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6830441 No.6830441 [Reply] [Original]

Your honest opinion of Yasu.

Do you find her motives reasonable? Stupid? Sympathetic?

>> No.6830449

Worst character in the series and her motives are retarded.

>> No.6830454

Who knows. I can make a theory that makes her look like a neurotic bitch and another that makes her look like Jesus, and both work and can't be disproven.

>> No.6830460

Worst motive I've ever seen.

>> No.6830462

I sympathise with her cause
by which I mean ruining all the shipping and trolling the shit out of people that expected a proper explanation for umineko

>> No.6830482

Worst than brain parasites.

>> No.6830488

What motives? R07 never told us proper motives.

>> No.6830495

Graphic novel 8 makes Yasu look like the best character in Umineko. Because she is.

>> No.6830498

It's okay if you deeply understand the story (which isn't the case for the most people here), care about characters and don't expect too much.

>> No.6830517

Her motives are unclear and can be presented in different ways. Following my own perception of her story and actions, I like her a lot.
Ending is shit, and Yasu was the last enjoyable thing of Umineko.

>> No.6830521


Sure he did, it's all there.

>> No.6830522

Yea, fuck /jp/ it's full of nothing but goats

>> No.6830523

You mean Motion Graphic.

>> No.6830543
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How dare they go against Ryuukushi-sama

>> No.6830544
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"Gentlemen, I love Yasu" pasta goes here.

>> No.6830554


>> No.6830574
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I don't give two shits about non-meta.

However, if the meta-world is confirmed for false, the entire series needs to be burned.

>> No.6830576

now was that a guy or what? Did they ever come to a conclusion on that.

>> No.6830601

How can we come to a conclusion without Ryukishi confirming it? I want Yasu to be female so she is female for me.

>> No.6830603

That's a masterful retort.

>> No.6830615

love Yasu

I found her/him sympathetic if only because I've had friends like her in various ways. Reading Yasu's backstory was painfully familiar in that way

>> No.6830636

she fucking the worse answer to any story ive ever seen in my life. in the end it all about some gay guy who fell in love with a rich man, only because he cross dress as a blond women. even if its a girl , then its just a fucking chick flick love story about an emo girl.

>> No.6830639
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My problem with Yasuda motive is that it's based on the fact that "Fate has been heartless to me, so i won't fight it". Witch it's bullshit.

Sure, her life wasn't that good, she was bullied and it was awful, but i never felt she was trying to fight fate even once in her flashback, she was actually pretty passive and laid back. Compared to Maria, Eva, geez, even Takano and Shion i really can't feel her "fate" was that sad.

There is also the imaginary friends thing with Shkanon, but i'm not sure how i felt about it yet. I find especially hard to believe she can love three people at the same and whatever.

I'd really like to hear why Yasufags think she's good/had good motives.

>> No.6830642

You can say that all you want about the hot tranny but in the end, she still has a dick.

>> No.6830646

>she fucking the worse answer to any story ive ever seen in my life.

>Witch it's bullshit.
I would really like to see anti-Yasufags learn some grammar.

>> No.6830654
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Takano would kill you, weak will piece of shit.

>> No.6830655

>if only because I've had friends like her in various ways. Reading Yasu's backstory was painfully familiar in that way
did your friends fall from the highchair and mangled their penises?

>> No.6830661

This chart is stupid.

Umineko presents several mystery stories with the fantasy framing device.

The story is perfectly consistent. It's just metaphorical. So I'm sorry you can't understand metaphor and allegory.

EVERY PUZZLE GIVEN IS SOLVABLE. The solution to the mysteries, the answers to "why". They're all given. Any question that isn't answered is openly stated to be unanswerable, left to the reader to think about.

The remaining two are so retarded that there's no real rebutting them.

>> No.6830663

This trainwreck came from Japan, the Japs have her as a woman.

Therefore, she's a woman.

>> No.6830664


Well, i'm sorry, english is not my first language and i'm about to go to sleep.

And i'm not even an Anti-Yasufags, i'm kinda... neutral. I liked some aspects of Yasu, but overall i can't help but feel dissatisfied with her motive.

>> No.6830669

>I find especially hard to believe she can love three people at the same and whatever.

You've never heard of the concept of a love triangle? It's entirely possible for a person to have conflicting feelings about multiple people.

>> No.6830670

Had the most boring back story i had ever read. if i wanted to go listen to a badly written love story about a gay guy, i would of went to rk9. oh wait..

>> No.6830685


Umineko isn't hard, it's just so retarded any sane person would have trouble with it, simply because they would discard any really stupid answers.

>> No.6830687


Yes, but not three people, and more importantly she threats all her "crushes" like they are all the love of her life or something.

>> No.6830688

>i can't help but feel dissatisfied with her motive.

Her motive becomes a lot more understanding once you realize that the entire thing was supposed to be a farce. The murders were fake, the set up a fantasy made by bribing the "victims" The stories we see present Yasu as the culprit because THATS WHAT SHE WANTS. The entire thing is an elaborate murder mystery LARP she set up to see if anybody could solve it.

Things just go horribly wrong around her.

>> No.6830695

we wanted a good visual novel about awesome magic battles or about mystery about DEEP characters and all we get is a love story. at last we got some magic battles..

>> No.6830696

Yasu is love. Everything about her is love. Haters gonna hate.

>> No.6830698

More like the pain of unrequited love, living with the fact that your father is a monster (serial molestation), growing up with no real parental guidance (that friend's parents were drug addicts), playing pretend(knew some retarded otakukin in high school), being treated like shit when not treated indifferently (lol me in grade school), etc,.

>> No.6830701

Go back to animesuki, retard.
The whole fake murder shit is stupid and doesn't make any sense in game, grow a brain.

>> No.6830713
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japs made it, that's just a translation

>> No.6830717

>Will and Lion were the last enjoyable thing about Umineko
>Yasu was the second to last enjoyable thing


>> No.6830720

>This chart is stupid.
It's meant to piss fans off, don't bother to reason with it. The trolls have been spamming that copypasta in every 2ch Umineko thread for the whole month now.

>> No.6830723


They're persona' she puts on. When she no longer needs Kanon, Kanon dies.


Here is the list of people constant on the island, other then Yasu.


Genji and Kumasawa are in on it already. That leaves four people.

Do you really think that Krauss and Natsuhi care much about what the servants do? Genji runs things, they let him run things. It's easy to slip a second servant on the payroll. Just set things up so that Shannon and Kanon don't have overlapping schedules often.

