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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6810158 No.6810158 [Reply] [Original]

Apparently, it 404'd.

To reply to the gentleman's answer to my question:
So basically... you want an attractive girl, who's not a total moron and shares interests with you, and who is willing to satisfy most of your sexual desires without complaining? So theoretically, if a girl came along who could do all those things you would pick her over the doll?

Can other anon's sympathize with the above sentiment? Is there a general consensus here?

I want to know what it takes to get a nice nerdy guy... That's all I really want. :(

>> No.6810163

Lose a dimension and you might have a chance.
Also, stop shitting up the board, that's a straight turn-off.

>> No.6810165

I just want to live alone in peace and pursue my hobbies. It's the world shoving this belief down my throat that I "need someone". I'm not depressed I'm content with my life, but really The normals make it hard for me.

I am aware that some anons get lonely and need someone to share their experiences with, but my brain wasn't wired to do that.

That's my opinion. Boring to a normal person, great to me though.

>> No.6810178




>> No.6810185
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Miku Doll Anon is alpha as fuck confirmed. He doesn't need people to hold him back.

>> No.6810193


I'm not alpha bro, I'm omega.

>> No.6810198

Dat you, Mr. Guy?

I kind of wish I could do that too... social life is very tiring, and I don't care much for it. I do it mainly to keep up appearances and keep my parents off my case.

But unfortunately, they don't make very cute dolls for girls. :\ Yes, I jelly.

Thank you for sharing though, I think a I learned a lot. And at least you're civil unlike some of the other anons.

>> No.6810211
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>I want to know what it takes to get a nice nerdy guy... That's all I really want. :(
Most are desperate enough that it's impossible to have trouble with that. You probably never noticed them. I bet all of /jp/ would have been easy enough if you got them young enough. Try somewhere else, though. None of us want to play the game any more.

>> No.6810213

Why the hell would you search for a cute nerdy guy here? We're all basically tsundere males who would make you go through all kinds of trouble in order to get accepted, and even if you manage to do it, it wouldn't be that rewarding. You're better off just going for a normalfag who likes some nerdy things.

>> No.6810240

Not really searching for one here (I already know you guys are hikkikomori to the point of no return.) but just wondering what's up with that kind of thing, you know?

Yeah, about that whole normal guy thing. That's probably not going to happen.

Is it really a bad thing that I'm curious about stuff?

>> No.6810242

Relationshits are suffocating as hell. I like to walk around in my apartment, scratch my ass, sing out loud, walk around butt naked. I have to worry about impressions in a relationship, have to worry about investing all my time and energy, then getting cheated on. Have to worry about all this shit.

Fuck that. I hate being lonely but I'll tolerate it.

>> No.6810245

My thoughts exactly.

>> No.6810255

Essentially, courting is a game rigged in favour of aggressive, predatory people. I couldn't take it easy like that, agonised over it during my adolescence, and then realised that I don't have to do stupid things to satisfy people's expectations. I'm sure there are a lot more with similar experiences. Path of least resistance. Ignore trolls and women until they leave confused.

>> No.6810264

That's a very logical way of putting it, it does seem true as well.

>> No.6810271

You're the one bringing up dating a nerdy guy as if we could help you with it.

>> No.6810284

I can't still be interested in your insights anyways?

>> No.6810296

You missed /a/.

>> No.6810299

>>I want to know what it takes to get a nice nerdy guy... That's all I really want. :(
Ah, I know a girl that's like that. In first semester of college she went straight for the most outwardly nerdy guy.
What she didn't know or realize: Judging from his personality he is a retard, and the whole clique with him is frowned upon by almost everyone.

You might be okay with that, but the bottom line is: Don't overweight the "nerd" in comparison to the "nice".
That said, look for computer scientists. We are somewhat desperate, since there are almost no women around, and the probability of "meeting by chance" tends to zero.

>> No.6810301

What exactly are you asking here? Moreover what are you asking in the OP? What criteria a woman would have to meet to outdo a fictional character? I don't even...

In my case, none.

>> No.6810317

I don't know what the last thread held but I don't think this is what /jp/ wants at all if they're anything like me. Dolls are better than girls because they're not real girls. I'm not interested in anyone who shares the same interests as me nor any companion whatsoever. I don't want someone who sates my sexual needs. I have no sexual needs. If you're still young and have sexual needs, what about when you get old?

You have to imagine if you'd like someone even if you didn't share the same interests. If you wouldn't like them, the fact that you share the same interests isn't a strong enough point to befriend anyone.

When you're old, what if your sexual vitality fades and your hobbies change? If you should have a 'waifu' then she can change according to your subconscious or your will. If you should have a real wife, well, most marriages end in divorce. No one wants to go through that kind of an experience.

I'm not personally interested in a friend, spouse, waifu, or any of these things whatsoever. I'm not interested in girls looking for nice, nerdy guys making threads on the board where I can have the perfect amount of social interaction necessary for me.

Please at least sage your posts if you post again.

>> No.6810318

You want an otaku as a partner?

No you don't. You're just lonely.

They cannot provide you with anything. Most don't have licenses or even a place of there own. All they can offer you is intellectual discussion(not even that) you're better off having otaku FRIENDS as they're great listeners.

With a real outgoing positive guy he'll take you places, you can go surfing, shopping..all that normal shit. You can introduce him to your nerdy side, well he introduces you to his outgoing side, You'll have fun and learn off each other. He'll bring you out of your shell and you'll make him think a bit more about things. He'll have a place for you to live in and look after you. Otaku don't fucking do any of this.

>> No.6810322


Dollbro, any pics of you with your dick in the Miku?

>deified further

>> No.6810327

You want to see more of that cock I see.

>> No.6810331
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Annon speaks words of wisdom.

Pic related: Annon and OP

>> No.6810334

Here's the deal, OP: There are fucking tons of nerdy, shy guys out there who are actually into real, living, 3D human girls. The people who are into dolls or 2D are hardly the majority of "nice, nerdy guys." You're infinitely more likely to get along with one of these "normal" nerds than try and outdo what are essentially idealized, perfect companions in, well, perfection in order to catch the eye of people who simply aren't interested.

