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6828315 No.6828315 [Reply] [Original]

This thread again.

Inhaling bleach or something else?

>> No.6828326

Carbon monoxide poisoning.
Here's my plan:
Take netbook into bathroom (with the charcoal and shit), lock the room, play hisoutensoku as sakuya until I pass out.
Wake up at gensokyo inside Sakuya's room.

>> No.6828338

But no, seriously I am considering this since you will feel nothing but just a small headache and pass out, then die. I'm seriously curious of what happens after one dies.

>> No.6828374
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>It's said the width of the Sanzu no Kawa changes according to the person that's crossing it.
>Its length is determined by the toll paid to ferrying death god, and can be made shorter with large payments.
It is said that the ferriage can be paid out of one's own assets - but not the personal assets collected over one's life, but rather the money spent by close relations in behalf of the deceased.
>money spent by close relations in behalf of the deceased.
>If by some chance this figure is negative, then the ferry will never reach the other side, and the deceased will likely be thrown out into the river.

I don't think you would ever be able to cross the river after you died, /jp/.

>> No.6828380


Fucking nothing happens. You'll never get to Gensokyo that way, the only way to get there is by living out a full and purposeful life; emo weaklings are not accepted there.

>> No.6828385

I wonder what happens when you are throw into the river.

>> No.6828387

>emo weaklings
That's half of /jp/, bro. The other half is either schizophrenic or autistic.

>> No.6828410

But except not, sometimes when spacing out this thought always gets in my mind, what the fuck happens after you die? Only way to find out is to die so I figured maybe I should die.

>> No.6828412

If you can, please contact me! I'm curious too!

>> No.6828418

Those lost in suicide or depression in the outside world tend to reappear in Muenzuka. Follow the road of reconsideration into the forest of magic, and from there wherever you wish to go.

If you find any youkai, by spellcard rules they cannot kill or eat you even after you lose. As long as you keep challenging any would be killers to danmaku matches, you should reach any destination you wish safely.

The only problem you could have would be staying in one plane, specifically Gensokyo.

>> No.6828436

>Behold, a certain lawyer stood up and tested him, saying, "Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?"

>He said to him, "What is written in the law? How do you read it?"

>He answered, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself."

>He said to him, "You have answered correctly. Do this, and you will live."

Pro tip: when you get to heaven you can ask for the Gensokyo plan instead. They'll take you to a room and give you a hard sell, but they can't legally stop you so just wait it out.

>> No.6828439

That's actually part of my plan
1. die
2. discover the mystery behind it
3. tell the whole fucking world and cause a shit storm
4. die (and) go back to gensokyo

>> No.6828498

I wish I lived in house and not in flat ;_;
Sometimes I envy americans to live in these small wooden buildings instead big nice flats.

>> No.6828523
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laughing youkais.jpg

You use teleport = You wake up as touhou girl (or sin sack if you prefer)

Its not so complicated thing.

>> No.6828533

Youkai are deceiving creatures.

>> No.6828536

I'm going to go for being the new meido just so I can get rid of these fucking threads. They are such eyesores and are not even tangentially related to /jp/.

In before "Ohh I mentioned something about Touhou in my post it's totally legit" ... no, it fucking belongs in /adv/. I understand sometimes threads are bound to derail from the original topic, but when you make threads constantly talking about a completely off-topic subject and basically try to force them, that shit should not fly.

>> No.6828549 [SPOILER] 
File: 339 KB, 700x720, 0d784a45635a65335ca83fa9076a90d695e3affd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or sin sack if you prefer
...I'm torn between being the little girl and pic related.

>> No.6828560


>> No.6828564
File: 140 KB, 807x680, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once had a dream which said that I would not enter Gensokyo unless I died a natural death.

Here's hoping I make it, guys.

>> No.6828578

How about actually looking at Touhou canon and seeing how people have passed though the border there? It seems, it either takes luck, some kind of special ability or a lot of hard work. I'd say just breathing bleach or whatever is lowtier. You're probably not going to get into gensoukyou like that.

