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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 312 KB, 1200x1727, hibiki_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6804605 No.6804605 [Reply] [Original]

I read doujins for the plot. No seriously, the lead up is the best part.

>> No.6804611

mediafire link where?

>> No.6804616

I fapped to this yesterday. Typical "fuck in the locker while people are changing" situation.

>> No.6804620
File: 37 KB, 187x273, uhm...png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such large breasts are a pain in the ass irl. THey get in the way most of the times, P.E. is diffucult, you'll often get backache sometimes and the guys are always staring like retards.

>> No.6804623

There's a bunch of ero mangaka whose work I follow only for the plot and comedy.

>> No.6804624
File: 56 KB, 876x876, Insomnia can be a bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*you'll get backache sometimes

>> No.6804625

That's rudeness if I ever saw any.

>> No.6804627

And I read Nukige for the story.

>> No.6804630


>and the guys are always staring like retards.

Makes me wonder why women dont get that tits are a major turn on for men to the point that it unavoidable to make nip to eye contact. Seriously to expect otherwise is ignorant of human sexuality.

And dont get my started when "hot guy" walks close by to a group of girls the girls start staring the mother fucker down.

>> No.6804636

I remember reading some loli doujin where two girls were sexually assaulting a "sleeping" brother, and one of them was whining because the other let him cum inside her and she thought her sister would get pregnant, then later she snuck back in and fucked him again and admitted she knew she wouldn't get pregnant before she had her period and would let him cum in her as much as he wanted until then. I remember I stopped fapping because I found it strangely touching.

>> No.6804640

Hey, me too. Having a plot shows that the artist is a big fan of the show, just like me.

>> No.6804643

I hate this.

Sometimes I wish I were a grognard neckbeard.

That feel when you have to leave the house for food, and get damn near run over by a herd of loud obnoxious 3DPD. ;_;

I always respond in the most autistic way possible, rarely will I get repeat offenders. some don't care even then

>> No.6804646


I'm gonna need some sauce kind sir.


Indeed. It's the same when you can see some extra exposed cleavage. Staring at it is automatic, even if it's a relative. You have to consciously try your hardest not to keep staring at it.

>> No.6804647


You know you're going to have to share the name, right? If you still remember, that is.

>> No.6804655

Why are you not posting the source(of that image), may I know?

>> No.6804658


Damn, Tenshi doesn't look so well.

>> No.6804666


I figured I have posted enough clues with that image alone for you to figure it out on your own. I have faith in you anon.

>> No.6804673

I think it's this one.

>> No.6804678


Indeed, now could you also deliver this? >>6804636

>> No.6804691


>You have to consciously try your hardest not to keep staring at it.

In fucking deed

No offense but its the girls fault for either 1 not trying to be modest about her large tits or 2 get a breast reduction. Fucking hell its like an icecream man driving around but not intending to sell ice cream and blame the kids for being retards

>> No.6804707

>its like an icecream man driving around but not intending to sell ice cream

I wish to try this at least once.

>> No.6804720

>men are retards for looking at breasts

What the fuck? Showing interest in women makes men retards? That's the normal course of action for any healthy male.

Women need to shut the fuck up and understand basic biology and how the sexes work. Fucking stuck-up bitches.

>> No.6804740

You have to be handsome to look at tits

>> No.6804743


The reservoir of tits on the internet says otherwise

>> No.6804746


Then would be so kind as to point us to some similar ones?

>> No.6804747


Do it >>6804707! Only $4500! Live the Dream!

>> No.6804756


It's not that you HAVE to be handsome. It's just that if you're handsome the women will consider it a curiosity if you stare at them. If you are not they will get angry. Perhaps the reaction is not unlike men automatically staring at breasts.

>> No.6804758


Ah. True.

Doesnt change the fact shes pretty much gonna be eye candy for quite a few guys anyways

>> No.6804760

Downloading at the speed of light, Hibiki, FUCK YES!