The board you're probably looking for is actually /r9k/, which is full of ordinary run-of-the-mill shy loners, who, because they're on 4chan, probably have a handful of nerdy hobbies. Their taglines are "forever alone" and "beta as fuck" or something like that. So go ask them, you'll get nothing from us here.

>> No.6810341

OP, the truth is 90% of /jp/ are normal people pretending to be NEET because they're hipster like that.

Most would go out with you even if they deny it here.

>> No.6810342

Well, I guess I would be meaning "How did you become hikikkomori?" or "What defines a hikikkomori?"

So that OP statement is a question as to whether people would ever be willing to give up 2D love for 3D (assuming it would fulfill the main demands of your 2D lovers from what I gathered from Miku doll man as: attractiveness, not being a moron, and sexual subservience), is it really just because you don't think you can achieve a 3D love that meets those standards or you would not give up 2D even if that ideal 3D relationship were possible?

Is this a better way to put it? Do you understand it? Do I have to rephrase it again? (I'd rather not since it IS 6AM, and it takes me awhile to think things up to type at this hour.) This is all very interesting to me, so I'd like to hear your responses, if it is possible. Thank you.

>> No.6810364

It's simply not possible for a real person to live up to a perfected ideal.

>> No.6810365


Alot of us have various mental disorders that prevent us from forming relationships. 2D love, to me personally is fucking ridiculous.

For me I don't really feel loneliness. I've lived my entire life alone and I love it.

>> No.6810366
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Basically, if you want to appeal to a doll owner, you have to be kuudere.

>> No.6810368

I blame Pandora's box or the fact that Eve bit the apple

>> No.6810373

People actually do that for street cred?

>> No.6810379

Someone who says they don't need love is like a poor farmer who only harvests rice. He is too lazy to bother working for other food, so he fulfills his own theory that rice is all the food you need. Please stop reminding them that their existence is pitiful, because they're honestly too stubborn to do anything about it anyway.

>> No.6810392

not the guy who asked but i find this a better way. 3D love is nice IMO. play ur cards right and it can lead to pleasure. eventually maybe even happiness if ur lucky enough. i hope i undertood right.

>> No.6810394

>ssuming it would fulfill the main demands of your 2D lovers from what I gathered from Miku doll man as: attractiveness, not being a moron, and sexual subservience

I'd honestly say this probably isn't a good representation of the general interests of /jp/, simply because those a general things that any guy looks for (being pretty, not a retard, and willing to do what the guy wants sexually? Those are basic general good traits.) The problem in /jp/ is that our individuals tend to have far more specific requirements.

To use myself as an example.

I would love to meet a girl who is inexperienced, shy around others besides me, literally so in love that she'd die if I asked her to, clingy but values my happiness above her own enough that she'd go away for a while if I asked her to (and do so happily, returning later).Quick to get Jealous, but rather than acting on the feeling and taking it out on me, confesses the jealousy later, embarassed and thinking I'd dislike her for it. (I wouldn't) A good cook. Doesn't really expect anything from me, but is happy with the smallest things, and is fine with me not doing anything with my life. (Also she must have long hair and be cute and flat-chested and get cold easily.)

Clearly. These aren't realistic expectations for any healthy relationship. /jp/ knows that. Even if there was a girl who could possibly meet those requirements, what are the chances that I'd ever meet that girl? or that she'd fall in love with me, especially considering my lack of redeeming qualities.

2D meets those expectations and more.
3D will never accomplish that, and even if it does, there are a million other factors that could interfere and fuck shit up.

tl;dr 2D will always meet expectations and never betray you. 3D is terrible.

>> No.6810396


Maybe you should try /a/

>> No.6810402

You guys can never resist answering into these "LOOK AT ME I'M A GURL, ANSWER MY POINTLESS QUESTIONS" threads?

>> No.6810406

But yet, in some ways, isn't the ideal also imperfect in that the fact that its illusion just isn't good enough?

Example: Why do people offer the computer screen a cake for its birthday? It can neither appreciate your efforts or even eat the cake you brought it. So how do people get around that fact? How do you make it "real" enough so that you believe it?

>> No.6810407

Maybe if we answer she won't make another thread about it in the future.

>> No.6810408

this, we've given up and accepted loneliness

>> No.6810409
File: 45 KB, 468x781, 1243014755180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys look at various chat places, you see lots of aggressive girls who like going out. They will have more than one guy at the same time dating them though, but require the guy to be solo with them.

It may seem strange to you, but I dislike wearing rings or jewelry of any kind, so I don't wear my wedding ring except on a light neckchain. As an unfortunate consequence, I get "hit upon" by girls looking for nice but unformally dressed guys who are well-off employed. Musing over that, some of us at our workplace wonder if nerds as a subclass have the favorable attention of a group of females looking more for longterm security and solid retirement/travel prospects than in short term garrulous cool hip types. If the OP is looking for nerds with that in mind, well, many nerds are available; just remember that that their job and job-related extracurricular interests will compete with you for time. So don't get pouty at that.

Sometimes nerds are just too afraid to look. In one large office bay of our corporation, at least 3 couples met for the first time in that bay and (6 people from that bay) married. At another smaller bay with 33 people, 2 of them met for the first time in that bay and married each other.

>> No.6810411

although it would maybe seem that u make a valid point, what about the fact that 3D can talk to you and even though suprises arent always good, it can lead to more spontanious and exciting things.

>> No.6810416

The exact opposite will happen.

>> No.6810418

Sure is to bad mods dont ban pussies like you. Then you would be utterly alone and you would kill your selves.

>> No.6810419


>Can't tolerate loneliness
>Think's that because he can't, nobody else can

That's your problem bro, not ours. Keep your generalisations to yourself. I've been in a couple of relationships during my adolescence and I never felt "love", not even towards my parents. I thought that something was wrong with me but that's just the way I was born.

