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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6794215 No.6794215 [Reply] [Original]

So how did /jp/ end up the person they are today?
I'd love to hear your stories.

>> No.6794217

By being a bitter shut-in all my life.
I think you actually wanted to ask this in >>>/soc/, though

>> No.6794218


>> No.6794224


Grew up watching Anime, was shunned by my local community, and started lurking on the internet. I now know so much, both in my collection of anime and manga, but also in economics and politics.

>> No.6794225

I started browsing 4chan more frequently after I finally got a connection faster than dial-up in 2007, and slowly ended up becoming the useless shit I am today.

>> No.6794233


>> No.6794236

Took an interest in anime as a child, went to university, naively believing that comp sci and japanese double major would be a great foundation to make godly games. Failed math class, studied abroad in japan anyway. As time went on I lost interest in entertainment and anime/manga. After graduation I have a lot more free time so I exercise more and have really started delving into entertainment again. Past year I got into VNs, touhou, garage kits and reading plenty of good manga.

Some days I question how I rubberbanded, end of the day it doesn't matter, feels good.

>> No.6794245

I dropped out of school to become an assassin, since I figured I wouldn't need school for that. I gave up when I failed to turn my mind into steel and get through the strict training regiments I was supposed to give myself, and just continued being a NEET instead.

>> No.6794248

>Have trouble making friends since kindergarten.
>Family moves when I do get some.
>Get along with no one.
>Start watching anime.
>The few people I eventually talk to were into nerdy shit but anime was still looked down upon.
>They all go normalfag in high school.
>Give up on everything.
>Embrace apathy.
>Remain NEET forever.

>> No.6794249

Isn't /soc/ the HURR LOOK AT MY PICTURE board? I don't see anyone posting pictures (who's not an obvious troll) here.

>> No.6794252

>I'd love to hear your stories.

>> No.6794253

I was addicted to computer games ever since i got my first computer ( Amiga A500). As time passed by i was going out less and less. I'm really inteligent so i had no problem passing grades with extremely low attendance - my parents had divorced when i was six, and mother alone was working really hard to feed me and my brother, so without parents supervision i could do anything i wanted. In middle school i got really interested in anime, but there were no other people with similar interests in my school. During high school i started earning with internet fraud/cyber crimes - first botnets and pay per install affilate programs, then full-blown carding - in addition to switching to night-time life i became quite paranoid and severed all remaining ties with friends. Two years ago i got diagnosed with aspergers syndrome, so i stopped caring. Now i enjoy welfare and take it easy.

>> No.6794259

I ask myself the same thing.

>> No.6794269

Years of child abuse, and later drug usage, combined with minimal social contact (which grew to none). The trauma left me in such a state that I can no longer accept reality, and my ego is practically a foreign element to me. I analyze everything to such an extent that I don't experience anything anymore, and when speaking I can hardly string together more than a few words as I have poor control over the muscles necessary. Not to mention I can't really focus on such tings anyway. In the end all that was left for me was life as a worthless NEET, I'm currently seeking government money, and if I get it I never plan to do anything again. I dimly recall my earliest teachers saying things about my such as "bright" and "with great potential if only I would apply myself a little more".

>> No.6794295

what do you do now?
do u live with parents or did u get a shitty job far away so you can fap by yourself?

>> No.6794313

Reported. Take this kind of shit to /a/.

>> No.6794316 [DELETED] 

This thread is shit, and i'm bored - so i'm going to green text my story.

>Relatively normal in public,
>but in reality waspoorfag with a father who beat my mother and I every chance he got.
>In middle school developed strong feelings of apathy towards everything around me.
>Dropped out of high school in the tenth grade
>Found the sweet escapi of the internet
>Never turned back

There is a silver lining, though. My scumbag father, who i hadn't seen in 2 years, was diagnosed with colon cancer and died last year. Oh, and i recently got my GED and am thinking of going to community college.

>> No.6794320

This thread is shit, and i'm bored - so i'm going to green text my story.

>Relatively normal in public
> in reality was poorfag with a father who beat my mother and I every chance he got
>In middle school developed strong feelings of apathy towards everything around me.
>Dropped out of high school in the tenth grade
>Found the sweet escape of the internet
>Never turned back

There is a silver lining, though. My scumbag father, who i hadn't seen in 2 years, was diagnosed with colon cancer and died last year. Oh, and i recently got my GED and am thinking of going to community college.

>> No.6794345

Wanna go out with me?

>> No.6794348

>normalfag with otaku interests and a little bit of shyness

>> No.6794352

other way round /a/migo

>> No.6794355

I'm addicted to runescape, VN's, and manga. my parents enable my social recluse ways. end of story.

>> No.6794360

My story is probably something out of a vn.

It's actually pretty similar to KS but I don't feel like telling the whole thing so I'll just leave it up to everybodies autism to fill in the gaps~

>> No.6794361

Friend sent me some pictures of anime girls in a hotspring and at that age I had a crush on them. I tracked down the source and learned it was from Love Hina, and started Kazaa the heck out of it. Anime has now consumed me and here I am today.

>> No.6794368
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Mylife: TheBook.jpg + shyness

>> No.6794375

Started getting into VNs before split, still like them, and so here I am. I've liked anime ever since I was a kid and have always been reclusive; growing up a single kid in the countryside, I guess I never developed a strong sense of urgency to socialize, since I felt there were infinite ways to keep myself entertained just by going outside and looking at shit in the forest and under rocks etc. I suppose that fostered a curiosity about biology that led to my profession, geneticist.

In real life I'm confident as fuck, and generally an uppity jerk to everyone besides my relatives, work colleagues and a few old friends. I never fit in and as time went by I fit in even less and less with people. Their major life interests seem petty to me, and my own petty interests are nearly always incompatible with theirs (besides a couple of simple interests like beer or music). So, fuck them.

>> No.6794386

shy + very smart
become slightly less shy as time goes on
by 2nd year of college I have a group of great friends, but have pretty much given up on girls (I had a girlfriend for a while in highschool and a couple random dates, but not much)
choose to go abroad to japan because it seemed like a cool place
a few months later, decide I want to learn a language (not specific on which one).
Decide on japanese just so I might be able to use it while I'm abroad.
get into anime 6 months later, then get bored of anime and switch to VNs after another 6 months or so

>> No.6794406

I like to blame my dads new bride for a lot of my problems, she bullied me a lot when I visited my father every few weeks (doing stuff like forcing me to eat too much, blaming me for everything, telling me lies to make me think my mother is a bad mother, being a bit violent at times, forcing me to "play" with her own children (as in I had to let them do whatever they want to me, if I didn't let them I got yelled at, if I tried to tell her they're hurting me she said that I should deal with them myself), laughing at me for the kind of stuff I liked/my hair being long-ish/for being afraid of dark etc etc.)

>> No.6794407

hows working as a genetecist?
sincere question.

