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6789907 No.6789907 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/

Do you remember my thread from few days ago where I wrote how I'm sure that I need to teleport to Gensokyo?
I'm still here and its getting worse ;_;
Last night I had dream where I was somehow preparing to depart to Gensokyo and when I woke up my room was set the same way as in dream...I'm sure it want just me walking in dream or anything like that... ;_; Please help me /jp/

>> No.6789920

Ripping your own head off is a bad ass solution.

>> No.6789934

This is very serious thread ;_;

>> No.6789961
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Hi OP.
I remember your thread. Try to cheer up. Really. First what I need to know is that how's your money situation? Enough money to buy something new and fun to cheer you up? Enough to pack up your bags and go see the world? OR just enough for a pack of noodles. Don't remember you mentioning your money situation.

>> No.6789976

For local standards I have enough money to do most of things I want so until I start to waste it so its not big

Sorry I don't have depression but thanks for you help ;_;

>> No.6789982
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Then pack your packs, come here and we'll have some fun. Trust me, you don't want to go to Gensokyo without first coming here. Plus the more you wait, the better it will be.

>> No.6789990

I'm always ready to help someone kill themselves.
What's holding you back?
Talk to me I can help!

>> No.6790006

nothing - Im just afraid to fail it. Im deadly serious.

>> No.6790009

Fear is the foundation of depression. Work on eliminating fear from your life, sometimes it can be hard to unmask and even the act of changing oneself can be prevented by fear but it can be accomplished.

Use all your power to elimiate fear from your mind and body, if there is nothing to fear then all that is left is harmony.

>> No.6790013

I fucking hate people like you.

Your not aiming to die, you're just looking for someone to save you.

If you were serious about this you would just keep trying until you succeed, never minding the consequences.

>> No.6790019

Yeah basically, get drunk and go beat up some people on the street at night. Not only you'll find out that you do not feel bad for said people at all, you'd be surprised at how fast your depression turns into lunacy, and then pure madness.

It's not gonna make your life any better, but hey, at least you won't be bored anymore. A cop might even shoot you too. Then you'd really be dead.

>> No.6790027

You know, knowing your background and your nature, I don't doubt you already did this at all.

Despite that, how the hell are you still alive?

>> No.6790030

The police will not shoot you.
If they do it will not be fatal.
Enjoy a long life that will be extended my medication.
You will never again know the sweet embrace of the internet.

Kill yourself or move on.

>> No.6790032


Sorry, what?

I don't reccomend substance abuse as a way of overcoming ones problems, at first the alcohol and drugs can seem sweet, but in the end turns bitter.

>> No.6790040

I don't either. But he's looking to suicide see, just doesn't has the balls to do it.

>> No.6790043


He's looking for someone with alot of experience that can help him out of this, someone he can connect too and they are fucking hard to find. And he probably thought arrogant dickheads would be less frequent on /jp/. Encouraging people to kill themselves is /b/'s task, not /jp/'s.

>> No.6790050

If this is not a suicide thread it doesn't belong on /jp/.

Clarify OP are you planning to kill yourself or not?

>> No.6790053
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and who told you that I didn't try anything? but remember than failing will mean that I wont have chance any more.

Im too big failture to success even in so simple things. I even tried cutting hand - ended with a lot of blood and scar... Had to explain to everyone that I did it by accident while switching computer case ;_;

>> No.6790054

I plan to teleport to gensokyo not on suicide ;_;
now lets continue this thread

>> No.6790063

"Without love it cannot be seen."

You've lived in darkness your whole life, try experiencing the light. Don't ignore the heart OP.

>> No.6790069
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>> No.6790071

Light a charcoal fire. Find a nice safe way to do it indoors, I believe in you I'm sure you can figure out what container to use.
Air seal the room, or at least as best you can, tape, bags, saran wrap, whatever you have.
Sit back and enjoy the fumes, you will get drowsy, and slowly drift off to dream land. Allow for at least three or four hours for the effects to take place, meaning wait for your parents to leave, don't have any packages delivered that day, make sure it's not your grandma's birthday...
When you are sure you have at least that long without being discovered and are fairly sure you won't burn down your dwelling go ahead and take the plunge. Sleeping pills are sometimes used before to quicken the process, and make it more comfortable (the smoke can be irritating if you stay awake too long), I suppose this could be farther enhanced by an alcohol/aspirin mix but that's at your own discretion. Enjoy Gensokyo OP.

