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6793304 No.6793304 [Reply] [Original]

what's it like to be best friends with a little girl?

>> No.6793307

What is "friend"?

>> No.6793306

feels gay man

theyll tell you all of their secrets

>> No.6793311

Great until she gets to her twelfth birthday and gets fucked by the neighborhood kids.

>> No.6793314

Damn sluts.. *mumble mumble*

>> No.6793325

i wish i had female friends when i was little. all my friends were male and pathetic nerds like myself

>> No.6793332

As someone who hangs around lots of young girls, they're incredibly annoying.

>> No.6793338

I was so autistic when I was a kid I had no idea that two girls hitting on me for several years.
I thought it was bullying, so I was evil as shit to them.

>> No.6793362
File: 885 KB, 1010x1435, 1293210400360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. but sometimes you get an erection from being around them and feel guilty about it

>> No.6793372

It was the same as hanging out with the boys except she sucked at everything and she wouldn't play fight.
Funny how she became one of the most popular girls in school and I the least.

>> No.6793382

It's wonderful, except the part where your mother starts getting really worried that the only people you hang out with much are 9-year old girls.
You have to be really careful not to give off the wrong impression, too.

Still, I'd say it's worth it.

>> No.6793385


I want to be this girl's... "friend" was it?... yes, "friend".

>> No.6793406

Me in the shaggy clothes.

I watch this video a lot because she is cute.

>> No.6793409

>it makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. but sometimes you get an erection from being around them and feel guilty about it
This is pretty much how I feel about it. But I still tickle them everywhere knowing it's going to give me a huge erection.

>> No.6793515

That feeling of constantly being around someone who completely trusts and loves you unconditionally and isn't self-conscious about physical contact, it is the best feeling in the world OP.

>> No.6793583

I couldnt do it. Eventually all the fun and good times would turn in to nightmare and rape.

>> No.6793626


did you make a save file to go back to?

>> No.6793688

im so socially awkward, i can't even talk to little kids without scaring them away with awkwardness

>> No.6793715


Don't worry bro.... I think talking to little girls is generally socially awkward anyway.
Example: A friend of mine and I were at a large public event in line for some food, and this girl behind us picked up on the fact that we were talking about weeaboo shit and interjected. She couldn't have been any more than 12 or so, and we were both old enough to be her father.... She really had no fear striking up friendly conversation with two adult guys. Shit was weird.

>> No.6793726

You should have inquierd what other things she was ready to strike up to.

>> No.6793729
File: 146 KB, 731x1100, yotsuba_c053_017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels like Jumbo and Kanda man

>> No.6793739


No, we just made stupid small talk, and then laughed it up later about how precocious she was talking to 29 year old guys. That was enjoyable enough for me.

>> No.6793737

I hate kids these days, they won't get off their fucking Game Boy and talk for one second about something that isn't Spectrobes.

>> No.6793744


Or rather, I should say my friend and I laughed it up... She was long gone by that point.

Forever a loan. ;_;

>> No.6793747

She probably wanted to show you her "spectrobes". You missed your chance.

>> No.6793759
File: 172 KB, 800x1129, Erina_Mano2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's Erina Mano faggots, she's like 19

>> No.6793766

She was probably an only child, since they are used to being treated as an adult they completely forget they are actually stupid kids.

I know it was that way for me.

>> No.6793774


Well, when I was in second grade it was awesome. A little awkward when you're the only guy at her birthday party and still aren't sure whether or not girls have cooties...

Not much to say though, she was my best friend. We did everything together - might as well have been a sister, really. She even looked like she could be my sister. Completely different personalities though, I was shy/introverted and she was EXTREMELY extroverted - really nice though, not in an annoying way.

First and only girl I ever kissed too.

>> No.6793797

Geez anon you had the childhood friend route laid out in front of you.

>> No.6793815


That's some sad stuff right there... Personally I was positive girls didn't have the aforementioned cooties... At one point in roughly the same grade, I had multiple girls vying for my attention... I still remember them all by name. Those were the best years of my life because I was able to put my little stud moves on ever girl in my class, and in one case, a much older girl who was in fifth or sixth grade at the time.

Then I moved away and thus began the downward spiral, that is until I gave up completely and discovered happiness via shutting myself in and obsessing over games and 2D women.

>> No.6793821


I got BAD END. Problem with reality - can't start a new game when the heroine of your adventure dies.

>> No.6793857


What? ......

>> No.6793869

Sounds a little like my story. I had a girl for my best friend during part of my childhood. She had a tomboy streak to her personality, and she kept dragging me off the computer (yes, it had a lol turbo button). As if that wasn't awesome enough, we played doctor all the time.

I got the "she moves away" bad end.

Even though it's pretty much impossible, I'm only bothering with life for a secret friendship with a girl (in b4 no secrets). I don't even care about anything sexual, I just want to experience that freedom and happiness again. Too bad I won't be able to.

>> No.6793889

My best friend in kindergarten through 2nd grade was a little girl. We lost contact after I transferred schools.

Years later and in middle school, I allowed my mother to set us up on a movie date. Awkward as fuck.

Years later and in my eighth year of college she became an attorney and started working for my father. Doing what I was supposed to have done and still awkward as fuck.

I guess my parents should have had the little girl.


>> No.6794061


Pretty much what I said, she died. It wasn't a surprise, she was dying from the day I met her - she told me so pretty shortly after I got to know her well.

Had a really bad case of Cystic Fibrosis - basically her lungs were filling with fluid and there wasn't really anything they could do to drain it. The last few months she was alive I had to go to the hospital to see her, and because of my parents schedule I only got to do that on weekends - but they'd drop me off Friday night and let me stay until Sunday afternoon, so it was ok (no idea why the hospital staff let me do that, looking back on it). It hurt to watch though, she was constantly hooked up to this machine that wrapped around her and basically beat the shit out of her (bruised her) chest and back to try and break up the stuff in her lungs - so she was constantly in pain from that, and I could still see her getting a little worse every week.

I didn't help any, after a few hours in that machine she'd be in tears - holding my hand so hard it hurt and she'd ask me to turn it off - which I did. I figured a few more hours to live wasn't really worth it if they were going to be spent crying in pain. Hope I was right.

Shit part is, a few years after she died they figured out that a soft, vibrating vest did as good a job as that damn machine. She wouldn't have had to have spent her last few months like that.

>> No.6794113

>implying you aren't beta as fuck to participate in assisted suicide
Cool story bro.

>> No.6794139


I don't know if you could go that far - maybe, I guess.

The machine wasn't really keeping her alive, it was prolonging her life. She was supposed to run it for something like 6 or 8 hours a day, but she'd ask me to turn it off after 2 or 3 if no one was there.

>> No.6794172

I call bullshit.

Pics of her attached to the machine or it didn't happen.

This is my fetish.

>> No.6794192


Yeah, the first thought that ran through my little 4th grade mind (this was a few years after I met her, obviously) was to snap pictures of my best friend while she was crying in pain.