>> No.6810420


>> No.6810423
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Love is about circumstances and chance. I didn't choose it and I certainly couldn't explain how or why. Things just happened the way they did. I can barely bring myself to acknowledge anyone else.

>> No.6810424

ooooo. arent u dark?? maybe you just never met the right person??

>> No.6810425

In the first place, it's hopeless if you're trying to compete with 2D, not because 2D is perfect, but because 2D is our lives. Expecting us to stop playing galge is like expecting us to throw away our will to live. There are many people here who would seriously kill themselves if you take away their hobbies. No kind of relationship would be able to make up for the loss of our passions.

So if you want to appeal to a 2D lover (which, as previously mentioned, is a pretty stupid thing to do in the first place), you can't think that you're going to win over his heart from 2D, at best you can make him give some room in his heart for you next to his love for 2D. Which would be done by offering the advantages of 3D to him, without expecting him to sacrifice his love for 2D. As soon as you start complaining about him playing galge instead of paying attention to you, you're tearing away at what makes him a living and breathing man.

>> No.6810427

If 3D doesn't meet said requirements, why the hell would I want to be in a romantic relationship and talk?

As someone mentioned earlier, the kind of people you find on /jp/ (the ones that go outside and occasionally socialize) are great listeners. I know I had a crapload of female friends in High School who came to me with problems or just to talk, but did I ever even think about asking them out? No, because they made decent friends, but they just weren't what I wanted out of a romantic relationship.

>> No.6810428
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Stop that. He's correct.

>> No.6810429


Despite this being the trollsy OP, I agree that his post sounds like a whiny 12 year old's Facebook post.

>> No.6810434


I'm not whining you fucking retard, I like being alone. What the hell can't you comprehend about it? Ahh, you're a troll.

Believe it or not some people can live in solitude my friend, if you can't and won't accept it that's not my problem.

>> No.6810437

fine fine be lonely. Just dont be so depressing about it. What do you get out of that??

>> No.6810441

OP, I've been to /jp/ long enough to know a very GOOD reason you would not want to be in a relationship with any of them.

Being with you would inevitably detract from their time spent on their hobbies. Otherwise you'd be gone all the time and they'd just assume you were going to cheat on them or cheating on them, which you likely would.

It's not really that hard to understand, but people here are jaded, but at least they're realistic and true to their hobbies.

>> No.6810445

He obviously gets to sit on a grimdark throne of delusional superiority.

I like being alone most of the time as well but fucking hell.

>> No.6810446

It would be downright cruel to expect the prerequisite loyalty /jp/ wants from a 3D pig.

>> No.6810447

sad but true.. why cant people just try to limit their hobbies. I love watching anime and i am getting into collecting figures and such. however i do kno the limit of wanting to go outside and play some football with friends.

>> No.6810449

Nobody is really depressed about their own loneliness. They really DO love 2D vs 3D. It's this thread and talking about it that is depressing.

Sadly, this thread is going to happen all over again repeatedly, until moot eventually deletes it.

>> No.6810451

>People who are normal are just TROLLS!

Well, yeah, that's why we come into /jp/.
But you still missed my entire point.
You only think you're "fine" with being lonely because you lack the capacity to actually experience unconditional love and friendship.

>> No.6810455

If it isn't that loyal. It isn't real love.

>> No.6810456

inb4 emo, DARKNESS, trolls etc

>> No.6810457

What about all the things 2D can't accomplish?

How can a computer game, or a comic, or any other inanimate object "feel" the things you want it to? It can't get jealous. It can't be happy. It can't feel cold. These are feelings you imagine the object of your affection feeling. 2D can't meet your expectations at all, you just pretend that it does. How is it any different from your criticism of 3D, then?

>> No.6810458

so we're agreed then that sad man of despair needs some friends then right??

>> No.6810463

What would it even matter? If he feel fine, why the fuck should he have to find a new definition of happiness to cater to the general public?

>> No.6810471

this is the point i was trying to get across earlier. it seems people are really just fine or even extremely happy with their illusions.

>> No.6810474


I don't deny that he feels fine with what he's doing, or that he needs to change. I just dislike the idea that this is somehow a "way of life" instead of a justification for limitations set on yourselves out of arrogance and selfishness.

>> No.6810475


Whatever dude, take it easy.

>> No.6810479

Yes, you are a normalfag. Nobody on /jp/ would ever go outside with friends to play football for various reasons that would become obvious if you lurked more. Life is about living, it's not really

You seriously underestimate the powers of "imagination" and "delusions". People can easily be happy like that, it's the same with people who get attached to roleplaying characters on /tg/ or RPG characters. They SEEM almost like real people. So it's not a stretch to treat them as such.

I don't ever come on /jp/, but it's annoying to see people unable to understand that trying to "Save" people on this board is retarded when they obviously enjoy doing what they do. You're not the first person to do this sort of crap so it obviously won't work.

>> No.6810481

You've got the wrong guy, partner. That's not OP (me). I appreciate what my parents have done for me all of my life. I may not always agree with them, but they really do have my best interests at heart.

>> No.6810484

It's very different. /jp accepts that the expectations are impossible, so it turns to fantasy (that's 2D). It's understood that 2D is nothing but fantasy used to "fill a hole". The point was simply that while fantasy can cover that hole, 3D is like throwing a handful of sand at a hole in a half-hearted attempt to get a few grains in to make it less wide. It's not like you can just pretend a 3D girl meets those requirements while you date her.

>> No.6810485

>if a girl came along who could do all those things you would pick her over the doll?

I probably would, yeah. But only if she'd have the same loyalty for me as I'd have for her, and for some reason I find it rather hard to believe.
The whole concept of someone liking me more than playing PS2 at midnight and talking about random shit in the shared kitchen is kinda far off, but I'd give it a chance if we got closer.

It's not like I'd ever get the money to blow on a doll like that anyway.

Figurines are fine for me.

>> No.6810487

Go tell that to buddhist monks or Catholic priests or various other people who have imaginary friends that love them. It's the exact same thing. Do you think you could convince a monk that he should give up what he's doing and go bang a whore to meet society's standards?

