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File: 91 KB, 735x466, reimu bun is so st.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6830835 No.6830835 [Reply] [Original]

1- yukarin is so much light than reimu who have talismanl to copy yukari technology.
2- The reimu use the talisman because is a fucking faget.
3- reimu got blast so easy, and you can give theyukari to the sun chew and yukarin ll still eat sweet whenever.
4- gap is MORE better than NO gap!
5- reimu have stolen gap and is THIEF
6- yukarin will not want to stay on your house to play smacking.
7- If you trow the yukari on the floor, the floor will go up.
8- Trow both on water and watch which will come up first.
9- yukarin at mate will make a slimecord. The reimu will show dribble.
10- All yukari are hermaphrodite.reimu is too buttfaget kara
11 - yukari is the name of strongest colour. reimu means it is daydreamang.
12 - yukarin will eat sleep when she want, yukari dont give a fuck
14- yukari doesn't afraid of blades because blades aren't cut gap.
13- yukari didn’t needed an upgrade. yukari is perfect


>> No.6830846

oh ok

>> No.6830855
File: 70 KB, 371x354, chair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6830860

I don't even care if it's OC or not
Delicious kopipe

>> No.6830866
File: 16 KB, 215x225, 1293147425882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6830888

why slug more slug

1- Slug is so much light than snail who have shell to copy slug technology.
2- The snail use the shell because is a fucking faget.
3- snail got crush so easy, and you can give the slug to ur dog chew and it ll still eat lettuce.
4- shell is MORE heavy than no shell.
5- some slug have internal shell because more evolved
6- Your cousin will not want to stay on your house to play slug.
over 9000- If you trow the slug on the wall, the wall will go up.
8- Trow both on water and watch which will come up first.
9- slug at mate will make a slimecord. The snail will show dribble.
10- All slug are hermaphrodite. Snail is too but because faget
11 - slug is the name of a bullet. Snail means it is slow.
12 - Slug will eat carrion, slug dont give a fuck
13- slug didn’t needed an upgrade. Slug is perfect

>> No.6830909

why you steal my work chum>/? is COPYTRIGHT so you cease you dumb bunny you stupid THIEF like STUPID REIMU

>> No.6830929

that yukkuri is cute. unfortunately, he is gonna die soon.