Jessica and Gohda have already shown they can be fooled to think that there's another person on the island when there isn't. They were tricked into thinking that Kinzo was alive for two years after he died. It's not difficult to extend this to thinking that there's an extra servant

>> No.6830727
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>Her motive becomes a lot more understanding once you realize that the entire thing was supposed to be a farce.


>> No.6830733

Actually, it does.

>> No.6830735

It's actually the opposite. The people who can accept that the fake murder party theory is very plausible and the one that fits into the "heart" of the story best, are the ones who put the most though into Umineko. All you can do is call people retards, without any backing up.

>> No.6830739

>Jessica and Gohda have already shown they can be fooled to think that there's another person on the island when there isn't. They were tricked into thinking that Kinzo was alive for two years after he died. It's not difficult to extend this to thinking that there's an extra servant

I don't remember Jessica being a close friend with Kinzo thought.

>> No.6830745 [DELETED] 

Oh another thing I like about Yasu is that her life is a like a fucked-up fairy tale. Sometimes when little kids are angry with their parents, they fantasize about secretly being the child of a wealthy monarch or something like that.

Guess what, Yasu? You really are a princess! ahaha.wav

>> No.6830747

Jessica is characterized to go into heavy denial when confronted with things she doesn't want to deal with.

>> No.6830749

She set the bomb as Kinzo's style time limit.

Battler solves it, she will cancel the bomb, everyone will stop pretending they are dead and "your love ones gets revived"

>> No.6830754

Ouch. I feel for your friends, their lives sound pretty sucky.

>> No.6830757

>They're persona' she puts on. When she no longer needs Kanon, Kanon dies.
Doesn't change anything, it's still fucking retarded.
Anyone writer would use such a retarded plot device in a real mystery novel would be lynched.
And yes episode 1-4 did play by the mystery novel rule.

And for ShKanon, try to think about Umineko as a movie just for a few minutes, would it work?
That's why it's stupid, THEY ARE THE SAME FUCKING PEOPLE but there is never even one description that they kinda look like each other or that anyone has any doubt about them.

It's just stupid, terribly so. Among all the plot devices I saw it's probably one of the worse one

>> No.6830760

Oh another thing I like about Yasu is that her life is a like a fucked-up fairy tale. Sometimes little kids (especially if they have shitty parents) fantasize about secretly being the child of a wealthy monarch or something like that.

Guess what, Yasu? You really are a princess! ahaha.wav

>> No.6830762

>And for ShKanon, try to think about Umineko as a movie just for a few minutes, would it work?

It worked for Fight Club

>> No.6830763

>it's just stupid
>it's just retarded
>that is the extent of my argument

>> No.6830767

That's fucking retarded once again, grow a brain.
Do you even realize how stupid what you wrote is?

>> No.6830768

>And for ShKanon, try to think about Umineko as a movie just for a few minutes, would it work?
Why wouldn't it, and why would it matter if it does for a movie?

>> No.6830771

Please enlighten me.

>> No.6830774

No it didn't.
In Fight Club nobody ever thought that the guy was 2 people, only he did.
That's completely different.

>> No.6830777

Other people could think that they are real siblings since they call themselves brother and sister. Therefore, it wouldn't be strange if they look similar.

>> No.6830778

Because it's a tale written by Yasu, how dense can you be? Kanon didn't work on the real Rokkenjima, he was, at most, a thing between Shannon and Jessica only. He was inserted in the tales as a clue to her gender trouble and her "split soul".

>> No.6830784

>why would it matter if it does for a movie?
Because a mystery novel play by the rule of plausibility and realism, otherwise it wouldn't be fair.
That's one of the love between the writer and author thing R07 loves to go about.

>> No.6830792 [DELETED] 

>Other people could think that they are real siblings since they call themselves brother and sister
>they are real siblings since they call themselves brother and sister
>they call themselves brother and sister
>before people

nigga you just went full fantasy

>> No.6830790

Shitty attention whore trap, Ryuukishi ruined Beatrice for me.

>> No.6830791

>Anyone writer would use such a retarded plot device in a real mystery novel would be lynched.

Umineko already violates several rules of mystery novels. The Red Text is evidence given by supernatrual means, the narrator blatantly lies to the reader, etc. The story admits it's all about twisted logic.

>> No.6830794

>mystery novels

>> No.6830797

I love Yasu. And I enjoyed reading her story in EP7 as I had not enjoy Umineko since Chiru started.

I understand why she did it, I won't say the motive excuses what she did (if she really killed anyone, to start with) but there is a motive, people don't always kill for a reason that completly justifies murdering, you know?

Since you like comparing with Higurashi's motives Takano doesn't have a better motive than Yasu has. Neither Rena killing the two mafia guys because daddy gonna be sad.

>> No.6830798

Kanon had to work in the real Rokkenjima, retard.
For one it's what has been shown even in flashback and shit, Kanon's presence on the island is never denied.

And if you want to go about it, Ange and the police and shit would know who worked/lived on the island and was present during the incident, wouldn't they find it strange that there is that one shota butler in the letters who doesn't appear anywhere in the real world investigation?

>> No.6830802

And... how does being a movie show rule of plausibility and realism?

>> No.6830804


>> No.6830810

They all know that they aren't real siblings, it's stated in the game itself.
They are orphans after all and Kanon was introduced far after Shannon.

I love how you guys try to justify stupid shit, R07's cock sure taste great, right?

>> No.6830814

Try to make ShKanon works in the real world, for 3 years.

>> No.6830818

The way I understood it from how she interacted with her imaginary friends, Yasu, because she was isolated and had no real guidance from friends or family, employed a screwed up coping device for her problems because she was just trying to stay positive and happy despite her situation. She got lost in that coping device and it led to an eventual breakdown. I can't help but sympathize with her no matter what she did or was planning to do, though of course it wasn't "justified".

>> No.6830821

They don't LIVE on the island. There's a brother and a sister where I work that look very similar. They don't have overlapping shifts because it's against company policy. It's never occurred to me that they might be the same person because most people don't think along those lines when confronted with that sort of situation. Even if you do notice, you're just going to use a more rational explanation than "ALL OF THE SERVANTS ARE IN ON AN ELABORATE SCHEME TO ALLOW ONE OF THEM TO WORK UNDER DIFFERENT NAMES."

>> No.6830823

>>6830797 Takano doesn't have a better motive than Yasu has
Read Matsuribayashi again.
Takano is a BOUGHT TERRORIST. Yasu is a kid with a gun and daddy issues.

>> No.6830826

Why are you so angry about people liking things?