>> No.6804763



>captcha has broffect

>> No.6804769
File: 142 KB, 550x500, 1291763905356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the girl's fault for not shelling out to get unnecessary surgery

>> No.6804772

It's like saying girls are retarded for looking at our dicks.

>> No.6804774

>That's the normalfag course of action for any slut male.

Fixed. The only kind of people who feel an instinctive need to look at breasts are the sex obsessed /r9k/ crowd. True NEETs have no interest in tumors or pig disgusting 3d.

>> No.6804776

This conversation is about 3D

Think for a moment ladies, just what are you doing?

Are you really saying that you look these dried up hags?

>> No.6804784


>unnecessary surgery

unnecessary eh?

Well if the girl in question cares so much that shes a damn candy aisle you'd think it wouldnt be uneccesary...

Not to mention it is quite necessary for back pain, like this anon mentioned....>>6804620

>> No.6804793
File: 304 KB, 1121x1600, 76897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one was FAR better and had actually good artwork, what point is there in reading something with pictures if the pictures aren't even good?

>> No.6804794
File: 324 KB, 863x1400, 1294799943975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>true NEETs
You there. Cut that shit out.

>> No.6804806
File: 403 KB, 888x2720, 1291080642087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6804807
File: 216 KB, 1300x1427, 1291080552979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6804810

>True NEETs
Adults are talking here, come back when/if you account for anything in life. Otherwise just stay in /jp/.

>> No.6804811

Go back to /b/ if you don't like it, normalfag.

>> No.6804814


The story. If I just wanted straight porn I would ... you know, just watch porn.

>> No.6804824
File: 67 KB, 511x556, 2011-01-14_125117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not good


>> No.6804825

An alternative could be extreme physical activity of some sort.
A stronger back and chest does of course naturally lessen any strain, on both the back and the breasts themselves.
And yes, they shrink. It's no coincidence more or less no exceptionally sucessfull female athlete have sizes over medium.

Besides, girls with naturally large breasts (and or ass and thighs or whatever as well) all have great potential.
As they can build muscles, and still retain a nice layer of fat on the outside, and still have shapely breasts rather than something that has been sucked out.

>> No.6804826

>he thinks that his slavish obedience to social mores makes him a "success"!

Enjoy spending the best years of your life doing things you don't like for people who you can't stand (but have to pretend to like) for money that you won't have a chance to spend because you're too busy working, normalfag.

>> No.6804829 [SPOILER] 
File: 420 KB, 1084x1600, 1279930954646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anons, this one?
[Hisakawa Chin] Chinchin Misero

>> No.6804831

And you just remember who you're dependent on, and don't bite the hand that feeds you.

>> No.6804833

He thinks growing up is a good thing.


>> No.6804834

Stop proyecting yourself, fag.
Now excuse me while I do what I enjoy and get payed handsomely for it.

>> No.6804839


Good to see that your four years of clubbing and fratfaggotry paid off. I'll let you get back to flipping burgers.

>> No.6804841

The gub'ment proyects me with your tax dollars.

I'll continue my life as a leech doing what I love, with enough left over to check out Japan almost yearly.

>> No.6804842


Samefag NEET manchild.

>> No.6804844


Don't mind me, I'm just dropping by. Just felt like pointing out that you're a turd because you need to look down on people to feel good about yourself.

>> No.6804850

Hibiki redefining rude

>> No.6804851

>Just felt like pointing out that you're a turd because you need to look down on people to feel good about yourself.

Our shields cannot repel hypocrisy of this magnitude!

>> No.6804852

>/jp/ - Hypocrisy/General

>> No.6804854

Critics who treat adult as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.

- C.S. Lewis

>> No.6804859


You do know that it doesn't make it any less true, right?

>> No.6804860

Normal fags gonna norm.

Then they will try to shove it down our throats to make it seem right.

/jp/ is best browsed from your parents basement with a fine red wine.

>> No.6804864

You realize that that doesn't make you any less filthy?

>> No.6804865
File: 17 KB, 310x301, Jesus Christ Thumbs up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about being failures, I'm sure at least Jesus still loves you.

