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6826207 No.6826207 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of controller is recommended to play Hisoutensoku? I have a game pad but it's fuck as hard to pull combos and moves that require directions 1, 3, 7, and 9 without an analog stick.

>> No.6826233

It's not hard, you're just bad.

>> No.6826270

I use the xbox360 controller, it takes a bit getting used to but it works.

>> No.6826296
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I use a keyboard

since iamp

>> No.6826319

I recommend the Logitech ones, especially the Precision and Dual Action. Cheap as fuck and their d-pads are delicious.

>> No.6826331

I use a stick, personally. Any pad will do, with enough practice, you'll get it down eventually.

>> No.6826358

I use a 360 controller, playing with with the joystick.

You can really get away with almost any controller, since Hisoutensoku is extremely lenient with inputs.

>> No.6826379

Going through e-bay and I'm convinced.
>With enough practice
translates to a fuck-ton of practice. I keep mashing the buttons when trying to pull a combo, so analog would definitely help.

>> No.6826383

Soku is the most keyboard friendly fighter ever.

>> No.6826444

PS2 dual shock with a USB converter

Anything less than that glorious controller is heresy

>> No.6828257

satapad, 15dollars ebay etc.

>> No.6828259

I actually prefer keyboard. It's works well since the game doesn't have these 720 or A+B+C inputs that can completely screw you over in other fighting games when trying to use a keyboard.

>> No.6828260

i use a stick and i cant fucking iad so i guess it's designed for gamepads

>> No.6828264

Keyboard arrows + ZXCV SD

>> No.6828893
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>> No.6828908
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I use this, it only cost me €7 and it works pretty good. Been using it for over two years now.

>> No.6829017

I use an arcade stick. It's using Seimitsu parts so most would only recommend it for shmups but I even enjoy playing SNES games with it. Certainly works well for fighting games, too.

>> No.6829028

keyboard is the most efficient input for non-rotational input fightans
