only allow you to use it if you pay them one million dollars.

You being you as you are, how do you amass your million?

>> No.6834289

Rather kill myself.

>> No.6834291

>People in charge of the portal

Beat them up/ use the /jp/ discount code, since someone on /jp/ will no doubt make the portal.

>> No.6834293

Why would portal operators for Gensokyo need money. Gensokyo doesnt use world currency.

I dont think you thought this thread through very well OP. Better luck next time.

>> No.6834295


Rob a bank and hightail it straight there. Try and extradite me from another reality, FBI.

>> No.6834297

If it's a one way trip to Gensokyo, then I would rob/murder even rape, heck, they can't catch me in Gensokyo.

I'd probably rape a bunch of shit, kill them, find steve jobs, gun point 1 million dollars, then kill him anyway, then fucking run to portal.

>> No.6834298


They're on our side of the portal, bro.

>> No.6834303

How would the portal operators even know it goes to Gensokyo?

>> No.6834305

This raises an interesting question:

You get to Gensokyo. What skills can you offer to ensure your survival? There's no welfare in Gensokyo, what could you do to earn enough to live?

>> No.6834308

If I had such money I would rather hire someone to kill me. My physical health is too bad to continue and it wont turn you into youkai girl until you die.
and 1) is obvious so I wouldn't mind it at all.

>> No.6834309
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>go through portal after paying the million
>see what's in OP's picture in front of you

this ain't even a what do, this is game over, you just got scammed and killed boys...

>> No.6834310

So? Dont try to explain your shitty post by over simplifying it.

>> No.6834311



>> No.6834312

Become a pet, or servant, or slave.

>> No.6834313


'So' what? It got explained. Stop carrying on, you're the only one here who doesn't want to play.

>> No.6834316
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aren't you the sub, pretty sure that anyone who wants a servent or slave can find plenty of that and better than you in the multitude of fairies or other lesser beings of gensokyo

face it guys, gensokyo will not be your paradise

>> No.6834317


A slave? Slaves tend to do stuff. What skills can you offer a prospective master?

>> No.6834321


Been in construction for six years and I am told that I have a lovely baritone singing voice. You?

>> No.6834323

Work with Eirin. This is the only reason I'm still studying.
She only has useless rabbits to help, surely she would like someone skilled to help.

>> No.6834324

But dying a slow painful death from Medicine's poison is my reason for wanting to go gensokyo...

>> No.6834328

I can dust things. And clean things, if they have the chemicals there.

I can also be food.

What greater joy would there be than to develop a vore fetish before going into Gensokyo?

>> No.6834330


What if fairy/youkai physiology is different to that of humans?

>> No.6834337


Isn't being the sub in a vore fetish kinda the same as being a kamikaze pilot teacher? "I'm only going to show you once..."

>> No.6834339
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well then you got what you payed and came for, but as for everyone else, I honestly believe that they'd be in for a shock, then promptly killed by some lower level youkai that feeds on flesh like Rumia.

I'd love to go on and write a freaking essay about how gensokyo won't be the moe-ness people imagine it to be but that's for another day when people would even listen.

>> No.6834345

Eientei is selling medicines for human village, so I can work with that until I'll learn about youkai anatomy.

If not: ask Kasen Ibara to train me to become a hermit. She should be the most willing person to teach anything in Gensokyo.

>> No.6834376

What's inside of Cirno anyway: organs and blood or ice?

>> No.6834385

Suddenly I'm glad that expect my suicidal thoughts and hope to be youkai girl unlike most of /jp/ I have interests in something useful in "life".

>> No.6834428

She lives on top of the youkai mountain which is surrounded by dense forest. You will either be killed by lesser youkai or eaten by animals like wolves or bears before you get to her.

>> No.6834497

no. you can challenge youkais to danmaku and then they cant harm you. also you know even human can try to run or do something, unless you will wait on spot until youkai will eat you.

>> No.6834517

I wouldn't bet on spellcard rules being something iron there, not to mention you're likely to get plenty of holes blown through you anyways.

>> No.6834531

Having no danmaku ability or other powers and trying to eke out a living in the electricity-and-internet-free human village because I can't survive anywhere else doesn't seem like fun.

And I'm not interested in pursuing some waifu, either. Touhous only belong with other Touhous. Unless this portal also turns you into a girl with silly headwear and vaguely-defined powers, I'm not interested.

>> No.6834541

Even if it can't kill you the bullets really hurt you know? The girls don't get their clothes ripped, teary eyes and scraches for nothing.

>> No.6834560

I also don't have any interests in pining after them.

honestly I'd pretty much be the same way I am here and do something like isolate myself in a cottage in the middle of the forest (yes apart from marisa and alice even) Of course there's the whole having to be pretty powerful to live outside the village who's inhabitants even though strong, are still under Keine's protection. but putting that aside, it'd be fun to make a shop to do something like sell herbs or similar, maybe put my knowledge of outside world technology to use to help rinnousuke. Both these would even guarantee some degree of contact with the characters.

>> No.6834598
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Wrong. They are only not allowed to kill you if you win in danmaku against them. Of course you can try to throw with stones and stuff, but you are up against creatures who outpower humans in every aspect.
Running isn't an option either. They are much faster than you.

Though if I managed to amass the million, I would still go to Gensokyo, even if it only meant dying there. My soul would be judged by Shikieiki and if needed I would repent. After that I could spent eternity as a ghost-blob-thingy watching Youmu tending to the gardens of the Netherworld. There is also the option to watch the other Touhous since the border between life and death has never been fully repaired.
I think I would be happy just watching the Touhous having fun.

>> No.6834618

You dont know what you're talking about.
Re-read perfect Memento.

Here, since I'm sure you have a case of the lazy to go with the stupid.

>If victorious against a human, you may not kill them.

Youkai carry a sense of honor as well, so they would not maliciously harm you either if they have nothing to gain.

>> No.6834625

the low levels like Rumia I'd imagine do not have that sense of honor, as she even announces her intention to eat Reimu/Marisa in EoSD

>> No.6834630

I had similiar idea, but I prefer being-youkai myself idea. I would have own house close to some river leading to SDM and border of forest and live by helping others with knowledge I have from outside world. I would most likely try to find some not described by zun touhous to become friends with and create plot for th13.5 (he told that there are many youkais that arent in "main" group, maybe there are some from my country)

>> No.6834643

That's gonna take some Olympics level of learning and training, I am unaware of any ways to become youkai aside from becoming a youkai wizard. outside world knowledge probably wouldn't help the general residents of gensokyo, since they're more spiritually minded than technologically.