>> No.6804867


You're doing it again, buddy.

>> No.6804868
File: 36 KB, 336x299, 1271124688403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6804873

And I'm done with you.

>> No.6804875

Can't we all just take it easy and get back to discussing porn guys?

>> No.6804877

Please /jp/, don't start yet another pointless asperger-pretending-to-be-normal Vs. /a/-kiddies-pretending-to-be-TrueNEET argument.

>> No.6804882

Oh, because you're perfect, right?

I don't know where this normal infusion came from, but it has no place here.

>> No.6804885


Indeed. Being normal is over rated and failing at life longer than other people is hardly an accomplishment.

>> No.6804886
File: 37 KB, 636x477, preparation-h-636_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bro.
Here you go.

>> No.6804889

Lol worthless NEETs. Nothing but shit-eating parasites that contribute nothing to society.

>> No.6804897

I fucking hate this "take it easy" shit.

Yeah it was funny at first, but then everyone acted like it was some kind of code.

This place was never about being withdrawn that it becomes impossible to take interest in things or react.

Take this your meme shit and get out.

>> No.6804907


Taking it easy is about not losing it over every little thing you see since you'll be spending A LOT of your life on the internet.

>> No.6804908

>/jp/-er condemns "Take it easy"
>Same /jp/-er probably one of the "TRUE NEET" fags
>/jp/ - Double-Standards/General

>> No.6804910

Disagrees with an opinion.

Must be evil. Cool witch hunt, bro.

>> No.6804911
File: 109 KB, 492x600, 1294904028668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6804913

to me taking it easy just meant not giving a shit getting a job or going to school, or caring minimally about both

i never really thought it actually applied to posting conduct

>> No.6804916

There's always /a/ and /v/ if you want to overly react and get angry at every single thing.
Personnally I'll stay here and chill out with likeminded people.

>> No.6804920

If I wanted to lie about my interests in an attempt to fit in, I would just go outside.

Enjoy your depression, and lack enjoyment out of life.

>> No.6804922

to anyone thinking about responding to this thread which will inevitably stay bumped:

when you see an argument with two sides which are both awful beyond belief, it is most likely samefagging.

so don't respond.

then again, i suppose /jp/ actually enjoys this sort of shit now. in which case, enjoy getting half-trolled and wasting your time.

again, this is to anyone thinking of responding to this thread seriously. whoever the main troll/samefag is, i hope you're enjoying yourself, but don't you have better ways to waste your time?

>> No.6804925

Some of us are. /jp/ does get awfully angry.

>> No.6804926

>pointing out that you're a turd because you need to look down on people to feel good about yourself.

>> No.6804930

Nice troll, bro!

>> No.6804937

Being angry has been a part of /jp/ since long before the split.

It's these idiots that spam "brb Gensokyo" threads that want to pretend to be brain dead full on autismics.

>> No.6804938
File: 152 KB, 703x696, C76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread about something good, like breasts
>Ruined by NEETfaggotry vs. normalfaggotry

Back to Tenshi and breasts with you.

>> No.6804940

Still no source for >>6804636 btw.

>> No.6804947


Pick one.


Actually, never mind. You can just get back to pooshlmer and stay there.

>> No.6804948


There was but the nice man was banned for posting the link. The name was Chinchin Misero, I think. It's on /rs/

>> No.6804951

And so do I, OP.That's why I can hardly ever fap to non-translated stuff.
Not bumping because this thread appears to have gone somewhere wrong.

>> No.6804955

It was given here:>>6804763

>> No.6804956
File: 387 KB, 1000x1333, 1cc755df87fbd64e69148f9259f32416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you, likewise, can take your flatchest zealotry to whichever rock you crawled out from and stay there. Why does it bother you so much if other people's tastes aren't exactly the same as your own?

>> No.6804959

Thank you.

>> No.6804964


I'd much rather you posted photos of you crossdressing as touhous.