And yes, I am saying that /jp/ are the celibate monks of 4chan.

>> No.6810488

What rationale do you have for not having friends? This is something /jp/ only ever implies is bad, but never ever states why.

>> No.6810494

i would also like to know as well.
thats a pretty good comparison

>> No.6810496

They don't say it's BAD. They say it's normalfaggy. /jp/ won't ever seriously mock you for having friends, you just don't belong here if you do. It's a lifestyle choice.

Even though I don't come on here, I can understand it. Friends are always taking away from MY own personal hobby-time and other things I enjoy. I've gotten rid of most of them, and it's really liberating to have all that free-time to yourself.

Some people have more fun on their own. The fact that you asked that question pretty much assures you can't put yourself in anyone's shoes who are like that.

>> No.6810498
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Try to save people? Really? Me?

>> No.6810500


Monks are voluntarily celibate.

>> No.6810501

The point remains that what you see as limitations, or your idea that it isn't really a living is absurd to begin with.

It'd be like me commenting on how you aren't really living life because you haven't gone on an African safari and visited a monastery in the Himalayas, or gone whaling, or had be married with a kid living in the suburbs. The point is that it's rather stupid of anyone to be of the opinion that anyone else's life is somehow 'incomplete' just because that person hasn't done what you think they should do.

>> No.6810503

Seems to be answered by

Which is, of course, a load of shit. I work, go to school, and spend most of my time on terrible computer games. I still have time to hang out with real friends, and argue with imaginary ones on 4chan.

>> No.6810505

Despite not having a waifu of any sort, I can still at least tell you something about relationships I hope most people here would share.
First of all, it's inconceivable that I would form a relationship with a woman who is unfair. It makes no sense for the man in the relationship to bend over backwards and sacrifice money and time to please a woman who doesn't do so in return. That implies that women are helpless and incapable and that's not something I'd deal with. They complain about equality: this is equality.

>who's not a total moron
For me to respect any hypothetical partner they would need to have a fundamental understanding of the laws of nature and have common sense. Not being able to comprehend evolution, or refusing to accept it, for example, would be an absolute dealbreaker. That's just an example of many.
I am consistently surprised at how naive and illogical the vast majority of women appear, despite claims that they are of equal intelligence. I'm not a misogynist, just an objective observer.

>> No.6810506


-conflicting interests
-the latter is usually stupid or uneducated, they have everything to leech but nothing to give in return
-have to be responsible for their emotional wellbeing
-cannot cut ties whenever, constricted in the relationship

Talking over the internet is much better, here I can say whatever the fuck I want without worrying about the latters feelings, get more information about a broad range of topics, talk with people who are similar to myself

>> No.6810507

im not >>6810488 but if i could take that statement i would ask why cant people like that belong here?? i enjoy otaku culture. maybe not as much as the next guy or have enough knowledge of what i would assume the criteria would be but that shouldnt mean i belong here.

where is the fun in all that free time looking at all those almost vacant faces not saying a word unless you imagine them too??

>> No.6810510

I've never had the problem with them taking up my time. Maybe once every month or two, so maybe I can't understand it.

But, I'm not interested in your "if(friends) gtfo else welcome" logic.

>> No.6810512


Socialization isn't an absurd limitation. Your life isn't going to be miserable without it, but you'd have to be crazy to think that it's a temporary construct of madmen.

>> No.6810514

Having friends means that you have to go outside.

I have one friend, and we go back some 15 years. We don't really have a lot in common, and we see each other maybe once or twice a month even though we live in the same city now.
He doesn't "get" anime and "all that Japanese stuff", while I'm the guy who can just sit at my computer all day and night doing nothing but just that.

Maybe I could consider some of the girls in the shared kitchen here at the dorm I live in my friends, but in a way they're more like "people I talk to when I meet them".
They know about my Japanese Studies and ask me whether the text parts in Battle Royale actually mean what the subtitles say, but apart from that, they're not really interested in anything Japanese as far as I know.
As long as they talk to me casually, I can relax around them.

>> No.6810518


But there is no actual improvement of the hole. The hole with 2D love stays the same size as it ever was. With 3D love, the hole gets smaller, even if it is only by a tiny bit. Isn't the better option still to try to repair the hole? I mean, if you tried to fix a pothole, would you rather put a piece of paper over it or patch it up, even if you couldn't fill the whole thing? Even with a slight patch job, your commute would still improve, as opposed to just covering it up and having a rough commute as usual.

>> No.6810523

The point is, at it's core /jp/ doesn't care about you having friends. You free to be a normalfriend and lurk and post. Just don't fucking comment about how you're a normalfriend when someone makes a comment about being a Hikikomori.

It's the same concept behind femanons, by puting 'fem' in front you're already completely breaking the point of being anonymous.

It shouldn't matter if you are a normalfriend on /jp/ because /jp/ should never find out.

>> No.6810530

This much I can agree with. Nasty discussions only ever come up when we discuss our differences.

>> No.6810532

my bad for trying to put myself on some sort of high tier post just for being able to go outside. i only wanted some understanding of how people can just be ok with i guess doing nothing. aside from internet wouldnt it be almost compareable to being in solitary confinement??

>> No.6810535

I dare say you may very well stay here, lurking the shadows and never bringing up or commenting on the "OMG HEY GUISE I HAEV GURLFRIEND THAT'S GREET". Or "YOU GUUSE NEED FRIENDS".

It's just silly, and at one point would get you reported for not being /jp/ related.

>> No.6810536


I don't see why you're so averse to bad discussions and arguments. We'll probably never convince anyone of anything, but it beats the shit out of "my waifu is better than your waifu".

>> No.6810538

You've missed the point of my analogy.

2D is the thing that helps a bit. 3D just makes it worse.

2D is like filling (or pretending to fill) the pothole a bit. Getting a 3D girlfriend that doesn't meet expectations, and therefore disappoints, is like not fixing the pothole at all and instead washing your car. Washing the car doesn't do anything to fix the problem, at least pretending makes driving over it a more pleasurable experience.