>> No.6834652

I'm just wondering but, wouldn't it be more effective to create an army composed of people from /jp/?
We would create a project to hold the people in charge of the portal hostage.
And then march with our army toward gensokyo
Assuming that the bullets from our guns are considered danmaku, i'm pretty sure we would be able to hold out against the smaller youkais
With that we would be able to take control of the areas were the youkais are weak, like the edges of the Misty Lake
Were we would finally be able to take it easy for the rest of our lives

>> No.6834663


i can only imagine what the /jp/ army would look like. can our uniforms be pink camo?

>> No.6834670

and then be terrorized by fairies, which are great in number so you'd get zombie invasion situation, only smaller targets.

That and doing something like that would draw the attention of higher level youkai, and if a lot of outsiders came in along with their frankly putrid habits, I'm sure the lesser youkai and fairies would be the least of your worries since what you describe is nothing short of incident material, and you know what happens with incidents...

>> No.6834671

Enjoy being purged from Gensokyo from disturbing the balance and encouraging a Youkai rampage with the initiative of fighting a single youkai with many people.

The Youkai revolted and chaos from ancient time struck Gensokyo once again due the foolishness of humans from the outside. Even after wiping out the outsiders the Youkai seem to hold a grudge and are finally unleashing their primal instincts held for so long. Death and despair surround Gensokyo as humans and Youkai fight each other to death once again.


>> No.6834677

/jp/ army training

>> No.6834682

you know which option I'm talking about ;_;

outside world knowledge - I know some basics of architecture (I can help by building roads/houses and such so even they would need such thing), some things about cooking (can open restaurant in foreign style), can open business with Rinnosuke and Kappa and always if it will fail I can believe in my "cunning and resourceful" character type.

>> No.6834683

Why not just get 6 or 7 of us and start an incident? Then we can have tea with Reimu and everything will be peaches.

>> No.6834685

Calling stage 2 boss.

>> No.6834691

Implying /jp/ers can cause anything to the level of a "incident"

>> No.6834693

last i checked things become youkai for being alive for long enough, not commiting suicide

Kappa are recluses and arent likely to have anything to do with you, you'd HELP rinnousuke with his current business, not create a new one, not to mention the sorts of resources to make things like electronics are probably not in high quantities.

I'd think your idea of a foreign style restaurant sounds okay, I'm sure some people would want to see what the outside food tastes like (and then puke since its oftentimes crap, or not...depends on what you cook).

>> No.6834697

They have specialists better than you for that. The kappas are more advanced than we are.

And you guys still haven't solved the problem of being eating by lesser youkai and other things creeping in the forest.

>> No.6834699

never laughed so hard

>> No.6834714

One thing I've thought of is staying in the protection of the human village and do what I could to learn things like magic or wards to survive in places like the forest.

>> No.6834720

I have before tried to stop putting so many mental resources into things like this which aren't going to get me anywhere fast, but when I feel like I'm going to be able to put my mind at ease and stop obsessing over it i get shit like dreams that pull me right back, like the last time i almost pulled out i had a dream about yukari mentioning something about 3 days or whatnot.

Though these sorts of mental exercises are pretty good at identifying how to do something like live in this world's forest...which i kind of have the wish to do.

>> No.6834722
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>They have specialists better than you for that.
I dont doubt that. Its just my part-time hobby but you know there are countless possibilities that we can just speculate about from /jp/ before going to gensokyo the same about staying safe from "wild" youkais - there are countless possibilities:
maybe you will be ported during day and youkais will sleep, maybe during night and have to hide until morning, maybe you will be close to shrine, maybe yukari will help you, maybe you will wake up as touhou, maybe rinnosuke will save you and rape after getting into his shop, maybe you will have luck and wont meet anything dangerous on your way and a lot of other possibilities. Its a lot less predictable than in place you know - outside world.

>> No.6834736

I don't think Yukari's going to help you unless there's some place you have in her master plan.

You'd have to be DAMNED FREAKING LUCKY not to run into a fairy or youkai if you decided to just wander the forest all the time, and even if you made a beeline for a safe place like eientei, the shrine or the human village.

Though thinking about it, if you ended up in Gensokyo it'd probably be by Yukari's shenanigans since she's one of the ones who most often meddles in both worlds.

>> No.6834749

Ah, right. OP never specified where we will end up after stepping through the portal. My bad.

Still, it would probably be safer to move in a group and bring along cattle to feed lesser youkai if needed or to give the human village to pay for housing and food.

>> No.6834757

Yukari was just example, any of "friendly" touhous can be replaced in this idea. Even Tewi or shrine maidens.

>> No.6834760

It'd be fun if the place the portal plops you into depends on the method in which you acquired the million, so that people who did something like rob a bank or something else like it, they'd get placed in a less, eh...friendly...locale of the place

>> No.6834772

Yukari wouldn't be so much friendly as just indifferent. As would a lot of other people, I don't know if someone like Reimu would help or just try to send you back to this world, Sanae's shrine is too remote and you aren't going to get there safely. The humans in the village are likely to help you out assuming they still have things like compassion.

I really think the first and foremost thing on people's minds ought to be how to get themselves into a condition to survive the general things in gensokyo.

>> No.6834784

but I told - there are too many uncertain things about it.
you can always watch how to survive programs in television if you want to feel safer and read touhou canon+fanbooks

>> No.6834791

How to survive programs don't teach you danmaku, nor does touhou canon/fanworks.

You aren't going to live long if you believe luck and obsolete survival guides are going to keep you alive.

>> No.6834822

...in ALL of ZUN's games, not ONCE has a human with no powers been important to the storyline at ALL. If you want to have any impact on there whatsoever, you better hope you find a teacher in the human ghetto who can teach you the basics of danmaku, and even then, it's a known fact that the majority of human males have pretty much zero magical ability.

Protip: Cirno would rather be forever_alone.jpg than hang out with a blob/stick nerd with no/an annoying personality and who sits in the house all day DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

>> No.6834825

Fairies can be distracted by shiny things, so that's fine.

>Unless one thoroughly plans and studies countermeasures, youkai extermination is difficult.
>Youkai are infinitely physically stronger than humans, and trying to fight them will only have you end up as food.
>Offering a cow will save you from attacks for a while.
>There are many that have a sense of duty, and if you don't go against them they'll treat you friendly.


