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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6785221 No.6785221 [Reply] [Original]

Whatsup /jp/

I'm an /a/ convert that wants to get into more manga, hentai and visual novels.

Can you share the websites or resources you use?

>> No.6785224 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6785228

Lurk more.

>> No.6785231


As for visual novels, we don't like you, so get out.

>> No.6785233

I'm on here every day. Rarely, if ever, do I see these things posted.

>> No.6785240
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>> No.6785242

lurk more, post less

in time you will understand

>> No.6785258
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>> No.6785261

We're very selective about who we share our resources with. I cannot for the life of me find half the shit /jp/ talks about sometimes. But I know that making a thread about it is just as futile. In short, we expect you to already know so don't bother.

>> No.6785276

Onani Master Kurosawa
Vinland Saga
Everything by Inio Asano (Oyasumi Punpun, Solanin, What a Wonderful World)
GE - Good Ending
Hoshi no Samidare
Franken Fran

Go to Danbooru and search the name of a character you like for a decent quantity of stand alone porn, go to /h/ and ask about Doujins but be sure to post something related in exchange so you don't get banned.

Go to http://vndb.org/ and find the higher rated translated ones from torrent trackers.


>> No.6785289

>GET OUT OF /jp/
>could easily just type out a few sites to recommend him

And /jp/ wonders why all of 4chan hates them.

>> No.6785299

I chose those manga because they're all fantastic for their genres and you'll quickly understand your tastes and find more based on the genre and themes of what you liked.

>> No.6785306

No, we don't.
We hate everyone else ourselves and want you to stay away.

>> No.6785320

If the rest 4chan really hated us they wouldn't come here all the fucking time. But we're doing what we can.


First of all, OP, change your weeaboo ways. It's called "porn" around those parts.

>> No.6785318

>Greets the entire board
>Introduces himself and "where he comes from" like it matters
>could easily just type out a few words into google

And babies wonder why all of /jp/ hates them.

>> No.6785317

And you wonder why your board gets raided and shit on. You all bring it upon yourselves.

>> No.6785331
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Some kind hearted idiot already helped you, follow his instructions then get the fuck out.

>> No.6785332

We don't tell you because you fucking leeches don't seed shit.

>> No.6785356

>And /jp/ wonders why all of 4chan hates them.
No, we don't.

>And you wonder why your board gets raided and shit on.

>> No.6785367

Because everyone is being a douche and this will no doubt piss them off more.

http://anime.thehylia.com/ Free anime direct downloads

http://www.mangatraders.com/ Download older series and newer shit you can just follow on the scanlator's blogs.

As for visual novels /jp/ has an XDCC lurk till it gets posted and If our irc bot is still alive http://www.gilheney.com/VNs/index.php?bot=[jp]VNs-English Has a ton of them on it. Otherwise just get them off of piratebay or hongfire.

>> No.6785373

As for hentai I just torrent it if its something I have to see, but honestly nothing awesome has come out recently.

>> No.6785378
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I was hoping my counter troll would work, it did. Thanks. I'm going to leech and none of you will stop me

Love, /b/

>> No.6785390

Oh no, whatever will we do.

>> No.6785396
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>mfw when almost everything linked was DDL based.

>> No.6785410

seriously, though, lurk more. if every single new visitor to /jp/ made a thread asking for recommendations for visual novels the board would be flooded.

people are flaming you because this is a useless "do my homework for me" thread that bumps legitimate threads off the board.

>> No.6785428
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The only thing we wonder about why is 4chan so shitty.

>> No.6785432

Then use JDownloader, makes DDLs far less of a hassle.

>> No.6785446

It was more that he was trolling about not seeding even though it was pretty obvious.

>> No.6785467
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Why is 4chan so shitty?
