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File: 655 KB, 640x480, 8-6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6795435 No.6795435 [Reply] [Original]

Favorite Touhou spell cards?

- pic related, StB 8-6
- 3-6 Hollyhock Sign "Mito no Mitsukuni", 7-6 Scarlet Bat "Vampirish Night", 8-3 Secret Sign "Hierarch's Arcanum" and 10-7 Death Price "Price of Life" in StB
- 6-8 Oni Sign "Missing Power" , EX-1 Talisman "Exorcism of the Newspaper Subscription Solicitors" and ??-9 "Illusionary Dominance" in DS
- Impossible Request "Hourai Barrage -Rainbow Danmaku-" in Imperishable Night
- Magic Bullet "Test Slave" in Fairy Wars
- Recollection "Tengu Macro Burst" and Response "Youkai Polygraph" in Subterreanean Animism

also, most rage inducing: 8-7 Superman "Soaring En no Ozuno" in StB, hands down.

>> No.6795446

Resurrection Butterfly is pretty and fun. Gets my vote.

>> No.6795447

but so fucking frustrating. i can't take it easy on a spellcard that serves as the border between victory and defeat.

>> No.6795453
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Favorite? This and all the similar slowdown spellcards on Youmu.

>> No.6795451

Great Funeral Concert "Ghostly Wheel Wonderous Concerto Grosso" is my number 1.

It would be easier to say my most hated one instead, really.

>> No.6795458

rage inducing?
when I saw her for the first time in DS I thought Rin was bad
then came Shou
and then... Iku

penultimate bosses will make you burst into treats, even in gaiden games

>> No.6795467
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Loving Heart Double spark *Favorite spellcard
Event Horizon
Love Starlight Typhoon

Spokes of hell? One of Rin's spellcards.

Extending Arm and most of nitori's non spells'.

>> No.6795470
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Not Charming Siege. Dunno about favorites.

>> No.6795471
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fantastic pattern or most horrible bullshit ever?

>> No.6795475
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Hilariously to get to one of my favorite cards I have to sit through this pissfuckannoying attack first.

>> No.6795484

It's not so bad when you get used to it, really.

>> No.6795487
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raise your hand if DS 6-3 a.k.a. the Yuugi spiral made you RAGE

>> No.6795489

Eh, I'd have to say Deflation World is my favorite spellcard. I don't even know why. I just like it.

>> No.6795491

How weak Youkai. I laugh at you! Laugh!

>> No.6795506

>It would be easier to say my most hated one instead, really.


>> No.6795508
File: 457 KB, 1286x985, AGHGLHL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not that that one particular attack is difficult, its just annoying, I hate criss-crossing bullets.

Something really fucking simple that gets me all the time is Shou's ToreoiAOIGYAOHAGL LASERS FUCK

>> No.6795510

Nothing special of a card, really.

>> No.6795527

Yeah sure Youkai...
You still suck.
As do I.

>> No.6795538
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Phoenix Tail
Basically all of IN Marisa Stage 4
Froggy Braves the Elements
That part in the Remilia fight where she turns into a bat and goes rapid-fire on your ass
Shinki's fight, but that's not spellcards
Youkai Polygraph

I've never found it difficult. If I die, I wasn't paying attention or just slipped my fingers.

Only for a little while. I knew I could eventually get it and did. There's much more rageworthy stuff in StB and DS.

>> No.6795569


I've been trying to get past that for some time now. It's where I -ALWAYS- die. Is there any key to beating this, like, is a controller better for moving or a keyboard?

>> No.6795584

blue is clockwise, brown is turn around.

That's all really, you need fast reflexes.

>> No.6795586

up to you. personally I prefer my pad.

i found that Marisa focused speed is just right for navigating the maze here. Reimu's is too slow as usual: she needs to jerk around and is prone to clipping hits

that is if you actually do the spell like it was intended

>> No.6795617

Patchouli's metal fatigue and rage triathlon are pretty fun.

