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6786922 No.6786922 [Reply] [Original]

Hey i'm doing a researh about hikikomoris please answer the question :D

In recent years Japan has faced a problem with the new generation of adolescents: the hikikomori. These are teens who feel pressured by a society demanding and therefore decided to close its fourth sometimes for years, surviving only thanks to parents who have a dependency relationship.

Indicate your gender:

Imagine your child is in this situation: one week closed door of his room and refuses to leave. What would you do?

A. Trying to talk to him calmly convince him to come out, even though it takes a long time to achieve it. Never force.
B. Open the door and go do it by force against their will.
C. Others. (Report)

>> No.6786934

>Imagine your child is in this situation: one week closed door of his room and refuses to leave. What would you do?

C. Others. (leave him the fuck alone. it's his life, i don't give a damn as long as he acts as he wasn't there).

>> No.6786932

Kick his lazy ass out.

>> No.6786941
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D. Penetrate the maids' mollusks.

>> No.6786937

>Indicate your gender:
Little girl

>Imagine your child is in this situation: one week closed door of his room and refuses to leave. What would you do?

C. Others. (Report this thread)

>> No.6786946

Definitely B. and if that doesn't work then >>6786937

>> No.6786943

>c. report
you got that right

>> No.6786952

C. Others. (Jump in the lake)

>> No.6786960
File: 32 KB, 844x475, ghhjffj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being a failure of parent, and help them (and I mean really help) get a job, and get over their social phobia.

But since I was such a shitty parent that I let my son deteriorate to that state, I probably won't ever do anything close to that.

>> No.6787014

[x] laugh my ass off at him

>> No.6787091

Talk with her/him, and say: don't matters if you don't like other people or be supersocial, but at least, you would have a healthy relationship with your family and some of your friends. And spend a little time outside.
And... other same random things

>> No.6787111

Female, C - call an ambulance. or get a psychiatrist/therapist to visit him home.
@B I was a hikki myself and i know from experience that it takes at least 2 strong men to take one outside by force. And if by chance my kid would be as agressive as i was toward my parents i wouldn't angry him in fear of my personal safety.
@A Didin't work for me.

>> No.6787112

C. Go play video games or watch some anime together, feeling proud that my offspring is walking in my footsteps

>> No.6787113

C. Report

>> No.6787122

C. Others (Report this motherfucking thread.)

>> No.6787123

If parents had the balls for B their horribly misdisciplined offspring wouldn't be in that situation.
If they actually cared about them, that is.

>> No.6787134

C: Kick him/her out of my house the second they reach legal age.

I don't see anything cold-hearted about doing so. If my child is not willing to be a productive part of society they can go fuck themselves.

>> No.6787143
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Instead I will tell you whom I hate the most: It's idol and r9k fags. JUST GTFO. All of you.

>> No.6787161

>I don't see anything cold-hearted about doing so. If my child is not willing to be a productive part of society they can go fuck themselves.

Of course a Freebertarian such as yourself wouldn't see anything cold hearted about it since you're all essentially sociopaths anyway.

>> No.6787177
File: 403 KB, 573x402, stantondougie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

C. Teach him how to Dougie

>> No.6787187

C. Eat a bacon sandwich.

>> No.6787193

You are going to turn your son into a BLT and then eat him?

>> No.6787210

What? No! A BLT is delicious, that's all.

>> No.6787223


You sound kinda mad. For the record I'm not a libertarian, that shit is retarded.

>> No.6787241

Then you should realize it's society's responsibility to take care of people who are unable to function in it.

>> No.6787245


C: Calmly try to convince him, if not I would take more drastic measures after a long time(A year or so), such as moving him to a relative's house and forcing him to get a job there.

>> No.6787246

>your child
Hikikomori don't reproduce.

>> No.6787248



Nice try.

>> No.6787250

What? If society can't do this, it shouldn't exist.

>> No.6787253

C. 仕方がない

>> No.6787260

Just don't have a kid. What a pointless waste of time.

>> No.6787265

You'd be right if we completely ignore all previous societies.