>> No.6810539

This comparison having been made, I'd like to see what /jp/ thinks about the idea/concept of God.

>> No.6810545


Wow, how ignorant can you be? You don't speak on behalf of the entire human race. You have to accept there are things you don't know and you cannot know for certain how others feel and think. You seem to make wise comments but really, you're just a retard. Sorry, but you need to be more open minded.

>> No.6810548

A different normalfag here. I wonder if you are really speaking for the majority when you say that?
The fact that I frequent this board but am so dramatically unlike what you call a typical /jp/er leads me to believe I'm not alone. In addition I question whether there are that many hyper-introverted NEETs with no social contact whatsoever here, or whether there are simply an outspoken few because no normalfags feel comfortable showing their [reverse] powerlevel.

>> No.6810549

sadly i feel this going away from /jp/ related things anyway

>> No.6810550

>89 posts and 8 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

>> No.6810551


>> No.6810554

>Someone who probably often likes to speak on behalf of all /jp/ is really making that argument.

Yes, I really am making that assumption because socialization is what we base 99% of our emotions from. Removing it really does make you less human.

>> No.6810556

That's it. Get out.

I like this thread better than the shitty hikikomori threads where it feels like you have to only go outside once a week in order to just be in the thread.
Simply because you aren't enough of a shut-in because you aren't a NEET, and you actually enjoy talking to a select two or three people.

Like the more socially retarded you make yourself out to be, the better you fit in.
So people make themselves retarded in the outside world in order to fir in here in /jp/.

>> No.6810557

Last time I checked, /jp/ was titled "Otaku culture". He may not be involved in it very well, but we are indeed discussing the culture of Otaku's here. (Or at least I'm trying to.)

>> No.6810558

is that why that one king of sad guy was so sad?? cause he didnt socialize thus making him emotionless. just making an assumption here..

>> No.6810560

I'm not adverse to discussion, it's just rather retarded of people to go into, for example a waifu thread, and say "I don't get the point of a waifu, you guys are stupid for arguing" and then NOT expect the thread posters to respond with "Get the fuck out, normalfag"

>> No.6810561

>So people make themselves retarded in the outside world in order to fit in here in 4chan.

You've solved the riddle.

>> No.6810563

A girl friend is a tool for sex, a wife is a tool for sex and breeding. You want a women that can understand you, get a friend and stop bitching.

>> No.6810564

Those threads aren't that common, especially anymore. I think /a/ has adopted them though.

Most of /jp/ are atheists, obviously.

I used to come here, but then I got a girlfriend. I am more or less unhappy and depressed most of the time, and was happier before the relationship. It's terrible and I think it will inevitably lead to terrible feelings for most of /jp/.

>> No.6810565

yeah. i didnt like that thinking either. im just trying to understand how the "criteria" i mentioned earlier makes you a sure thing to be acknowldged in this board instead of just lurking which honestly i do sometimes because i have no real input.

>> No.6810566


Threadshitting is a whole different animal. Someone making their own thread about the appeal of 2D waifus should be more open to discussion than "gtfo normalfag". And sometimes we really do get some good discussions going (when it's not posted during the daytime).

>> No.6810571

Females are people with feelings too. In fact (believe it or not) some of them are NEET like yourself.

>> No.6810573

but wouldnt you say the expierence of a girlfriend is at least worth it?? in concern of trying to actually do something before he or she dies especially.

>> No.6810575

Most female NEETS are funjoshi.

>> No.6810577

I think this thread has yet to fully address the most underlying aspect: why it is we love 2D

There's a plethora of reasons, really, and certainly all of them don't apply to everyone here. However, for those who do prefer 2D it's generally because of a combination of the following

1) unwillingness to enter a relationship in which he will constantly fear being betrayed or left.
Your 2D waifu will never leave you (this is the big one)

2) No need to sacrifice your energy, time, or effort
Exactly when was the birthday of your 2D waifu again? Oh right...

3a) no pre-relationship drama
Courting her is not dependent upon you being so "fucking alpha."

3b) No relationship drama
She has no friends, no family, you are her only one. She will never try to manipulate you, and will never be tainted by the shitty minds of her jealous friends who may have yet to find love.
Exception: your folks may give you shit for chasing after 2D booty, rather than fathering a family.

3b) No post-relationship drama
You can leave her whenever you want
Personally I would never leave my beautiful wife, she's perfect, pure, the best, and I would sooner eat her shit and accept her dick up my asshole if she were to spontaneously grow one and need me to fulfill her sexual needs than for a micron of a second imagine life without me loving her.

4) She will always accept your love
In addition to bringing no drama to the relationship, she will always reciprocate your enamoration with her.

5) The potential medical and health problems common in 3D women do not exist in 2D
When was the last time your waifu had her period, found a lump in her chest, or forgot to take those contraceptive pills?
Exception: broken girls who you love for being damaged goods.
Addendum: 3D women may die before you, but your 2D waifu cannot die so long as your voice and mind can reach them, so long as you as well live.


>> No.6810580

I don't think it is. I'm honestly not even interested.

>> No.6810581


6) No mandatory financial burdens on her or the child you won't have
In addition to not needing to burn time, energy, and effort (number 2) you don't need to spend any money.
While it's not mandatory you spend money on her, I personally have spent hundreds on hand drawn illustrations and figurines of her from yahoo auction japan. In other words, I have no problem doting money on her.

7) She is perfect for you, your ideal.
There are thousands upon thousands of women to choose from, all so distinct in aesthetics and most importantly personality. There is a special one out there for you to love.

In summation: she won't leave you, you won't sacrifice your time/effort/energy, there's substantially less drama, she will always accept and love you, she will not leave you against her will (die), she will not necessarily burden you financially, and finally she is perfect for you.


>> No.6810582


Now let's examine the cons with 2D

1) Your waifu may have difficulty physically expressing her love for you.
Let me analogize this as I would for a doll-lover. Your doll wife, despite her intense, passionate love for you, will not be able to physically interact with you and show her affection or appreciation for your combined existence on the same plane of reality that you and I interact. Truly there is nothing more futile than this.