>> No.6794417
File: 48 KB, 500x500, forever_alone_date.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically this except it seemed like everything was going to "turn out better than expected ^w^ " until i got to about year 8 when a new girl came to school and all of a sudden there was a female who i could talk with
but then it wasnt normal and i was friendzoned from the start, which i didnt relise to much later
later, she went to a 2 month camp in the country which is like hook up mecca, and came back a regular bitch which only crushed my dreams even more
as a refuge i ended up watching anime which got my parents doin the whole "son, i am dissapoint" thing which only crushed me further
now they think ima marry a jap chick just coz i spk moontalk but i dont even like anything about japan or the ppl except anime
next month i ship off to collage, but meh, idk if ill evn get through the 1st year I cbf doing work
probably gonna end up like this guy >>6794236
even doing the same majors as he did

>> No.6794421
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>Watch Toonami
>Shonen Jump comes to U.S.
>Brief Narutard Period
>Become pretentious ass and hate dubs.
>find anime online out of disgust
>Discover the online "otaku culture"
>Hear friend mention 4chan in passing.
>See pic related on /b/
>Ask what anime it's from
>Get directed to /jp/

>> No.6794422


Kind of friendly as far as /jp/ standards go.. rarely have to deal with annoying common people, on some days I can spend half my time browsing /jp/ at work and no one gives a fuck since we are all on downtime waiting for materials to come, and even when they do we just go have the techs prep most of them. We are usually famous for being lazy among scientists, unless we're one of those hot-shit tryhards like Craig Venter (and even then Venter is only liked publically by people not in-the-know... that faggot's gotten fired from every team he ever worked with, so he went and started his own institute instead).

Also biochemists are tough to be friends with, since they are either insecure about their perceived stature compared to you, or think that they're far superior to you since they "work so much harder"... They are quick to point out that while they are slaving away freeze fracturing and grinding up shit daily, I'm just a lazy fuck drinking coffee and reading the paper while computers parse almost all the data.

>> No.6794427

I stumbled around /b/ for awhile(bad times man)

Somehow, I accidently clicked on /a/ one day and found a thread about recommendations
I browe /a/ ever since

Then, awhile after, I hear all this shit about LOLFATESTAYNIGHTLOL so I figured that I might as well see what the comotion was about.

Now I'm here. 156 GB of VN and around(roughly) a tb of anime

>> No.6794431

This sounds AWESOME. So are you in research? Do you teach as well?

>> No.6794442

I was born like this, really. My entire life has been about pills and staying in my room and sitting down in front of a screen for most of my life.

>> No.6794443

huh that sounds pretty sweet
I just work in the research lab as a student,
but I do real work with responsibility, not just bitch work.
since I'm going into medicine (got into med school) I never really considered other bio major professions.
shoulda reconsidered.

>> No.6794447



>> No.6794466


I work in industry. It's kind of disparaging sometimes, because I've always wanted to do cell cycle research (particularly expression of hormones and/or gene insulation), but that's basically not what I was picked up to do so it's tough shit there. Maybe someday I might actually get to do what I want (as in be a principal investigator)... but... I'd have to make a convincing enough pitch .. that's what sucks about big industry, having to sell your ideas to straight-up businessmen who have little to no fucking qualifications to judge the proposal's importance or relevance. In my eyes we might as well be asking chimps to throw darts at a board, and whatever gets hit gets the greenlight. At least that's how some corps like Genentech run these days.

I'm considering attempting to find a new company/lab to work for eventually, but I'm satisfied for now since I'm glad enough to have work at all. If you're dead set working academia, the thing that most people won't tell you is that after you get a PhD, you get stuck between a rock and a hard place.. you become overqualified for the starting industry jobs, but you're underqualified for everything else and probably need to spend years making jack shit and clinging to whatever post docs you can. Overall nowadays you could get a BS in molecular bio, bioengineering or some such from a decent school, and make more money in your career than the average doctorate will. Sad state of affairs.

>> No.6794472

My family moved around a lot because of my dad's job, 10 times before I graduated high school. I managed to feel alright until the last move, which kind of broke me. I had finally managed to make a solid group of friends, and even fall in love with someone (never had the courage to ask her out), when my dad announced another sudden move. I now lived in a place I hated, with no friends. At that point, I just said "fuck it" and gave up on the whole social thing. Depression also set in, accompanied by auditory hallucinations. I started to lose myself in whatever I could find: Magic the Gathering, books, WoW, and eventually 4chan. I started on /b/, but I got out of there after a while and went to /a/ out of curiosity. Watched NGE, and I was hooked. Now I'm here. I graduated from high school, and got into a fairly good university. I don't really have friends in my college, it's basically just class, sleep, eat, and jap stuff. I manage to stay content a good part of the time.

>> No.6794473

>grow up as a 'normal' nerd, no friends
>go to university, get girlfriend
>become disillusioned with everything, girlfriend is insane bitch, university is hollow
>meanwhile internet, video games, VNs, anime and manga prove to be awesome
>get rid of girlfriend by telling her that Remilia and Flandre are far superior to her and always will be
>make it through rest of university, hating everything
>spend my days as a shut-in on the internet and enjoying my hobbies while working as a ghostwriter, only needing to go out to communicate with the various people I work for

All in all, I'm pretty damn happy with my life.

>> No.6794476

Have really badly crooked teeth, skin stretch marks all over, losing hair and a bent penis.
My self-esteem is basically non-existant so every social relationship is bound to turn out a clusterfuck of paranoia and complexes.
Figured I just lost the gene lottery and resigned myself, so now I avoid the hassle altogether. Being alone actually feels good now.

>> No.6794479

>My family moved around a lot because of my dad's job, 10 times before I graduated high school
only in japan.jpg

>> No.6794481

America, believe it or not.
My father works for chrysler

>> No.6794486

I probably don't belong on this board, my life hasn't been particularly tragic or bitter.

Yet here I am...here we are. ;_;

>> No.6794490


Right now I'm probably a NEET, realistically, I guess. I haven't been able to get a job since graduating a year and a half ago in international relations, and have more or less stopped pursuing real work or going back for a master's. Half of that time I was supported by my parents, now I live in an apartment spending my modest savings on rent and everything else I mentioned in the above post, my days playing VNs, reading manga and all the other stuff.

Since moving out my interest in "Otaku Culture" has flared up like I said in a big way, so at some point I'll have to stop buying/pirating and get SOME type of job for some more freedom.


If you aren't good at math I would stop now. I don't know how it was at your school but Michigan State had you take high level math courses to filter out anyone like me. Did fine in JP otherwise. But if you want it bad enough you can really make it happen.

>> No.6794494

I was really popular and happy until 6th grade, when we moved out of the school district and I was forced into Catholic school. I didn't fit in, was teased because I hit puberty and was molested in a hallway by two people I thought were my friends. I stopped going to school regularly (once every two weeks max to get my homework), didn't tell anyone what had happened and found the internet. I officially dropped out of school in 9th grade because I couldn't take it anymore. When I turned 19, after 6 years of being raised by the internet, I got my GED and now I'm trying to become a psychiatrist.

>> No.6794496

I've been interested in this stuff for as long as I can remember

I moved, lost all friends + I have a really bad skin condition. So I never made any new ones. And here I am.

>> No.6794525

My father was a captain in the navy, so we moved every two or three years. This combined with my ADD made it hard to ever make friends; I grew up not only with few friends but also with no real understanding of how to interpret all but the most obvious social cues. My mother divorced my father and took my brother and I to Arkansas, where finally settling down would bring me the occasional friend. My brother was apparently incredibly disturbed and upset by the divorce and took to drug abuse and dealing, and I had several fistfights with him over the next eight years while I failed to realize my priorities and floundered in high school. It was during this period that I discovered anime and related video games, and spent most of my time playing fighting games with the one or two friends I had managed to obtain, including a girl whom I dated casually. My mother died of a stroke when I was 18 leaving me to move in with one of said buddies while my brother cleaned himself up and joined the Marines.

