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6805037 No.6805037 [Reply] [Original]


>Well, I've learned that the people I'm translating for are nothing more than a bunch of ungrateful pricks, who think they are entitled to my hard work for free, and can bitch when any part of it isn't how they'd like it. As such, I've decided to put the Muv-Luv Alternative project on indefinite hiatus. I may pick it up again later, but at the moment I really just don't feel up to it anymore. I'm sorry to those of you who had no part in all that crap, but I just can't justify to myself translating for these people anymore. Maybe when they try to do something nice for a community only to have the same people come back and piss on their faces, they will understand.

>This is likely to be my last post here for a long while. I don't even feel like coming back here anymore after all this drama. Post nasty comments if you like, but I will not be reading them.

Well thanks a lot assholes. Are you happy now?

>> No.6805040

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.6805043

game sucked anyway, who cares

>> No.6805046

I wish.

>> No.6805049

>Page not found
>implying Ixrec doesn't translate things to have his personal ring of cocksuckers suck his cock

>> No.6805051

Did you copy the URL right? I just went there and I can see it just fine.

>> No.6805053

it was just a reset end
I think the coup was the best part of the VN

>> No.6805057

If this were true, I wouldn't mind. I really wanted to read MLA but spiting these fags is enough for me. I'm just that petty.

>> No.6805058

boo hoo fucking hoo

>> No.6805059

Daw, I kinda hoped he actually did this for all the drama that'd follow.
Too bad if he put Alternative on hiatus now, after contacting age about it, he'd lose face so hard he'd use >mfw without images to go with it for the rest of his life.

>> No.6805061

Nothing new posted.

Are you having fun OP?
Though I agree that people have overreacted and been exceedingly dick-ish.

>> No.6805063

>implying I need to do that and can't just click on the link

>> No.6805060

Well, Meiya, Kei, Chizuru, Mikoto and Miki disagree.

>> No.6805067

Anyone that believes anything posted on /jp/ is a moron. I don't even have to check to know it's fake, and I don't even follow amaterasu or muvluv.

Embrace the end times.

>> No.6805071


looks like he got a bad end

>> No.6805075

>I don't even feel like coming back here anymore after all this drama.
>Disliking drama
That'd be like him denying his entire existence

>> No.6805077

Unavoidable Heroine Rape?
Won't play that anyway then.

>> No.6805078
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They weren't real, anyway. Stupid Takeru playing too many of his dumb video games.

>> No.6805088


The choices he made will never give you an ixrec path

>> No.6805092

Oh u.

>> No.6805090

It's unreasonable to ever expect gratitude from a bunch of anonymous people (most of which are underage) on the Internet.

>> No.6805095


Gratitude for what?

>> No.6805098

sure is masat01 around here

>> No.6805097 [DELETED] 

Yeah hurrdurr now you gotta wait few months more. It's not like people were waiting for this game to be translated for fucking years, no, several extra months will make yourself wanting to suicide. Good riddance I say.

>> No.6805106

omg is he okay? that looks like it hurt

>> No.6805108

Anonymous sure is butthurt.

>> No.6805110
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>> No.6805116

And not a single fuck was given that day.

>> No.6805120

Great jolly fucking joy you just had to be a faggot and now muv-luv alternative is going to end up like demonbane

thanks for yanking the dogs chain

Fuck you ixrec, you trolling fucking faggot, fuck you.

>> No.6805127
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>Page not found

>> No.6805129

Nobody is falling for it, OP, even if you samefag some indignation.

>> No.6805138


Why is that thing looking at me?

>> No.6805139



>> No.6805145

OP confirmed for buttdevastated

>> No.6805149

Brace yourselves for this one:

We are currently negotiating an officially licensed release with âge.

Unfortunately, almost nothing is set in stone yet so I have no details to give out, other than:
-There will be no partial Sadogashima patch, or any other unofficial patches
-All ML/MLA patch download links have been disabled
-We won't be asking for any money in exchange for the translation

I'll add more once the process really gets going and I have more to say.

January 13th, 2011 - 16:40

Since this misconception seems alarmingly common, worth mentioning:

age did not contact me. It was my idea, and they liked it.

>> No.6805315

Why is he surprised? There's no way he didn't know the likely response...

Although, announcing this after translating most of the trilogy is a bit cruel, yeah? Either work with the company from the start, or stick with independence to the end...nothing annoys people like a half finished product...

>> No.6805337

Try actually checking the blog genius.

>> No.6805359
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>> No.6805420

Oops guys, my hard drive just broke and I lost all the progress on MLA!

I don't really feel like redoing all this, so well, yeah, sorry.

- Ixrex