I'll never get it. You have people who shout and rage because people like X. And then when somebody who likes X complains, they shout about how oppressed they are because people who like X won't let anybody not like it.

>> No.6830830

At least we aren't mad that he didn't fulfill our expectations and simply enjoy the story and speculations, which is the goal.

>> No.6830834

>most people don't think along those lines when confronted with that sort of situation.

This is another reason why it works. People don't usually think that a person is in fact an elaborate disguise for a different person entirely.

>> No.6830840

You're just in denial.

Yasu set up the bomb as a time limit for the murder party, by doing so she "spun" the roulette. Since Battler came back right when she was getting engaged to George she can't decide what to do, so she lets fate decide; what better that a mystery like those Battler loved?
So she bribes people and puts together one for him. Maybe Battler will remenber his promise to her- Beatrice wins, maybe he won't- Shannon wins. Kanon is the "zero" because he can't really win- if he does, nothing happens, the realtionship with Jessica is a farce.
But things went wrong and the adults killed each others. To protect Ange, who was in the Mariage Sorciere- was her good friend, Yasu took the blame via the tales.

Now tell me, what's so retarded about it? It all fits.

>> No.6830841

its not why she did it, its who she is and what her personality is and how she thinks and acts, takano was fucking insane and a interesting character, rena was also a really great character to get behind and see her thoughts, yasu is fucking dry and boring as paint on a wall, i really have no problem with yasus motive even though its fucking retarded and boring, its her character.

>> No.6830845

There have been people in real life that have been married and still didn't actually know their partner was the opposite sex than they said they were. And you think coworkers is impossible?

>> No.6830850
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The only part i find nosense it's Kanon is a farce.
I firmly believe he was "real" as Shannon, only more laid back with his feeling.

Otherwise, the whole duel and internal conflict loses meaning to me.

>> No.6830852

Shut up already Takanofag. We get it, you love killer lolis.

>> No.6830853

What's most vexing is this feeling of being stabbed in the back. He told us to think about story, to try to solve it, come at it with all we got, and so we did; I was searching for an answer that would satisfy a sane person for a very long time.

And then what? In the answer that was revealed, someone can die without any living person actually dieing. After things like this, the only person who can still say with straight face that he likes r07 is the one who never cared about solving umineko at all.

Rude sage, umineko threads always make me go nuts.

>> No.6830856

You are the one in denial.
There is absolutely no hint that Yasu was planning a fake murder party in episode 1-4, the episodes that are supposed to be solvable.
And it's stupid, just stupid.
The bribes, the fact that she planned to use the bomb if Battler didn't win a simple game, yourself.

There is absolutely no contradiction about the fact that she really planned to kill people if the roulette of fate decided so.
It goes with the fact that she planned on betting everything, that she was doing the same as Kinzo, that she was doing something horrible and pathetic, she even prepared fucking loaded guns.
She even fucking stated it herself.

>> No.6830857

Brings these guys to mind:


>> No.6830867

>There is absolutely no hint that Yasu was planning a fake murder party in episode 1-4
Bribing the adults in EP2.
Initial murders of EP3.
The weird way Kumasawa and Gohda were killed in EP4.
Seems like there's plenty to me.

>> No.6830869

The imaginary friends/persona deaths was set up and explained very, very thoroughly in EP4. I didn't see it before either and bitched accordingly, but looking back, it was there, and it was my bad for ignoring it.

>> No.6830870
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That's because these game are about understanding Beato's heart.

Well, if you got a better explation for Battler reaction in ep V go on.

>> No.6830871

>There is absolutely no hint that Yasu was planning a fake murder party in episode 1-4,

Episode 6.

Battler made the game to show he understood the truth about Beatrice.

All the murders were fake.

Well, until Erika went chop chop, but he didn't have any control over that.

...heck, that might mean it's actually a perfect representation of the truth.

She set up a fake mystery, but everyone ended up dying because of things out of her control

>> No.6830873

These people weren't 2 people at the same time.
We aren't talking about transsexual here, we are talking about the maid and butler being the same person and nobody realizing anything.

Oh and for the poster above, yes they both lived on the island and no nobody thought they were real siblings.

>> No.6830875

this, takano gave up on her grandfathers work and started her own work and then she became big through the fucking government and was on a fucking life or death mission, she was not some emo fag, she grew out of it and became a leader.

>> No.6830884

Battler made fake murder because it was his right being the game master.
He didn't want to use Beatrice because he didn't want Erika to win.
If he uses Yasu then Erika has a chance to find the truth.

Beatrice wanted Battler to find the truth and Yasu definitely killed in episode 1-4.
Battler didn't want Erika to find the truth, why would he be even more truthful than Beatrice?

>> No.6830885

Doesn't matter. It's the same concept. The only people not in on it are the people that are dumb or don't give a fuck. This isn't rocket science or impossible.

>> No.6830886

EP5 too. Blatantly faked epitaph deaths that later somehow became real murders.

Don't worry, though. Our anti-Yasufriend here will rage about how "pieces can't act out of character", therefore Yasu is a killer based on EP1-4, but then BS some vague nonsense about Battler and Lambda somehow magically being able to make OOC Yasu into a non-killer who completely changes the nature of her plan for 5 and 6.

>> No.6830887
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Yasu really did kill people in ep 1-2, there are no other explanation other than Shkanon for them.

>> No.6830891

Ep1 and 2 are also fiction written by Yasu, blaming herself.

>> No.6830892

The episode is a confession. No difficulty. He has to use the game to explain that he understands everything about Beatrice. Ect, ect, ect.

>> No.6830896

Same answer >>6830884

Lambda created a very unreliable and unsolvable tale because she want to continue the game forever.

The notion of murders = clues for the detective was introduced early in Umineko, no real murders = no clues.
It's just logical, use your brain.

>> No.6830898

>EP5 too. Blatantly faked epitaph deaths that later somehow became real murders.

Actually, i think "Yasu" really killed in ep V, under 34.
But it's a game with no "love", that's why you see the stakes bitching about it, it was simply "revenge".

Beato motive for killing in ep 1-4 was the fact that she wanted Battler to understand her.

>> No.6830899

1-4 weren't meant to give out the truth. Yasu wrotte 1-2 with her as the culprit, 3-4 continued that. And even then, from the moment it's not Yasu writting there are clues, you just suck at paying attention.
The bomb was just there to enforece a conclusion, Kinzo did it all the time, she learned with the best. If you're trying to say there aren't bribes anywhere, you simply can not have read Umineko. And the fact you keep resorting to ad hominems also says a lot.

