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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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683387 No.683387 [Reply] [Original]

I noticed quite a few people play MB, IAMP, etc on their keyboards. How do you do this? I've tried playing with my keyboard and I can't perform and special moves or anything, especially ones with diagonals, like down-left, up-right, etc. Now, admittedly I suck at fightan games, but seriously, how can you play like that?

>> No.683389

Are you using your arrow keys?

>> No.683391

I have a PS2 pad hooked up to my computer.

People also have actual arcade sticks that they use too.

>> No.683394

You clearly don't play PC games that much.

It's a bit trickier, but really, it's not that different beisdes the fact you use 3 fingers instead of 1 thumb.

>> No.683396

I don't see how you can play on a joypad. I need precision, and nothing says precisno leik a kebybodraa

>> No.683397

its fucking piss easy

i find it easier to do things like arc drives on a keyboard instead of a pad, actually

>> No.683400

You can't. They're trolling. Saying "I play fighting games on a keyboard" is like saying "I like Ciel". No one actually means it, they only say it because it's so unbelievable.

>> No.683430


>> No.683437

I like Ciel

>> No.683447

Go climb a wall of dicks

>> No.683448

I can play Meltan on mah keyboard. I tried playin with a ps2 controller at my friend´s house, he has the ps2 version but didn´t knew what game that was. Fuckin fail, i wasn´t able to do a single combo, fuck pad, keyboard all the way

>> No.683451

I play IaMP on a keyboard, and I can do specials pretty consistently. I don't play seriously though.

>> No.683461

If I could use the keyboard for buttons and get a USB arcade joystick that'd be fucking amazing.

>> No.683482

I find it easier to pull off special moves on the keyboard, actually. Especially those with complicated pretzel-shaped motion.

Otherwise, for general movement, the pad is more intuitive.

>> No.683496


>complicated pretzel-shaped motion

Did you mean Shoryuken?

>> No.683506


Huh? I play fighting games on a keyboard and I like Ciel as well. What are you talking about?

>> No.683518

It's all a matter of personal preference. Growing up on console versions, I work better with a pad. Doesn't mean you can't pull off the same shit with the keyboard or a stick.

>> No.683531

Alpha troll right here, folks.

>> No.683532
File: 9 KB, 227x368, 1211692539988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Ciel AND I play Meltan on a keyboard.
I must be the greatest troll on /jp/.

>> No.683536

Wait, is that English? ENGLISH PATCH WHERE!?

>> No.683543


No, you're okay. CurryButt tops you.

>> No.683547

That's for ReAct.

>> No.683553


>> No.683555


It's Re-ACT

>> No.683557

>precisno leik a kebybodraa

>> No.683561

I have a ps2 pad, but I don't use its analog stick. Right hand on the pad and left hand on arrow keys. I also like Ciel. Do I win yet?

>> No.683567


>> No.683570

keyboard's arrow keys, not the dpad

>> No.683584

Wow, this thread made me facepalm and lol. Good job guys.

>> No.683583

What character has such a move lol?

>> No.683588



>> No.683592


>> No.683634

Message is working on the installer.

>> No.683644


Fuck you for beating me to it. Seriously though, I thought I was the only one who cared since who needs a translation for MBAC, but shit. It's been fucking forever.

>> No.683669
File: 42 KB, 875x880, 1211693889770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....nuff said... ;_;

I really don't care, I just want to read Akiha's trash-talking after matches.

>> No.683686

Being the most pro person to use a keyboard on the west coast I'm not surprised that you can't play on a keyboard. You need to be something else to pull this off you don't learn to play the keyboard, your born with the skills.
Have fun playing Ciel, Akiha and Warc on your fucking pads or your fucking sticks. I'll be playing the most badass motherfucker, KISHIMA KOUMA on my goddamn keyboard. And you wanna know what? You can't beat me, I'm just too damn good. You name the time, you name the place and I'll be there to beat your ass

214c for life.

>> No.683705

OP here, guess I need to buy a gamepad.

>> No.683736
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>> No.683776
File: 43 KB, 941x375, 1211694592435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/r/ meltan pasta for beginners

>> No.683853


Melty Blood how-to-netplay copypasta:

You must be using Act Cadenza Version B!

If you don't have the game, awaken to the power of torrents.

Download the 1.13 patch from www.meltybread.com

There is a default caster there, but if you want to be able to SPECTATE, download Mauve's version:

Use the address "mizuumi.net" to:

>> No.683863

GGs, its a shame we couldn't play on a lower delay.

>> No.683870
File: 9 KB, 227x368, 1211695252029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs lol
Haven't we played already?

>> No.683876

believe that's it. thanks!

>> No.683877

I don't think so.

>> No.683892

Well,now we did.

>> No.683900

Well,now we have.
Lol delete-editing own posts

>> No.683909 [SPOILER] 
File: 223 KB, 640x480, 1211695586519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a pleasure, next time I'll win though.

>> No.683912

For a guy with a button thumb, whats going to be more precise? PS2 controller or that one logitech controller?

>> No.683962

Logitechfag here.

PS2, FAGGOT!! Logitech has an annoying habit of raising it's D-pad, so it the heat of the battle, you're likely to fuck up a simple fireball motion which will register as a DP motion. PS's pads are sunken in a bit for better precision with those types of commands. I'm just stuck with a Logitech pad because I don't know where to get the PS2 converter dealie.

>> No.683977

Do you mean the one that's shaped exactly like a PS2 controller?

>> No.684006

Yeah, but as>>683962
points out, the d-pad is very different. Unfortunately, I can't use the logitech one, because the packaging prevents it. I'll look into the PS2 controller then. Give me a second and I'll dig up the link for the USB converter on play-asia.

>> No.684018

Found it, this is what I'll get once I get my next paycheck:

>> No.684042

YOU ARE MY FUCKING HERO!! I've been lurking forever for one of these things!!

