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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 4 KB, 120x126, 1264457583525s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6833565 No.6833565 [Reply] [Original]

Don't you hate it when artists delete their crap on Pixiv? I was looking for this image (possessing only the thumbnail) which I used to post a lot here (I'd say more than a year ago) but it turns out the creator deleted it.

Say, /jp/... you wouldn't happen to have it? I lost mine in a boating accident.

>> No.6833575


>> No.6833582


No, man... it's not there. I checked manually before going with IQDB, saucenao, and tineye. Saucenao said it was from Pixiv. Pixiv said the image was deleted. I even checked the artist's portfolio to confirm it.

>> No.6833815

Yes, it pisses me the fuck off. I just want to slap those artists across the head, but it's the internet.

>> No.6833822

Hey maybe after a while they just don't like their old art anymore. They can do whatever they want with their gallery.

>> No.6833825

They have a duty to the community

>> No.6833834


They're drawfags using a public website, not civil servants. If you're that petrified of an image being removed, save it.

>> No.6833836

This. If you upload an image, you shouldn't remove it. It's discourteous towards everyone who likes your art. Especially if the artist has an "It's my gallery, I do whatever the fuck I want, assholes!" attitude.

>> No.6833837

I remember adding a artist to my AIM once and begging him for some older pics, because he didn't have much stuff out. And he wouldn't give me shit, I begged and I begged and I begged, but he wouldn't budge, it even came down to me telling him I just wanted to jerk off to more of his stuff and didn't care about his "art". And he just wouldn't give in, oh also, this artist drew raccoon lolis in corsets and lingerie.

>> No.6833843

Sounds like a real piece of work

>> No.6833846


Now that's just pathetic.

>> No.6833861
File: 15 KB, 145x281, 1277287825679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Find hot picture on 2chan
>Use saucenao to find the pixiv artist

>> No.6833879

I've had that happen once. I wonder if they're banned or if they deleted their own account (should not be allowed).

>> No.6833925
File: 83 KB, 640x422, 1279280834837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Find artist you like
>He only uploads doujin previews

Atleast post the link to your blog in the account man.

>> No.6835014

Someone must have saved it. I mean, look at it. Just look at it.

>> No.6835184



>> No.6835205

anyone have a Pixiv guide. would appreciate it.

>> No.6835228


A guide to what, exactly?

>> No.6835235

OP that drawing is super hideous, artist probably deleted it out of shame.

>> No.6835248

it's like saying people with sex tapes aren't allowed to take their shit down. And you KNOW they wanted it there in the first place, because they taped that shit.

double logic faults, man. Also, take it fucking easy.

>> No.6835261


This was actually a thinly veiled /r/ thread. Maybe.

>> No.6835285

too bad it got derailed by ragefags

>> No.6835996


Well, I liked it.

>> No.6836007

It saddens me that this guy deleted his pixiv account

>> No.6837244
File: 179 KB, 392x476, eri_waraia5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not OP, but I'm going to send an email to my favorite artist and tell them I want an archive of all the old pics they deleted. The artist in question is apparently a huge westaboo too so I'm going to send the message to them in english.

W-wish me luck, /jp/.

>> No.6837264

Why hasn't anyone mentioned the pixiv archiver

>> No.6837277


I did not know such a place existed, Pray, do tell where I can find this wondrous place.

>> No.6837288

Is there an actual reason they seem to purge their old stuff every so often?

>> No.6837300

so people like us don't keep stealing their shit, sometimes adding it to random signatures and shit; and then we get mad at them for taking them down? I mean, I know it's their fault for putting it online, but I'm quite sure some of them get annoyed when people tell them what to do with their shit.

>resistence & penis

>> No.6837304

and it's probably wrong to use us. I don't even think about that stuff, but I imagine it's quite a common occurrence. It is online & free, after all.

>> No.6837335

Fucking this. There are so many doujins I see previews for that I want to fucking buy, but can't.

>> No.6837416

While I agree it's very annoying, browsing an artist's Pixiv account isn't a reliable way to get all of his art anyway. You always have to double-check on Dan/Gelbooru.

>> No.6837425

Because they think it's shit? I'm a drawfag and I don't even want to look at some of my old stuff.

>> No.6837532

You could buy it through a proxy service and have it shipped to you.

Actually, no, don't do that. I wasted like 600 bucks last year doing that and I still haven't gotten around to scanning all of them.

>> No.6837535

fucking hell how much did you buy approximately

>> No.6837544

Well, it actually wasn't all doujinshi. But I'd say at least half of it was. Proxy services pretty much double the price of everything, and when you have all of toranoana or whatever at your fingertips and you know that IF I DON'T SCAN/BUY THIS IT WILL NEVER EVER BE SCANNED AND WILL BE LOST TO THE AETHER FOR ALL ETERNITY it makes it REALLY easy to splurge.

>> No.6837555

Dang. I can understand that feeling though.

Which proxy service do you use btw? Celga?

>> No.6837559

I know that feel.

>> No.6837566

japantoy.biz, it was the cheapest I could find. They also offer cheaper SAL shipping and a nice system for bidding on Yahoo Auctions (which makes the problems I described in the last post even worse).

>> No.6837573

pretty much. There was a petit nendroid set for like 60 bucks on websites everywhere. I only really wanted two of the figurines to be honest but you can switch the parts around for fun.
Anyway, I waited too long and now it's not sold anywhere anymore, so I had to buy the two petite nendroids I wanted over ebay for like 40 bucks each.
So dumb.

>> No.6837578
File: 205 KB, 604x517, toranoana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, and pic related. The little red bars, ticking closer and closer to "out of stock", denying me dual Patchy/Satori footjobs forever.

>> No.6837584

Last time I attempted to use a proxy service for c78 I realized I had no idea how or where to start. Is there etiquette or a form you follow for it or do you just email them and bluntly link the item?

>> No.6837600

My experience (with Celga, so I can't speak for other services) was relatively painless. They had a FAQ section and a guide for basic formatting of different types of requests; it was easy. It was also expensive, but that's to be expected I guess.

>> No.6837625

With Celga, it used to be that you had to e-mail them bluntly, but I think they have a nice neat form for you to fill out when you register now it's revamped.

>> No.6837650

I'll try them then. Thanks!

>> No.6837652

It depends. For the place I use (japantoy) they have a form where you enter in the link to the item and the price, you make your deposit, and then they buy it and once they receive it you pay the commission.

>> No.6837780

I just email my proxies bluntly, they don't seem to mind.

I've never tried japantoy before, might give them a shot before going back to my usual proxy. Thanks bro

>> No.6837789
File: 9 KB, 238x251, 1249894137832s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original was 400x423 at 36kb according to easymodo this is 238x251 at 9kb. We're getting closer.

>> No.6837812

Learn to vector shit and you should be good to go.

>> No.6837819

whenever i buy stuff via proxy it's usually a dozen or more things at once so i have to use email anyway


>> No.6837832

Why do you care, thats such shit aspect ratios and its not much more either.