>> No.6804966

>Being angry has been a part of /jp/ since long before the split.

This. It's when /jp/ stopped being hostile to outsiders that /a/ and the normalfags led by KoG began attacking this board full-time.

>> No.6804968
File: 164 KB, 1280x1024, edb3570ceca22380db7b5a80850cfbab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather you just calmed down and stopped samefagging for a moment. Why do other people's personal tastes make you so angry?

>> No.6804969

Bullshit. /jp/ is just as hostile but those tactics simply do not work.

>> No.6804970


Don't thank me. Thank the many Bothans that died for this information.

>> No.6804971

>/jp/ despises normalfags for being close-minded and scornful of their interests and sexual preferences
>/jp/ vehemently attacks anyone who admits to liking anything that's not 2d/lolicon

/jp/ - Hypocrisy/General

>> No.6804972


You're a bit sore in the butt, huh?

>> No.6804973

That's a damn lie.

I see outsiders getting "help" with their trolls questions all the time now.

And that "take it easy" garbage the second anyone shows a sign of interest in a matter.

>> No.6804977

>no real argument so instead attack your opponent

>> No.6804978

How is that a bannable offence?

>> No.6804981
File: 25 KB, 397x560, youmu snark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason nobody trolled us 'back in the day' was because we didn't give a fuck and we'd just ignore trolls and ignore spam.

Now we get super butthurt (or 'hostile' as you put it) about it so of COURSE every troll who knows this comes here when they want to blow off steam.

>> No.6804982

>/jp/ claims to hate tripfaggotry and trip drama
>/jp/ makes threads about tripfags and spams the board with pictures of tripfags

>/jp/ looks down on normalfags for their "mindless consumerism"
>/jp/'s whole existence is devoted to consuming VNs, video games and figurines

>/jp/ despises normalfags for being close-minded and scornful of their interests and sexual preferences
>/jp/ vehemently attacks anyone who admits to liking anything that's not 2d/lolicon

>/jp/ claims to hate the shit out of Japan
>/jp/ is disgusted by the culture of its own country and likes the most distinctly Japanese aspects of Japanese culture

>/jp/ hates on anything that's mainstream or popular
>/jp/ likes toohoo

>/jp/ claims to hate sluts and people who are "obsessed with sex"
>/jp/ spends most of its time masturbating to doujins of toohoos being raped by packs of faceless men

>/jp/ claims to hate sexual promiscuity
>/jp/ shaves its legs, dresses up in promiscuous clothing and buys prostate massagers/onaholes

>/jp/ is a bitter misogynist
>/jp/ always talks about how it wants to be the little girl and takes drugs to turn into a woman

>/jp/ claims to hate humanity and socializing with humans
>/jp/ claims to hate normality and anyone who is not NEET
>/jp/ has dozens of threads with 100+ unironic replies, in which they talk about how they want to go to Gensokyo and live out a normal life with their "waifu"

>/jp/ claims to hate CYOA and fanfiction
>/jp/ loves doujins and shipping, which are just as shitty

>/jp/ adopts NEET/hikikkomori as its board identity.
>/jp/ is mostly composed of college students or college dropouts

>/jp/ claims to hate /a/ shit.
>/jp/ watches or has watched anime

>/jp/ claims to hate /v/ shit.
>/jp/ makes Persona, Ar Tonelico and Lufia threads

>/jp/ claims to hate /v/-style posting
>/jp/ constantly uses /v/ memes like greentexting, implying, trollface, mfw, babbies, autism etc

/jp/ - Hypocrisy/General.

>> No.6804983
File: 590 KB, 1200x1713, C12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No you don't. No one wants that.

>> No.6804984


Beats me.

>> No.6804985

And your point is?

We disagree with them, they disagree with us.

There is no reason for them to come here, and we are in the right to speak out against it.

Say what you will, but there is no reason for us to back down. Normals have places for their conversations, and we have ours.

>> No.6804991

Don't mind him, he's just some dude on a holy crusade desperatly trying to tell everyone that /jp/ is hypocrisy central even though I don't think anyone really cares.