>> No.6794527

I moved from place to place as my unsociability and lack of ambition wore out the patience of all my benefactors. I discovered 4chan during this time and committed felony theft; I was sentenced to three years probation and community service. I finally and reluctantly moved in with my father on the condition that he would pay for me to begin attending college. He too grew frustrated with my life habits, particularly my irregular sleep schedule, and when he married his girlfriend he used it as an excuse to insist I get my own place. Using the money I got from a McJob I rented a mobile home and lived paycheck to paycheck while attending classes. During this time I met a waitress at my job and lost my virginity to her. She described herself as a bit of a slut and was actually cheating on her boyfriend with me, but I admired her and don't regret anything about our extremely short-lived relationship. I finished my first semester with a 3.80 average and would have just began my second if they would stop being pussies and cancelling classes because of a little snow.

>> No.6794545


That's all good, a lot of people on /jp/ are college kids and yuppies. You've probably passed some of us by and never knew it because we don't wear weeaboo stuff or otherwise act like the obnoxious hive-minded tards that most 4channers are otherwise like. It's just bad stereotyping.

It can be a tough call though, because it seems that the average /jp/er is a thin, possibly even handsome guy or girl, but, there have got to be some max-level neckbeards as well.. there is very little even ground, which is no surprise honestly, because normalfags aren't into this kind of stuff, and so you don't see too many normalfags here. In other words true /jp/ers seem to usually be either hyper nerds or hyper dorks. There seem to be more nerds as a whole but the dorks are much more vocal about TRUE NEET business etc. Which is fine by me, they are the guardian keepers of /jp/, I want them to stay because they give this place a unique vibe with their god-level VN knowledge.

>> No.6794550

I once had a lot of friends and was very, very hyperactive. I was always mocked because of my red hair, despite the fact it hurtled me i had friends, so i didn't ultimately matter.

Then, i moved. I didn't change much, i practically still see my friends almost everyday at first.
With High School, bulling started and then, me and my friends start to fell apart. Suddenly, my best friend, witch i grow up with like a brother stopped talking to me and ignoring me when we meet.
I was alone, and my mind started to fell apart. 1-4 years of High School completely broke me.

Today, it got a title better, bully mostly stopped and i'm a little more sure of myself, but i gave up on making friends. I tried to so many times that i'm tired.

>> No.6794564

lets enjoy it togeather (no pun intended)

>> No.6794565

>Craig Venter

The minimal genome fellow, right? Another geneticist here, glad to see my anger towards that asshat is shared.

>> No.6794568

Mental illness, prescription medication, alcohol

>> No.6794572


I was adopted, so that probably caused me many issues. I had terrible anxiety for as long as I can remember, to the point of vomitting every night as a child for a number of years.

At about 13, starting high school, I tried to create a bigger image of myself, trying to be a bad ass or whatnot, when really I was an overly sensitive introvert. I ended up just being a total arsehole and a cunt to everyone, it is something I really regret. I ended up breaking down at 14 because I knew I wasn't who I was pretending to be and I hated who I was pretending to be. Ended up very depressed as a lonely teenager, doctors thought I had catatonic schizophrenia for a little while. Annnyway..

I found an outlet in anime and music (mainly of the metal variety), as well as reading and philosophy (escapism, heh). I ended up using the internet quite a lot, and started writing for a metal fanzine a guy I spoke to online was running. When I was 17 I left home and spent a year in England where I was in a relationship that turned to shit. After that I moved back home.

Spent more time doing the bullshit I do, and got to know myself a lot better. My friend offered my a job a couple of months ago, so I'm doing casual work at 23.

Yup, blog post but thats the story of my life. I find it embarassing even on here.

>> No.6794573

Got a PC 11 years ago for entering one of the best high schools in my area, started out playing old MMO's like Legend of Mir which I saw on Game Network. I was still pretty casual at this point but once FFXI was released and I was a FF fanboy at the time I ended up becoming a mindless zombie and never really got off the computer. Quit FFXI ages ago but never really had anything else to do with my time so now I just watch animu, play VNs and fap all day. It's either this or go outside with my real friends and end up doing drugs and such since that's what's considered 'in' right now amongst the normalfags around here which is a shame since they were fun to be around during primary/high school.. I started fapping to hentai once I seen clips of La Blue Girl and such on Kazaa by mistake, good times. I started fapping to loli after coming to 4chan like 4-5 years ago? Loli threads on /a/ were pretty nice. Anime I started after a friend I played Legend of Mir with recommended some of the stuff he watched like School Rumble, Ichigo 100% etc. I've got a full high school education and even went on to do 3 years at a local college to get myself a degree in software engineering but I'm happy with my current lifestyle right now and wouldn't have it any other way. By leeching off the government like a true NEET I've managed to get a decent car (which I never use), a top of the line PC, an Xbox with loads of games and a HDTV whilst still having at least a few thousand pounds just sitting in the bank doing nothing, feels pretty good man.

>> No.6794580

you should try geting a job like >>6794527
and maby something will come of it >.>

>> No.6794597


Why would I want a job? That involves leaving my house for no good reason and it involves social interaction which gets tiresome. I'd also lose time to do whatever the fuck it is I do during the day. I'll just sit comfortably at home being a NEET with my leeched government income, thanks.

>> No.6794625

I got nothing as dramatic as some people here. I've just always found it hard to relate to people. To make it worse, I can't commit to anything without people backing me up. This was fine and dandy throughout my teen years, where I could hang out with a few people with similar interests, but lately, work's really made it hard to find people with the same /jp/ related interests as me.

Back in college, this cost someone who I know was too kind to have rejected me, but those years went by without me ever making a move aside from little pieces of small talk. Now I just like to think about what everyone's become; whether she's become a doctor and if she still enjoys the same music, what manner of jobs and businesses everyone's done over the years, etc.

Someday, I just want to find something that will inspire me, and right now I'm looking for that inspiration in money, and hopefully charity someday so I can feel like I've made at least someone happy. That's all that keeps me going in this dark lonely apartment I return to everyday, and /jp/ has been my little escape since its conception.

sage for blog

>> No.6794636

Throughout middle and high school I found it increasingly hard to socialize, and by the end of high school I only had one friend. Now I'm going to university, and I don't have any friends here. I have about five or six acquaintances that I have lunch with on occasion, but I spend most of my time alone in my room. I don't mind living like this, but I really wish I wasn't socially inept. Oftentimes I find it exhausting to leave my room and go to class.

I think I'm reasonably attractive, but I've never even dated a girl before. I've had girls hit on me before, but I always get flustered and have no idea how to react. I haven't given up on 3D, but at this rate, I'm not sure if I'll ever find someone.

As for /jp/ stuff, I stumbled across Tsukihime shortly after it was translated, and from there I got interested in anime and visual novels.

>> No.6794642

i dont see why post-uni /jp/ just doesnt get a room mate or beter yet just move in with another /jp/

>> No.6794648


>so I can feel like I've made at least someone happy

See, I think this is why /jp/ is a different kind of person. I think /jp/ has a lot of really sensitive people in it. I think a lot of people here would be incredibly nice people. I really agree with you.

>made it hard to find people with the same /jp/ related interests as me.

I know a few people who watch some more mainstream anime. One guy asked to see my figs and it made him act quite strangely. The same guy hits me up for VNs all the time, and I keep asking what type he wants etc but I think he is too far into normal now.