Finally, let's examine the pros and cons of 3D

Cons) Invert the pros that I mentioned for 2D waifus.

Pro) you will have physical descendants
Enjoy having children growing up in the same dysfunctional world that's out to get them that you had. Do you really want a child of yours to suffer the same outlandish strife you had to endure in school? Fuck that, I'd rather he never exist than grow into the pessimistic person-hating loser I am. However, by producing children you will be altruistically giving back to society, not that we need the population to keep climbing with all the human garbage breeding like the rats they are. I suppose that makes this pro an entirely moot point.

>> No.6810585

what does that even mean

>> No.6810588


>> No.6810592


>> No.6810595

I refuse to use internet search engines [they are unethical].
Please help me out.

>> No.6810597

ok now roll with me here... lets say a person has their waifu and you have made all your points. in your case the person with the waifu will be completely open to their waifu being jacked off to or "being" with someone else because in a way a waifu is just a representation of the show it was on. almost like a logo. now in 3D, unless that woman is cloned, for however long the two are together she is yours. unless of course she cheats but thats a whole nother issue...

>> No.6810598
File: 91 KB, 750x503, irony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most of /jp/ are atheists, obviously.

Oh, the irony.

>> No.6810601

No. I love my girlfriend, but it isn't worth it. I miss my hobbies and she's always dressing up like a man for yaoi cosplaying.

If /jp/ ever became normalfags I would lose all respect for them. They should stick to their 2D waifus, with their unconditional love and the lack of paranoia associated with it. You never have to worry about a 2D waifu being unfaithful or ever leaving you.

Seriously, even while I'm with someone, 2D > 3D.

>> No.6810603

>I don't have waifu's
> I'd love a girl who wanted a nice nerdy guy, as that mostly describes me
> Then again, I only lurk /jp/

>> No.6810604

Except that your waifu is an individual instance of the character, who belongs to only you.

A 3D girlfriend is a single instance, will probably still be jacked off to by random guys in her classes/workplace that aren't you, will probably have guy friends some even close enough to hug, and risks the potential of betrayal.

>> No.6810605

That sounds like a fault of your girlfriend and not every single 3D human female.

>> No.6810609
File: 944 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_6160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not like you have to be acknowledged, is it?

If you want everyone licking your nuts over a doll you bought, claiming you've "rejected real women for true pleasure in life" and whatnot, go right ahead.

I'm here because I feel I fit in here the most, and that's why I've been coming back ever since the split and all the shittiness we've been through.
I haven't played ten percent of the games people here talk about, I don't read VNs, etc., so I stay out of those threads, but that still doesn't mean I have to justify I fit in.

It'd be a lie to say I wasn't inspired to buy a figurine every now and then because of the people and their rooms here in /jp/, but it's not like I was thinking about all the sweet comments I'd get when I post a picture of my rather generic figurines.

And what are you? Jelly? Mad? Or did you just want to point out the one who sticks out a little bit so you can feel more as a part of the crowd?
Yes, I got my ass kicked to pieces in Crash Team Racing by a girl last night, but that's only because she just put the game in the PS2 we were using to play a DVD for the total of 4 people gathered in the shared kitchen before the other two left.
It was fun, and I'd play with her again if you know what I mean, but if you think my social contact makes me feel like less of a 23 year old virgin, you'd have to reconsider.
Feel free to analyze on why I added that last part, by the way. Did I do it because I want to fit in? To heighten the chance of a reply?

I don't know whether I should feel trolled or not anymore.

At least I don't get as mad as some of the people playing World of Tanks and Supremacy 1914 even though I stay up all night on mumble.

>> No.6810612

Whether or not someone in the world happens to have a waifu that shares the name and aesthetic appearance of yours is absolutely irrelevant.

You do not interact with this 3D man or woman who shares your tastes, nor does their involvement in any way actually effect the love you feel for your waifu or in my case my 2D wife.

These two waifus may seem similar but are actually individual entities, reinterpretations by two different people.

>> No.6810617

I've had like, 5 girlfriends. This one is the best. She's a lonely shut-in so I don't have to be AS paranoid. Seriously, it's not worth it in the end. Every relationship I've had has been me either slowly growing to hate how much time the girl spends on me, or being paranoid that she'd leave me, so I usually broke them off.

Finding a half-decent girlfriend for someone from /jp/ with their high standards would be literally impossible. Even implying that they should break up with their waifus is ridiculous, because waifus kick ass.

Unless your girlfriend is ABSOLUTELY hideous, people are jerking off to her. At least with waifus you don't have to think of other men trying to hit on her or stealing her away from you.

>> No.6810620

Hell yes i'm mad because the whole fucking board is living in a fantasy land where they can fap to their waifu's all day and dream about frolicking in gensokyo all night. It just isn't right.

>> No.6810622

yeah i was post >>6810565 and i agree with wat you are saying (aside from fitting in here most. sorry.) i find inspiration to buy a figure because i truely like THAT character from that show or wherever.

>> No.6810628
File: 276 KB, 590x331, togame-punch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And so...
Get the fuck out, normalfag.

>> No.6810630

The girl that I am sort of dating is a lonely shut in to, Its the best, plus I am pretty much just like her as I am a shit in to, so we get along really well. Plus she likes touhous

>> No.6810632

no but instead you have to realize that people are jacking off to the photos and designs and art of your waifu since the whole entire world has complete access to her image.

>> No.6810637
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>> No.6810638

Yeah, I probably exaggerated a bit, but it's really not a good deal over-all. I genuinely miss being alone with my waifu and going through /jp/ and VNs for 12 hours a day.

Yes, but they can't ever steal her away from you as long as you love your waifu. 3D though? It CAN happen, and you'll never know if it has either way. It's terrifying. Not only that, but later on if she divorces you, you've wasted your life sharing it with some person, time that could have been your own all along.

