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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 511 KB, 724x1023, 1294528221713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6781465 No.6781465 [Reply] [Original]

Lets have normal suicide thread /jp/!

Are there any good and easy alternatives for bleach inhaling portal? I already tried it and its one of most terrible things you can try and it doesn't seem kill you at all. Even trying it in small room/toilet doesn't help.

>> No.6781470

Put your tie into the doors of a bus or a train.

>> No.6781468

But did you see Gensokyo?

>> No.6781486

All I seen and remember was window that I managed to open because scent was terrible and suffocating

>> No.6781494
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>> No.6781513

It took around 5 minutes before I did open window and I didn't feel anywhere remotely close to dying just having this terrible scent and feeling warm inside.

>> No.6781519
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Next time I get desperate enough, I might try hanging myself. Probably extremely painfull. But Im gonna fight depression when it strikes! I won't give in so easily this time.

I have few gasmasks, filling it with some kind of poisonous stuff might do the trick too. Like rat poison or something. Those are my ideas, but before killing myself. I must see some /jp/sies around the world! I want to see their homes, how they live, have fun with them, drink with them...yeah. It would be awesome.

>> No.6781540

please do favour to world: don't fight your depression strike and do what your instincts will tell you to do

>> No.6781553

You might as well slice off your head with a blade or put a bullet in your head instead.

>> No.6781557


Maybe after you see the world and realize that there's something to be said for living itself you might change your mind.

I hope you do.

>> No.6781579
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My guns are at my dad's place. And I havent been there for a loooong time. I think it's for the best that they are there.

That's why I want to do it. I just need to get enough money. To visit Norway, Hungary and Canada. Im hoping that I will find some kind of weird reason to live. But till then, I must try to plan my days ahead, fill them with something that I enjoy. Just like you all should! The more you plot suicide, the darker your heart grows. You are all great people and you should not think such things.

Pic related, me on the left. Anon on the right.

>> No.6781582

You'd think suicide threads would naturally die out but apparently not.

>> No.6781604

hey, dear tripfriend, I think you still have your blog-thread somewhere on /jp/ please post in it instead.

>> No.6781608

No kidding. You would think they would just... kill themselves or something.

Let me work on this pun, I'll be back.

>> No.6781618
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>> No.6781638
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>> No.6781653
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>> No.6781730

>Potassium cyanide is banned in some countries

>> No.6781743
File: 635 KB, 1127x1050, 1284318299874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hanging yourself sucks, I tried it and it's fucking painful, and you have to make sure you don't have anything near that you could get a hold on, because your survival instinct will kick in after a few seconds and you will star flailing your arms trying to save yourself.

the cool thing, is that you could make your death look like a murder, you just use a huge icecube to support yourself instead of a chair, and when the ice melts, everyone will think you were left there by someone else. it' magical magic!

and if you use rat poison make sure it isn't the kind that works fucking up the blood clotting factors, because you need to eat like 10kg (for a 70kg male) in order to do damage, and even if it works, it will take many hours to kill you, because it causes internal hemorrhage.

I ate like 500kg a year ago and it didn't do shit.

so, I prefer to use a method that doesn't allow me to regret. pic related.

>> No.6781744

I just did that and I vomited, which is shocking to me because I was expecting nothing to happen.

Why, /jp/? Why?

>> No.6781752

Aw man, you seriously did it? Good night, sweet prince...

>> No.6781765

now you will die on this same day 10 years from now

>> No.6781773
File: 284 KB, 699x1029, 87fb99160f98ec7ec74db4dcbca5e2ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daw, my heart hurts a bit after open that image and read the post. Don't give up, you'll find some good friends someday, i'm sure. ;_;

>> No.6781783


This guy's implying friends are the anti suicide instead of the pro suicide


>> No.6781790

You vomited just because it tastes terrible or your stomach was in bad state anyway. Nothing can happen. This is just water with salt. WATER WITH SALT.

I drink it to clean throat when I'm sick.

>> No.6781799

I put salt in my water all the time. Tastes good and is good for you!

>> No.6781812
File: 18 KB, 183x278, 40309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread makes me sad. I would beg you to reconsider but you've probably heard it a hundred times.