>> No.6804994

There's a fundamental flaw in your argument. If /jp/ has to show hostility that means that people are in here who shouldn't be, and your tactics obviously don't work because they keep coming back for more.

>> No.6804998
File: 214 KB, 600x600, byakuren ahem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are conflating normalfags to mean 'anyone I have even the most minor disagreement with'. That is what is wrong. That kind of attitude will just make you angry at everyone you meet.

>> No.6805000

And I bet at least 3 more people in this thread do too.
Now get your conventions folder and start posting photos.

>> No.6805004

>people who like rude breasts are normalfags, even if they have the same interests as me and like loli to boot

Full retard.

>> No.6805006
File: 43 KB, 400x400, 1294934766654.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, I've been figured out!

>> No.6805007


Because clearly the point of trolls isn't to make people angry and get reactions from them right? Kind of like what you're doing now? Or maybe you really are stupid enough to believe the shit spewing from your mouth.

>> No.6805013

No where did I mention lolis or breasts in my statement.

I do believe you are trying to make it seem that I am arguing something that I am not.

>> No.6805019
File: 42 KB, 212x740, C80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you really want to see me that badly go to /cgl/ and ask for White Trash Yuugi.

captcha: 3½ Wileges (yes, it actually wanted a ½)

>> No.6805022

Follow the quote chain backwards a few posts. That little argument started related to that.

>> No.6805024

It's good that you're angry, but why don't you turn that anger against the people who're ruining the board--the normalfags?

>> No.6805032

Somewhere along that line I was lumped into an issue I have no qualms with.

The only bad breasts are 3Ds in my opinion.

>> No.6805033

Define "normalfag" please. Be specific. Because so many /jp/-ers have different definitions.

Or to put it more bluntly, "normalfag" is a convenient label for people to stick on someone who disagrees with them.

>> No.6805042

As far as I know, a "normalfag" is someone who is just normal on the current world - they work 99 hours a day, they're alpha as fuck, they're always partying and so on. Then again, this is 4chan, so everything means "person who disagrees with you".

>> No.6805044


>people who're ruining the board

/jp/ - Elitist/ General

Anyone who pretends to be a normalfag here is an obvious troll.

>> No.6805047

Describe "pleasure". Be specific. Because, many people have different definitions.

>> No.6805081

ITT: Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls

>> No.6805083

What was the point of that? You're the ones who are so picky. But no one here ever agrees on anything.

But then again /jp/ basically boils down to "rules are whatever most of the board users want" and you can't complain when the users change, along with the rules. It's inevitable.

>> No.6805084

They're not posting shit.

>> No.6805096
File: 112 KB, 835x723, 1289602642627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less trolls, more saucesaucesauce.

>> No.6805099
File: 140 KB, 500x690, C100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been told they actually liked it. Lord only knows why, since I could name several things wrong with the costume in that picture, but there you go.

>> No.6805103

I don't like normalfags. I'll be honest, I think normal people are the cancer killing 4chan. Look at /b/'s front page, it's all 'my girlfriend' this and 'my girlfriend' that, it's nothing but posturing bravado in my eyes and it doesn't contribute to the overrall quality of a board. Want to know why night time /a/ and previously night time /v/ were remembered so fondly? Because most of the people on 4chan at 2:00am PST are not 'normal' considering societal definition, often abnormal people are the most creative though, they take out their abnormality in artistic ways. That's why so many of them are good at creative writing (look at how many famous authors have been abnormalfags). And I'm not talking serial killer abnormal or, or anyone who feels the need to identify with pathetic subcultures like emo or scene, I'm talking about people who are just quite cynical and have an understanding of the term 'dry wit'.