There is no contradiction about the fact that she really planned to kill people if the roulette of fate decided so. But the fake murder party fits better and more beautifully. Also, Ep7 has fiction mixed in despite being the truth, so you can't disprove anything based on a couple lined there. And the guns were simply in the least likely place for the adults to get inside.

>> No.6830902

Uhhuh, and Hempel's Raven was explained in episode 2. It had nothing to do with actual Hempel's Raven. It was something r07 made up to sound clever. The correct way to deal with it is to skip it entirely and pretend the explanation was never there. Same with persona death explanation. You can't take this silliness seriously.

>> No.6830906

If it's unsolvable, it's a logic error, genius.

>> No.6830914

>You can't take this silliness seriously.

Watch me.

>> No.6830915


>> No.6830918

He did show the heart of Beatrice, that was his only trial, it was stated in the game itself.

For the actual murder he could do anything, know why? Because nobody know what really happened on the island.

For example you could write a story about Yasu dieing from an accident just after switching the bomb and everybody dieing just like that, it would still be viable.

>> No.6830922

If Yasu was planning a fake mystery this is only a possibility in the real truth. A doubtful possibility I think.

I hope everyone realizes 1-4 all really have Yasu as the culprit really killing people.

>> No.6830924


Remember Rosa luggage being more heavy in ep 2?
Remember who is, between the adult the main accomplice in ep 2? There..

>> No.6830933

It's your problem for not taking the rules of a distinct story seriously then. When you play something you should accept the rules, not disregard them.

>> No.6830942

>A young man who, despite enjoying what many would call a comfortable life, is unhappy. He yearns for love and human closeness, but he has always had a quiet disposition and thus has been an outcast his entire life. He's a contradiction. An objective viewpoint can present to him several ways whereby he might better his situation; but he's already given up on the real world, having long ago withdrawn himself into realms of his personal fantasies.

Who did I just describe?

>> No.6830943

I'm convinced people that doesn't understand Yasu are people that watched the animu and skipped directly to ep 5

>> No.6830947


>> No.6830949


>> No.6830950

Yasu; penis version

>> No.6830952



>> No.6830954

You can either look at things that way, or Battler proving he knows the truth- a confession.

You know what's the diffrence? One theory looks at things with love. I'll let you figure which one does that for yourself.

>> No.6830957

I'm convinced you are just a fat yaoi fangirl who is also posting in /y/ right now.

>> No.6830960



>> No.6830963

That or people who just ctrl through important scenes because they're not FUCK YEAH BADASS META BATTLE enough. Or some people are just stupid. You've got too much faith in the intelligence of people if you think anyone who reads something is going to get the same stuff out of it you did.

>> No.6830970

>He yearns for love and human closeness
Fuck that. I don't yearn for human closeness at all, I just want to be alone.

>> No.6830976

This clears up a lot, actually. /jp/ hates Yasu because /jp/ IS Yasu, right down to the whole self-loathing thing.

>> No.6830978

I understand Yasu perfectly.
I still think she is just a drama-whore.
So what?

>> No.6830983

or some people don't reread ever ep over and over again, i haven't once went back to the other eps , so i don't really care any more.

>> No.6830991


/jp/ wants to be the little girl.

So does Yasu.

Holy crap it all makes sense.

>> No.6830992

It's Shkanontrice over again.

Just like before, /jp/ jumps to the conclusion without analyzing the story

"lol, Beatrice was raped and she's kohaku with big tits"

>> No.6830996

That would have made her more understandable.

>> No.6831004

Some people still think Yasu was raped. Just like some people still think she has multiple personalities. And just like some people still hold that Kanon isn't Shannon.

God really knows why.

>> No.6831005


Too bad it wouldn't fit the story at all, uh?

>> No.6831006

It's actually funny how the side that is wrong and in denial is always the one calling others retards.

Bern would be proud.

>> No.6831019

I've been calling you retards for over a year and I was right for both ShKanontrice and fiction.

>> No.6831020

You're saying that you have never once fantasized about having a waifu? That you've never read any VNs, which as a genre focus on romance and relationships?


>> No.6831026

Yeah well, /jp/ makes you bitter like that.

>> No.6831040

That was my point. If you look through the threads, the anti-Shkanon, the anti-fiction, the anti-fake murders are always the ones resorting to calling people retards the most.

>> No.6831044

Do you think I fantasize about a human when I fantasize about a waifu? I don't. Those things in VNs aren't humans. They're idealized. Real human closeness just makes me feel like I have no freedom at all. Every person that tries to get close to me is a person I don't want. I'm much happier when I'm alone.

>> No.6831053 [DELETED] 

Nice thread, Ryan / yRan or Showa

>> No.6831054

Except the anti-fake murder theory is on the side of the pony metal gear Beatrice theory and other shit.

>> No.6831055

>I'm much happier when I'm alone.

I... really pity you then.

>> No.6831062

No, I think the pro-Shkanon side was pulling the retard card just as much. And although they weren't completely stupid or in denial like the anti-Shkanon side, they were still pretty far off the mark with how they thought it worked.

>> No.6831071

I pity your way of thinking that says I'm worse off and pitiable because of it, because I'm happy this way.

>> No.6831072

ShKanontrice got everything right, the stuff it didn't have were simply not hinted at all and therefore unsolvable.

>> No.6831075

Actually, the pony theory was pretty much spot on, it figured a lot about Yasu and Battler's promise.

>> No.6831082

>Neither Rena killing the two mafia guys because daddy gonna be sad.
Okay, I read the thread until this point and resisted the urge to reply, but this one got me. I really hope this one is a troll, because if it's not, this peson should really read Higurashi again to refresh his memory.

>> No.6831085

Don't get on your high horse and judge other people happiness.
There is no good or bad way to live, life isn't a movie.

>> No.6831088

Yeah pretty much the only thing the Pony theory got wrong was the fact that Shannon and Beatrice are the same person

>> No.6831096

Except the most crucial point that every ponyfag denied the hardest - that the one who was promised the pony was Shannon. It just had to be Shannon's good friend Beatrice dressed up as her. Simplest explanation, am I right?

Basically, they formed the groundwork of the truth but all their built on it was their shipperfaggotry.

>> No.6831100

The promise is the only thing it got right.
Everything else was so out there and deluded it was funny.
Everytime I tried to argue with the pony faggots simply saying "oh maybe it was just Shannon herself who made that promise with Battler" they went apeshit, called me a retard and went "UMINEKO IS A LOVE STORY, DO YOU WANT TO RUIN ALL THE PAIRINGS?"