I just hope you all find something in life worth living for soon.

>> No.6781818
File: 37 KB, 383x486, Guldanmetzen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks OP, portal works great, no Alliance troops at all (:

>> No.6782118

Why'd you go to a place like that?

>> No.6783790
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picture nearly-related

>> No.6783893

Drowning is probably the worst way to go out.

>> No.6783907

I know, I tried it and was "saved" by some one passing by. I wont try it again.

>> No.6783913


What assholes. Why did they save you. Can't they mind their own business?

>> No.6783919

Fucking iluvOP, don't suicide. If you do that, I'll drag you out of paradise myself. Have you sincerely considered how much you're needed here?

>> No.6783923

Azért, hogy végre együtt igyunk.

>> No.6783924
File: 132 KB, 297x297, JuEnDama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what if your country only has bronze coins?

>> No.6783925

You guys obviously don't know how to properly hang yourselves. Get yourself a proper rope, make sure you practice tying the noose because you do NOT want to fuck that part up and suffocate to death. Next, you don't just jump off a chair or whatever. Make sure you fall at least your own body height. If you fall too short you won't finish the job properly, if you fall too far you'll decapitate yourself and leave a nasty mess. Done properly, your neck will snap and you'll die instantly.

Hanging is the best way to do it if you can't get ahold of some cyanide.

>> No.6783938

Macro image please

>> No.6783944

Tie the noose knot nice and big, and don't put it behind your neck. You should put it next to your ear, or, if possible, on the side of your chin.

>> No.6783954

Am I the only person against random anons killing themselves?

Seeing suicide threads make me feel so sad. Even if you're all NEET.

>> No.6783958
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I won't do anything without consulting you guys first! But it's good to have a plan for someone like me.

That's where one of my /jp/ bros lives. Gotta see that guy one day. He's so awesome.

>> No.6783964

I feel sad too, but it's really none of our business. If they feel like they can no longer find happiness in life, it's completely in their right to try and find it in death.

>> No.6783980


Fucking kill yourself you finnish fuck so i can finally prove i'm not you

was never you

and will never be you

>> No.6783993

I am, too.

I just go on living in my dream world imagining that everyone's just faking it.

What they should do is get together and invade a small island and colonise it. That would make them fully awesome.

>> No.6784010

This is some deep shit that touched my soul. Don't act like you know everything about life and death, dammit! ;_;

That would indeed be badass.

>> No.6784026

Cancer runs in my family so much I'll probably be dead within a few years anyway

>> No.6784033
File: 144 KB, 858x612, 1293809540180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind the rumours scandy. You mean baka.

Anyways. Not one anon should kill themselves without first meeting with other anons. Im sure that will give them some morale bost to survive trough the day.

>> No.6784046


Fuck you. You ruined my identity here with your spamming shit.

>> No.6784049

I don't know how I'll kill myself. I know I'll have to do it eventually though

>> No.6784056

You ruined your own identity, bro.

>> No.6784060

What if you know other anons?
I came here because my friend's brother was a mod years ago, so my social group was mainly comprised of anons.

>> No.6784065

Is that Yui hugging Kooh

>> No.6784066

So tsundere! Cute.

>> No.6784079


Do you not have anything better to do than not being an enormous waste of space?

>> No.6784097

Incredible. Those two are like the polar opposites of each other.

>> No.6784110
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Well. Think about an adventure to a foreign country. Meet with a bro, let him introduce the city, have fun playing games and drinking tea. But if the idea itself is not appealing...well then I don't know what to do. I must think about this some more.

I guess not. I am wondering what should I do at the moment!

>> No.6784119

Do not look upon it with sadness or fear, Anonymous.

This world is but one of many.

Death is not a finality, but a transition.

>> No.6784126

I imagine an actual tripfag meetup in real life. It'd be pretty ballin', beer, women and shenanigans. Basically the tripfags would break every taboo known to /jp/ and suicide together at the end of the day, right when the sun sets.

Ah... beautiful! Don't do it, though. That'd be silly.

>> No.6784134


Kill yourself. Sounds pretty good to me.