>In extermination, one does not use weapons that cause physical damage; weapons with an "origin" are more preferable.
>Youkai are weak to spiritual attacks such as names or traditions.

Grab a bible and you're set. Heck, grab the US constitution if you need to, there's enough rednecks who swear by it to give it decent spiritual powers.

I wager that you could actually spiritually enforce the "right to life of humans" via the EU Human Rights Act on youkai by quoting it with enough conviction, or at least hold them off long enough to leg it. Add a REALLY large bag of beef jerky or something and you're done.

>> No.6834832


>sits in the house all day DOING ABSOLUTELY NOTHING

This is what I don't understand about the retards in this thread seriously entertaining the subject. How does "posting on /jp/" appeal to your waifu? Think about it this way:

Some kid from India comes to you and talks about how much he loves to draw sketches of elephants, and does nothing but sketch elephants in his basement 24/7 while requiring others to support him by buying his food, water, and utilities. This indian kid believes that he is entitled to all these luxuries.


>> No.6834834

Artifacts from our world aren't going to have as much sway in their's

There are some of us who would rather lead an existence of unimportance.

>> No.6834837

I'd chuck a nuke through the portal. Burn in hell, youkai scum.

>> No.6834840

you're pretty shallow aren't you?

I wouldn't want to really make any touhous my waifu, Gensokyo's draw to me is not in its inhabitants, rather the world itself.

>> No.6834844


Only delusional people who fail in the real world try to believe that Gensokyo actually exists.

It doesn't.

Deal with it.

>> No.6834848

Mind you I said before that these thought proccesses would benefit me in surviving in a forest of this world, as i am a hermit and would want to live in the middle of some deserted forest.

>> No.6834850
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>> No.6834854

Gensokyo is real.

>> No.6834856

If we want to discuss something we need some basic vision of it. Then we can discuss possibilities. But as far as I follow we need to assume we will meet youkai and wont get outside help until we will get in village.

When dealing with intelligent ones you can always try to think out something or even ask for help.
When dealing with wild ones you can try things like throwing stones/sticks - they dont have big power levels and fairies just will ignore you.

Rest is just survival guide and nature lessons knowledge from what we know in outside world. Unless you are youkai posting from gensokyo and can specify what we can assume.

>> No.6834857

Boys, boys, boys. I hope you all are kidding about ways to get to gensokyo. The place with ghosts and magical creatures Rome, don't exist. Really, killing yourselfs? We won't know what will happen after we die. it's just a fantasy world, like another video game. If you are serious may god help your souls.

>> No.6834858

>Some kid from India comes to you and talks about how much he loves to draw sketches of elephants, and does nothing but sketch elephants in his basement 24/7 while dreaming of traveling to a magical land of elephants and living the rest of his life among elephants.

Fixed it there for you. And I sympathize. I would also feel honored if I were an elephant.

>> No.6834862


That's why you don't fix things. You wouldn't sympathize with him knowing that he mooches off his parents for a living and is too lazy to interact with REAL elephants and get a job tending to REAL elephants and does nothing but DREAM about being with REAL elephants but it too much of a social reject hermit to go with REAL elephants.

Hurts, DOESN'T IT?

>> No.6834863

arent you busy spamming other boards with tf2?

I will buy 10 hats today so you can take break ok ?

>> No.6834865

No not really

>> No.6834867
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>mfw when you are making an analogy to yourself

>> No.6834868

Yeah, I guess we're all too lazy to interact with real youkai that roam the streets of every town on Earth.

>> No.6834871


He's talking about real girls. Youkai are just a /jp/ person's unrealistic stands for a 3D woman.

>> No.6834872
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About the problems with youkai, i will get one of these first.

Suddenly no youkai problems.

>> No.6834873

It suddenly sounds extremely appealing. I'd help a kid like that, until the novelty wears off anyway.

>> No.6834874

>fairies just will ignore you

you mean the same fairies who take delight and amusement to play pranks that are sometimes even lethal on humans?

The intelligent ones probably wouldn't bother you too much, and it may be true that you can do things to fool wild ones but a direct approach would not work out in your favor.

>> No.6834884

>What you like is just a unrealistic stand for what I believe you should like.


>> No.6834885

the ones that play pranks are somehow intelligent = there are options to do some manoeuvres.
stupid ones = shiny things or other tricks.

direct combat = most likely death. but you can die even in your own house by slipping on spoiled oil or being knifed by immigrants looking for easy loot.

>> No.6834890

You're not exactly in a position to complain about immigration while advocating moving to a place where you would be an immigrant. Just saying.

>> No.6834892

That's why I left /v/. Am I spamming tf2 other than my name? No. I'm just expressing my feelings that gensokyo is not real and people are crazy to think it's real.

>> No.6834894

you're going to run out of shiny things or cheap tricks to distract the lesser, and you're being quite vague on how to distract the greater.

and of course there are the dangers of daily life, but there's a difference between not being stupid or very unlucky and having to spend every second of your day trying to figure out how to get to the next one.

>> No.6834898
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I wouldn't need a million dollars because Reimu and Yukari are the gate guardians. I can just donate $20 to the shrine and Reimu will convince Yukari to let me in.

The problem is how do I find Yukari and how do I approach her without her trying to eat me. You think she'll take sexual favors?

>> No.6834902

Why don't you go to some Judeo-Christian boards and express your feeling that Jahwe isn't real and people are crazy to think it's real, instead?

>> No.6834908

Reasons why entry to Gensokyo might be good for some people:
>Perfect Memento: Encyclopedia: Phantom
>...there's research going on about the possibility of correcting one's personality by means of phantom possession.
>This technology is expected to stop someone from suiciding or get someone to overcome their dislike of vegetables.
>Apparently it's almost ready to be put into practical use, once a method of capturing phantoms has been established.
>It's not far-fetched to say that the future of human mentality rests on the phantoms' shoulders.


I just want to know the feel of someone inside me;_;

>> No.6834917

>gensokyo is not real

Until you show proof of Gensokyo not existing it's just another case of Russel's teapot.

>> No.6834918 [DELETED] 

village and shrines are safe point, if you are ported you have just to find your way there - this is most important.
finding your way - thats moment when survival guides, nature lessons and your instincts enter.

>> No.6834922

village and shrines are safe point, if you are ported you have just to find your way there - this is most important.
finding your way - thats moment when survival guides, nature lessons and your instincts enter.

>> No.6834923

U mad cause I'm insulting your dreams that gensokyo isn't real. I'm gonna say this once am I'm gone. GENSOKYO ISN'T REAL DEAL WITH IT.