>> No.6831107

The promise WAS the pony theory.

>> No.6831111


And then guess what Ryushiki did!

Kanon and Jessica: Woops, just a silly teenage crush

Shannon and George: George is kind of a jerk. lolletter

>> No.6831112

The core of the theory was Shannontrice and Battler's promise. Then people just distorted it to fit whatever they wanted it to. In it's essence the theory was right. Saying otherwise is just being bitter about it, for some reason.

>> No.6831113

>The promise is the only thing it got right.
Stop downplaying the theory. It was completely right except where it said that Shannon and Beatrice aren't the same. It had everything. Kinzo's sin, three Beatrices, Genji shielding Beatrice from Kinzo and the promise.

>> No.6831123

No, it was only part of it, they missed the most important thing.
ShKanontrice is the heart of Umineko and what had to be solved, if they tried just a little they could have found it but they were too busy with their shipping faggotry

>> No.6831126

Ah, but what are they idealizing? You argue that you prefer being alone, but, out of all the possible forms of entertainment in the world, you gravitate towards those that focus on fulfilling people's romantic instincts.

Furthermore, if you really prefer being alone, why is it that you're here on a discussion-centric imageboard?

>> No.6831129

The core of the theory was never Shannontrice, it built up from Shannon saying she'd been to the golden land and the line saying Shannon was different 6 years ago to say that it was someone else dressed up as Shannon. Beatrice. Or should I say Maria, remember that? Pony theory never had Shannontrice in it.

>> No.6831137

Idiotic but if she wanted to troll the shit out of Battler by making fake murders and shit took a wrong turn then I can totally relate to her with her and I think the whole story make a lot more sense but I don't feel like that's what happened. I still have no idea after 7 episodes- guess I must be a goat.

>> No.6831139

Never happened. It's just Battler is a real jerk and didn't give a fuck about some meido.

>> No.6831151



Sure is more tolerable here.

>> No.6831153

Battler's kind of dense, but I don't think he's THAT much of a jerk. It's pretty heavily implied that George hid Battler's letter to Shannon

>> No.6831157

>Furthermore, if you really prefer being alone, why is it that you're here on a discussion-centric imageboard?
I knew someone would try to bring this argument up. Yet at the same time, you get those people who come in saying "HURR IT'S SATURDAY NIGHT WHERE I AM WHY ARE YOU NOT OUTSIDE PARTYING". That's because there is a huge difference between real life communication and online communication, everyone acknowledges that. I don't mind online communication, I even like it. I start to like it less when I have to have a username and whatnot.

>Ah, but what are they idealizing? You argue that you prefer being alone, but, out of all the possible forms of entertainment in the world, you gravitate towards those that focus on fulfilling people's romantic instincts.
You're almost implying that real life relationships can fulfill romantic instincts, when everyone knows they can't. They're chemical traps that have evolved over time because they lead to reproduction, not to love.

>> No.6831158


George has an inferiority complex about Battler, but he didn't hide the letter. The narration makes it very clear that Battler just forgot about his promise to Shannon because he thought it was embarrassing.

>> No.6831162

Take the pony theory and substitute Shannon and you basically have the plot of Umineko with a few technical errors. Pony theory came out around EP4. Shkanontrice only grew in popularity around EP6, where Ryukishi beat it into your head with a tire iron.

>> No.6831163

>..and I think the whole story make a lot more sense but I don't feel like that's what happened.

That part was left for the reader to find himself, clues are there but it's not outright told. Well, it is in a way but people will always look the other way. So if you think it makes the most sense, why cast it aside?

>> No.6831167

All entertainments are focused on fulfilling some instincts.
Discussion aka sharing information is not at all the same as a human interaction in the real world. If you don't understand this, you shouldn't be pitying anyone, but yourself.

>> No.6831168

The level of autism in this thread is really high.

>> No.6831170

It is so not heavily implied. At most, you can say lightly implied. But what it really is is everyone wanting George to have hid the letters because they love hating him.

>> No.6831193

I just wanted to say that is possible to take Kanon out of the closed room in episode 6 and hide him in the bedroom. It only requires a little cheating - less than Shkanon though.

>> No.6831197

>when everyone knows they can't

If by "everyone" you mean "people who listen to Lincoln Park too much", then maybe.

Someone who truly enjoys being alone wouldn't spend his free time on a discussion-centric imageboard.

>> No.6831199


>> No.6831211

Whatever it takes for you to convince yourself you are a badass, misanthropic aspie.

>> No.6831212

>George has an inferiority complex about Battler, but he didn't hide the letter

Really? I'd say that his inferiority complex is a pretty good reason for him to have done it.

He likes Shannon, but is jealous of Battler because he seems to be so much closer to her. He runs off, and thinks "score! My chance!"

Then he sees a letter to her in the envelope. He realizes that there's a good chance Battler's trying to get in contact with her, perhaps to arrange a continuation of the relationship? He wants Shannon, he's already been shown to be willing to be ruthless in perusing her. (EP4, he chose to kill everyone else, EP6, he killed his own mom for crying out loud) Why isn't it believable that he would hide a letter to her?

>> No.6831213

>If by "everyone" you mean "people who listen to Lincoln Park too much", then maybe.
Playing the "you are a 13 year old emo lol" card?

>Someone who truly enjoys being alone wouldn't spend his free time on a discussion-centric imageboard.
I'm sorry I'm not a TRUE LONER like your definition. I don't claim that I don't like discussion-centric image boards. If you want to say I don't truly enjoy being along because of that, go ahead. But if you try to extend that to further say I also long for actual real-life contact, that's just a total fallacy.

>> No.6831219

Umineko- lairs and delusions
every body is a lie, its really battler projecting himself into the story.
battler made George look weaker then him, when he really inst.
battler made shannon fall in love with him, when she really loves George.
maria was never beaten/jessica was never put in a closet , those things really happened to battler when he moved away from his family.
what we are seeing is battler being jelly for everyone else.

>> No.6831223

Someone who would rather be alone is not a misanthrope. I would argue that someone who refuses to accept that someone wishes to be alone, instead pushing for their way of social interaction, is the true misanthrope.

>> No.6831232

Stop hijacking the thread with the I AM SO BADASS AWESOME I HATE YOU ALL HUMANS I AM SUPERIOR FOREVER ALONE FUCK YEAH rants, please. It is not related.

>> No.6831237

Why isn't it believable that he would hide a letter to her?