>> No.6810640

That's the point though. The character itself isn't your waifu. The character itself has its own canon and story and environment. Your waifu is a personal version of that character come to life, one that belongs solely, and wholly to you. Something 3D can't do because the natural eniroment and relationships of a 3D girl are the same as the ones in your relationship.

>> No.6810642

You are claiming to be angry over what other people think and the fantasies they indulge themselves in.

There's a strict line between having a 2D waifu and wanting to go to gensokyo.

The former is a method used to curb our collective loneliness, while all derivatives (for example wanting to go to Gensokyo and other obvious impossible scenarios) are simply us poking fun at ourselves in the free time we spend carousing /jp/

The actual percentage of /jp/ frequenters who are actually NEETS will be forever unknown. Every board has thier own extremist group which the denizens fancy themseleves as.

I hate using other boards as an example but I have no choice in this case.

People from /v/ imagine themselves as these atomic rage boilers, many from /co/ fancy themselves little girls who love my little pony, and many, many years ago /b/ fancied themseleves as a pedophile, furry-hating legion.

Not because anyone actually believes these things of themselves, but because it is a method of vicarious existances unique to the niches supplied by each individual board.

I imagine most of us aren't NEETS but we still claim to be so, and brandish the red flag of "normal-fag" hating. I believe the most vehement of these antagonistic displays on /jp/ come from people who themselves identify as being too normal.

For all you know we could all be in our last years of high school, through college, graduated, with a job, studying abroad in Finland, who the hell knows, does anyone care?

No, it's completely irrelevant. What brings us together is the uniqueness of our interests. If you do not share our interests, hobbies, and fascinations, then why are you here?

>> No.6810644

interesting point. idk. i cant get over the fact of thinking ok here is my waifu on my screen and on my desk and ok there is however many people with the same figure of her doing god knows wat. i would like to say i have a waifu but im not into her pretty much for that reason. the fact that she is all over the place doesnt really make her seem like she's MINE.

and make her ass sign a prenup!!

>> No.6810645

>Finding a half-decent girlfriend for someone from /jp/ with their high standards would be literally impossible

You're saying that like we're all the same.
I can't be the only maid-tier who thinks it'd be cool if I got a rich girlfriend who'd be nice to me and go to work, while I just stayed at home cleaning and gardening.
Then on the weekends we could play games all night while eating cake and sipping Port, or we could take a walk in a forest or go to the beach.
And I think she'd have to ask me out before anything serious could happen, since I don't think I'll ever be able to.

Really, I just want a nice home, so if I somehow got hold of a ton of money, chances are I'd just move out into a forest and live with a cat, and some other easy-to-keep animals with some sort of production value.
The little chicken-like birds which lay spotted eggs, bees for honey, etc.

Would I ever say that to anyone I've never met before face to face?
Maybe if someone asked me what my ideal life was like.

>> No.6810648

Whether or not men furiously ejaculate to her visage and the image of her body is absolutely irrelevant as well.

If you truly love her then something as petty as someone else's auto-satisfaction will be meaningless.

>> No.6810653

one can dream my friend..

>> No.6810658

I had a girlfriend for three years. Now, I barely look at women, am utterly devoted to 2D and my own pursuits.

I have been to the other side, and my brothers: it is not worth it. It was a huge time-sink, a waste of energy and money, and 3D can just never compare to a mixture of 2D and fantasy for me. Perhaps I'm an extremely selfish person, or emotionally damaged in some way. I have friends, people I would count as 'bros' even, who I am close to, but I will never again seek any kind of romantic or sexual relationship with another human being.

And I'm happy. To all the haters and normalfags out there who don't understand this: it is a valid lifestyle choice, there's nothing wrong with it.

>> No.6810659

I'm here because the mere fact that people like you exists fascinates me. (also flower-loving youkai threads)

>> No.6810660

>If I somehow got hold of a ton of money, chances are I'd just move out into a forest and live with a cat, and some other easy-to-keep animals with some sort of production value.
So you more or less want to live in Harvest Moon?

>The little chicken-like birds which lay spotted eggs
Quails? Those make nice pets. Meat tastes good too.

>> No.6810661

Honestly, I don't have time to do anything at all. I have max 5 hours a day to do stuff, other than that, Im sleeping or at work.
So vn's and waifu's are things I can't afford for very long anyways. And honestly, if you are terrified that a girl will be stolen from you ( And I am sometimes, I have terrible paranoia.) then either you need to talk to her about it, or you need to find somebody else whom you don't feel terrified that theyll be taken away from you.

>> No.6810663

>Rich girl falling for a person that spends time on /jp/ ( regardless of if they get out of the house or not) and being willing to complete support that /jp/er whilethey stay at home doing chores and otherwise just lounging around.

I'm sorry, I'm a bit confused to why you responded to
>Finding a half-decent girlfriend for someone from /jp/ with their high standards would be literally impossible
as if your situation was different.

>> No.6810665


What the shit did you do.
You spent entirely too much time (probably about 5 minutes) for a dumb joke.

>> No.6810667

1) If it was never there to begin with, of course it can't leave.

2) Maintaining the careful illusion you have created doesn't take energy, time, or effort? You have to fap to your waifu, does that not take energy? You have spend hours fantasizing about her, does that not take time? You have to create and maintain your illusion, does that not take effort?

3) Courting her is dependent upon choosing the right choices in the game.

4) A 2D wife can't reciprocate enamoration, as it can't feel enamored.

5) Fair enough.

6) Show me a man with a waifu who has not ever spent any money on her, then I'll believe you.

7) Is she really perfect? (see cons)

A doll doesn't have intense, burning passionate love for you in the first place, as a doll is incapable of love.
>Truly there is nothing more futile than this.

Glad you understand.

>> No.6810673

I admit... that is pretty adorable. I think anyone would love a live like that. It'd be nice if more women weren't so vapid nowadays, though most people are.

>> No.6810675

It's scientifically proven that women eventually lose their passion for a spouse after a few years. Is that really any different? It's biological.

>> No.6810677

Why not show me the study?