>> No.6834927

Guys, Gensokyo isn't real, what is wrong with you all??

>> No.6834928

>I'm insulting your dreams that gensokyo isn't real.
Don't you mean "insulting your dreams that gensokyo IS real"?

>> No.6834933

There is no place for infidels in Gensokyo. Enjoy your crappy Earth life.

>> No.6834934


God IS real. Is the God of the Bible real? I dunno. There's no proof.

You need to define "God" in order for me to agree or disagree with your thesis.

>> No.6834937
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Troll harder.

>> No.6834942

Its easy to just ignore you, kid. I'm not discussing this as any matter that i'm deluding myself into anything, its just a fun mental exercise.


I feel like a broken record player, the problem is GETTING there, survival guides will only get you halfway, but there's still the problems that it'd be a different environment, fairies and youkai aren't going to run off if you spread your arms and legs out to look big as they're sentient to an extent. and there's even things like the flora, guides won't really help you there at all.

>> No.6834948

Bank loans and some other dodgy loan services.
Its not like i'm gonna be around to pay them back.

>> No.6834955

>You need to define God.

But I did. Well, not really, but I used a name that unambiguously points to a specific definition. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yahweh, real or not?

>> No.6834970

>guides won't really help you there at all

Even Perfect Memento?

>> No.6834978

>I feel like a broken record player, the problem is GETTING there, survival guides will only get you halfway, but there's still the problems that it'd be a different environment, fairies and youkai aren't going to run off if you spread your arms and legs out to look big as they're sentient to an extent. and there's even things like the flora, guides won't really help you there at all.

PROTIP: Be like a skunk and cover yourself in something that smells something really, really, REALLY unappetizing.

Shit would probably actually work, and you can reapply it if necessary!

As most normal animals won't eat feces-covered stuff, I bet more intelligent youkai animals wouldn't either. It'd probably scare off the fairies, too.

Just watch out for shit youkai, or some really weird fetish youkai. I dunno.

I can't believe I'm actually suggesting this.

>> No.6834982 [DELETED] 
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Yeah, you tell him!

>> No.6834985

Does PM teach you to danmaku, avoid Danmaku? does it teach you how to distract the lesser beings of gensokyo that would either like to kill you for sport or find you a very good dish?

>> No.6834989

There are detritivore youkai, so that won't 100% work

>> No.6834995

>Does PM teach you to danmaku, avoid Danmaku?

No, that's what Grimoire of Marisa is for. Also, games.

>does it teach you how to distract the lesser beings of gensokyo that would either like to kill you for sport or find you a very good dish?

Actually, yes.

>> No.6834998

ok sorry. I thought I told - guides are just for flora, and I thought things I told earlier will work on simple fairies/youkais, but you seem to have better idea, why wont you share it? Im deadly serious and not sarcastic, I dont have better idea but I want to survive.

>> No.6835001


Damn your absence of evidence is not evidence of absence argument...

>> No.6835004

First there was Warehouse Project, soon there will be Forest Project.

/jp/ will have an offline meetup. We will all be dressed as little girls and begin an isolated settlement in a forest, just isolated enough that we can hide from the eyes of society, but still leech Wi-fi. While neglecting our daily chores, we will gather around and together we learn magic and practice danmaku. Finally, after a hard day of danmakuing, we will retire to our huts for the night, where we will have cute pretend-lesbian sex.

>> No.6835010

with a million dollars I could have all the frilly lolis I wanted WITHOUT going to Gensokyo

>> No.6835015

the games don't teach you how to physicall move your body to avoid the bullets, that takes physical training (and a shit ton of it, at that)

If you didn't notice, I'm being a bit of a devil's advocate on it as to make you think a bit more on it. How you go about it depends on where you start actually, if you get placed in some nowhere far from a place that will protect you, you're probably fucked, whereas if you get placed near or at a safe place, then you have a much better chance.

>> No.6835022

For example:
>The most important thing is to not trust magicians.
>Fortunately, their bodies aren't very strong, only about that of an ordinary human, so running away is simple.
>A magician who is properly prepared is so strong that they can take on any kind of youkai.
>However, they are weak to surprise attacks, and are not good at close combat or drawn-out fights.
>The most fundamental thing is to be careful not to fall into a magician's trap and not to enter their territory.
>If you happen to enter their territory, your best options are either to immediately run away or to boldly approach them.

So, Akyuu is suggesting to boldly approach magicians and give them surprise close combat attacks and to extend that attack for lengthy periods of time.

I've got my plan to do in Alice set, then!

>> No.6835032

Yeah, as magicians have focussed their training on magic rather than physical things, so your best bet literally is either out of sight running, or up in their face where magic is going to be more difficult to use. But still, strength of that of a regular, forget not that you're also a regular human, and in alice's case, you aren't gonna do well once them dolls show up.

>> No.6835035

some posters should get name for this thread - I told the same it depends on a lot of things including your position and other unpredictable from our position things.

So now we assume worst option: you are human - no danmaku, reimu and rinnosuke isnt close to help you and suddenly evil fairy attacks you hoping for meal.

>> No.6835044

Why would you even do that? Did you even bother reading the profile on Alice?

Threat level: Low
人間友好度: 高
Human friendship level: High
She's the type of magician that was originally human and became one through training.
Because of this, she is very understanding towards humans.
If you happen to wander into the Forest of Magic and lose your way, and end up at her house, it is said that she will welcome you and allow you to stay over.
However, while she says that, all she does is research magic and manipulate her dolls without really conversing, which is creepy, so it seems one would want to run away as quickly as possible (*1).

We play with dolls all the time too, we'd fit right in.

>> No.6835046

evil fairies? Fairies don't really EAT you, they just like messing with you, sometimes with fatal results but its generally not intentional.

Depending on the fairy's level of intelligence, low level, i can try to convince them that i will do harm to them or are dangerous, though this could easily go both ways, or convince it that it'd be more fun to do something else, such as skipping rocks. Greater ones wouldn't exactly be something a regualr human could handle really, and I haven't been able to much come up with anything aside from trying to bargain with it.

>> No.6835049

>Fairies won't go near cautious people.
>Therefore, if you usually pay attention to your surroundings you should be fine.
>If you were to be pulled into a prank, what to do?
>The truth is that while fairies are reckless, they don't like fighting much at all.
>When a human notices the prank, the fairies will probably get away as fast as they can.
>If you were to be successful in catching one, you can freely vent your anger on it since they're not very strong.
>A grown human should win easily.