>> No.6794652

I was normal(I always feel selfish for not following that when it would make some people happy) and I didn't realize how much I hated it until I browsed /jp/ when I was 17. But I'm happy, I'm sure I would have killed myself if it wasn't for this board.

>> No.6794667

I moved from my home country to the ghetto of Newark, New Jersey at the age of 9. I found it extremely difficult to fit in. I move again around seventh grade to South Carolina where I currently reside. I've never had much trouble making friends, but I preferred being alone. During group projects I would always work the hardest and others would take advantage of that. I'm just as smart as anyone else, I just worked a bit harder and everyone thought I was some genius.

Through High School I rarely socialized, and made friends with my current two best friends who were middle of the line popular, and I was relatively unknown. Now they are both NEETs and I'm a Hikki majoring in EE while living at home. I'd die if I had to stay at the dorms.

I guess its just something I chose in the end.

>> No.6794679

i'm in med school now.
the story of my life before is irrelevant.

>> No.6794684

>I think a lot of people here would be incredibly nice people.
i'm a terrible person by choice, thank you very much. or at the very least, neutral.

it's fruitless and stupid trying to be a "good person" when over 50% of the human population doesn't live by those ideas, not to mention there is no such thing as an absolute "point" in anything from a logical standpoint.

if it weren't for the concept of "punishment" most people would rather slit your throat and take your possessions than say hello. maybe if humans valued on the level of the community by default, i would think differently.

>> No.6794687

Age 8-12: Alcoholic parents, constantly fighting, horrible situation. Realize I have none of the same interests as anybody else.

Age 13-15: Worst years of my life, picked on in school, 90% of my friends stopped being my friends. I had absolutely nobody, parents not as bad, but still pretty horrible.

Age 16-18: High school, FINALLY met some friends that were nerds, introduced to PC gaming, get my own PC and internet, life is much better.

Age 19-20: Attempt social scene (beer pong/bars etc), don't really like it. Social isolate myself by gaming. Make some amazing internet friends. Parents at their worst.

Age 21-24: Fail some college classes, realize school is fucking retarded and not for me. Work almost 2 years, realize that's almost worse Get horrible medical condition which causes me to be unable to do anything or leave my house for until age 25. Discover anime during this time, internet friends and gaming are _THE ONLY_ reason I didn't kill myself. Parents calm down after they see me on the verge of suicide.

25 (now): Have only 1 RL friend left, great guy, he's moving far away, but we'll always be bros. Still have my awesome internet friends from 2004, they'll always be here. Still gaming, learned Japanese well enough to play games. Able to leave my house now, but still largely a NEET. Parents enable this because they realize there is no other way at this point.

(never dated, never even talked to a girl for over 30 seconds, in my life, and I'm not even remotely unattractive, just always avoided social contact)

>> No.6794693

I understand what you're saying. The pointless, meaninglessness of life is what inspires me to be nice. I take myself less seriously, it isn't like I go out of my way to be nice, I just do nice things when I can. May as well bring a smile to someones face and let their ride on this miserable shithole be a little more pleasant. At the end of the day, it makes me feel good so it is actually a self serving thing.

I don't like to see people upset and sad though, because I know quite well how that feels.

You are quite right though. People probably don't deserve to be treated well. Meh, I'll just take it easy and do the odd things for people.

>> No.6794705

I was always the weird kid in school. I wasted most of my childhood on games and the internet because I had no friends. I got into anime in High School, and then VNs and Touhou after seeing them discussed on /a/. I learned Japanese just for my weeaboo hobbies, and then that became my passion. Now I'm in college and studying linguistics. I don't even get much time for anime and VNs anymore.

>> No.6794717

5 - Started watching Sailor moon and stuff on TV
11 - Get 56k modem
14 - Get 64k cable modem finally no disconnects and below 60 ping

From that point till now I've seen over 800 anime, my speed is now 20 Mbits. And I've become a regular on 4chan.

>> No.6794761

Are you me?

>> No.6794776

i've always been a shut-in
avoidant, anxiety, etc
i have always had trouble talking to boys, i've never had a boyfriend and it's extremely hard finding people with this kind of hobby in my city ;_;

>> No.6794777

I used a public restroom one day and caught pedophilia from someone. Since then I have had no interest in women and remain a hermit due to loli being superior and legal.

>> No.6794781

Apparently according to my parents even as a little kid I didn't like to spend time with people and preferred being by myself. When I started school I didn't know a word of english (my family is Indian) but I managed to make a fair few friends who I kept in contact with throughout the 14 years of my education before uni, which seems to be longer than a lot of people (one of them is with me at uni, I've known him for 16 years now). I grew up watching cartoons and anime on toonami/fox kids/CNX, started downloading some more from internet due to recommendations from a friend, heard about 4 chan, browsed /a/ and then /jp/ got created and I didn't pay any attention to it. Then the same guy who told me about various anime told em about touhou and sent a bunch of music to me, which I quite liked and I ended up on /jp/ I'm only here for music and shmups, I don't have a waifu or fap to 2D; I've never had a girlfriend/sex/contact with women either so I'm not a normalfag before any makes any accusations. Currently in 2nd year studying medicine at Leicester Uni (UK).

After reading this thread I feel like I probably shouldn't be here, but what can you do.

>> No.6794794

My parents thought I was a retard when I was young, they tested me and found out I was "smart". They worked me really hard to be successful, I was forced to do all sorts of homework outside of school. I get good grades until I move, I think I'm hot shit and I'm overconfident. Constantly get bullied, lose my friends over time due to the move. Middle school is full of drama and hatred towards me, I lose trust in people and didn't talk to anyone all through high school. I grew up with video games, which is something my parents have always tried to stop since it was an obsession. They're more lenient nowadays but I still feel as if I have no control over my life, it seems as if my options are limited and I can't get them to see I'm an idiot so that I can leave them and they can forget I existed.

>> No.6794795
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I have trouble talking to boys too, and my preference for little girls prevents me from getting a girlfriend. Other guys are so intimidating.

>> No.6794808


i'm female but i also like little girls too ;_; i wouldn't date a girl though
extremely intimidated by both genders

>> No.6794811

I guess I was a late bloomer, at some point my cool and mature friends thought I wasn't cool enough to be their friend anymore and left me. I never cared much about that, but from that point on I started being a really introvert person. In highschool I was that guy who never talks, sits in the back and looks like he's stoned all the time.

I got into college thinking I would be able to make some friends, but I quickly realized that it was impossible, so I just started getting depressed, dropped out and closed myself in my room. That's when I found 4chan, /a/, and then /jp/ when it was formed. Japanese crap helped me overcome my depression, I now have no interest in anything else, but I'm not unhappy that way. Anyway, I now have a job to pay the bills, but I'm not handling it very well, I'm competent but I can't deal with other people very well, and I'm allways on the edge, screaming at the costumers and making shitty mistakes. I guess I wasn't cut out for this real life crap, it's vns and /jp/ all day everyday for me, at least when I'm not working.

>> No.6794813

Please go out with me? We can just stay inside all the time. I'll work so you can just play games and VN's and stuff. You just have to have sex with me once in awhile.

>> No.6794818
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I don't find little girls intimidating, I find their parents to be. Same thing, I guess, since children are rarely without their parents.