>> No.6795644

I like Esoterica:Astronomical Entombing. Feels like the best maingame final spellcard. It grips me by balls the same way Ressurection Butterfly and Virtue of the Wind God do.
Most of Satori's traumas are fun if you realize how they are mostly designed to fit your character or you've already played them.
Ran's '600 million holy boards' in StB was pretty cool and fun.

I thought I was the only person to ever play Aya!Reimu. Feels so autistic to play, but I get best results with her.

>> No.6795749

I forgot my rage-inducing cards:
Youmu & Prismrivers
Fujiyama Volcano
Hourai Elixir
Peerless Wind God
Virtue of the Wind God
Yuyuko's first spell

>> No.6795831
File: 95 KB, 700x500, AYA SHEMAIMARU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aya Reimu
her special ability is sorcery

and here's me beating Koishi using ReimuC. for me the most intense Extra boss fight, right after Flandre

>> No.6796314

All of Subterranean Animism's Extra stage.
If I had to pick one in particular, it would have to be Rorschach in Danmaku, it just looks so awesome even if it's just a few waves of bullets.
Honest Man's Death is probably my favourite non-SA card. There's a couple of videos on youtube of people flying around the boss in a circle rather than staying still, it looks really impressive.

>> No.6796387

Pfft, who even follows the mage? Just sit at the bottom and go nuts on her. There's room enough.

>he doesn't cheese Youmu's noncards!

>> No.6796393
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>Honest Man's Death is probably my favourite non-SA card.

>> No.6796664
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>> No.6796695

while Melonpan-sama is indeed a cool guy, he has bad taste in women

>> No.6796707

What's the story behind that guy anyway? I heard he destroyed all his love's merchandise.

>> No.6797072

It's easy but it looks cool.
I like challenging cards, but I like clever cards just as much. I like the way that the name is a clue to the trick, just like Misdirection (if you could call that one a trick)

>> No.6797092

He claimed to have given up his otaku ways. It turned out to be a joke though. The figures he destroyed were already leaning, etc.

>> No.6797143

Does he have a blog again?

I was using his old one to learn German, no joke. Then all that shit happened, and messed things up.

>> No.6797263

Bump auf Deutsch.

>> No.6797305

no clue. http://mayafreaksblog.wordpress.com/uber/ is all i can find. there are links to a few other sites he's on.

meidocafe.jp is dead, that's for sure

>> No.6797348
File: 564 KB, 634x478, risingworld.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

favorite spellcards:

hell's artificial sun - SA
virtue of wind god - moF
charming siege from ALL sides - PcB
scarlet gensokyo - EoSD
imperishable shooting - IN (even though i still haven't beat it)

most rage inducing spellcard : >pic related

>> No.6797356

ITT: we judge people based off their spellcard likes/dislikes

>> No.6797366
File: 28 KB, 636x264, kaguya derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the history count now?

>> No.6797381
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I've been practicing ;_;

>> No.6798695

>0/277 on Fantasy Heaven

>> No.6798756


pretty sure yur the one that posted that lunatic clear result screenshot with every spellcard captured except fantasy haven

>> No.6798839

I beat this one by micrododging at the bottom, was probably the luckiest anything I've ever done

>> No.6798848
File: 472 KB, 640x480, 0 out of 143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, not so much Lunatic clear as the Last Words, but yeah.
I since reset my .dat file since it had some data from before I started playing, but I'm fresh up to 0/130 now. Almost caught up~

>> No.6798882 [DELETED] 



u jelly?

>> No.6798885
File: 95 KB, 643x487, unreasonable butterfly storm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



u jelly?

>> No.6798917
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Hey guys, can I join?

>> No.6798957
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Oh my days

>> No.6798985
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You've got to be doing something wrong.

>> No.6799003
File: 12 KB, 192x224, Th07sc140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a no-brainer, OP.


So hard and, at the same time, so easy. You have to work hard to dodge it, but after you find the right path, you basically sit back while pressing "z" and watch the colorful show. It's the essence of Yukari's stage.
Seriously, every time I even get to this card, I get sick from endorphin overload afterwards.