>> No.6835070

like PM says, Fairies are practically the insects, they are large in number, but more of a nuisance than an actual threat.

>> No.6835075

The only thing you have to worry about would be beasts in Gensokyo. Faeries are killed all the time by normal humans, Youkai have to abide by danamaku rules, Magicians are on the same level as an armed human with a Gun, ghosts can be ignored, spirits will likely not harm you unless provoked.

Beasts however are the same as a wild lion, and they want to eat you in order to raise their class status.
Suicide into Muenzuka is the highest chance you have of entering Gensokyo. Your best bet from there would be to enter into a contract with a random Youkai and become a shikigami. Easier said than done, but you dont have much of a choice anyways. High faith levels might help you there too, although I am not sure if Humans are even capable of becoming shikigami in the first place. This would be my plan anyways.

If all fails, I could start an industrial revolution in Gensokyo I guess. Writing what I remember from books and creating more books.

>> No.6835088

No, no, you see, I want to fit right into Alice, if you get what I mean.

>> No.6835091

>start an industrial revolution in Gensokyo

They already have advanced machinery, including a goddamn fusion reactor. What could you possibly introduce that they don't have already?

>> No.6835093
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What happened to this thread? I just went off for a while and it's already a troll fest?

Nobody here wanted to appeal to a Touhou. They are all lesbians and it's fine that way.
Just being able to live in that world would be fun enough.

My secret fantasy is to be one of Reimu's ying-yang-orb cats. Spending my days lying in the sun next to Reimu, Suika and occasional guests, munching their leftover food and just taking it easy. And if I'm lucky and live long enough I may end up becoming a nekomata-loli. Yay.

>> No.6835099

spirituality would be a difficult thing to equate in both worlds, there faith is probably different since gods are pretty much a real and regular thing.

The people of gensokyo haven't advanced much because of their spiritual mindset, so a single person isn't going to change that very easily.

I don't know if there'd be any youkai who'd want a human who can't do much as a contractual shikigami. I still think the best bet is to get to something like the human village and hope you don't run into something like a beast while getting there.

>> No.6835116

The world appeals to me more than the characters too, though I'm not as prone to these flights of fancy like being a yin-yang orb cat, but with them mysteries of reincarnation, i suppose its not impossible

>> No.6835118

Kappa and Tengu dont count, and their tech is pretty shitty compared to ours in this world anyways. I was talking about the Human village. They cant figure out how to work computers although they have a few of them in there. The problem lies with residential power distribution, of which they have none. Setting up one big Bus bar per house or two would be easy, as would distributing power. All they really need is a way to measure these, with something like a multimeter, which is not that complex. Its something that there is no knowledge of in gensokyo.

>> No.6835125

and thats what I told earlier - only problem in fact will be all those "nature like" low level beasts acting the same as ANIMALS that are described in survival guides.

>> No.6835128


It could be the opposite too. Upon entry to Gensokyo, you could have a phantom in form of a little girl enter your body, desperately begging you to allow her to keep staying in you and not exorcise her. She'd explain that phantoms not bound to people or places have fragile existences that vanish with the daylight sun and that she doesn't want to fade into nothingness, so she needs a host to survive. Of course, as a /jp/ Anonymous you'd never refuse a cute 2D girl, so you'd accept and start living a divided life, taking control of your body while the sun is up and allowing the phantom loli to act during the night, enjoying activities she never could in her short mortal life. But as the days pass, you'd notice that you're getting smaller and more feminine, eventually figuring out that the phantom's magical influence is slowly transforming her container (that is to say, your body) into a form similar to what she had in life, that of a cute, cheerful young girl. Needless to say, you'd be more than okay with this.

Since phantoms and their hosts share emotions, you'd personally know how devoted she is to you for saving her and how happy she is merely to be alive, her childish, endearing innocence eventually making you fall for her. Meanwhile, the concept of sublime, maidenly love between two young girls would make way into her mind in return, so she too would start to bud into an elegant little lesbian. Of course, since your minds are linked you'd soon notice what the other is thinking, and since your feelings are mutual, you'd quickly become more than phantom and host. As you only have one body (which by now would've been completely transformed into a girl) you'd be unable to have sex, but since your senses are shared, even masturbation would be a sufficient way to express your love.

>> No.6835131

But during certain times like lunar eclipses, halloween, or the days of summer and autumn where Hyakki Yako and Wild Hunts are conducted, the boundaries between the realms of the living and the dead would be thin enough for her to take a tangible form, and you'd take this opportunity to show your love in a more physical manner. Of course, all those years of being a container for her soul would have changed your own body beyond recognition, and by then you'd be not only a girl, but an identical copy of her. So you'd act as both twin sisters and lesbian lovers, playing together and having fun during the day and sharing a bed as a devoted couple during the night, rubbing your young bodies and small, undeveloped breasts together until you are both exhausted. The bond between your souls would be so strong that even when seperated, you'd feel everything your partner feels, and eventually you'd archive orgasm in perfect unison.

If only ;_;

>> No.6835137

Becoming a priest of a deity probably would be easier than a shikigami, and gives you ability to wield divine power.

You've got 8 million tries, I'm sure you'll get someone that would tolerate you.

>> No.6835138

the kappa have a god damned fusion generator, I fail to see how their technology is shitty in comparison to ours.

that and the computers that end up in gensokyo are probably broken, or from decades past, as things that fall into gensokyo are things that hold weak or no connection to the outside world.

I'm not particularly enthralled by your thoughts of polluting that world with elements from ours.

>> No.6835143

Gensokyo exists by not abiding to reality and by faith. I'm sure there are plenty here who are so autistic they could become gods in gensokyo. Rest of the /jp/ goers who are not so lucky can become shrine maidens.

>> No.6835145

As long as you're not Asian, you could probably pass yourself off as a rare/valuable possession to some of the stronger youkai, since I think nearly everyone is Japanese. If the Scarlets are white like the name implies (but they probably aren't) you might even be able to fake it as a vampire.

>> No.6835146

I don't.
Gensokyo probably wouldn't be a good place for someone like to me to live in, after all. What if it has all those chaacters I know and love? It's not like I'd ever get to talk to them.

>> No.6835158

Deity easier than shinkigami?
I guess it goes just like >>6835143 said then.
I'm not that autistic, and being a lazy shikigami being abused by my youkai master is my dream. I'm sure that if I keep trying I'll make it.