>> No.6794823

I live in the world of ideals since a few years, I'm escaping everyday from reality since from the real world are boring and talk even when there is nothing to say but what scares me the most is that when I gather with people, I don't recognize myself.
I'm doing lame jokes, speaking nonsense and laugh stupidly.
What I love in fiction is the idealisation of human interractions and thoughts as well as the importance given to cleverness over sillyness.

The internet is something so great it had freed me from money problem. Since I end up paying nothing to do my hobbies. Money sucks anyway now that you can consume all the virtual goods for free thanks to torrents and rapidshare-like (I don't suscribe to those crappy sites since I use download unlockers like JDownloader).

>> No.6794825


>> No.6794830

Having male friends isn't so bad if they're introverted too, because then I can just feel that we're on the same level and I can just relax around them, but if it's a guy who has many real life friends, I end up feeling inferior to him. With females, on the other hand, they always give me the same feeling as extroverted males, since I've never ever met a female who didn't seem more extroverted than me. Even the one NEET shut-in girl I met had like a harem of men online, which really creeped me out when I learned about and I never managed to see her as the same person again.

>> No.6794842

When I was a kid I was very popular and had good grades, ect.. I used to play a lot of games and loved the computer. Then we moved away to where my father was born for I don't know why, I started to want to be alone more and more since my childhood friends weren't here, I did like to play with my older sister still though. We used to go back to our old house for a week every few months to make sure everything is fine, ect as we still owned it but I didn't like it down here anymore. The friends who I had fun with were now annoying brats and I hated the state it was in as it brought back memories trying to turn me back into who I once was.

I was having none of it, I liked how I was now. I convinced my family to sell the house and cut all ties with my childhood friends. Having found 4chan I started to watch anime and found vn's through anime, sometime later found /jp/ and I liked it though it was very slow.

My sister decided she wanted to move out to the middle of nowhere to have a farm, I decided this was a chance to cut most of my social contact and help my older sister who I held dear. The rest is just the usual with the exception of a few things. I'm still rich without having to work, my older sister still lives with me and she hasn't met anyone else and is close to me, and I'm a hikiki with a sister complex.

Quite a crazy life I'd say, but I managed to mold it to my will and I couldn't be happier.

>> No.6794853

if only ;_;

so agreed

>> No.6794856

Shut in all my life, doing nothing but going to school and staying home playing console games. One day, I skipped school and saw an episode of Sailor Moon (yeah, the dub) on morning syndicated TV, and everything changed afterwards

>> No.6794857

0 - 15: normal, popular
16: start watching anime, friends disaprove and fuck off drinking / partying without ever inviting me anywhere
17: get part time job, become too nervous to talk to anyone, everyone thinks i'm a dark horse that's going to murder them all in their sleep
18: realise i wish to be female
19: grow hair longer, suddenly girls are taking an interest in me but i'm so weighed down by social anxiety i'm as responsive as a brick wall
20 - 21: end up crying every time i reflect on how i wasted my late teens, and probably the rest of my life

>> No.6794862

You're like me but with less drugs.

>> No.6794869

source of OP pic

>> No.6794871

I started out as all the other kids, I guess. Playing after school and shit.
Maybe I was always kind of "distant" in a way, and most of the time when I had friends over, we just played games on my dad's computer.
Then one of my friends' dad got a computer which could play some never games, my friends went there, but I didn't, since I got my own computer.

I was always the weird kid with the jokes, and I had decent grades. I liked being the best in class in the lower grades, because I could draw stuff when I was done reading and had to wait for the slower kids. For whatever reason some people made fun of me, but I never really cared. I just went home to play games.
There were birthday parties where the whole class was invited, and I went to most of them just to sit in the corner and drink coke. In the end I just stopped going, and I doubt anyone cared.

10th grade I wasn't really doing anything, neither schoolwork nor socializing with all the new people, and I only cared about the easy classes such as English. I could get into high school either way.

So I did that, talked to some people, I suppose you could call some of them friends, but I was always the weird one. I suppose they liked my jokes which were as fucked up as ever. One of them showed me /b/, because he thought I'd fit right in, and he was right. I was 17 at the time in my 2nd year, so that must be 6 years ago. I got into anime because of the DESU spam, and then I moved to /a/. I spent pretty much the entire summer holiday between 2nd and 3rd year on watching anime, and most of my 3rd year as well, even though my grades were stable.
The contact I had with girls never went much further than talking on msn.

>> No.6794872 [DELETED] 

Got rejected hard and feel betrayed after dating a girl for a month. Have to listen to friends tell me it wasn't really cheating since she was single, how awesome the girl is and how much of a pussy I am. Start drinking and smoking uncontrollably, eventually peers replace and forget me.

This is the best part:
Once I was so drunk I tried to punch a 16 year old girl in the face, thankfully people held me back, real friends didn't do shit. They told me how lucky I was I didn't go to jail.
Realize that I hate women now, mostly thanks to the internet and my dorky teenage. I'm seriously afraid I'm gonna become a wife beater if I ever get married.
I will always have mai waifu by my side, though.

>> No.6794877

I was a normal kid up until around I was 12, and from then on I've basically been and awkward antisocial and introverted, but am really outgoing when something excites/enthuses me. Definitely have OCD's about how I eat. Not many friends but the ones I do have are good friends who accept me for who I am and don't care about/share (to a degree) my interests into /jp/ related stuff.

It all started when I found an online stream of Love Hina on Winamp and was hooked. Bought some manga on holiday and loved it. I used to like heavy metal, but moved onto electronic genres after listening to DJ Sharpnel (best friend made me a CD for my birthday with albums and stuff on as well as a 'how to play piano' ebook I've never bothered to read) when I was around 14.

I'm in my second year of college studying computing, physics, electronics, and IT at A level. Hope to get a degree in a computing related field. /jp/ stuff is how I take it easy. There's no better way to relax than to listen to a really nice Touhou arrange or watch some anime or play a VN, and no better way to end the day than after jerking it to some 2D.

But /jp/'s also been somewhat of a release for me. I don't have to worry about anything when I'm on here, and it really helps me chill out and calm me down if something's made me angry or hurt me.

>> No.6794879

After the summer holiday (and loads of anime) I started biomedicine studies, but dropped out after 5 weeks. Watching a shit ton of anime every night doesn't go well with science studies when you suck at math, it'd appear. And I lived alone a bit outside of the city, so biking in the rain really wore me down along with the time spent at uni.

Then I moved back home and spent 3 weeks doing jack shit other than watching anime and playing games.
I hung out with my friend (who's a grade under me in primary school), and we played games and chilled out, the usual. He's still my best friend to this day.
Then I got the "work or move out" option, and I chose working.
Saved up some money, and then I bought a computer (it's still my main, 3 years old). Most of the rest of the money was spent on going to Thailand with a friend because she asked me out of the blue.

It was a nice trip, but she had a boyfriend, and I never told her I liked her.
I don't like her like that anymore, though, and I haven't seen her more than once or twice since we got home from Thailand.

>> No.6794884

That was 2½ years ago, and I've been doing Japanese Studies ever since.
It mixes rather well with anime, so I'm just taking it easy for the most part, learning the language, etc.

I still don't have any real friends from class (we're 5 left or so), and even though my best friend moved to my city this summer and lived with me for a month, we only hang out once a month or so. I guess we're cool like that. He's a normalfag, by the way, but as long as we can both make fun of me never getting a girlfriend and have a good time, it's cool.