>> No.6784151

you are samefag, but I agree - kill yourself. You are stupid attention whore. All you do is spamming and carving for attention. You should move to /a/.

>> No.6784166


You are seriously retarded if you think i've ever posted on this website with a name other than my current one.

You, kill yourself too.

>> No.6784200
File: 80 KB, 400x645, qz4xeKJw1qzov8wo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want to meet you! <3
I have the same wish as you before I die as well... It's kind of odd. I just want to know what the people I've been talking to for so long on here look like before I go...

>> No.6784324
File: 181 KB, 1170x885, 1291061308751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then it's decided. We shall meet sometime soon. So we can depart with smiles on our face!I guess I could start meeting anons each time I get some studen loan.

>> No.6784349 [DELETED] 

/jp/ meet up anyone?
At least for the ones on the east coast?

I'm actually being serious here, I want to meet some of you guys. ;__;

>> No.6784408
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I look forward to it.

>> No.6784412


Drink the fucking red kool aid already. Fuck.

>> No.6784426
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Jesus Christ this thread is depressing.

>> No.6784433

RENT the gun, don't buy it

>> No.6784440
File: 25 KB, 400x430, Getout6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads belong in /r9k/. They always have.

>> No.6784443

Lifes hard and shit but it can also be fun and happy.

I wouldn't kill myself unless everything is absoloutely hopeless. I'm talking homeless living on the street, Or having a ton of medical problems.

Having no social interaction isn't a good excuse to suicide. If you have no physical problems, then you can heal your mind through meditation, hypnotherapy etc. Don't kill yourself unless it's hopeless. Seriously.

>> No.6784462

Why do you people always want to die the pussy way? At least exit with a bang or massacre or inject a syringe full of air into your neck.

>> No.6784469

Suicide threads are /jp/ related Medio said so.

>> No.6784476

Yes. I started it as suicide thread and it was ruined by attnetion whore ;_;
Whole night wasted while looking for method and gensokyo is waiting for me... Why even suicide is so hard? But Im sure that it will let me have nicer hat in gensokyo for all troubles I had in this world with suicide.

>> No.6784489

You're undeserving of Gensokyo, they frown upon pussy ass suicidals.

>> No.6784494


Because we've reached a point where being "AWESOME" doesn't fucking matter anymore. You've never been depressed, I mean REAL depression, not some pussy ass shit.

Come back and say that once you've experienced the void and came out of it. Because you won't come out of it.

>> No.6784510

So you think I should try something like portal to gensokyo instead looking for easy way right ?

>> No.6784515

If that's the case, then inject yourself with air. From what I hear it's quick and relatively painless. I will admit Ive never suffered from depression of any kind, I suffer from chronic happiness. Cant help it.
As for your 'void', Ive been in a void of different kind.

>> No.6784523

I keep telling you that suicide isn't a way into Gensokyo. You'd just go straight to your appropriate afterlife. Gensokyo is a place on earth, even if it's connected to the hereafter.

>> No.6784518


That's because meido was an emo kid who wrote poetry in his blog etc. That meido is gone, and with him went his notions for what threads are related or not.

These threads are a fucking eyesore and beyond retarded even for /jp/. However they are not too retarded for /r9k/, which is where you all ought to take this shit. Quit saying "go to gensokyo" etc, that joke is extremely stale and you can't just keep clinging to it to go "OH LOOK IT'S /JP/ RELATED IT MENTIONS TOUHOU", no it fucking isn't related, eat shit and die.

>> No.6784536

bit him/her but:

air doesnt do anything. it will just make big bubble on skin around place it was injected. and I doubt any one on /jp/ is capable of obtaining things like guns,medicines that are sold for receipt or poison.

>> No.6784539

I've been using them as a soapbox for my views on the metaphysical nature of Gensokyo, but I agree, it has to stop. They are utterly intolerable.

>> No.6784547

No I didn't. You were allowed some hikki general, social anxiety and that sort of shitty support from time to time, as long as it didn't overtake the board.

But my policies are worth shit now, so go ahead. Just don't use me as a justification for your shit.

>> No.6784552

You sure? Ive never seen it firsthand but I heard it kinda worked. You're supposed to inject into the neck I believe, preferably into an artery or vein.