>> No.6835159

Once again, kappa have, among other things, most of which are never named, a fusion reactor and a giant robot. How could you conceivably call that shitty is beyond me.

I concede you might have a chance in the human village, though. If you manage to convince them that technology is a GoodThing(TM) and not evil youkai tricks that honest humans should keep away from, that is.

>> No.6835161
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good god that's almost painful, and not entirely in a bad way, its sweet and cute, but its also a bit disconcerting.

>> No.6835162


>> No.6835173
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>Once you're there, you cannot come home or send messages/items.

"If an outsider has the luck to reach the Human Village, he can be returned safely to the outside world if he goes to the Hakurei Shrine.

However, there are also rare cases where outsiders settle down in Gensokyo."

>> No.6835177

As I would easily be recognizable as an outsider, I'm sure they would be quite curious as how the inner workings of all the trash that gets picked up works. I could get a job at Rin's, and possibly bribe some other halfie to turn me into one too if thats even possible. Damn, there are so many ways to stop being a shitty human its just too easy if you think about it.

>> No.6835178

Get in my car, which I have for various reasons, and drive through any applicable barricades and onward into Gensokyo.

Once there, devise some way to incorporate a Saturn SL2 into my curtain fire.

>> No.6835188
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Fairies can't be killed. And not all are weak. Cirno for example can even outpower Marisa.

You are only safe from the old youkai. The young ones will still rip you apart and eat you. There is no way to fend them of with a gun or similar stuff either since they would just regenerate on the spot even if they missed an arm.

Magicans without magical enhancement are just as strong physically as normal humans, yeah, and they are not supposed to kill you if you formally duel with them. But that's as far as it goes. If you start an suprise attack they have no obligation not to kill you. A simple move of their finger or a blink of their eyes and you head is missing. Though some of them might be nice enough to let you escape.

Spiritual powers are not something you can acquire either. It's a big deal that Reimu can use those and normal humans not. That's why only shrine maidens with inherent abilities and individuals with other mystic powers can exterminate youkai.

Welcome to Gensokyo.

>> No.6835194


Then I will hit them with my car.


Also, try to get to Eintei before I run out of gas, bet on Kaguya's capricious nature to give me... some kinda... moon gun... or something.

>> No.6835206

yes, it will fire kanji and confuse people, but only westerners.
meegodz someone with a practical view! finally...

>> No.6835210

>Even Cirno can overpower Marisa
You lost all credibility here.
If Marisa actually tried anything during Fairy wars, Cirno would have lost. She didnt even use Master Spark once. Cirno is a joke character.

>Only safe from old Youkai... Young eat.
No, again, they are bound by Danmaku rules. Only beasts do not adhere them.

Either way, everyone has their own version of Gensokyo, it must suck that yours is so shitty.

>> No.6835218

>Fairies can't be killed.
Yes they can. Just not permanently. You can kill them, eventually they regenerate and rise back up. Youkai do this within seconds, but fairies apparently take longer if Star wasn't joking in that Sangessei chapter.

>Cirno for example can even outpower Marisa.
Yep, Marisa with her devastating spellcards like "Blazing Star-Style Tag" and "Master Spark-like Flashlight".

>The young ones will still rip you apart and eat you.
No they won't. They're forbidden to eat humans, under any condition. You'd have more to fear from wild beasts, which aren't afraid of no contract.

>Spiritual powers are not something you can acquire either.
That's why everyone flies without exception in Gensokyo, right.

In conclusion stop spitting bullshit.

>> No.6835220

You can't use the spiritual powers of a shrine maiden even if you pray your entire life to a deity. You are born with those. That's why only Reimu can do what she does.

Shikigami is also out of question if you don't have any abilities to begin with...

>> No.6835230

Thats the entire point of being Shikigami, leeching off your master.

>> No.6835234

Cirno is an exception, and can be distracted by giving her a puzzle to solve. Most fairies (for a canonical example, Lily) are weaker than humans.

Youkai can't kill humans they defeat in a duel. You just need to prepare some spellcards beforehand. Work out a good name for throwing stones and fencing with a stick and you're set.

>> No.6835243

Fairy Wars is not the only instance of Cirno defeating Marisa.

>> No.6835245

My spellcards would consist of me groping the female youkai aggressor. That will show them to mess with me.

>> No.6835246

I imagine its a mutualistic thing, i'm sure the master gains benefit from it to, most probably a defense, and silly outsider with no real abilities won't help much in that. Maybe you can find one that would contract you and TEACH you, but that'd take some luck

>> No.6835255

Oni value Honor and Courage. If I had the balls to enter hell I'm sure I could find one right? They cant be that rare.

>> No.6835256

and if you encounter an aggressive male youkai

sweet sweet yaoi tiemz incoming

>> No.6835259

I dont mind as long as they are bishie. Then its alright.

>> No.6835260 [DELETED] 

>i'm sure the master gains benefit from it to, most probably a defense

Shikigami are made to carry curses and deliver messages. They're hard to maintain (normal people can only have one or two, the most ever recorded was 12) but generally they aren't awesome battle monsters, they're messengers and servants.

The bigger problem is that shikigami are generally made out of paper. If you wanted a shikigami, you don't go fox hunting like Yukari did, you just make a paper crane, call a spirit to it and instantly have a crane loli.

>> No.6835262

its not so much hell as just underground.

and Oni are on their toes about humans since they went underground to get away from humans who would use tricks and deceit to kill them.

If you could show them you were an honest and of good strong character it'd be good but be prepared for a lot of bruises and a ton of liver cirrhosis.

>> No.6835269

If I pray enough I'm sure I'd live the drinking.

>> No.6835270

Shikigami are made to carry curses and deliver messages. They're hard to maintain (normal people can only have one or two) but generally they aren't awesome battle monsters, they're messengers and servants. The bigger problem is that shikigami are generally made out of paper. If you wanted a shikigami, you don't go fox hunting like Yukari did, you just make a paper crane, call a spirit to it and instantly have a crane loli.

Oh yeah, here's that old wall of text with a bunch of recorded human transformations into youkai and the like.