The most social interaction I have these days is when I'm with the people in my shared kitchen here at the dorm I live in.
They're a friendly bunch, and I think I'm getting a bit more adjusted to being around people due to that.
I like talking to the girls, but I don't think it'll amount to anything more than that.
I fix computers, watch movies, eat food I don't have to cook myself, etc., so the shared kitchen isn't that bad at all.

3-post life story, what?

>> No.6794887

Seitokai no Ichizon, comedy, lots of references to other anime (most in the first episode, some later).

I'm currently watching it because I dropped it the first time around, but it's pretty nice.
>>6794879, and
>>6794884 here

>> No.6794910

Everyone thinks I'm gay because I'm a trap and it pisses me off

>> No.6794918

I have always looked different than others. People hated me for it, so I hated them in return. Got into video games first then anime/manga. Especially after I got internet at 16. Then I increasingly found more and more pleasure in being alone. While my body degraded more and more with the flow of time (various skin diseases, threat of skin cancer, hair loss, hemophilia, etc...), I found less and less reasons to be with people.
Here I am now. I can't change, as I'm now way too horrible looking to even have the slightest chance at any kind of social life. All I can do is wait for my last hour, while playing games or watching anime all day everyday.
Now that I think about it, maybe I have always knew that I was going to end up on this path no matter what I did.

>> No.6794925

I seemed bright and successful at first, but then it slowly dwindled into a harsh reality revealed in my senior year of high school: I wasn't.

I thought I was going to be someone who would change the world.

In reality, I'm just an idiot.

>> No.6794926

I'd hang out with you.
But you'd have to be good enough, or else people would think I'm gay.

>> No.6794927

Nothing much, I was just pretending to be a normalfag during years, had a social life, a job, etc...
Problem is I was doing all that while trying to bear with my gigantic social anxiety so of course there was a point when I couldn't take it anymore and was thinking more and more about killing myself.
My parents got worried about me and told me into seeing someone, I explained everything to that person, quited my job and stopped seeing my "friends".

I've been a Hikki/NEET for a couple years now, this lifestyle is so refreshing I've never been so happy.

>> No.6794936
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Lived a meaningless life doing nothing in my village in northern-Kazakhstan, until I joined the army (armoured regiments, due to my rather small size, a requirement in some russian AFVs we use).
After some incident involving alcohol, pride, guns and about 12 people, I ended up with a bullet wound to the leg.
Operation didn't go very well, and my leg suffered more than it should have.
I was sent back home with a monthly pension for injury "during duty" (yeah right).
I got myself an apartment in the south, where the climate is warmer, and I'm living off my pension.
Discovered 4chan, weird porn, and anime at that time.
Got a better connection last year, enjoying my life of video games (Project Reality fuck yeah) and anime.

>> No.6794937

Bad at socializing combined with delusions, polarized apathy and selective (and foolish) optimism.

>> No.6794945

As a little kid, I was a carefree tomboy who loved drawing. I liked cute stuff and cartoons, but I didn't see the point in acting girly or worrying about boys as a little kid. I had plenty of friends and bossed them around a lot to stop them from being drama queens. I loved video games, but no other girls at school played them. I talked about them with my sister and friends in my neighborhood.

In between 3rd and 4th grade, I discovered manga, since I loved any kind of comics. Watching anime came hand in hand with manga. Again, this was only shared with my sister and my friends in my neighborhood. Once Sailormoon and Dragon Ball came on TV, I could talk to my friends at school about it a little though.

In 5th grade or so, I started to learn how to read Japanese on my own by reading old anime magazines from the local comic shop, and the Japanese version of Dragonball.


>> No.6794948


In middle school, I switched from private school to public school, and went from being the tough one to the innocent sweet one. I knew no one, and had a lot of trouble making friends. I got into yaoi a bit, but got weirded out by the community and just the concept in general. I thought, here I am obsessing about these cool guys, but if they met me, they'd think I was gross! After that I started to put a lot more effort into my appearance.

The only problem (?) was, this was when I had also discovered the world of moe, and secretly loved it. I looked online at the art of Kannon, To Heart, etc and absolutely LOVED it. Yeah, I'm dating myself here. But keep in mind, these were the first bishoujo CG... Just about everything I'd seen previously had been colored with normal media. Kannon looks goofy now, but at the time, it was different! But I was a young girl so I hated the fact that they were from adult games. But loved the artwork so much. I secretly bought my clothes to match the characters from the games... But in an awkward teenager way, so unfortunately not actually cute. Card Captor Sakura was my gateway drug of officially being able to say I loved moe and cute series, since there was nothing adult about it.


>> No.6794950


In high school I read Japanese language manga all the time during class. Either that or drew. People were nice to me and liked my drawings. I was shy but didn't get picked on. Most of my friends were from outside of school. Anime got more popular, and more kids at school liked it, but I still didn't really fit in with them. They were loud and wacky and some of them were just so... sleazy. I knew almost nothing about sex and the like (the yaoi stuff I read was never explicit) so when the guys talked about masterbating and stuff, i got freaked out. And when I saw a girls using boys for money or sleeping around, I just wondered why anyone would choose to live like that. My "friends" called me a prude but I didn't ever want to be like them. Of course there were some nice people too though. I started an anime club at school, but it just made things worse, so I quit it and someone else took over.

By the end of high school, I was pretty good at Japanese, had a huge collection of manga, and was more knowledgeable than most since I had used the internet for so long. In college, I finally didn't have to share the computer with my family and get yelled at for taking up the phone line, so I made a lot of friends online. I had known about / sometimes read 2ch before, but now I got a lot more into it. Then world2ch came out, and I loved it. After it went down, I discovered 4chan from someone's mention on that board. During college I got more and more into moe, and got over my knee jerk reaction to the adult stuff. I got obsessed with erogame music too.

After graduation, I started making my first trips, meeting friends from Japan, and really expanding my otaku circle and having fun with it. I didn't have much interest in romance, but I finally got my first boyfriend at age 25, who of course shares my interests. Now, I just got hired to work in Japan, and a new chapter begins!

tl;dr: lucky weeaboo

>> No.6794956

I was always the smart silent guy, etc.
A few years ago I understood I wasn't smart, just a bit autistic, which is useless at college level.
Dropped out of college 2 months in due to uselessness, depression and having no one to talk to. Everybody was already in a group from the start, don't ask me how.

Now I'm a NEET, and I don't know what the fuck should I do with my life. I have no interests at all, I just spend my time doing /jp/ things. And I haven't talked to a girl in like, whoa, 11 months.

>> No.6794959

>>6794527 here

If any of you NEETs want to get out from under your parents roofs, I really wouldn't care at all if you sequestered yourself in my spare bedroom. It's a college town so if you feel like making that first step, it's there. And if you don't, believe me: I don't judge. Just saying.

>> No.6794964

You'll regret it if someone starts shitting on your floors.
Just saying.

Watch Shaun of the Dead, imagine having the fat gamer live in your house, etc.

But of course, most of /jp/ will clean your house and cook if you allow them to live with you.
I know I would.

>> No.6794969

I'd dress up as a maid and everything.

>> No.6794976

What are the prices of E in your area?

>> No.6794985

If it means the guy's getting a getting disability checks they don't mind donating a $100 or so a month to rent, I'll clean their damn shit up myself. It's pretty much what I do at work anyway.


I don't mess with drugs, so I dunno. Not that I'm saying I'd mind or care if a potential roommate did.

It's Oxford, MS. Ole Miss is a party school if that helps.