>> No.6787268

Okay I'll bite on the troll hook:
1.) How do we determine if someone is unable to function in society?
2.) Who determines if someone is unable to function in society?
3.) What makes that person qualified?
4.) Why is the burden placed on society to take care of these people?
5.) What about people who are unable to function as a result of their own doing (producing too many children, drug abuse, etc?)

>> No.6787279

1. It becomes obvious after a while.
2. Social institutions. Once it was the church, later it was the poorhouse, now it is the state.
3. Society has essentially agreed that certain institutions shall be vested with that power and by and by large trusts those institutions to carry out these duties.
4. It's a basic social principle.
5. A decision has to be made regarding this issue. We are only discussing the issue at its most general; details of who gets help, and how much, and what restrictions are placed on any aid are secondary.

I'm not the person you responded to.

>> No.6787285
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Bitches would love him if he learned to Dougie. That ought to get him out of his room. No one's messin' with his Dougie.

>> No.6787293

1. Pychology.
2. Psychologists.
3. The degree.
4. Because the whole purpose of society is to protect those who aren't able to fend for themselves. We might as well revert to anarchy if we aren't going to do that.
5. If it's not a crime, you have no right to judge them. If it is a crime, they belong in prison.

>> No.6787297

>It becomes obvious after a while.

Stopped reading there, I give you a chance and you disappoint me. Sorry but no educated adult thinks "It becomes obvious after a while" is any sort of argument for major social change.

Lazy fucks will be lazy fucks and attempt to work the system, I know because I live in the most socialist state in the entire USA. Shits here have cars that cost $30,000 more than me and I pay for their healthcare.

Rich evade taxes.
Poor live off the middle class.

Modern America: Fuck you middle class.

>> No.6787301


Don't you think its a little pathetic that you're an adult and still doing this?

>> No.6787303

Says the guy who calls everyone who disagrees with him a troll.

>> No.6787306

Stop already. This is pointless shit that has nothing to do with you or the board.

>> No.6787309


>> No.6787312

>Because the whole purpose of society is to protect those who aren't able to fend for themselves.
This is the most stupid thing I've heard this year. I doubt it'll be surpassed.

>> No.6787314

The troll is you.

>> No.6787315

I thought we were discussing a general idea, which will necessarily be filled with general statements. More loosely, the idea would be, "somebody is going to use their judgment."

But if you want to get all practical about it, in today's society, a large bureaucracy has to be established, which needs to set standards and evaluate a sufficient number of cases from which to form a canon, train people in evaluating cases to these standards, and decide how much aid needs to be given to whom.

This is not an argument for social change; if anything, it is an argument for social conservatism, as such systems have been around for millenia - societies have always been set up to defend those who are unable to fend for themselves, whether we are talking about the Ancient Roman dole, alms given by the Church, various poorhouses that have existed for centuries, charities and soup kitchens today, the British Poor Laws, etcetera, etcetera.

The question has usually been who should execute this duty - should it be the state, or a non-state organization.

>> No.6787330
File: 37 KB, 409x575, logan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So.. how 'bout dem Lions, /jp/? They'll go at least 10-6 next season. If there isn't a lockout, that is.

>> No.6787335

Is abuse of a system a good reason to take the whole thing apart?

>> No.6787336

It's true, though. Even tribal societies protect weaker members.

>> No.6787331

The question is how to remove abuse.

If you're denying abuse you're living in a fantasy land.

>> No.6787339

I fucking love the Lions, man. They're my favorite team. If they score enough yards maybe they'll touchdown some hole-in-ones and home run their way to victory.

>> No.6787341

That's why I called it troll/10.

Trolling these days is so obvious and uninspired.

Troll sequence:
1.) Say something stupid and unfounded or claim something about a poster that's completely out of context to garner a response
2.) You get called out as a troll
3.) Say the poster calls anyone who disagrees with them a troll
4.) You get called out as a troll again
5.) Deflect (Call the other person a troll)

It happens over and over and over. I can reproduce the situation with such stunning consistency I do it for fun.

Makes me pity how many people do it though.