>Known methods to turn into a supernatural creature (not necessarily youkai, immortals too) include turning into a demon out of excess lust (Kiyohime), anger (Taira no Masakado), covetousness (Mugenyama temple bell, Raigo Anjari), religious zeal (monks turning into oni to protect their temples from evil), pride (tengu) and presumably any other emotion in its extreme, dying with regrets (a lot, for example dorotabo), dying with a single purpose in mind (a lot, for example inugami), starving (itsumaden), eating mermaid flesh or liver (Yaobikuni), stopping blood, air or semen flow for 1000 days (Taoist monks), straying from the Buddhist path or living a sinful life (most youkai), stealing money or oil (dodomeki and abura-akago), being a slut (sazae-oni), being wronged in some way (tenome), living or existing for long periods of time (many animal-base demons, for example nekomata, also tsukumogami), special rituals (ungaikyou), killing a certain demon or a number of demons (ushi-oni), being killed by certain demons (funayurei), somehow fusing yourself with an object (biwa-yanagi, but there's no ritual or anything for this, dude dropped his biwa into water, a whirlpool sucked him up and when he came to himself he was half fucking lute.), excessive dieting (futakuchi-onna), dying without fulfilling a promise (zashiki-warashi) and so on. You can also be born that way and not know it (rokurokubi).

>> No.6835273

you're gonna have to learn regeneration magics damned soon, praying will only get you so far.

>> No.6835278


Easy modo.
There must have been like no one for that zero semen flow though.

>> No.6835286

I'm assuming being a shiki would give me enough strength to help counter that.

>> No.6835287
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>stopping blood, air or semen flow for 1000 days (Taoist monks)
>1,000 days of no masturbation.

>> No.6835291

>stealing money

Fuck yes!

1. Steal 1M$ to pay for the Gensokyo portal fare.
2. Become a youkai upon arrival.
3. ???
4. Profit!

>> No.6835295

Yes, Marisa said it herself: Even if she had gone all-out she wouldn't be sure if she could win against Cirno. Go play Fairy Wars again.

You also have a wrong idea of the spellcard rules. They don't magically restrict youkai from harming you. It's partially on free will and partially the fear of being exterminated by shrine maidens and sage youkai that keeps the regular ones from eating you.
Just go read the game dialogs or Medicine Melancholy's biography.
Young inexperienced youkai -will- attack and try to take a bite of you. Especially if they are sure that nobody knows you around here. There won't be any punishment if nobody gets to know that you died.

Everybody flies? Yeah? Now think again. Did you ever see a normal human or non-youkai in the games? Did you ever see a normal human fly? No.
That's for the flying issue, but here for the spiritual powers:
Those holy spiritual powers of a shrine maiden are a different story than flying. Even if you can fly by some means, you can't use those spiritual powers unless you are born with it.
It's mentioned several times how Reimu is special in that aspect. You could read her PMISS or the page in Marisa's Grimoire about her.

>> No.6835296

>Pride (Tengu)
TRUNEET's confirmed for Tengu

>> No.6835309

>Dodomeki - the ghost of a pickpocket, her arms are covered in eyes.
>Abura-akago - an infant ghost who licks the oil out of andon lamps.

Find yourself a suitable hat and color scheme, and by god we're already touhous.

>> No.6835315

>Everybody flies? Yeah?


>Don't worry, even without wings we can all fly.

Akyuu is a liar, but not as much of a liar as to write something that would be an obvious bullshit to every potential reader.

>> No.6835327

SDM seems like a good resource spot to stop by, providing you can convince Remilia to let you stay. She has plenty of useless maids, I'm sure an only slightly useless butler wont hurt much right?

>> No.6835329 [SPOILER] 
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Goddamnit, now i'm looking up some of these and see

"They vied for her attention, but soon found that she was willing to have sex with all of them, cutting their testicles off afterwards. The men, obviously upset, threw her into the ocean, where she revealed her true form, and bartered with the captain for their testicles back. The Sazae-oni ended up leaving with a large amount of pirate gold. Testicles are sometimes called kin-tama or "golden balls" in Japanese, so the punchline goes that gold was bought with gold."

>> No.6835330
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Unless you will really enter using portal from op or other modern technology you have to use MAGIC or FAITH even when you suicide. So you get to be youkai girl. (especially when want it, are depressed, mentally sick or something like that). I think just those who get by accident arent granted to be youkai but still can do it while in gensokyo. Just think about people who suicide to become girl or opposite or even with hope to become youkai (and I dont mean those who just have weird fantasies about it)

>> No.6835336

If you don't mind being drained of all your blood and dieing, or being incinerated on the occasions that Flandre escapes her room

>> No.6835341

I don't mind, being somewhat suicidal already.

>> No.6835346

>Everybody flies? Yeah? Now think again.
>That's for the flying issue, but here for the spiritual powers:
Read the PCB intro again. Reimu personally claims Gensokyo is fun because any layman can go "Alright I'm bored of farming, time to solve some incidents" and start kicking frilly loli asses left and right. Reimu is special in one way though, since she's the Hakurei maiden.

>They don't magically restrict youkai from harming you. It's partially on free will and partially the fear of being exterminated by shrine maidens and sage youkai that keeps the regular ones from eating you.
Ungrounded bullshit, ungrounded bullshit, and yep, ungrounded bullshit. Youkai can't break contracts. Once they agree to the danmaku fighting rules, they have to abide by it. The only danger comes from newly formed youkai not yet initiated into danmaku.

>Even if she had gone all-out she wouldn't be sure if she could win against Cirno.
Looks like you need to give FW Extra a run too. Marisa says Cirno could've been an annoyance, not that she stands a serious chance at beating her in a real fight.

>> No.6835349

Who would want a useless Shikigami? Probably only the lesser ones. Or Fairies. Though that would be fine too I guess...
The problem here is that they can't summon the Shikigami spirit into you unless they are actually something themselves. The most Aya can handle are crows.
I don't think you will find a mystically very talented but stupid youkai before you are eaten.

Well, I wouldn't want to live constanly with a Shikigami spirit inside me either. Being controlled for the rest of my life would suck either way.

>> No.6835369

One thing I want to bring up before I leave and get some damned shut eye:

If you were to go there via suicide if thats possible, or die and go there, technically thats reincarnation, you may be born with the same spirit, but its already proven that environment affects personality development, you might die and reincarnate there, and develop a desire to live in the outside world, but won't be able to, so you spend your days socially isolated from the boring residents of gensokyo, wishing you could intermingle with the almost magical seeming denizens of the outside world, getting only small accounts you develop an idealized picture of the outside world.

>> No.6835373

>in a real fight

Yeah, good thing they do danmaku fights instead.

PoFV. Hisoutensoku. And now Fairy Wars. That's three occasions on which Cirno has beaten Marisa. It's not something unusual.

>> No.6835380

>counting Hisouten as a Touhou game

That's it, get out of /jp/.