>> No.6794998
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Got a SNES at age five, started playing vidyagaems, first JRPGs being Mystic Quest and Final Fantasy 4.

Every now and then dad would let me stay up late and watch movie channels, usually when they showed old action movies like First Blood and Predator. Then I discovered anime, I think my first taste was something like Iria. Obviously I never got a chance to watch a whole series or OVA, but I was hooked.

Moved several times during high school, so I only ever got to know any group of friends casually for a few months. Revealing my power level was not something I would do, as I had learned harshly from middle school why you shouldn't do that.

Dropped out and got a GED after my third year in '04, played WoW for a year or two, then just worked for a while and discovered 4chan in late '06.

I'm still catching up with all the things that would be considered staples on /jp/ and /a/. It's really too much to take in all at once.

>> No.6795009

I'm pretty sure about me just being autistic, so no interesting story to share with you.

>> No.6795017

started off well, had a lot of potential, made friends and was seen as a smart kid who also played sports (basketball and baseball)

moved far away when i was 13 because father kicked the shit out of my mom and figured it was the last straw, still made friends but lost interest in sports. still pretty normal but started feeling different from the other kids. realized i was naturally introverted but was so forced to socialize by my upbringing as part of an "important" family that it became a habit which was why i was so tired and anxious during/after school. i was putting on a front to seem normal when i never gave out my true thoughts or feelings on anything ever.

got into anime relatively late, 17. got into a good college while at the same time getting into drugs and drinking (alcholic father derp). drugs and drinking fucked my grades up hardcore and i lost all my friends and now at 22 im probably not even going to graduate with the minimum gpa if i graduate at all.

but atleast i have you /jp/.

>> No.6795049

You'll always have us~

>> No.6795102

>>6794985 here
Come on /jp/! Move in with your little brother! Even if I can't 1cc anything and I don't know a thing about VNs... You wouldn't even need to say anything to me if you didn't want to. It would feel better just knowing there's someone behind that door.

I have to go to class, but I'll let the thread auto-refresh so if you leave an email I'll see it when I get back.

>> No.6795118

>So how did /jp/ end up the person they are today?

It just sort of happened, I guess.

>> No.6795144

>Have a few friends in grade school, great grades
>Go to competitive school, stop giving a fuck about grades but still maintain a 3.0
>Hate almost everyone, then make friends with the surprisingly not annoying anime-loving people and other assorted abnormal fellows
>Watch anime, go on 4chan. Now I only go on /v/ and /jp/. I mostly go on /jp/ for VNs
>Have attractive girlfriend for over a year who plays video games, watches anime, and is still not a hyperactive annoying child like most similar girls. This unlikely combination is due to her life of abuse and neglect
>graduating and going to college with scholarship with bro from high school

overall, feels good man

My girlfriend and I cosplay

>> No.6795171

I am irked by cosplayers. A lot of them are real attentionwhoring assholes, as most of /cgl/.

>> No.6795174

me and my neighbor watched dbz together, the whole class was obsessed with Pokemon when i was a kid, and now im here.

>> No.6795176

>have severe acne
>don't talk to anyone at all
>people mistake social retardation for intelligence
>look like an asshole when you can't help anyone with their work
>fail at everything
>go to community college
>too afraid to give presentations in front of classes
>fail some more

>> No.6795186

>18: realise i wish to be female

Sure took you long, I wanted to be female since around 7. The street I was living in having no boys whatsoever and being raised by my rather traditional grandmother (who is awesome, her mother even more so. She's around 85 now but as alert as a fox, and when you're talking to her you get the impression of conversing with a living, breathing chunk of history.) helped a great deal.

>> No.6795189

o god i hate when people think im smart just because i do and then i fail a math test and look like a retard..

>> No.6795190

*i mean just because i look smart

>> No.6795211

The reason I spoiled it is because I know everyone here hates cosplayers, but that stereotype is really limited to /cgl/ and the young girls.

>> No.6795221

/cgl/ is one of the most horrible boards on 4chan. The people there are real arseholes.

>> No.6795222

Sexual abuse + years of isolation from the other kids as a child + academic pressure that eventually just caused me to give up entirely + the issues that come with all of the above.
When things got bad as a kid, I was getting into anime and the like. Immersing myself in the shows, not thinking about everyday goings on. Even over a decade later with everything more or less kosher now, I'm still more or less a reality-rejectin' asocial.

Wouldn't have it any other way, to be honest.

>> No.6795226

Yeah, its always the really popular and vocal few that really kill it for me. I had to go to blizzcon with my brother since he's only 17, and the cosplayers there were nice people. Every anime convention I've been to has had a terrible cosplay community though. Darn shame.

>> No.6795231

I was always a quiet unsocial person, even in childhood. It's not something that develops overnight.

>> No.6795270

I started off as the younger sibling in a stereotypical asian family. I was athletic, intelligent, and ranked amongst the most popular kids in my grade. Then one day my parents separated for a reason still unknown to me and I was left under the supervision of my now single mother. Whether it be financial reasons or the instability of my mother's emotions, I found myself in turmoil and unhappy for the majority of my childhood. Eventually I got violent within the family and the next thing I knew I was detained by the police and sent to a delinquent center. I spent the next few years associating with these so called "professionals" who I have to stop by daily and have them evaluate my condition.

Bit by bit I lost contact with my friends and close relatives, my grades dropped, and I stopped going to classes. I was still under the legal age for dropping school so I was once again detained and sent to a therapeutic boarding school amongst my peers (who were relatively straight-out lunatics compared to me) until I was 16.

By the time I came back I hated my family more than ever. I've developed even more complexes than cured and all these years spent being told there was something wrong with me was more akin to a self-fulfilling prophecy that could've been prevented without the influence of third-parties.

Finally back to my computer and glorious internet after so long, I spend the remainder of my days as a shut-in browsing 4chan and other forms of entertainment.

>> No.6795336

this thread sums up my life

moved around alot, 30 different states before graduating high school.. some for a few weeks, some for 6mo-12mo
failed interacting with peers
graduated high school
living alone fapping to hentai watching anime playing shitty mmo's/fps's and working a dead end job to support me and my cat

i was sucked into the world of p2p networks [winmx was the first] when one of my schools gave all sixth graders a laptop intended for school-related purposes and the furthering of our education...aka runescape and downloading porn/anime/music (2003)

>> No.6795366

I was the second of two sons, and so got kind of spoiled. I was a month premature, so i grew up a little weak. I was fairly outgoing and had a lot of friends but I liked playing alone with toys, making up big stories and characters for them, and loved video games a lot.

I went to high school, and wasn't very popular after the first few months. I still had one really good friend there, and I'd call him one of my best friends to this day, but I'd say I was bullied a bit.

I started to come out of my shell around 15 when I made some new friends with the same interests and sort of embraced I was never going to be popular. Later that year I got my first girlfriend, and a few months after that I got my first REAL girlfriend. We were together for a year, and I was loving life, but then I got sick.

>> No.6795370
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Holy shit are you kids a bunch of normalfags.

>> No.6795383

I got Crohn's disease, and lost weight, vomtied all the time, was in constant pain and generally gave up on life. I lost my girlfriend, and spent the next year with a perianal abscess. It was near constant agony and in an effort to keep it under control while various doctors hemmed and hawed over what it was and what to do I became somewhat addicted to painkillers. (Around this time I got super into jap stuff)

I did eventually get surgery, and got a special diet that sorted most of my problems. I didn't go back to school, but I still had friends (still do). I did great in my final exams, and now I'm doing Japanese at university.