>> No.6787348

Why aren't you? And why do you claim "dat shet is retarded"? Have you done more than read secondhand reports of leftists on Ron Paul?

>> No.6787349

It's because you don't have an argument against it, that's why you are calling it a troll. You are just pointing out how stupid you are, not the other guy.

>> No.6787351

In some cases, yes.
Why were people allowed to be given loans on properties they could not afford?
Why is the US still in a recession?

If you can't help yourself, let us give you a handout... wait why does that make sense?

You can give a man a fish, and feed him for a day.
You can teach a man to fish, and feed him for life.

The problem is not that things are given out, its what and how its given out.

But its much easier to take my points out of context and claim I want to abolish the entire system like I'm some fucking pundit on faux news.

>> No.6787356

That happens, but that isn't the main purpose of a society, because societies don't revolve around charity, they revolve around power and domination. So yes, you can defend what is unable to defend itself in a society, but it's not because of goodness, but because of owning those that you defend (as in women, children, the elderly and slaves.

>> No.6787355

How can you argue with something that's a general, nebulous, and unfounded.

"You can't disagree with my abstract philosophy, so its right"

Well that's great if you're in a community college english class...

>> No.6787363

Easily, you could have pointed out some other reasons why society exists except for protecting people who can't fend for themselves. You only needed to name one.

>> No.6787370

That's how you protect the weak, you cripple the strong so that everyone is on the same level.

>> No.6787374

Some people in this thread needs to learn troll's law:
If you don't argue with it you're wrong, and if you argue with it you're wrong.

>> No.6787388

"Exactly! Regardless of how much better you are than everyone else you should still live under the same conditions because that's what is fair and just." - quoth the man about those who were better than he

>> No.6787391

>Why were people allowed to be given loans on properties they could not afford?
Because banks and people were collectively retarded.

>But its much easier to take my points out of context and claim I want to abolish the entire system like I'm some fucking pundit on faux news.
Your initial point was that the guy who said, "society should take care of those who cannot take care of themselves" was a huge troll. I concluded that you were one of those libertarians (quite common these days) who rejects the authority of the state to meddle in social affairs wholesale. This is not "taking your points out of context," at worst it is drawing too many conclusions from a throwaway one-liner.

>Easily, you could have pointed out some other reasons why society exists except for protecting people who can't fend for themselves. You only needed to name one.
Providing for collective security and the common defense, and ensuring that people will not have to fear his neighbor so that society may be organized in a orderly fashion. (Even a strong man capable of fending for himself may decide that life would be better if he did not have to fear bandits and brigands.)

>> No.6787398

You're all idiots. No exception.

>> No.6787402

That's how MODERN nations protect the weak. And it's an awful idea to protect them anyway. Especially because crippling every strong being ends up making the whole nation weaker. After all, it is the strong who makes a nation progress (and making REAL progress, not in the sense of democracy, but of strengthening a nation and increasing its power)

>> No.6787408



>> No.6787412

>Your initial point was that the guy who said, "society should take care of those who cannot take care of themselves" was a huge troll. I concluded that you were one of those libertarians (quite common these days) who rejects the authority of the state to meddle in social affairs wholesale. This is not "taking your points out of context," at worst it is drawing too many conclusions from a throwaway one-liner.

Except that wasn't what happened.

You're a troll, I don't need to tell you to re-read the posts because you're a troll and a sociopath who just invented reality for the purpose of fucking with someone.

A good strategy to have in corporate america.

As long as you can sound reputable you can easily crush those around you without burning too many bridges.

>> No.6787414

C: 'We're going out for Kebabs and a drink, you want to come?'

>> No.6787418

That is, in fact, precisely what happened, unless I'm mistaken and >>6787248 isn't you.

>> No.6787420
File: 89 KB, 887x812, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh and here's some proof

I'm pretty satisfied I've proven you to be a troll. Evidence is great, its not subject to context or abstraction, 2 of the most used weapons in the troll's arsenal.

>> No.6787427

"A Troll, most commonly encountered on the internet, is any person who purposely causes controversy in a web community (by posting offensive and crude comments or provides advice) and disrupts shit for his own amusement to prove how extremely corrupt our society is."