>> No.6790081

So why the fuck are you telling us all of this? Go post on /r9k/ or /adv/ or something, this isn't your blog.

>> No.6790095
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You just contributed to the death of one of your bro's.

Here OP, have a funny picture.

>> No.6790102

If anyone else would like more details I'd be happy to answer any specific questions, remember the West is evil and wishes to keep you alive to exploit you for as long as possible! I am your only friend.

>> No.6790103

Dress in clown suit. Get one piece of piano wire and one piece of rope. Assemble a wire noose and tie it around your neck and to a school bus. Tie a piece of rope around your waist and make sure it's longer than the wire. Hide under the school bus. Crazy glue your hands to your head. When the bus leaves in the morning, the wire will run out before the rope and your head will be cut off. Your head will remain in your hands. The clown suit is merely to provide additional trauma to the children on the bus.

>> No.6790112
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OK. Anything that can be made with average household items ?

Too bad schools are less than 5 minutes of walking from house for most of children so we don't have school buses here

>> No.6790123

I'm sure your family grill would work, but that's a tad bigger than necessary here. Something such as a toolbox or even a large coffee can might pass, but remember to stick it on tile or better yet some bricks or cinder blocks, if you start a fire you might get rescued. You're looking for something largely fireproof, you only need to fit maybe a dozen charcoal bricks into whatever you use, so your options should be pretty open. of course the more you use the better the odds of things going smoothly.

>> No.6790125


That logic in itself is negative.

Everything in your life has always had the negative spotlight, time to change the lights OP.

People want you to be alive because they care and it sucks that it takes a tragedy for the real emotions of people to come out. When people kill themselves others are always baffled as to why it happened, and why they never talked it out with anyone. Don't be one of those people, I know you can't see it now OP because you have nothing to compare it too. But you can do this, I used to be fucking depressed as hell. Contemplating the meaninglesness of existence and all these other thoughts. But all of that I found is a choice, you need to constantly monitor the thoughts you subconcious generates and dispell each one.

The first steps are learning more about yourself.

>> No.6790128

Stop being a faggot, it's a person's own choice to end their life. I'm doing god's work here.

>> No.6790133

Now this may sound a bit strange, but I guarantee it'll make you feel better.

Buy a doll. A big, pretty doll.

Make yourself comfortable and take it to your lap, and look it in the eyes. Imagine that the doll is alive. You don't have to believe it, just imagine it for a bit. All the things that you'd do together, the fun that you'd have.

You have to care for the doll for this to work. There's no reason why you couldn't feel something about a doll. Feel the love that you have for someone dear to you. Then look at the doll in the eyes, and imagine that the doll is that person. Feel the love that you have for the doll, the desire to hold it near.

Start your computer and browse your favorite webpage, like /jp/, together with her. Tell her about the things that you see here. This may feel a bit weird, but that's just shame that's been conditioned into you. There's no shame in having a pretty doll as a friend. Just have fun together. Stay up the night with her, have something to drink together. It's very important that you keep up those emotions that you've built for her, it's good that you're feeling something. You may need to work on it for a few days and nights (it's important that you don't sleep for a few nights, this'd reset your emotions). Keep talking to her about the good things in life, keep feeling for the love between you. By the fourth morning, you'll understand how much your doll loves you back. Your souls have touched each other.

You've made a friend. You may even have found love. A friend that'll never let you down, a love that'll never give up on you.

Anonymous, now you can be happy again.

>> No.6790138


I'm well aware of that, I just wanted to show him that another option other than depression, exists and is possible.

>> No.6790144

You would rather him be guilted into extending his suffering? He asked for help in getting to Gensokyo, not a half baked lecture on why life is so great.

>> No.6790153


I wasn't trying to make him feel intentionally guilty. And he doesn't have to suffer, coming to realisations about yourself can be empowering.

It seems that your thought train is either that of a troll or you suffer from the same feelings OP has. I'm aware this thread isn't even supposed to be here and you might be pissed that he posted this in /jp/. But when is about to leave, I want to show them some other options before they depart. I'm done debating with you.

>> No.6790156


>> No.6790159

You are great! Thanks!

I did check it with painters tape - it wont work. I live in place with very good ventilation too big chances nothing would happen to me and I would damage building with other people inside at floors under me. Anything else?

>> No.6790162
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Drugs will get you to Gensokyo, OP!