>> No.6835381
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>>Everybody flies? Yeah?

Don't even need danmaku, day in and out all I would be doing is flying as fast as I could; getting faster and faster every day. I love the sky, the clouds, love the scenery from the sky. I'm pretty much glued to the window any time i'm in an airplane. Hell i'd become a pilot if I wasn't almost completely color-blind to the point the military wouldn't even accept me.

Maybe a shield I could incorporate into spellcards to deflect danmaku or tackle.

>> No.6835383

forgot to mention you dont have any memory of your previous life

>> No.6835389

Marisa isnt that strong - she is still human.
The same Reimu (she is main character in most games so she has to win, but any time she isnt she loses all her battles, and gets raped)

>> No.6835402

Uh, sorry, the "Touhou" in the title must have misled me.

>> No.6835409

Except that in PoFV, Cirno also beat Yuuka and Shiki, in the same day. In Hisotensoku, she also beats Okuu. I'm not exactly an expert on the subject, but I'm fairly certain Cirno isn't stronger than Yuuka, Siki, or Okuu.

>> No.6835413

No, your are spreading the ungrounded BS here...
If you are not willing to read it up I won't waste my time.
There was no devils contract involved like that one in the vampire incident.
Reimu proposed the spellcard rules on the grounds that anyone who doesn't heed them will be exterminated. There is no actual contract.

Trivia:The only contract you can't break in the Touhouverse is a devils contract. The one which the sage youkai made with the vampires. You misread that.

About the flying again:
I won't argue here because it's tiring and because it's not what I wanted to underline.
My point was that only shrine maidens can use those spiritual powers which harms youkai, but not humans. They are born with it.
So no one could just go and pray to a goddess to acquire them. You need to be from a certain lineage with the inherent ability to channel the gods.

And my statement about Cirno stands. "Even if I had pulled out my most powerful lasers,
she could've been trouble..."

>> No.6835416
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You know those skyfish cryptids, actually artifacts that show up when a camera captures an insect flying past? You could embody those, being a little girl with fly wings and antennae, flying so fast that you appear as a rod-shaped, segmented blur.

I think I'll go masturbate to my mental image of this now. Having sex with a fly loli while holding on to her halteres is my fetish.

>> No.6835437

Yep, that's why it's called a contract, is proposed by youkai as a contract, and coining a spellcard involves writing its name on it to seal the contract.

>My point was that only shrine maidens can use those spiritual powers which harms youkai, but not humans. They are born with it. So no one could just go and pray to a goddess to acquire them. You need to be from a certain lineage with the inherent ability to channel the gods.
Yeah, as if Myouren/Byakuren, the hermits and shit don't undermine this nonsense completely.

Jeez, aren't you persistent. I'm not bothering with you either. Go be wrong somewhere else.

>> No.6835441


Cirno's clothes were tattered at the end of that though, not Marisa's. Danmaku fights are only pretty firework contests, not a good way to determine actual strength.

>> No.6835454
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>I think I'll go masturbate to my mental image of this now.
So would the embodiment actually be fish or insects? Since they are referred to as fish, by name anyway.

N-no.. Not on the wings! You'll mess up the dust!

>> No.6835482

Why not both? Half moth, half fish, all little girl.

>> No.6835507

What are you talking about? Byakuren uses black magic not spiritual powers. Nor do hermits, they use supernatural abilities gained through their ascetic lifestyle.

The line that you have problems with:"The name of the spell shall be recorded on paper in the same form as this contract"
Yeah, the name shall be recorded on paper, just like that contract. The spellcard itself is no contract. And definitely not a devils contract. Those are used by vampires and devils exlusively. Reimu can't initiate one. Nor was it stated that there was ever another form of contract made. Quote something if you think you're right.

>> No.6835516

As somebody with the assburgers, I could conquer Gensokyo by simply walking into it.

>> No.6835523

>Byakuren uses black magic not spiritual powers. Nor do hermits, they use supernatural abilities gained through their ascetic lifestyle.

>Herp derp obey the arbitrary definition of "spiritual powers" I pulled out of my ass

Stop being retarded.

>Quote something if you think you're right.
>"The name of the spell shall be recorded on paper in the same form as this contract"

Couldn't you read the next line, you dimwit?

>As a result, all of the aforementioned regulations become absolute.

>> No.6835548 [DELETED] 

So now lets discuss practical method of entering gensokyo.

>> No.6835625

How does being "special" make you a conqueror?

>> No.6835691

its just his imagination - let him be

>> No.6835734

>doesn't know the difference between Reimu's spiritual power and other powers like magic

That's it. No need to discuss this further if you don't...

You can maybe read that line as some form of contract if you try to, but it's not stated explicitely anywhere.
Mystia, Rumia and those other lesser youkai wouldn't even think of eating you if they really couldn't harm you. And nobody would be afraid the youkai either if that was a contract or even an unbreakable contract.
But humans still get eaten. And lesser still threaten to eat you. That's what we know without a doubt. So that can't actually be a real binding contract.

>> No.6835735

Trustfund and a bank robbery.

I shall become a wizard as anyone CAN learn to fly or become a Magician with a shitload of hardwork and reading.

Look at Marisa, I'll ask her, Alice and Byakuren for guidance.

After I'm powerful enough to danmaku Remilia after a few decades, I'll just take it easy.

>> No.6835745
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One method of entering the fabled land of Gensokyo that was discovered is hidden within this riddle

Wait for the eclipse of the crimson rabbits to polymorph into the eye of the scarlet. On this night, the phoenix will allow one lucky soul to be reborn as a female to engage in frivolous behavior. Failure to engage in this act is instant death. Once complete you will be transported to Gensokyo.

>> No.6835781

Start as I mean to go on: Steal Fucking Everything

>> No.6835785
File: 165 KB, 640x480, 1267439008693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is only useable to those who personally knew of the existence of Gensokyo prior to the portal opening, so it cannot be exploited too much by our world.

>> No.6835795

I'd probably propose the journey to a privately funded scientific research and development company. Make sure they're under the impression that there will be a way for me to either come back or send back magical artifacts for financial exploit. I'm fairly sure I could bullshit them into believing that since there would really be no way of them proving otherwise and as far as they knew I would be the only person on Earth with the ability to use the portal.

Once I get over there? Fuck 'em. Greedy bastards.

>> No.6837417 [DELETED] 

one of best threads on /jp/

>> No.6837426

Well if you are reborn as an infant to a pedo parent and they molest you then you would fulfill the requirement, yes?