It is believable--or would be if Battler had actually written her a letter. Episode 3 and Episode 7 show that he completely forgot about her and the promise he made to her when he was away.

>> No.6831240

The problem is that you are jumping from the "no clues point he did it" to the "he could have done it since he seems like the type to do it". This is exactly like Erika in ep5.

>> No.6831241

>everyone wanting George to have hid the letters because they love hating him.

I like George and I think he hid the letter.

Remember, George himself admits he was a jackass in his youth, and that he only bettered himself as he pursued Shannon. This was Jackass George, the sniveling "Nice guy" who wonders why women don't fall for him, not the genuinely nice person he would latter become.

>> No.6831243

George would have to pull a pretty fast one with those fat fingers of his to hide a letter while giving them out infront of everyone. With Kyrie right there, there's also a risk of her knowing exactly who he wrote letters to.

>> No.6831244

is everybody just forget ep8?
you cannot hide from the true, battler is really just writing a story, your all talking about a fictitious story, every single one of you.
this >>6831219 on the other hand is the most correct thing i heard from this thread so far.

>> No.6831246

You're fucking retarded and thus have no qualifications to stay in this thread anyway.

>> No.6831253

>. Episode 3 and Episode 7 show that he completely forgot about her and the promise he made to her when he was away.

He forgot after six years.

Who's to say he didn't remember after two, which is when the letter scene took place.

>> No.6831254

>this >>6831219 on the other hand is the most correct thing i heard from this thread so far.
What a coincidence that it's also your own post, huh?

>> No.6831257

Why would a misanthrope not want to be alone? That does not make a bit of sense. Also, your second sentence basically says, "because you don't agree with my line of thinking about why I don't like social interaction, you hate people." Do you think that is a proper way to rephrase it? And if so, you should why it is glaringly flawed. I'm bothered by your lack of care because I personally care a lot about people, you assumed totally wrong.

>> No.6831261

But he's not just completely making shit up.

It was on the 3rd year.

>> No.6831263

George is Kanon, they don't ever interact or are seen together. Prove me wrong.

>> No.6831268

curses , my plan has failed.

>> No.6831270

OK third year. I didn't remember exactly which year it was so I made my best guess

>> No.6831272

Scratch that, I misread your first sentence.

>> No.6831274

ep1, arrival on Rokkenjima. The relatives and George meet Kanon in the garden.

>> No.6831276

George is not there, he went to meet Shannon.
His sprite is not even shown once.

>> No.6831282

He helped Kanon pick up the bags he spilled.

>> No.6831284

Why would a misanthrope not want to be alone?
What about a sadistic misanthrope? How are they going to get their kicks if they aren't around other people to harm them? Or a misanthrope who hates people so much he simply must harm them, if not for his own pleasure?

My second line says that because you throw the word "misanthrope" in along with badass and aspie. You think it's a position that should be completely mocked, you don't take it seriously. Therefore, you think it's a wrong position. Therefore, you think people who are misanthropes should be fixed and actually need human contact after all. Which leads to the second line, which leads to the true misanthrope who only cares about his own views.

You are obviously using misanthrope in a negative way. But if what you mean for it is really just the more literal dislike of (contact with) humans, then there's no reason for you to hold it so negatively, and you're only using it as a buzzword in place of a real argument.

>> No.6831285

That was Battler.

>> No.6831286

What? He even comments when Kanon dropped the bag of fertilizer:
"It's quite heavy, isn't it. It's natural that it would be difficult for you. Kanon-kun, don't worry about it."

>> No.6831298

Hey autist? Unless you feel like resetting your router, cut it out with the /r9gay/ shit. The mods are actually banning for it at the moment.

>> No.6831308

If Battler was really such a huge dick, why would Ange want to meet him again? She intentionally established her new name so it could attract a potential survivor, specifically Battler. Just because Battler co-authored the episodes we've seen, it doesn't mean everything has been altered to show him in a much more positive light. Remember, he was writing them for his own sake, to really remember. And in reality, did Battler really paint himself so well? People still hated Battler as a character despite Battler authoring. And then you can bring up the fact that 18 doesn't even see himself as Battler. In a way, it's him writing about the person he keeps learning about. Not himself.

>> No.6831311

Not in red.

>> No.6831317

This. Nobody wants to care about how badass, awesome and edgy you are for hating the entire human race. I could watch any youtube video with linkin park park playing in the background if I wanted to see that shit. Bet you don't hate your mommy who pays for you to spam unrelated shit in this thread.

>> No.6831322

Seen by the Detective.

>> No.6831323

You aren't helping by provoking him. Inb4 wall of text raging at you.

>> No.6831325

Yeah, I misread your retort about the misanthropic part. Your part about a sadistic misanthrope makes sense, and I believe we can agree that misanthropy has varying degrees such as the example you showed, and one so fed up with people he prefers to be alone. But that's besides the point, and a misunderstanding of mine.

To be frank, you're reading too far into my insult. It was to just troll you, and I didn't put much thought in it other than to provoke you. However, as you can see, I've gotten a bit more involved than I plan.

When it comes to the bulk of your argument, you are correct. I do believe misanthropes just take bad instances with some people, and focus it as a hatred for humanity as a whole. Just like a white person who was jumped by a group of black people, and is now a racist towards all blacks.

I don't disagree with what you've said much, so I don't think we really have much an argument anymore. You're quite articulate, though. I'm thoroughly impressed you can actually debate unlike the majority of users and myself.

>> No.6831329

*debate without throwing insults

>> No.6831344
File: 66 KB, 647x504, Proof1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jessica is the speaker here.

>> No.6831349

Mods giving a shit about /jp/?
I want one to ban me if there is a mod giving a shit about /jp/ for anything other than deleting Ryan shit and pedo threads.

>> No.6831351
File: 50 KB, 647x505, Proof2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The speakers are (in order) Jessica, George and Kyrie.

>> No.6831361

Because they really think it's just like Battler to do something like that. Too many conspiracy theories about Yasu being manipulated by George, it's painted quite clearly as a tiny little childish promise that Yasu herself took too far. As episode 6 points out, a sin is judged by those who are sinned against, in the end. Meaning, it's all in the eye of the beholder. When the eye belongs to an extremely deluded person, it can be dangerous.

>> No.6831368
File: 64 KB, 646x506, Proof3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Claire, who is a personification of the story itself, confirms that Battler never took the promise seriously.

>> No.6831390

I think she's innocent and just liked to play pranks. Then shit went horribly, horribly wrong. Life dealt her a pretty bad hand, all things considered.