>> No.6810680

Agree. as they say "there are a bunch of fish in the sea"

>> No.6810681


Who needs studies when you can quote justifications for cheating on men from Vogue?

>> No.6810682

1) she exists within one's own mind

2) substantially less energy than is required to dote on 3D

3) Though one's waifu may include VN characters, mine is from an anime.

4) She is aware of your love and loves you as well. Not on a physical plane however.

5) I probably wouldn't have written this one had my first love died...dammit.

6) You spend substantially less money on a waifu than taking care of a 3D wife. Even the picture of the guy with a miku super dollfie, Miku figs, Miku real doll, and miku posters in his room spent less on her than you would on 3D in a year after marriage.

7) Of course she's perfect, she's the one you chose, she exists through the ideals put in place by your mind.

I personally am under the impression that they can and do love, however I acknowledge that there are others who find notion abstract or impossible to fathom.

>> No.6810685


Also http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/hottopics/love/ But that's obviously done by pro-love nazis. In either case it shows that passion is not long-term. Your brain makes you addicted to people so you'll be with them and create progeny for future generations.

>> No.6810686

The robotic revolution can't come quickly enough.

The advent of dolls that can physically show the reciprocation of their love.

>> No.6810687

Harvest Moon?
From wikipedia, I get that it's a farm simulation, so maybe that isn't too far off.
Sure, an extensive vegetable garden would be nice to have as well.

And yes, quails were the bird name I was looking for. English isn't my first language, so I tend to be unable to remember such words when I have to write them, but I know what they are when I see the word.

But again; I think I'd enjoy it even more if I had a wife who'd come home with groceries she picked up on the way back and complain about work, traffic, holes in our forest road, and such other minor things.
Then we could talk, eat dinner, watch TV, play a game, or just sit and read together. Hell, we could have sex if she wanted to.
And then the next day she'd go to work, I'd fill the wheelbarrow with gravel and go fix the holes in the forest road, rinse and repeat.
Then I could either sit inside or on the rooftop terrace playing games, posting on /jp/, whatever I felt like.

>> No.6810689

>5) I probably wouldn't have written this one had my first love died...dammit.

that's unfair to use that against all females, most of them live to old age.

>> No.6810690

>You have to fap to your waifu
>have to
No sir.

>You have spend hours fantasizing about her
>have to
No sir.

>You have to create and maintain your illusion
Creating it takes an instant, and unless you have some rare memory condition, it's automatically maintained.

>Courting her is dependent upon choosing the right choices in the game.
You are confusing having a waifu with playing a VN or Eroge and completing routes.

>A 2D wife can't reciprocate enamoration, as it can't feel enamored.
>A doll doesn't have intense, burning passionate love for you in the first place, as a doll is incapable of love.
You're ignoring the fact that 2D is a fantasy, and so by all means, your waifu is absolutely 100% in love with you.

>Show me a man with a waifu who has not ever spent any money on her, then I'll believe you.
Pic related, it's my Waifu, I adore her but have never spent a dime. Why you ask? Because I don't have to.

>> No.6810692
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My apologies, picture forgotten.

>> No.6810695

i like that pic you used there to try and prove your point

>> No.6810696

However it's completely relevant.

Though she may not necessarily die before you, the point of 5) is that she will develop health problems and degenerate physically.

Your waifu will never spontaneously contract an illness, look any different (without conforming to your ideals) nor will she become injured or sick.

>> No.6810698

>live to old age
>old age
Point made.

>> No.6810700

what if for some reason someones waifu was Misuzu Kamino from the Air anime. She was pretty much sick and dying

>> No.6810701

If she'd die she'd spontaneously be back when you needed her. Try getting a 3D wife to do THAT.

>> No.6810704

good and funny point there sir.

>> No.6810702

Is [curable] sickness and disease not one of the many things that makes life interesting and unexpected?

>> No.6810703

Then why assert that you love your 2D wife? And why bother pursuing the love of the 2D wife if you thoroughly believe that such a thing as love can't exist in 3D anyways?

>> No.6810708

Examine the exception in 5)
>Exception: broken girls who you love for being damaged goods
She may be eternally broken and bedridden, or completely healthy. It's entirely dependent upon your ideals.

>> No.6810710

Yes, watching a loved one with a degenerating or devastating ailment makes life great. Even if she survives, it just makes her less healthy overall if it happens again. Take for example cancer, she could easily get it again afterward, and is in fact more likely to get it again.

You'd have to be heartless to think that such a thing made life "interesting". I mean, I suppose playing russian roulette once a year makes life interesting too.


>> No.6810713

You've never lost someone you love dearly

>> No.6810715

Disease roots out the weak.
Just as it should be.

>> No.6810716

Because in fantasy it IS real. Sure, some people might even find NEW waifus, but nobody is ever hurt by it. Not only that, but with obsessions such as these, you only have to worry about ONE of you losing the passion, yourself.

>> No.6810721

Even if it's someone you love who has been with you for 10, 15 or 20 years? Try telling that to your bedridden 3D wife.

>> No.6810723

I would never haphazardly disregard the emotions of my 2D wife in such a terrible way.

She is perfect, we will be together forever.

>> No.6810726

gotta figure with that comment he wouldnt really have a bedridden wife.

>> No.6810727

No, but it makes me appreciate life more. If I knew my grandmother would never die, I wouldn't call her every week to ask her how it was and tell her that I love her. I wouldn't be thankful for her if she wouldn't die, because I would take her existence for granted. Although she will have to suffer the pain of death soon, my appreciation of the simple fact that she's alive and my love for her, somehow, makes everything OK in the end.

>> No.6810734

My waifu will never die, yet I love her more than any other woman. I won't ever take her for granted.

>> No.6810731

Although i agree with this point it is sad that we only care right before we lose something dear to us..

>> No.6810738

Until you replace her with a new one, that is.

>> No.6810741

I've known someone with the same waifu for almost 6 years. I'd say that's pretty great.

>> No.6810750

I've known someone with the same 3D wife for over 50 years until he died of a fatal aneurysm at the age of 82. My grandpa. I'd say that's pretty great!
