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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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6780238 No.6780238 [Reply] [Original]

So what have you watched so far? Looks like a lot of harem shit again this year.

So far Gosick and Madoka Magica are pretty good.

Still looking forward to Lovecraft and Subaru.

>> No.6780255
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>> No.6780259


>> No.6780264
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>> No.6780266

I only got about 7 minutes in to it before I got bored and stopped it.

>> No.6780262


Reported for off-topic bullshit.

>> No.6780267

Madoka, Gosick, IS, Merry.

>> No.6780274


>implying otakus dont watch animu

>> No.6780275

well, freezing appears to be the only one involving titties so i guess i will go for that one and the incest one

>> No.6780278
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Also this.

>> No.6780282

Rio is all about breasts as well. Im not touching it. The incest one was a good idea but the character designs are terrible. Looks like Disney shit all over it.

>> No.6780287

That merry thing is actually any good? Descriptione seemed hella stupid.
Only following madoka and gosick so far.

>> No.6780289

Merry's character design is god-tier. Who gives a shit about the rest?

>> No.6780290


I thought it was going to be stupid too but I think it has a lot of potential. Also Merry is adorable.

>> No.6780291

Madoka, Merry and Infinite Stratos.

Madoka is amazing, but I'm fond of SHAFT's drug-addled craziness, so yeah. Music is also pretty great, Kalafina and all.
Merry I accidentally downloaded when looking for Madoka. It's alright but so far it's very average. I'll give it a chance though.
IS I actually really like. As generic as it is, and as annoying as the feminist subtext is, it's something that's fun to watch. The mecha battle was reminiscent of bullet hell shooters as well.

>> No.6780292

>Merry's character design is god-tier.
Are you perchance a New Zealander?

>> No.6780293

Shes cut, but the socks and the coat are just dumb. I cant stand looking at her.

>> No.6780295

I liked everything so far, including that cardfight show and gambling tits. I guess that's what they call having no taste.

>> No.6780300

More like to much taste. You would be like a guy who eats and smokes at the same time, its disgusting. You should feel bad for liking everything.

>> No.6780302

I wacteched and liked
Madoka: the mahou shoujo I expected SHAFT to do in drugs, didn't disappoint in the slightest
IS: god it was generic, but entertaining
Merry: JC STAFF, the animation was average and boring for a first ep, MAisa good character and the childhood friend has a good design
Gosick: has Shinku dressed as Suigintou
Onii-chan no koto...: it was pretty funny

>> No.6780311

Makoka was good because its the first shaft show that wasnt Bakemonogatari.

>> No.6780315

I don't know what you're trying to imply.

>> No.6780318

Ohh Im sure you know exactly what im saying.

>> No.6780321


>> No.6780324


>> No.6780327

This conversation is quite retarded, don't know what you are implying.

>> No.6780329

Then you need to watch more shaft.

>> No.6780330

no wait, i take that back, be happy in your ignorance.

>> No.6780332
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>> No.6780338

Pretty much just Madoka. Only thing I've been looking forward to for a while, and it did not disappoint.
Will also watch Hourou Muskuo and maybe Gosick.

>> No.6780339

I don't know, I've watched all their shows (not including GAINAX ones) except maidshit and Hidamari.

>> No.6780365
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>> No.6780375

But she is touhou. How can /jp/ hate her??

>> No.6780377

What the fuck man.

>> No.6780378
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>> No.6780382


How can you NOT have watched Hidamari? Do you have no soul? Are you fucking serious? Really? Holy shit, man. That show is like /jp/ incarnate... Nothing but taking it easy with little girls. It's my favorite SHAFT series by a long shot.

>> No.6780383

>KnT s2
How can you watch that garbage?

>> No.6780386

>Nothing but taking it easy with little girls
Kamichu has actual middle schoolers and is better animated.
Not to mention kamichu cast>hidamari cast

>> No.6780390
File: 543 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Kimi_ni_Todoke_2nd_Season_-_00_[BF735BC4].mkv_snapshot_11.40_[2011.01.05_01.21.07].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Mamiko Noto, and I started reading the manga after the first season ended.

>> No.6780393

You DO have bad taste, kt must be one of the worst shoujo romances I've read.

>> No.6780395
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Deal w/ it.

>> No.6780409


So the anonmyuous internet critic says.

>MEANWHILE: KnT reach not-recently see shojou sales.

>> No.6780412

Looking to watch Fractale, Wolverine, and Level E - basically anything that isn't shounen/moe-shit. Was somewhat looking forward to Nyarlko, but it turned out to be some 2 minute flash-animation bullshit.

>> No.6780414
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Report for /a/ shit.
I agree with you though.

>> No.6780417


>> No.6780418

Okay, you're telling me Naruto is good then.

>> No.6780434

How I wish there wouldn't be captchas on report. I'm too lazy to report every post here. You /a/ people are the worst.

>> No.6780436
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>> No.6780446
File: 27 KB, 943x329, anime_expert_over_80_animes_dropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merry is definitely best of the season so far, dat art.
IS looks good, okay CG (I hate CG), generic as fuck but masterfully executed.
Gosick is frilliest moe in town, but that "closed room" shit was pre-school level, I hope there will be more crazy occult, less detective bullshit.
Madoka was okay till SHAFT said "fuck it" to drawing backgrounds and gave cheap CG "drugs", you fags keep squirting about (why do there "drugs" have to be ugly cheap cg instead of something that looks good aesthetically, I do not know). Still, it's the best shaft show since SZS.

>> No.6780460

Excellent /a/ level reply. Truly makes me feel honored that I have the privilege of sharing a board with you.

>> No.6780462
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>> No.6780467

I personally think you should both get the fuck out of here.

>> No.6780485


Should not have lol'd

Can you post any more of those you have?

>> No.6780492


Sorry, I have no more.

>> No.6780493

Supernatural Anime?

>> No.6780500
File: 70 KB, 848x480, [gg]_Zan_Sayonara_Zetsubou_sensei_-_08_[7AF2CE43].mkv_snapshot_16.08_[2011.01.09_05.41.36].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CG is for cost cutting and time saving, I know it's still done with computers but this style of cutout animation takes just as long as drawing it regularly would.

>> No.6780510

Fractale mite be interesting

>> No.6780615
File: 86 KB, 612x778, 1291942871537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You couldn't be bothered to report every post, but you could be bothered writing in a captcha to post here? Hypocrite.

>> No.6780688
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Mistudomoe and Infinite Stratos are the only shows I like out of the ones that have aired so far, and out of the rest that hasn't aired, only Suite Precure interests me.

>> No.6780705

People still watch anime?

>> No.6780714

I agree, anime has no place in a post-visual novel world.

>> No.6780719

so far started:
gosick (seems promising)
merry dream eater (can't really say anything, might turn out nice)
mahou shoujo madoka magica (won't say anything yet)
infinite stratos (probably won't like it that much)
rio rainbow gate (either it'll need to become even more stupid than the first episode or I won't like it)
mitsudomoe 2 (nice, I liked the first season)
freezing (well I can't help but enjoy it if it has girls suffering)
will also check out these:
onii-chan no koto (just started downloading)
beelzebub (just started downloading)
kimi ni todoke 2 (I really liked the first season)
is this a zombie
wandering son
level e
dragon crisis
houkago no pleiasadasd
lovecraft thing
I realized this was /jp/ just after writing this, oh well

>> No.6780741

Some are rather nice fap materials.
But that's about it, really.