Being sick changed me : it made me more patient, and an overall nicer guy than before. It also, however, made me more detached. I like being alone, and I can't stand it when people are even remotely clingy.

Basically I mostly live inside my head, and adopt whatever persona will serve me best in a particular social situation.

It's weird, I never really thought about it much.

I guess I needed to talk about this right now. Thanks /jp/.

>> No.6795386

Feeling sorry for ourselves has always been on /jp/. Stop telling people to get out, you're making it painfully obvious you're new here.

>> No.6795396

NEET circlejerk threads are nothing new.

>> No.6795402

>Feeling sorry for ourselves has always been on /jp/.

This is what closet normalfags actually believe.

>> No.6795417

For me it kind of was. I was athletic and popular in highschool. I had a cute girlfriend and close friends I hung out with often.

Then I went to college. For the first year or so I remained slightly introverted normalfag, was on the college cycling team, etc. Then at the beginning of my 2nd year I made some new friends who were really into video games and anime. I hung out with them more and more and hung out with my old friends less and less. The final nail in the coffin was World of Warcraft. I got into the beta and played 12+ hours a day for 3 years straight. I lost all contact with all my friends and almost all contact with my family.

So I ended up getting straight Fs for 3 semesters in a row due to never going to class. My parents found out, made me come home, quit WoW, and attend a tech school while living at home.

I'd always thought that I'd only be happy as a web developer, so the tech school was a pretty good choice. What I didn't do however was quit WoW. I continued playing behind their back, but I was able to balance school and WoW. When I neared graduation I decided it was time for me to let go of WoW so that I could focus on moving out and finding a job. I put my resume on monster.com and had a very good job lined up a couple weeks before I graduated.

I've been at that job for 2 and a half years now. I retain my ability to socialize when necessary from my highschool days, but I've kept my hobbies from college. I spend most of my time watching anime, playing video games/VNs, and playing WoW (casually).

Basically people see me as a perfectly normal person with "weird" hobbies.

>> No.6795428

Thread reported. Blogs belong on /r9k/.

>> No.6795432

Ronery threads were one of the reasons /jp/ got created in the first place.

>> No.6795443

so? /jp/ doesn't belong to the annoying trueNEETs as much as it doesn't belong to any other minority here.
Shut up and deal with it.

>> No.6795456

I hated the people I grew up around. I only had about 6 TRUE friends growing up in public school.
after 12th grade I stopped hanging out with everybody and locked myself in my room and watched anime all day.

>> No.6795461


This land is your land, this land is my land...

>> No.6796793

I wish i had realised earlier. I'm 21 now, 6'0 tall and there's nothing I can do other than live with it.

>> No.6796888

Well not with an attitude like that there's not.

>> No.6796975

Well since it is blog time...
I had a somewhat normal life up till middle. school. I had some friends, one very close one. But even then I remember being left out a lot.
Middle school was awful. I was bullied a lot, and spend half my time there in detention or in-school suspension due to getting into fights. It wasn't enough that I always lost the fights...
High school seemed better at first. But Columbine happened my second year and everyone was scared of me. I was and still am that weird introverted guy. At first it was nice being left alone, but I lost it at the end of my second year. I kept failing math so I pretty much about dropped out. I would skip half the year my third year. I had to take an extra year and a half for the credits to graduate. I was 20 when I finally did. I am still not sure why I didn't just get a GED. Toward the end my therapist and my mom sat me down and told me I am a retard (assburgers).

About my worst memory was when my best friend tried to introduce me to all his coworkers. I was literally like a deer in headlights. They were going on about usual normal things like girls and parties and I could not talk to them at all. I know I embarrassed the fuck out of my friend, and it wasn't long after that I never saw him. I've only heard from him once in the last eight years ;_;

I thought I got my shit back together at 24 when I had a job, and finished an associate degree and a couple of certs. Four years later I am still working the same dead-end low paying job, and haven't made a new friend in like 12 years now despite trying. All I do now other than work is come here and try to socialize, and watch anime.
I go through cycles of not wanting to be around others, then desperately seeking attention, failing and going back to isolating myself. Forever alone is forever....

>> No.6797056

I'll be /jp/'s friend.
Though I won't say anything to you.
And I dislike online forms of communication.
We'll never see each other, and I prefer to do most things alone.
And well if I did try the whole social bit again I would need to be around very outgoing people to help bring me out of shell.
So yeah, never mind.

>> No.6797630

Brain damage. I got my head smashed into a postbox and have never been the same since.

I'm not joking.

>> No.6797646

Through a long series of coincidences and lucky break. No matter how shitty things are for me, an opportunity always shows itself and I always pull through.

Except getting paid work. That never works out.

>> No.6797671
File: 18 KB, 512x380, 1293356708157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finally realized I would never truly be the boss of this gym.

>> No.6797706


Same here, i used to move a lot but i liked it, everytime you move your life completely changes even the way you feel everyday.

But just like you i got used to loose my friends and never see them ever again.

>> No.6797865

My story I was a asshole who did alot of drugs and stole all of peoples girlfriends. Then I decided to join the marine corps. Then went to japan fell in love with a okinawan woman who was a otaku and showed my Touhou then realized I was a closet otaku. Broke up the day before I left japan. And now I'm a big ass otaku with a body pillow cause I miss sleeping with a woman.

>> No.6797933

i've always wondered what /jp/'s story was, thank you OP for making this thread.

>> No.6797935
File: 927 KB, 1020x880, 1294806414847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life turned me into someone who has very little care for others, and has a keen dislike of getting to know others. I dislike it so much that I find remembering peoples names and faces extremely difficult, to the point that it affects my work.

I'm generally an introvert who enjoys gaming and calm music. My hobbies are racing cars and shooting guns. I recently was very lucky to come across a pretty female who has the same nerdy interests as me, and can tolerate my peculiarities... No, in fact, she likes me for them. She has told me several times that she couldn't be with anyone less screwed up than herself or me. We are both mentally damaged people, part from birth, mostly from society. We love each other very much. My future is looking up. This relationship has the potential to go a very long way...

>> No.6797968

mite as well
i moved on average 2 times a year till i was 8 so never had any friends. i started living with my granny. never had social skills so no friends until a few in late highschool. watched anime on tv quite a bit. got bullied a bit. got internet. etc etc.

>> No.6798005

>I find remembering peoples names and faces extremely difficult.
How common is this? I don't even hate people but have this problem.

>> No.6798150

I really don't belong in this board, but I spent a lot of time here, so here's my story.

I was a normalfag in a good high school. Extremely intelligent, a decent number of friends, everybody went to college, I did too. Because I'm academically drop dead brilliant I got into an extremely prestigious university, did find the first semester, got a horrible video game addiction the second semester and was asked to leave.

At that time, my friends were all away from home being successful and I was stuck at home failing community college classes because I couldn't bring myself to give a shit. So I stopped talking to them, and everyone else, and I got used to spending months without any social contact besides the internet. During that time I spent time on video games, and later manga, then anime, found /a/, and Touhou brought me to /jp/.

I think the only reason I talk to people at all, is that I'm really lucky to have a few friends from high school who were really, genuinely, good people, who I talk to in person or online every few months. I don't hate or avoid social contact, but it doesn't come to me, either, so I spend months without it at a time. I guess I'm normal as is, and I might become a full-fledged normalfag in the future. Who can say?