>> No.6828581

But suicide is just natural selection at work.

>> No.6828582

You guys, just use the call-in line.


>> No.6828607
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Inhaling bleach is at least high-tier. Try to do it yourself if you think its easy.

>> No.6828644

I went to Gensokyo once or twice in a dream, but never got the luck to go back.

>> No.6828672
File: 151 KB, 480x355, 1288915195751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats why we have this thread. You can discuss methods to return to gensokyo with us.

So far we have decided that:
OD of Coffe - [Fail]
Eating mustard with milk - [Fail]
Drinking(!) bleach - [Fail]
OD of medicines - Most likely [Fail]
Jumping of building - Too manly
Gun - Too manly
Inhaling ammonia+bleach - Painful [Fail]
Inhaling bleach portal - [Fail]
and few others that I don't remember.

>> No.6828676

What about hanging yourself, I'm seriously considering this right now.

>> No.6828688
File: 89 KB, 1000x400, 1294878098474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please dont do it ;_;

1. Its too manly and you wont have chance to be touhou girl if you would do it!
2. Dont do it suddenly, you need to be sure that you want to be in gensokyo.
3. and few other things but think about it!

>> No.6828696

I hate these threads :(

>> No.6828697 [DELETED] 


this is the process of a person dying by hanging. After watching this video I don't want to do it that way.

what if you are feeling indescribable pain but can't move or scream?.

>> No.6828716
File: 104 KB, 465x517, 1289338377263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you see?
there are a lot of better methods and you should really think about it!

>> No.6828753


>> No.6828764

Gensokyo is nice for a vacation, but I wouldn't want to live there. It's sort of like Mexico.

>> No.6828771

No underaged hookers in Gensokyo.

>> No.6828777

You honestly believe those hookers are 1000 years old magical beasts or whatever they claim to be? They are preteen human children pretending.

>> No.6828795

There are no hookers at all, let alone uderaged ones.

>> No.6828825

Just because Akyu didn't write about hookers doesn't mean hookers aren't there.

>> No.6828831

Gensokyo is pure place. Thats why with so unpure thoughts you wont be here. You wont be even in Christian heaven. You will be burning in hell.

>> No.6828857

But they have daily battles.

>> No.6828864


That is why I am purifying my mind slowly but surely.

>> No.6828883
File: 416 KB, 800x600, 1293148547619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only way to get into Gensokyo without already having connections is to prove you're worthy by doing great things with your life. Like, "single-handedly end world hunger forever" great.

Better get to work.

>> No.6828895


Is spreading beauty across the world good enough?

>> No.6828904

Would killing the human race get me into Gensokyo?

>> No.6828915
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How do you think Hitler became Rumia? He made an attempt, and failed, but nontheless had a good shot at it, so he was made a minor stage 1 youkai.

>> No.6828921

Why not hang yourself in a bamboo forest?

>> No.6828925
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Method is suboptimal, leads to existence as ghost on Hakugyoukuro. You can see Touhous but never be acknowledged by them or interact with them.

>> No.6829056

Stalin is Remilia
Lenin is Flandre

>> No.6829070


I'd think it'd be the other way around, considering both Flandre and Stalin are genocidal, insane, paranoid maniacs.

>> No.6829077
File: 532 KB, 1004x994, flan commie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right behind you.

>> No.6829095
File: 27 KB, 340x443, stalin_rabbit_costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Lenin and Stalin were genocidal, insane, paranoid maniacs.

Brainwashed americunt hurrr.

>> No.6829111
File: 51 KB, 693x566, 1291189048928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture is so cute! It really needs wallpaper version.

>> No.6829114
File: 25 KB, 397x560, youmu snark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right. Probably also believes that they landed on the Moon, that JFK was assassinated and that Touhou isn't a federal black project designed at reducing population growth to zero.