>> No.6787425

The only way to really fix a hiki is to get them to develop a social life. This causes them to find the normal attachment to life that they were previously lacking, as well as building up trust for the outside world that may have been previously damaged in some way.

When something is missing you have to build a new one, anything else is just searching for something that's gone.

>> No.6787426

You can not magically make unemployable people employable. People who got their jobs from their daddies (the upper/mide classes) just got lucky.

>> No.6787428

I told you flat-out that I was a different person in my first response to you. I dropped into this conversation half-way.

It's funny that you said:
>3.) Say the poster calls anyone who disagrees with them a troll
>5.) Deflect (Call the other person a troll)
because you have accused others of being trolls far more than anyone else in this thread.

>> No.6787443

The great paradox of welfare.

Those who are able should fend for themselves.
Those who are not able should be supported by those who can fend for themselves.

Those who are able must put in effort, toil, and suffer hours of their short lives to support themselves.
Those who are not able are supported for, without the effort, toil, and suffering of those who are able.

If those who are not able are not supported, they will toil, and suffer.
If those who are able do not toil, suffer, and put in effort they will not be able to support themselves. They in turn will toil and suffer.

>> No.6787453

Upon reviewing the thread, I see you stated that you were not a libertarian somewhere earlier. This probably could have been avoided if either of us did a little more reading, but in my defense, I didn't want to go through the opening posts of a thread that started like this one did.

>> No.6787461

A shame nobody felt like responding to this.

>> No.6787458

That's the point.

Those who would purposely antagonize are trolls.

Anyone who calls them out as a troll is then called "they guy who calls anyone who disagrees with him a troll".

The troll's defense: "I'm not trolling, I'm just disagreeing with you with perfectly valid and founded statements, you're just mad you're wrong!"

If the person then responds, the troll can continue to troll them, throwing various labels and spinning words into new meanings to generate more responses.

Did I explain it enough for your simple troll mind now?

>> No.6787475

You missed the point. The actual point here is the only person who has been throwing out accusations that other people are trolling by the dozens, is you. This makes it ironic when you say, "the hallmark of a troll is calling other people trolls," as I haven't done that, and you have.

>> No.6787474


Not everyone has the same values of peace, wellbeing, and harmony, therefore Libertarianism doesn't work. Libertarianism is the same philosophy of slavery, killing those with defects, and abusing employees.


>> No.6787488

Simple. If those who are weak cannot make themselves useful (by serving those stronger than them), then they'll just starve to death. They could also choose to steal food, but it'll be over for them anyways once a strong being finds them.

>> No.6787486

That's a hilariously misguided spin on libertarianism. Here's a thought for you: Why are you telling ME I'm "immoral and evil" when YOU'RE the one advocating that I should be shot to death for not paying into your extortion scheme?!

Apparently you believe all libertarianism is Ayn Rand Objectivist bullcrap. How sad.

>> No.6787492

Reported for "what do" thread. Take this shit back to /b/.

>> No.6787502

You aren't literate.

For the 3rd time:
The hallmark of a troll is to take anyone who calls them out as just being wrong. Specifically "You just disagree with me so you're calling me a troll", is the usual response. Arguing with this assertion just leads to being trolled more.

Which goes to the rule of trolling:
If you argue with a troll, they win.
If you don't argue with a troll, they win.

Trolling is like throwing a spark on dry, quickly flammable material and watching it quickly ignite. It is not like using a blowtorch over damp wood for hours to force it to ignite. Now stop.

>> No.6787522


Nope. Libertarians want a free society based on their own perceptions of human well-being.

Shame that human well-being only applies to their very specific perception.

"Oh you're fine", when "fine" for you its not "fine" for those who actually experience it.

>> No.6787520

What do hikkis eat anyway?

>> No.6787528

That's nice and all... But kid, I'm an actual libertarian. An anarcho-capitalist, to be precise. Please do the tiniest bit of research before attacking your opponent's positions. Who knows, maybe you'll end up like me and become "converted"!

Now if you'll excuse me, this thread is going straight to hell.