In short, normal people are boring - they talk about normal things, their normal life with their normal girlfriend at their normal school/college/workplace with their normal friends eating their normal food and retiring to their normal apartment/house. They aren't interesting. Take that horse head dude on Nico Nico, he's clearly as abnormal as they come, yet he's absolutely hilarious as a result. The world would be fucking BORING without people like that. Basically, /b/'s content these days is normal people dealing with normal things in a normal way ('hey /b/, i fucked such and such a girl, but X problem happened, what do I do?') Tell me honestly, is that as hilarious as hearing anons give serious advice on how to jerk off over sleeping girls? Or hearing someone recount an genuine incest story? Fuck no.

>> No.6805112


>Tell me honestly, is that as hilarious as hearing anons give serious advice on how to jerk off over sleeping girls?

No sir, you tell me seriously. What exactly is "normal" about what you just posted? "Normal" people have much better things to do than spend all day surfing 4chan and posting about their imaginary girlfriends.

>> No.6805113

>but there you go.
I seriously doubt that's a photo of you crossdressing.

>> No.6805115

I'm not sure what's going on here, and I don't like your examples.

But I guess you made the point eloquently enough, and it's not really worth bashing.

So, I suppose I agree, normal people are simply boring. As a hedonist I can not tolerate their presence for extended periods of time.

>> No.6805128
File: 151 KB, 666x1024, C108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, it IS Yuugi, so I guess an argument could be made.

But yes, it was the Okaton picture of me as Yuugi, sitting in our hotel room, drinking some alcohol whose name I've already forgotten. I have EYEWITNESS REPORTS from friends that actually visit /cgl/.

>> No.6805135

>/jp/ claims to hate sexual promiscuity
>/jp/ shaves its legs, dresses up in promiscuous clothing and buys prostate massagers/onaholes
You seriously need a dictionary.

>> No.6805141
File: 816 KB, 1702x1200, Amagami_C016_022-023_[Tktranslate].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what's going on in this thread anymore, but I'll just drop off the superior girl.

>> No.6805144
File: 82 KB, 500x500, C110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's a Tenshi thread now. Post some Tenshi.

>> No.6805150
File: 430 KB, 843x1200, Amagami_C016_024_[Tktranslate].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More Ayatsuji you say?

>> No.6805156

Wait...so what was this thread about?

>> No.6805162
File: 73 KB, 630x512, C93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was about breasts. Then it was about extremist stupidity.

Now it's about Tenshi.

>> No.6805163


She was cool, but I still she's second best to Haruka. Anyway what is that you're posting? Apparentally it's non-h, is it just a manga of what the anime was about or what?

>> No.6805166


Its about doujins with sex in locker rooms. Post some if you know any. Just names are fine too~

>> No.6805171

It's the manga of what the VN was about, and came out about a month or two before the anime finished.

Also, Haruka is a selfish brat.

>> No.6805175

The people hating on NEETs are 100% ITfaggots or still in college prove me wrong. ITfags are the most desperate losers around so of course they need to mention their pay check(enjoying your middle class pay like you're rich or something? lol). College kids are angry because they know once they're out of school it's time to get a shit job unrelated to their degree because they're got so much debt from loans.

half-baked failures are worse than complete failures. at least complete failures know what's going on. half-baked losers are delusional and think they contribute to society ignoring reality. If you browse /jp/ you aren't apart of "society" let alone contributing dip shit. Enjoy your cash with nothing of value to spend it on and wanking to cartoons cause you can't get a decent girlfriend(decent not some slag)

>> No.6805176
File: 427 KB, 834x1200, Amagami_Special_EX_005_023_[Tktranslate].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The only thing she had going for her was her kinkiness. She's a bitch any other time and treats him like a dog.
Ayatsuji master race.

>> No.6805179
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The best Amagami girl is Risa. Sure she's super creepy but she's super cute, too. Also, voiced by Kadowaki Mai.

>> No.6805181


That same things could be said about Tsukasa. Haruka was ALPHA AS FUCK.

>> No.6805190

>Sure she's super creepy
Perfect. We can be super creepy together.

>> No.6805194
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If you mean as in breaking everyone's heart and even Junichi's had he not been a determinator, then yes. At least Ayatsuji had the decency to put on a facade of being nice to everyone.

