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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 57 KB, 597x393, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6784596 No.6784596 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6784610

I tie my hair back in a ponytail anyway, no need for one.

>> No.6784613

A-ha! That's where you're WRONG, Anonymous!

I got you this time~

>> No.6784620

Got one like.. a week ago.

>> No.6784618

But you have no hair, sadfrog!

>> No.6784636
File: 65 KB, 640x480, georik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long hair is wonderful.

>> No.6784647

I-it's not like I want you in my mind, baka!

>> No.6784653

So do I.

8 years without even a trim for me. Split end city.

>> No.6784658

Why do I want to look like everyone else? Jesus christ it's like our entire existence is unwanted and needs to be changed to follow that of the robotic stereotype society wants us to be, not only do we need to wear a public mask in real life, now we have to look act and feel like it aswell, consuming our entire being.... Just fucking shut up

>> No.6784664

I will, but it will stay long.

>> No.6784667

I will next weekend. Just a trim though, fuck buzz cuts.

>> No.6784677


Get the fuck out, hipster faggot.

All people with long hair look the same too.

>> No.6784685


You're a worthless troll. Stupid piece of shit.

>> No.6784686

I never have much trouble with split ends, my hair stays naturally oily somehow. Might actually be from my not washing it all the time, it sorta accumulates and sets.

>> No.6784691

I shave my head, because I'm lazy and don't particular care how I look.

>> No.6784693

I get a haircut every month because my hair is very 'spongy', it looks like a shit if it's more than 5cm long.

>> No.6784695

That's exactly why. Everyone's hair gets like that if they don't wash it.

>> No.6784703

I agree. Why look like every other morose weeaboo faggot with long, disgusting hair.

>> No.6784712
File: 95 KB, 402x604, hipsterfaggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know brah, i hate this society, trying to impose  their shit, fuck the system!

That's why i'm always underground and cool.

>> No.6784718

Had my hair Herman li long in highschool but got to be to much of a pain in the ass to take care of it.

It takes forever to clean, longer than that to dry, and I wrassled so it often got tugged on which fucking hurts with long hair.

>> No.6784722

what are you, 13? knock it off with the early teen angst.

and I get a haircut every week. Concealing my power level and blending in is a high priority.

>> No.6784723

I just cut my own hair, actually. I hate not knowing if it came out well.

>> No.6784737
File: 134 KB, 726x1027, 1281567335087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, my haircut it's like this

>> No.6784740

I cut my own hair. Also it's long and beautiful, I love having long hair.

>> No.6784758
File: 46 KB, 800x533, hipster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow you are so cool and different, good to see people like you who don't have that horrible sheep mentality.

>> No.6784772 [DELETED] 

Go to /soc/ and make a "rate me" thread.

>> No.6784780

American /jp/ is fucking horrible. I feel like I could be on /a/ or /b/.

People screaming hipster xd lol are just as bad, I not worse than the spasticated post they are trying to mock.

>> No.6784798

I think you misinterpreted. I don't care if its trendy or whatever. I just hate the idea of missing a spot.

>> No.6784811

To me, they all look the same and can be classed as hipsters. God you're an idiot. I know what you're trying to say, it's just that your weak mind has fallen prey to stereotypes. Either that or you're trolling. Why would I grow long hair and try and look a certain way, but not even be seen by the public eye? Doesn't that contradict your entire theory? I dress and look a certain way because it makes me feel like an individual. Too bad for you really. I understand that some people keep all their individuality inside themselves, and that's cool too. But fuck man, what the hell do you want me to do?

>> No.6784818
File: 57 KB, 500x343, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Baaaw the euro hipser got mad.

I'm the first person who called you a hipster and i'm not American.
Also take your retarded Murikka vs Yurop crap back to >>>/int/

And if you are not that guy i don't know how can you not see how incredibly pretentious and gay he sounds, that pseudo-intellectual crap should stay outside of /jp/

>> No.6784822
File: 40 KB, 500x500, 1286089250056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire thread is fucking abysmal.

>> No.6784817

American /jp/?

>> No.6784836

I actually cut mine last week. Long hair gets too annoying to manage. And it feels twice as disgusting when it gets greasy.

>> No.6784845


Congratulations, you have the mentality of a normalfag. Now get out.

>> No.6784867


You are calling me a normalfag just because i'm not a fucking pretentious, pseudo-intellectual mongoloid like you?

No kid, i'm NEET, i have a waifu and i spend more than 10 hours a day on /jp/ and i hate people trying to hard to be DEEP, symbolic, underground, etc.

>> No.6784887

My hair is starting to cover my ears again, but it's such a bother to go to a hairdresser.

>> No.6784904

>gay he sounds
How can you sound gay?

>> No.6784906


You could always cut your hair yourself. That's what I do when I'm not in the mood.

>> No.6784907

I might get one tomorrow.

>> No.6784908

Getting a haircut is pretty damn awesome, some hot young female pawing your hair for like 20 minutes? Pure heaven.

>> No.6784915


>hot young female

I wish.... It's always some bald old guy.

>> No.6784919

I own one of those shaving machines, but I only shave my head with it.

>> No.6784923

You should try going into a salon instead of a barber

>> No.6784928

Maybe it'd be enjoyable if I didn't have to put up with them trying to have a conversation about topics unrelated to me.

>> No.6784942

Just wing it or lie. I love the fact that some hairdresser press their entire body on you to cut your hair. PROTIP: Find the salon with the shortest hairdresser, they will be the most eager to hump your sitting frame. I want to get a haircut right now.

>> No.6784946

It's cute like that you should probably get some hair pins to be more fashionable

>> No.6784950

I disagree. Every time I think to myself that I should try to talk a little so it won't be too awkward, but I never have any idea what to say and just wait for her to say something, which she never does, and I just have to sit there and look in the mirror for the whole duration while pondering whether my face looks so uninviting that no one wants to strike up a conversation with me. By the time she's done, I have completely torn down my self-confidence and it takes a few days before I regain it enough to be pleased with the haircut.

>> No.6784952

>Getting a haircut is pretty damn awesome, some hot young female pawing your hair for like 20 minutes? Pure heaven.

While she stands there and talks about Facebook/MySpace and says intelligent phrases such as "Like ooooooooooooomg!" and "Like like like like like like like like like like like like"

Yup, pure heaven.

>> No.6784955

1. put your hand over ur mouth

2. make a wish into ur hand

3. put your hand over your heart for 5 seconds

4.put this comment on at least 5 other boards

5. then 2morrow will be the best day of ur life

>> No.6784980
File: 118 KB, 864x465, 20070901120314_skullet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long hair master race report in
I take a half inch off it every once in awhile for maintenance

>> No.6784983

The stylist I usually go to is a guy. We talked about computers the entire time.

>> No.6784985

I'm a kimoota, there's no way I could be cute.

>> No.6784991

>some hot young female pawing your hair for like 20 minutes?
Isn't there a board out there where I won't be subjected to normal-filled posts like these?

>> No.6785002

bunbun or tohno
it's getting pretty bad here

>> No.6785031

I actually haven't cut my hair in over three months. I have very curly hair and I think it looks cute sometimes. I wonder if anyone would want to touch it.