>> No.6799007

Try timing it out and report back here.

>> No.6799112
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>> No.6799135
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>> No.6799157

what do you mean? that 8-6 is not difficult?
sure. but damn me if it isn't one of the most dazzlingly beautiful patterns...
just like Danmaku Chimera. ZUN knows how to make things look good

>> No.6799181

I think that guy is talking about BoLaD from PCB phantasm and how he finds it beautiful.

I don't think he made any remarks on 8-6.

But yeah 8-6 is kind of easy.

>> No.6799208

Super Perseid, Asteroid Belt, Frog Hunting, Fantasy Seal Fader, Virtue, Resurrection Butterfly, Youkai Polygraph, Genealogy of the Skyborn, Yukari's Spiriting Away, the lane switching End of Imperishable Night, Mishaguji

Least favorite
Vajra of Perfect Buddhism, Undefined Darkness, Genetics of the Subconscious and Scarlet Meister. Generally I don't like it if a card forces me to jump through danmaku hoops just to shoot the fucking boss, which all of those do. Also everything to do with knives and their retarded hitboxes, plus Iku's Oarfish Shot.

>> No.6799592

Eh, BoLaD isn't even all that hard if you don't even bother to do the safespot. I've never done the safe spot, and I'm 2/4 on it.
It looks very nice, but as long as you pay attention to what's coming up, it's quite doable.

As for Genetics, I think I'm masochistic towards that card. I usually hate it with a passion when bosses charge around the screen and you can't hit them for so long, but somehow that card gets my adrenaline pumping like nothing else in any game. Half the time I have to take a break afterwards so I don't charge into the first part of Philosophy as I come down from that.

>> No.6799667
File: 1.20 MB, 640x960, gimp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very few stuff from PCB that wouldn't be my favorite. Resurrection Butterfly is a big plus, as is Deadly Dance and it would be pointless to continue listing them. I thought the solo spells from Merlin and Lunasa on Lunatic were rather bland, and Charming Siege can be bad at times, but it wouldn't be the PCB I know and love without them. Some spells from SA stage six and most of Extra are decent as well, and that's all I care to mention. I'm sure I'd dislike Hino Phantasm if I ever ran it more than three times to know how often I'll be drowned in a sea of arrowheads.

Nothing really stands out for the least favorite spell(s), but MoF Extra gets a special mention for housing a bunch of dull cards. Until recently I've had an insanely bad track record with Rorschach in Danmaku. Now it's much closer to an autocap like all the other Extra spells once I tried to drag Koishi around instead of sitting in one spot and dodging everything through the center. Too many of runs of doing it the old way still makes me scared of catching a bullet that brushes me.

>> No.6799764

Let's see...
Favourite tier:
Yukari's Butterfly in Zen Temple and Double Death Butterfly
Yuyuko's swallowtail Butterfly

Hate tier:
Wriggle's UnREASONABLE Butterfly season


>> No.6799774

Forgot about my also favourite Byakuren's Mytic Fragrance Makai Butterfly

>> No.6799775

I have to say that Marisa in IN is pretty fun to fight against, all of her. I might be a little biased due to how shit the Reimu fight is though.

>> No.6802100
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>> No.6802143
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You son of a bitch that's the only card I'm still missing in all of IN, all difficulties combined ;_;

Grats though, I guess.

>> No.6802152

How many attempts have you thrown at it?

>> No.6802185


About 180 across all characters
I don't know, for most of the cards, you eventually develop a feel for them, this one just doesn't let you do that.

>> No.6803854
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>> No.6803864
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>> No.6803944

The card is entirely position-dependent. If you set it up right, all you need to do is spinning around Reimu during the last 10 seconds or so.

>> No.6804057


yea lol i finnaly figured it out. turns out those weird multi-colored balls of light she was shooting were what was killing me.

>> No.6804061

how did you get blue reimu

>> No.6804122

looks like she's blinking after using a bomb or something

>> No.6804488

Ask touhouwiki.