No. I still shudder at her bad end. What a vindictive bitch.

>> No.6805196
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Addendum: I'd be willing to include Rihoko up there, too, because fat-bottomed girls make the rockin' world go round.

>> No.6805206

>Addendum: I'd be willing to include Rihoko up there, too, because friend-zoned girls make the rockin' world go round.

Fixed that for you bro.

>> No.6805208


So being fake and pretending to be nice is better than being open about your personality and doing whatever you feel is right? Ok bro. And who's heart did Haruka break exactly? No one's. And if if she did, it's not like she planned it out, being a conniving bitch like Tsukasa. She just did what what she felt was right.

>> No.6805215


>everyone else
troll bait

>> No.6805216


Girls getting friend-zoned pleases me immensely.

>> No.6805220


And also, being open about yourself and not making any excuses for who you are is the very definition of Alpha.

>> No.6805226

>So being fake and pretending to be nice is better than being open about your personality and doing whatever you feel is right?
Actually, that was also a part of her personality as well, not just all of it. Watch the last episode again, especially when they are in the club room together.

>And who's heart did Haruka break exactly?
It was said she turned down numerous guys, 2 on the same day once. Junichi was visibly devastated after she turned him down and went into his planetarium of depression. It'd be a repeat of Christmas again if he didn't confess again.

>She just did what what she felt was right.
I can have a complete opposite sense of morality from everyone in this world, but it doesn't make me right.

>> No.6805238


>Watch the last episode again

Don't feel like it atm.

>It was said she turned down numerous guys, 2 on the same day once.

So should have just fucked some guys she didn't like right? Or gave them some false hope at least?

>I can have a complete opposite sense of morality from everyone in this world

That has nothing to do with this. She WAS right.

>> No.6805245
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>Don't feel like it atm.
Then enjoy being wrong.

>Or gave them some false hope at least?
Sort of like how she strung Junichi along and then turned him down?

>She WAS right.
See above.

You mad that your waifu is a thoughtless bitch.

>> No.6805246

>at the moment.

Please take more care when typing out your responses, as it can get a little hard to read.

I've taken the liberty of clearing up what you were attempting to say this time, but I expect you to manage from here on out.

>> No.6805258


>Then enjoy being wrong.

Lol no, whatever 5 seconds or so that episode shows, it doesn't change what happened throughout 4 episodes.

>Sort of like how she strung Junichi along

Uh, no. She's a friendly person, if Junichi wasn't a pathetic, needy, faggot he wouldn't have jumped to conclusions.

You know what your problem is, you're insecure as fuck anon. Just like Tsukasa. Enjoy your inferior beta female.

>> No.6805270

is dat sum 'yakiyama lane guy'?

>> No.6805294

She's simply whimsical. Does things as they interest her, then drops them later, thinking nothing of the process. She seems friendly when a person interests her, then when that person attempts to up the relationship, they're rejected because Haruka never saw them as anything more than entertainment. Could be considered cruel, but since she's completely unaware of how her actions are being interpreted, it's more of an unintentional harm that's never noticed or regretted. No malice, no compassion, just puppies.

>> No.6805347

>Lol no, whatever 5 seconds or so that episode shows, it doesn't change what happened throughout 4 episodes.

Er.. yes it does.
People can have more than one aspect of a defining personality; it's called depth, something you don't understand.

>Uh, no. She's a friendly person, if Junichi wasn't a pathetic, needy, faggot he wouldn't have jumped to conclusions.
Even if she means no malice, it's still hurting others.

>> No.6805366


>something you don't understand

You seem seem to be mad. And you also seem to lack reading comprehension. What I meant was that it doesn't overshadow my original point that most of the time her personality is out in the open and she does what she feels like.

>Even if she means no malice, it's still hurting others

Fine by me, it's much better than being a calculating bitch that intentionally hurts others and is always plotting even under a smile.

>> No.6805369
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>> No.6805379

>sure what?
sure what?
What happened?