>> No.6790177

That's really the only method for cowards.
You're overthinking this too much. The danger of damaging the building is negligible.
Painting tape and masking tape are pretty much the only two that won't work. Just invest in some duct tape. Buy the good shit should be less than $10. This is an important moment in your life don't fuck it up by cutting corners. Can't afford all the supplies? Wait till you can. Drugs are more painful and less certain, I feel you don't have access to a gun, you don't have the nerve to jump from a building or into a train. Your options are limited.

If you have the will, try hanging yourself. It'll be painful and take a few minutes, but it's pretty certain given you have a few hours before anyone will see you. Though finding a plce4 to hang from can prove tricky. Abandoned buildings are best, but a tree in a wooded area would work given it's thick enough to support you, and the extra force of your drop.

>> No.6790200

This could work for you, op.
Sounds legit to me.

>> No.6790203


Inb4 OP gets tricked into gay sex...

>> No.6790221

I live in old type housing - 1 meter thick walls and you can even smoke cigarettes or put gas without noticing smoke.

>> No.6790225


You believe that keeping people alive is a conspiracy to keep them as slaves to the system in a sense. However you choose to stay alive yourself, thereby making yourself the slave, as you'd seem to believe.

Why is this?

>> No.6790239

I plan to apply for a the ferryman position when I'm dead. I'd like a little experience before tackling the job, so to speak. You know, get my name around a little.

>> No.6790275

This is going to sound really mean, but give up OP.

For your own good, you should take a realistic look at life, and just move on.

If Gensokyo really did exist, the girls would still be 3D... Shattering the illusion.

>> No.6790281


>Implying this will actually count as experience for what would come
>Implying a ferryman actually does exist, and that you can apply for it
>Indirectly implying many other specifics which have not been proven.

Typical theists and their grandiose delusions of what the afterlife is (if there even is one).

>> No.6790288


Hey, at least then you can fuck them. Would be rather difficult for a 3D penis to enter a 2D vagina. For a demonstration of this, print out a picture of your waifu and shove your dick into the paper.

>> No.6790300

Fool, going to Gensokyo obviously means you become 2D as well.

>> No.6790301

Well because depth does not exist in 2D, once your penis enters her, it disappears forever.

>> No.6790306

>once your penis enters her, it disappears forever.

Good riddance, I wanted to become a little girl and be violated by my onee-chan daily anyway.

>> No.6790323
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OK. Really thank you for you support, I will still to think out something. Its harder than it seems but I cant give up, I know Gensokyo is waiting. If you or any one has ideas I'm still open for them while I'm looking around my flat.

>> No.6790348

This Gensokyo does not have:

Electricity. Try living without using it for a few days and see how nice that is.

Plumbing. You shit in a hole and use your shit later to fertilize the crops you grow yourself. This is how most people used to live. For water, you take one or two buckets from a well or pump half a mile away and you use those buckets to clean and drink.

No heating. Winters are gonna be cold as fuck. I've lived with a stove as a heat source before. Never again.

You sleep on the floor.

You'll probably have to work 12 hours a day every day of the week. People used to do that to get by.

Even if you arrive in gensokyo, you'll never learn danmaku and all the dangerous youkai will prevent you from going anywhere.

Potential visiting places:

1. Rinnosuke's shop: Theres nothing to do. You can't pay him shit so he wont give you anything either.

2. Shrine: The only use of the shrine for an outsider is to get back out. If anything, you should avoid this place. Both Reimu and Yukari act as border control to gensokyo and don't want you inside.

3. Marisa/Alice's place: You'll get lost and die before you reach it.

4. SDM: Why the hell would they hire you? How would you even get past the door guard?

5. Kappas: Implying you can even get that far in the mountain.

Wait. Implying any of these characters will befriend someone who can't even make a friend in real life.

Face it. Living in gensokyo sucks. Even Zun himself said he would never live in such a place in an interview.

The game plot focuses on characters who are very powerful, so they can make a living and dick around with youkai whenever they want.

Written in a "normal person's" viewpoint, the Perfect Memento, everything you find will more or less rape you and eat you.

>> No.6790381

Touhous don't have sex, either.

>> No.6790384

Gensokyo isn't real, enjoy rotting in the ground.

Or how about not being a pussy and try living a normal life?

>> No.6790396

A normal life that is extremely shitty and you will end up rotting in the ground anyway.
I think I'll skip the shitty life part.

>> No.6790406

ur hot pussy mom iz real! Zomg fucking buttowned!
