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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6785923 No.6785923 [Reply] [Original]

So, how many of you would actually become Japanese if you could?

Actually Japanese here; it isn't that great. You're usually on the shorter side, and you don't stand out as much as a European person when you're actually in Japan. Japanese women tend to like white men because they look "foreign", just as white men like Asian women.

Sadly, still no one likes neckbeards.

>> No.6785932

I dont want to be japanese. I just want to be in gensokyo while keeping my nationality and culture.

I think rest of /jp/ doesnt even want to live in gensokyo or care about japan at all.

>> No.6785930

No one, enjoy living in a horrible country while we pirate your media.
Take care noe.

>> No.6785944
File: 16 KB, 320x265, Frank_Horrigan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually Japanese here

>> No.6785963

I live in a 3rd world, man. Anything would be better than here, plus it fits my hobbies.

>> No.6785990

If my life didn't change aside from my race then hell no, if I got to start again in Japan then maybe that would be okay.
Hell yes if I get to keep all my current knowledge.

I'm rather attached to my current body, I would only consider actually becoming Japanese in race to fit in better and be accepted in Japan.

>> No.6786079

I would. The disadvantages of Japan are irrelevant to me as a Japanese or a gaijin.

>> No.6786085

No. I find the culture interesting, but I like my current life and country more than that.

>> No.6786096
File: 216 KB, 485x500, Zero_no_Tsukaima__Louise_by_ysanau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hei picture
>So, how many of you would actually want to become Japanese if you could?

>> No.6786100

Get out, /a/.

>> No.6786103

I'd like to be Japanese because that means I'd probably know Japanese.

>> No.6786106

>No one, enjoy living in a horrible country while we pirate your media.
>while we pirate your media.
That's the thing. If you were Japanese, you could pirate even the untranslated stuff with no disadvantages. And you wouldn't need to travel overseas for comiket. Merchandise everywhere.

>> No.6786108

Yeah but you'd just wish you were white so you could read and speak English better.

Incidentally when I first glanced at this thread I thought it was asking about becoming a contractor, not Japanese, and I figured I'd somehow clicked /a/.

>> No.6786111

I think you learn some English in school in Japan though, you'd probably know more than you know a bit if you paid attention. You can work on it from there.

>> No.6786112

Enjoy being looked down upon by your peers even more than people in /jp/ already are.

>> No.6786116

What peers? I don't associate with people in real life, I would do the same when Japanese.

>> No.6786119

Don't forget the godlike internet connection.

You could play any game like you were playing offline.

>> No.6786120

You do, English is a regular class in High School, but I mean, how many people can fluently speak the spanish/french/latin they took in High School after a few years? English is considered one of the harder common languages to learn.

>> No.6786124

>English is considered one of the harder common languages to learn.

You better be joking, English is one of the most easy languages to learn. German, French and Dutch are much harder for example.

>> No.6786126

>You better be joking, English is one of the most easy languages to learn.
>English is one of the most easy
>most easy
I rest my case.

>> No.6786133

I heard Russian is pretty hard.

>> No.6786137

English is one of the more easier languages to learn.*
I didn't say I was fluent in English, I'm not an native speaker. I still think other languages are much harder though.

>> No.6786143
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>English is one of the more easier languages to learn.*

>> No.6786144

I certainly enjoy visiting Japan. Tokyo is obscenely convenient, what with the world's best mass transit, a cluster of vending machines every 50 feet, a convenience store on every corner, and whatnot. But I would never, ever want to live there. I'm used to having a certain degree of personal space, and that is one thing Tokyo does not have. Even in the busiest parts of Manhattan you aren't perpetually shoulder-to-shoulder with people like you are in Tokyo. Now, I haven't been to areas outside of Tokyo; maybe Kyoto and Osaka are better about that; but I'll just stick to visiting Japan, thanks.

>> No.6786147

I get it, I'm an idiot. ;__;

>> No.6786148

>English is one of the more easier languages to learn.*
Adjectives either have forms to express their extent themselves - like easy, easier, easiest, or they just use "more." You don't say more and easier together, you say more when the adjective you're using doesn't have those forms, like "more difficult." There's no difficultier.

Don't know the exactly terminology for it though.

>> No.6786149

take a pick

>> No.6786152

No you aren't. we still respect you.

>> No.6786158

Whenever I try to type Japanese it's in one of those threads that inevitably get "this thread burns my eyes" or "stop butchering the language" posts, without anyone pointing out what people are doing wrong. At most, they point out what's wrong, but not why it's wrong.

Even my Japanese teacher responded to something I wrote with "the grammar is wrong, but I can see you're improving."

I wanted to ask where my grammar was wrong, but there was no opportunity ;_;

>> No.6786174

Fuck your shit, OP.

I´m a tower-tall white-ish skinned chinese

>> No.6786178

Isn´t Hei a dirty Gaijin?

>> No.6786184

He's Chinese.

>> No.6786186

I'm pretty sure average hourly wages are significantly higher here than in Japan, so even when considering the extra shipping and toll fees when importing merchandise, I'm better off in my current country. Not to mention that I would most likely have committed suicide by now if I was raised in Japanese society.

>> No.6786192

Lived there for a year, have to say I would most likely have killed myself if I had to grow up by their shitty school standards system that forces you to be a soul less piece of shit. There is a reason why Japans NEET problem is higher in regards to voluntary NEETS than any other country.

>> No.6786196

Well japan does have the fifth highest suicide rate in the world. (as of 2007 apparently)

>> No.6786198

>and you don't stand out as much as a European person when you're actually in Japan.
Is it really that good to stand out, though? You're not exactly talking to people who are planning their trip to Roppongi to pick up cheap Japanese sluts.

>> No.6786200

>Not to mention that I would most likely have committed suicide by now if I was raised in Japanese society.


>> No.6786210
File: 46 KB, 336x430, 1292821603054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6786219

Social pressure. I ended up becoming a shut-in NEET in one of the most liberal and relaxed countries in the world. I don't even want to imagine how I'd end up in a country like Japan, where you either work hard and get along with everyone, or get treated as lower than shit.

>> No.6786232

But I still pity you.

>> No.6786236

>Hei pic

You're aware he is Chinese, right?

>> No.6786249

No one cares.

Like no one cares if they use doujin as a blanket term for all manga/publications.

>> No.6786272

Hell no. I often fantasize about bringing some goddamn sense of individuality to that hellhole, but that's about as far as it goes.

>> No.6786436

It was never actually confirmed. Neither was his real name.
