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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 79 KB, 848x480, uhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6812572 No.6812572 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /jp/.
I am very new to this board, can anyone recommend me some visual novels(VNs) and what's the best one to start with?

Thank you!

>> No.6812581

Oh, I remember you from yesterday.

Entertain us more!

>> No.6812579

Fuck off retard

>> No.6812584

Go back to /a/ while you still can, these people here are crazy.

>> No.6812585

Bible Black

>> No.6812587
File: 59 KB, 200x200, 1290149665258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Duplicate file entry detected

>> No.6812588


>> No.6812589

What's with all the hate, man?
I just want some recommendations, and I asked you very politely for it.

Stop being so hostile towards new /jp/ers.

>> No.6812594

Since you probably don't like loli you should totally play Wanko.

>> No.6812601
File: 10 KB, 344x341, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You got to understand that I had no past experiences with visual novels(VNs). You were like me once, fag.

>> No.6812605
File: 5 KB, 300x193, yRan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, the big babby is back.

>> No.6812610 [DELETED] 

You should have no interest in being here. Get out while you still can.

I spent a month lurking to find visual novels and posted without a tripfag in a related board asking questions what weren't on the easymodo list. Come back after you do that. Or just check the archives, Jesus.

>> No.6812614
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>> No.6812621

You should have no interest in being here. Get out while you still can.

I spent a month lurking to find visual novels and posted without a tripfag in a related board asking questions what weren't on the easymodo list. Come back after you do that. Or just check the archives, Jesus.

Now everyone leave the thread. Seriously /jp/. Nothing more needs to be said.

>> No.6812626

In case you missed it. Worth a couple laughs.


>> No.6812629

vndb org

Super Secret Club xD

>> No.6812630

type in vn recommendations at archive.easymodo.net

i also responded to a vn recommendation thread not too long ago, so that should still be somewhere
check the other pages

>> No.6812637


>> No.6812641

Hi buddy! How are you today?

>> No.6812642
File: 15 KB, 497x501, Heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh yeah, that's when I owned you, fucktard.
You're the worst poster on /jp/, get back to /a/, cancer. ALso I can tell when you're posting, you're the only one who's sageing my threads.

>> No.6812652

Look at that baka.


>> No.6812654
File: 40 KB, 509x385, 1277427061838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everything's great, bro. We should tf2 sometimes. Also people might be mad if we talk about things that are not related to Japan, so let's not ruin my board. :3

Thanks, broski! Finally someone nice on this entire board.

>> No.6812661

my thread*


>> No.6812664


What the fuck is wrong with you? You expect to be accepted into the community when you don't lift a finger to learn, nothing is going to be given to you on a silver platter you asspained faggot.

>> No.6812666
File: 708 KB, 1130x1600, Taiga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we talk about Taiga in this thread?
I'd bone her.

>> No.6812667
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>> No.6812673

Lol, people still actually believe that it was me yesterday posting on /a/? It was my bro, you know, I'm not the only one who has an access to this computar.

>> No.6812677

Backpedal harder.

>> No.6812679

Stop replying to this faggot, he clearly is acting stupid in order to troll us. Because it seems to be the most effective method. You're just looking stupid by replying.

>> No.6812681

Oh, it's you again.


>> No.6812682

> when I owned you
> You're the worst poster on /jp/
> get back to /a/, cancer
> you're the only one who's sageing my threads.
> :3
> he's the same person as yRan

You really fit in here perfectly.

>> No.6812687

Yeah bro that loli doujin wasn't mine, it was my neighbor who asked if he could use the internet real quick because his computer is broken.

>> No.6812692
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Sure, why not, actually! I like animus a lot, but not Taiga very much. Ookami is a much hawter version of Taiga imo, and it's a better animu, but has a shitty ending. What do you think?

>> No.6812696


It's shit.

>> No.6812698

Lol, these paranoid kids think we are the same yRan. How entertaining! It proves again how idiotic some of the people on your board are.

>> No.6812699

Hmm, I didn't expect you back. Guess you have no dignity to waste anyway huh?

>> No.6812700

It's crap.

>> No.6812702

Could you fucking retards stop giving him attention? just stop replying...

>> No.6812704

Yes, I am trolling all of you, your all being owned by me. :)

>> No.6812705
File: 113 KB, 885x487, Shit_right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6812711


He is just asking a question to the board he owns. What is wrong with that?

>> No.6812714

Tiger or wolf vagOOO?

Hmm.. I can't decide.

>> No.6812716

Everybody, don't reply to this post.

>> No.6812717


>> No.6812725

Listen to the sage! He says you shouldn't post here.

>> No.6812727

God damn it. /jp/ has disappointed me since this raid. Whatever happened to the old days when this thread wouldn't ever have gotten one post, not even a sage? We'd just let it sink to the next page.

There is no possible way you can annoy nRan more than he is going to annoy you. And if you're going to respond, at least sage your post. Jeez guys.

>> No.6812746

>There is no possible way you can annoy nRan more than he is going to annoy you

but he got owned to the core yesterday

like, literally buttexploded fatherdick-asswelcomed

>> No.6812741

You seem like a really nice guy. You should hang around.

>> No.6812750

Stop getting so frustrated, it's just yRan responding to himself. Hide thread, move on.

>> No.6812753
File: 33 KB, 318x425, frank-sinatra_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not my fault your little /jp/ friends decided to attack me. This could've been a nice thread, if people would actually reply to the original post and not insult me.

>> No.6812757

nokosage my friend

>> No.6812760

Yeah that was kinda funny yesterday but now it's just being dragged on, shit's not funny anymore.
So let's just ignore this, and operate the usual hidden/reported routine.

>> No.6812763
File: 17 KB, 220x220, ookami.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no u!

Also, let's stick to the thread. What's the best VN to start with?

>> No.6812768

Don't give our secret tricks away, please.

>> No.6812777

So how old is this yRan chap anyway?

>> No.6812780

I'd say between 13 and 15 years old.

>> No.6812783
File: 1.48 MB, 1550x1805, 1294613468323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend Yume Miru Kusuri very very highly.

>> No.6812803
File: 543 KB, 458x764, 50584685.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 19, what's the point of asking anyway? It's supposed to be an anonymous website, and age doesn't really matter. Judge book by its content, not by the cover.

>> No.6812808
File: 54 KB, 480x640, 1282426790277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you! :3

>> No.6812809

Anonymous tripfags, huh?

>> No.6812820
File: 83 KB, 568x518, 1294609358710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem.

Now go to /a/ and never ever come back again.

>> No.6812824

