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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6791041 No.6791041 [Reply] [Original]

Now see, that's just plain unneighborly. We learned quite a long time ago that moot couldn't care less about the goings-on of our little board. He agreed, and so, we don't bother him about it these days.

Now, allow me to give you a warning. I am the kind and gentle Anonymous. When I'm censured by a moderator, I resolve the situation and usually leave it at that.

It is because I am not an autistic. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of everyone who posts here. And getting on the bad side of a manchild with a persecution complex, unlimited free time and a folder of screencaps is far more trouble than it is worth.

>> No.6791051

First, send an email to moot.
If ignored, start complaining on board.

Did you do follow the right order?

>> No.6791049
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>> No.6791053

making meta threads doesn't help.

>> No.6791054
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>you don't want to anger me

>> No.6791055

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.6791056

Cool Otaku Culture thread.

>> No.6791064

I don't see what's wrong with that, people who start meta-thread and whiners should indeed be banned.
Making a thread to complain about the board achieves nothing but polluting /jp/ even more.

>> No.6791065

>I am not an autistic

>> No.6791067


>> No.6791069
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>a folder of screencaps
Whatever might you be implying?

>> No.6791075

I was going to report you but
>You can't report posts because you are banned.
I'm obviously not banned.

>> No.6791076


That never happened.

>> No.6791078 [DELETED] 

Do people really take the internet that seriously or am I getting trollee ?

>> No.6791081

Do people really take the internet that seriously or am I getting trolled ?

>> No.6791083

/jp/ - bans, warnings, metathreads and modfaggotry

>> No.6791082

same thing happened to me the other day. After looking around I was apprantly banned from /v/ despite not having posted there. You can't report on any board when you're banned from one.

>> No.6791085

if you hadn't realized yet, mods are ignorant normalfag shits who don't know how any of the boards function because they haven't been to 4chan more than a couple times before becoming mods because they sucked moot's dick at some party.

>> No.6791087

You're right.
>You were issued a warning on /v/ with the following message: Saying "butthurt"
I was never on /v/, though.

>> No.6791096

OP is the image spammer and this is a roundabout threat he's making. The sad thing here is that the mods are global so if he takes his anger out on a mod it most likely wont be the one who banned him.

This thread is proof that we actually do have autistic manchilds that throw fits. This board is embarrassing.

>> No.6791099

I'm guessing the new mods still haven't got to grips with their tools or something yet, I've no idea how you fuck up bad enough to ban someone from a board they don't even visit though. Perhaps the mod tools have been updated and there's a bug somewhere

>> No.6791109

>if you hadn't realized yet, mods are ignorant normalfag shits who don't know how any of the boards function because they haven't been to 4chan more than a couple times before becoming mods because they sucked moot's dick at some party.
You're an idiot. That might have been the case with the first generation mods, but the new mods were all janitors. And apparently the only way to become a janitor is by being a tripfriend who moot trust.

>> No.6791118

are mods global? because mods over at /a/ sure don't look like what the fuck they're doing.

>> No.6791121


This isn't an Umineko conspiracy thread.

>> No.6791129

All moderators are global and last year moot made all of the janitors global.

>> No.6791133

I'm warning you guys, don't scare away our new moderators. People like the OP want /jp/ to become spam general.

>> No.6791143

I agree with you, but I also wish they'd pick someone on /jp/ to be a janitor.

The VNStatus guy seems like a good choice.

>> No.6791140


Or what.

Not that I intend to scare off anyone, but I am curious as to what you plan to do if that should come to pass.

>> No.6791148

sup VNStatus guy

>> No.6791150

Why is this thread still here? I get the feeling that we have a mod that somehow give a fuck about /jp/ and janitors and neither delete this? I don't get it.

>> No.6791154

Don't bump this thread. As for your question, the consequences are obvious. If you scare away our moderators /jp/ will continue being the same way it was for the last 5 months. But this time, without our meido. This is probably falling on deaf ears because to shitposters and spammers, there was nothing wrong with /jp/ in the last few months.

>> No.6791155

If this thread is deleted, OP will become a martyr.

>> No.6791159

moot needs to stop hiring mods and janitors from wherever the fuck he's pulling them from as of now and open up public applications like he did a few years back.

You need people who understand the boards to monitor the boards. Otherwise, you piss everyone off.

>> No.6791160

>I agree with you, but I also wish they'd pick someone on /jp/ to be a janitor.
That would have been the case if AoC didn't quit. Read the ghost board, he's kind of mad at the missed opportunity.

It would have been the meido on steroids.

>> No.6791175

>moot needs to stop hiring mods and janitors from wherever the fuck he's pulling them from as of now and open up public applications like he did a few years back.
What point of moot gets janitors from the board do you not understand? And the only way to become a moderator is to be a vetted janitor for x amount of time.

Are you guys actually complaining about change? We've been spam general for the last 5 months, yet you bitch when we get aggressive mods? What the hell is wrong with you guys. I for one would take 'nazi moderation' over anarchy any day. We've already tried anarchy and it didn't work.

>> No.6791178

Mod needs to wake up and get rid of this thread and the world of tanks thread.

>> No.6791180


We've also tried fascism, and that did not work either.

>> No.6791185

So, wait, people actually get banned for posting metathreads now?

What a glorious day!

>> No.6791189

The mods are global. Don't try to label the mod that banned you as the "/jp/ moderator" so that the manchild spammers can have a target. The only reason why this thread hasn't been removed is because the moderator's haven't gotten to this thread yet. Hint: their report queries are longer than you think.

>> No.6791194

>We've also tried fascism, and that did not work either.
When did we try that. I don't know if you're joking or not but prior to this day I've never experienced aggressive moderation.

>> No.6791198
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>yet you bitch when we get aggressive mods
Of course. Imagine living in a household for 3 or so years and then suddenly someone moves in and tells you that you can't do X, X being something you have being doing ever since you moved in.

The person that moved in is a red headed anorexic with cooties too. Yucky!

>> No.6791200

If by fascism you mean the sort of moderation by "meido" than fascism is fine with me. Better than the board being covered in spam

>> No.6791202


"You're not my real mom!"

>> No.6791204

Well get used to this change. It's for the better. Do you really want to go back to spam general?

>> No.6791212


Yes. Yes I would. Because what you're decrying like a biblical plague was simply business as usual around these parts.

>> No.6791215

I think one of the new meidos just ran an overzealous autoban script. It would explain the reason I got banned out of nowhere. Leaving a retarded meme for a ban reason is pretty rage inducing, however.

>> No.6791216

I think the vast majority of /jp/ers were fine with the meido's judgment. A vocal minority hated his work. It was probably this [>>6791069] image spammer guy. The days of a few autistic apples ruining the bunch is over.

>> No.6791226

I thought AOC did a poor job not because he was nazilike but because he was too lenient toward off-topic shit.

>> No.6791227

Of course not. I just wish that the people/person moderating could at least lurk a little and see how things work. I could see that not working out though.
"I'll make a man out of you, step-son! Get over here and do my toe nails!"