I'll admit it's pretty easy to think that she's a murderous slut, but since everything can be interpreted the opposite way (which I'm sure Ryukishi planned), I choose to go with the innocence route because it makes more sense to me. She's my favorite character and the only character in any series ever that I've considered my waifu.

Honestly, if she were shown to actually be an insane bitch, I'd still love her.

>> No.6831400

Conclusion: The fact that Battler forgot about his promise is raised over and over again across several episodes, whereas the possibility that George hid the (nonexistent) letter is never even mentioned.

Battler forgot.

>> No.6831408 [DELETED] 

>Hey, it's the OP of this thread.

Thank you for posting and keeping the betafag and metafag shit out, and thank you to that one righteous mod who keeps unbanning me.

>I love you all. And please, don't stop contributing to >my 100%, betafag and metafag free.

>@mods, don't hesitate to use this thread to keep an inventory of all of the betafags and metafags. Thank you.

>CONTACT ME ON MSN: >markxlsxsuprcool@msn.com

>> No.6831418 [DELETED] 

bump to that, bro!

>> No.6831424

So, guys when yasu fell the cliff as a baby he lost her vag000 and we dont know if is a she or a he until she/he grows and we see the truth, Then unconformed by the truth, Yasu gone mad and paid the servants gold to kill everyone including yasu and set the bomb.??? I DONT THINK SO... SAY IT IN GREEN SUIGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN!!!!

>> No.6831426
File: 101 KB, 600x847, 15314188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indiscriminating Yasufag brofist.

>> No.6831432 [DELETED] 


Is anyone still sure that the mods actually do care about /jp/?

>> No.6831437

both of you cant see THE HEART

>> No.6831439

Report and filter. No need to bother further.

>> No.6831449 [DELETED] 


Showa, can you fuck off please? And maybe go kill yourself?

You can do the same with yRan.

Yeah, each time I see those words in the name field, it is a sign that the mods just don't care about /jp/ anymore.

>> No.6831450

how can you be so cold?
remember! without ____ it cant be seent

>> No.6831457



>> No.6831458

That and also, he handed the empty envelope to her without saying please assuming that she would throw it away. George just seemed to rub it in Shannon's face that Battler forgot about her when he handed it to her.

>> No.6831464

same goat

>> No.6831466
File: 57 KB, 300x300, 1293424591767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't see the heart if I think Yasu is innocent? Shouldn't that be the other way around?

>> No.6831469

>Nice try, Showa.

>Go kill yourself, Showa or Ryan

>> No.6831475

Why is Showa and Ryan such faggots?

>> No.6831476
File: 107 KB, 600x800, ffc19c78a7de9f15c8229be8a13c613f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying THE HEART is not also a Yasufag

>> No.6831484

> ">"

Hi, Showa / Ryan

>> No.6833939

Ok, you guys just don't get it. You all lack love, since you obviously can't see shit. The one who posted the roulette thing was the closest.

Yasu set up the roulette BOMB, with defining Battler as red and George as black The japs would love to set him blue, but that's not roulette. haha japs.. Jessica end is not existing, Kanon is not existing. All they did is pretending in front of Jessica's school. Jessica probably had a lesbo crush, Yasu didn't. Therefore, it's 0. Now the bomb part. Yasu loves Battler. She played the role of Shannon. The fatass takes a move on Shannon. Part of her role would be to respond. So she does. But actually, she didn't want to. But she can't get out of her role, she's scared of George realizing something.
Well, let's just blow up everything if shit turns out bad. Therefore, black means BOOM. The "delusion" part Claire was talking about is that she thought that the chances were even. Battler probably really forgot about her at some point, though it's not clear WHEN and it's not clear how long it took him to realize that it's her. It's just a representation of her displease that he didn't get it right from the start. Girls...

That explains the love game. And the whole ranting Kanon did about IMPOSSIBURU. Shannon end is no real option, because she's merely a role Yasu played. Kanon is even less, because he's not even a complete role. That's also the meaning of the furniture part. It's another word for "role". Then the Shannon role talks shit about jumping out of the role and becoming real. BULLSHIT. Disregard this, it's just the wish of a puppet.

Think it through.

>> No.6834202
File: 163 KB, 640x480, aaaaaaadsdfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kanon "existed", George would fuck his waifu no matter what.
It's an internal conflict for a reason.

>> No.6834249

>Kanon "existed"
In Jessica's dreams, perhaps.

I don't exactly understand your point. My point was to emphasize the social check Yasu put herself into. Do you really think Yasu had an internal conflict about who to love in the end? Why would she accept him if she's waiting for Battler for years.
Don't trust Claire too much. She's a baw'ing girl, and Bern's puppet even before that.

>> No.6834272

>Kyrie and Rudolf aren't really culprits, the tea party was just made up
>But that part about Yasu's body being deformed is totally true

>> No.6834278

>Kyrie and Rudolf aren't really culprits, the tea party was just made up
Damn, where the hell am I moving around?

>But that part about Yasu's body being deformed is totally true
So not true. Fuck /jp/

>> No.6834284

Kanon isn't just a dream of Jessica, you fucking retards.
Yasu really did act as him, otherwise explain how everybody who fucking investigated on the Rokkenjima incident never thought that it was strange that a shota butler was in the letters but not in the real world.

>> No.6834290

Holy shit, you're right. That means all the fantasy characters are real as well. That take mystery fags.

>> No.6834300

The fantasy characters were never written to be on the island in the same way as Kanon.
Stop being retarded please, it's aggravating.

>> No.6834307

Sorry, but you're the retard. We never even hear from the police except that they couldn't find shit. I don't think they paid much attention the message bottles that tell unbelievable stories about witches and the actual survivor dying first. Not to mention all the forgeries. That isn't investigation material.

>> No.6834314

Maybe he doesn't mean the police? Ever heard of Ange you 0 IQ faggotron?

>> No.6834319

If you he doesn't mean police then his argument doesn't count for shit. Who else is supposed to get information about Kanon legally? Ange was 6 when the message bottles appeared. She didn't read them then. When she went back to read it, is she supposed to find it weird that there's one servant she doesn't remember, when there are so many servants going in and out in the first place? There would have been different servants every year.

>> No.6834320

Clair clearly stated that even if Battler didn't show up, some small incident still would have happened.
She was probably referring to the fact that one between Shannon and Kanon was going to die that way despite Battler coming back, that's also why they were ignoring Moetrice during the whole duel most of the times. "The day one of us will die"

Removing Kanon from the equation would really make things weeeird. Same for making Shannon love for George forced.