>> No.6829112



This method is a correct method of entering Gensokyo.

Looks like plenty of you newfriends do not have much knowledge of Touhou other than the short conversations in game, or whatever dumb fucking meme you read.

Perfect Memento in Strict sense has enough information on Gensokyo and outsiders that you can formulate a plan of entering Gensokyo with it. The guy saying he's going to run for meido is a jackass if he doesnt understand how this whole suicide thing started. It started by people reading the Muenzuka section in Perfect Memento.

>> No.6829145
File: 350 KB, 1920x1080, flanpaper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pedonymous Delivers, fresh and steamy.

>> No.6829147

>Muenzuka is a graveyard for those without relatives and those who committed suicide in the outside world, a place where there's a great deal of aimless wandering and many who've lost their way.

>Originally, being able to cross the magic barrier was impossible, but that situation is exactly what has come to pass. For this reason, maintaining one's presence has become difficulty*
>*Possibly meaning that it's difficult to stay in one realm, as opposed to slipping or wavering between different realms.

>> No.6829149
File: 100 KB, 436x348, 1295284810075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Im just from country that had to fight with these two "friendly" people, because red army decided to build summer holiday camps around country and to spread happiness to people.

>> No.6829161

Scared of Youkai catching you?

Spell Card Rules

With every spell between youkai, there is the slight fear of Gensokyo's decay.
However, if it is not used, a youkai's power will gradually vanish.
Therefore, I propose the following contract for spell card use.
That youkai can easily cause disasters.
That humans can easily resolve disasters.
That use of one's full abilities is to be denied.
That there are no things superior to beauty and thought.
- Each spell shall be given a beautiful and meaningful name.
- The number of named spells to be used shall be announced beforehand.
Attacks relying on physical strength are not to be repeated.
- Do not attack without reason.
Reason becomes its own power.
- If all your named spells are defeated, you are defeated, regardless of your remaining strength.

>> No.6829162
File: 58 KB, 244x269, remilia surprised 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flandre is vietnamese

>> No.6829167
File: 27 KB, 465x379, yuuka what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Touhou is a federal black project designed at reducing population growth to zero

>> No.6829169

If victorious against a human, you may not kill them.
- The name of the spell shall be recorded on paper in the same form as this contract.
As a result, all of the aforementioned regulations become absolute.
This paper will be called the "spell card".
A concrete method of casting may be discussed later with the shrine maiden.

>If victorious against a human, you may not kill them.
>If victorious against a human, you may not kill them.
>If victorious against a human, you may not kill them.

Challenge and fling dirt around.

A lot of people formulating plans and talking out of their ass in every time a thread like this comes up. Read and learn.


>> No.6829175
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>> No.6829354


Does any one have doujin with that picture >>6829077 ?

>> No.6829368


Not Lenin. Just Stalin. And you're honestly not going to tell me he didn't send all those people to Siberian work camps and the fatality rate in those camps was unbelievably high.

Also, why is it if you don't treat every single country other then America as perfect and without flaw, and insult America every chance you get, you're immediately labeled as an Americunt? I judge every country equally, and I said nowhere anything about the US in my original post. Are you just trying to troll me or something?

hurr me got trulled

>> No.6829369

Ochinchin Riichi - In Gensokyo, danmaku dodges YOU!

Full of communist era Russian jokes changed to touhou cast.

>> No.6829455

thanks! ヽ(>ヮ<)ノ

americans are stupid its fact. dont worry be happy, its easier to be smart in usa than in rest of world so its better for you.

>> No.6829831

Is it possible to suicide by playing computer games for too long time without sleeping ? and how long could it take? I know that koreans die after 2 days of playing starcraft

>> No.6829842

Just wait until some "Matrix" type device comes out. Even if you're old by then you can be made to be a young guy or a loli.

>> No.6829851
File: 754 B, 113x48, matrix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