>> No.6834329

Ange wasn't the only one. I suppose you haven't heard of Tohya either.

>> No.6834335

Have you read episode 8? "Tohya" is two people, 18 (Battler) and Ikuko, the woman in previous episodes known as Tohya. Did she think Kanon was strange? Probably, because both Battler and her, if their writings are any indication, soon realized that Kanon and Shannon were the same person.

>> No.6834336

There were other maids working on the island, they just weren't there for the conference.
It's stated in the game itself you know.

>> No.6834338

Yeah, I should stop replying to you.

>> No.6834342

Police, witch hunt, Ange, simple people looking for the truth.
There were a lot of people investigating this shit.

>> No.6834344

...and what if he reads Japanese?

>> No.6834347

>Implying this idiot has enough brain cells to learn a foreign language
Protip: he doesn't. I'm surprised he even knows the little English he does.

>> No.6834350

>Don't trust Claire too much. She's a baw'ing girl, and Bern's puppet even before that.
Oh boy, here we go. It's "lolBerntrolling" again.

>> No.6834353

The funny thing is Bern was actually trolling. Tea party was bullshit. Bern admits it herself.

inb4 lolberntrolling on her admitting it.

>> No.6834359

>Bern admits it herself.
Yeah, and Lambda is a cake, Bern is a cat and Erika was actually a pirate.

>> No.6834360


But Bern also said Yasu was a tragic figure, and she even mocks her for that.

Why would she contradict herself?

>> No.6834364

She doesn't admit that, you idiot. She says that she wanted to say that "it's not necessary all truth" and wanted Ange to interrupt her as she did, not that it's all bullshit.

>> No.6834370

Except it pretty much does. Her red was the only thing that made people think it was truth, despite it clearly being interrupted. It's about as true as her episode 8 game.

>> No.6834411

>Her red was the only thing that made people think it was truth
Not really. It's the logic of the story and the fact that it's the answer game ordered by Featherine proves that it's the truth or close to it. Ange's reaction after reading the diary proves it further. But you're free to not believe it, of course, it's Umineko.

>> No.6834414


Though, Featherine answer clearly lacked of the HEART

>> No.6834429

Her craziness is the kind that isn't entertaining, so I don't really like her.

I only like the crazy killers when they make me laugh. Yasu just makes me depressed.

>> No.6834617


>> No.6834853
File: 47 KB, 450x450, 1295303837917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I said it in another thread before. I will spend Feburary with playing through all 8 eps again, writing down every possible meaning behind every scene, put together the TRUTH and tell show all of you faggots that you're wrong with dickgirl yasu, george love and KANON EXISTED.

just you wait.

>> No.6834855


oh god i suck at these proclamations.

>> No.6834907

>with dickgirl yasu

But we all agree that Yasu has a vagina. a fake vagina. Shitty job Nanjo btw.

>> No.6834956

My opinion of Yasu - twisted day-dreamer: the whole thing went into a trainwreck because it was set up. No doubt the adults will fight anyway, but still using the hush money she would be able to control them anyway. Setting up a scenario is just asking for things to go wrong.

>> No.6834969
File: 90 KB, 1280x720, yuuthink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be eagerly awaiting this post.

>> No.6834971

Is there some kind of buy with unlocking Beatrice's voice in ogon? When I unlocked it, it was clearly Beato's voice, but when using it, sounds like Virgilia to me.

>> No.6834994

Virgilia also had the name Beatrice, retard.

>> No.6835040

I will spend Feburary with playing through all 8 eps again, writing down every possible meaning behind every scene, put together the TRUTH and tell show all of you faggots that you're wrong with dickgirl yasu, george love and KANON EXISTED.

Holy hell, you are autistic.

>> No.6835055

Wait, do you think Kanon isn't one of Yasu's imaginary friends?

>> No.6835062

>writing down every possible meaning behind every scene
This is the emptiest threat I have ever heard.

>> No.6835064

And you can't quote properly, genius.

>> No.6838009

I thought Yasu was a crazy transsexual and despite "her" tragic past couldn't really sympathize due to how batshit "she" was.

>> No.6838017

After reading Umineko, something like that is like 8th dimensional murder or something.

>> No.6838024

This thread is even better than Beatrice, when it comes to coming back from the dead.

>> No.6840586

Post? You must be joking, this will be too big for one thread. I think I'll create a wiki or some shit like that to create proper inter-links. Since every shit in the series interacts with each other, it's going to be a medium/big thing.
I think I could also work with mindmaps and similar stuff, though I fear that it would have to 3-dimensional, therefore i'll stay relucant about that.

>> No.6840595

Don't be stupid. You're going to forget about Umineko in a month. And you're also going to accept that Kanon doesn't exist.
>writing down every possible meaning behind every scene
This just cannot be done. The literary world never gets done analyzing plays from millennia ago. There are an unlimited number of possible meanings, and chances are, you're not even game enough to tackle a large number of viewpoints due to your clear lack of reading comprehension.

>> No.6840644

That would be the case if you take my words literally. I will limit myself to stuff that could sense. Don't forget that it has to fit together. I will start with many more possiblities at the point I'll begin (most likely the start, if I don't have a better idea) but it will decrease from ... maybe game to game. Also I think I didn't make my point clear enough.

>And you're also going to accept that Kanon doesn't exist.

>that you're wrong with dickgirl yasu, george love and KANON EXISTED.

>that you're wrong with
>dickgirl yasu
>george love

Maybe I shouldn't have unleashed CAPS with that one, it might have given the impression that it's my own point of view instead of the one of those I'm mocking right there.

Also, I'm not going to write an encyclopedia or even walls of text. In first case, I'll stick to a method fitting for ME alone. If I manage to create a number of consistent story lines, I might phrase them out further so people are able to read them properly. But I'm not planning to write up complete stories one after another without a clear goal in sight.

>> No.6840648

ok, fuck me.
>I will limit myself to stuff that could sense.
I will limit myself to stuff that could MAKE sense.

damn, it's getting late at my place.. what a lame excuse.

>> No.6840650

Oh. Carry on then.

>> No.6840657
File: 91 KB, 428x286, 1291079473406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come on guys, Yasu was a stupid twat. End of discussion. Stop reviving this goddamn thread.

>> No.6840659

well, no. but keep telling yourself, it's alright.

>> No.6840677


you're the kind of autistic retarded kid who also fantasizes about making his own generic mod to a generic fps on the game's official forums, hm

>> No.6840701

Uhm, no? Anything else you wanna fantasize about?
